# Floriday The Floriday service project should perform the following tasks: 1. Create / mantain the table structure to allow the storage of the data provided by the Floriday API. This is done using the [Sequelize](https://sequelize.org/) ORM. 2. Query the Floriday API and store the data in the database. This is done using the [node-fetch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-fetch) package. 2.1. The data is requested every minute, but only the data that has changed is stored in the database. This is done using the [Sequelize](https://sequelize.org/) ORM and storing the data as it is received from the API, so it can be compared with the previous data. ## Requeriments * Git * Nodejs (v15.14.0 or higher) ## Installation Pull from repository. Run this commands on project root directory to install Node dependencies. ```bash npm i ``` ### .env file template ```bash #FLORIDAY DATA CLIENT_ID = xxxxxxxxxx CLIENT_SECRET = xxxxxxxxxx API_KEY = xxxxxxxxxx #SEQUELIZE CONFIG DB_SCHEMA = schema DB_USER = root DB_PWD = root DB_HOST = localhost DB_DIALECT = mariadb #GENERAL CONFIG IS_PRODUCTION = false SECRETS = true FORCE_SYNC = true SYNC_SEQUENCE = true SYNC_SUPPLIER = true SYNC_TRADEITEM = true ``` ## Guidelines - In case a new model is created, it should follow the following structure: - /models - main.js - foo.js ### Foo.js ```javascript import { Sequelize } from "sequelize"; const bar = { barCharacteristicOne: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, }, barCharacteristicTwo: { type: Sequelize.STRING, }, barCharacteristicThree: { type: Sequelize.STRING, }, }; export default (sequelize) => { const Foo = sequelize.define( "FDfoo", bar, { timestamps: false, freezeTableName: true, } ); return Foo; }; ``` ### main.js ```javascript import foo from "./foo"; let models = { bar: foo(sequelize), }; ``` ## Built With * [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/) * [sequalize](https://sequelize.org/)