import { checkConn, closeConn } from './models/sequelize.js'; import * as utils from './utils.js'; import moment from 'moment'; import chalk from 'chalk'; // Añade la hora a todos los console.log console.log = (...args) =>`[${new moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss A')}]`), ...args); const env = process.env; class Floriday { async start() { try { await utils.checkConfig(); await utils.requestToken(); if (JSON.parse(env.SYNC_ORGANIZATION)) await utils.syncSuppliers(); if (JSON.parse(env.SYNC_CONN)) await utils.syncConnections(); if (JSON.parse(env.SYNC_WAREHOUSE)) await utils.syncWarehouses(); if (JSON.parse(env.SYNC_TRADEITEM)) await utils.syncTradeItems(); } catch (err) { utils.criticalError(err); } } async tryConn() { while (true) try { utils.warning(new Error('Waiting for the database to respond...')); await utils.sleep(env.DB_TIMEOUT_RECONECT); await checkConn(); await this.schedule(); } catch (err) { } } async schedule () { try { const intervalTime = JSON.parse(env.IS_PRODUCTION) ? env.MS_PRODUCTION_SCHEDULE : env.MS_TEST_SCHEDULE; this.continueSchedule = true; while (this.continueSchedule) { try { await this.trunk(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, intervalTime)); } catch (err) { await this.tryConn(); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, intervalTime)); } } } catch (err) { throw new Error(err); } } async trunk() { try{ if (JSON.parse(env.SYNC_CONN)) await utils.syncConnections(); await utils.syncSupplyLines(); // Continuar con todo lo que haga falta realizar en la rutina } catch (err) { if ( === 'SequelizeConnectionRefusedError') throw err; utils.criticalError(err); } } async stop() { this.continueSchedule = false; await closeConn(); console.warn(chalk.dim('Bye, come back soon 👋')) } } export default Floriday;