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import { Sequelize } from 'sequelize';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import ora from 'ora';
import { criticalError } from '../utils.js';
const env = process.env;
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let sequelize, conSpinner
try {
conSpinner = ora('Creating database connection...').start();
sequelize = createConn();
await checkCon();
} catch (err) {
// Conf Models
import config from './config/config.js';
import sequenceNumber from './config/sequenceNumber.js';
// Organization Models
import organization from './organization/organization.js';
// Warehouse Models
import warehouse from './warehouse/warehouse.js';
// Supply Line Models
import supplyLine from './supplyLine/supplyLine.js';
import volumePric from './supplyLine/volumePrice.js';
import clockPresaleSupply from './supplyLine/clockPresaleSupply.js';
// TradeItem Models
import tradeItem from './tradeItem/tradeItem.js';
import botanicalName from './tradeItem/botanicalName.js';
import countryOfOriginIsoCode from './tradeItem/countryOfOriginIsoCode.js';
import packageModel from './tradeItem/package.js';
import packingConfiguration from './tradeItem/packingConfiguration.js';
import photo from './tradeItem/photo.js';
import seasonalPeriod from './tradeItem/seasonalPeriod.js';
import characteristic from './tradeItem/characteristic.js';
* Contains all the models that are related to the application.
let models = {
sequelize: sequelize,
sequenceNumber: sequenceNumber(sequelize),
config: config(sequelize),
organization: organization(sequelize),
warehouse: warehouse(sequelize),
tradeItem: tradeItem(sequelize),
botanicalName: botanicalName(sequelize),
characteristic: characteristic(sequelize),
countryOfOriginIsoCode: countryOfOriginIsoCode(sequelize),
packingConfiguration: packingConfiguration(sequelize),
photo: photo(sequelize),
seasonalPeriod: seasonalPeriod(sequelize),
supplyLine: supplyLine(sequelize),
volumePrice: volumePric(sequelize),
clockPresaleSupply: clockPresaleSupply(sequelize),
package: packageModel(sequelize),
// Foreign Keys
try {
/* TODO: Aplicar dependiendo de cada caso
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
onUpdate: 'CASCADE',
models.characteristic.belongsTo(models.tradeItem, {
foreignKey: 'tradeItemId',
targetKey: 'tradeItemId',
models.seasonalPeriod.belongsTo(models.tradeItem, {
foreignKey: 'tradeItemId',
targetKey: 'tradeItemId',
models.photo.belongsTo(models.tradeItem, {
foreignKey: 'tradeItemId',
targetKey: 'tradeItemId',
models.packingConfiguration.belongsTo(models.tradeItem, {
foreignKey: 'tradeItemId',
targetKey: 'tradeItemId',
models.packingConfiguration.hasMany(models.package, {
foreignKey: 'packingConfigurationId',
targetKey: 'packingConfigurationId',
models.package.belongsTo(models.packingConfiguration, {
foreignKey: 'packingConfigurationId',
targetKey: 'packingConfigurationId',
models.botanicalName.belongsTo(models.tradeItem, {
foreignKey: 'tradeItemId',
targetKey: 'tradeItemId',
models.countryOfOriginIsoCode.belongsTo(models.tradeItem, {
foreignKey: 'tradeItemId',
targetKey: 'tradeItemId',
models.volumePrice.belongsTo(models.supplyLine, {
foreignKey: 'supplyLineId',
targetKey: 'supplyLineId',
models.supplyLine.belongsTo(models.tradeItem, {
foreignKey: 'tradeItemId',
targetKey: 'tradeItemId',
models.supplyLine.belongsTo(models.warehouse, {
foreignKey: 'warehouseId',
targetKey: 'warehouseId',
models.tradeItem.belongsTo(models.organization, {
foreignKey: 'organizationId',
targetKey: 'organizationId',
models.supplyLine.belongsTo(models.organization, {
foreignKey: 'organizationId',
targetKey: 'organizationId',
models.warehouse.belongsTo(models.organization, {
foreignKey: 'organizationId',
targetKey: 'organizationId',
models.clockPresaleSupply.belongsTo(models.supplyLine, {
foreignKey: 'supplyLineId',
targetKey: 'supplyLineId',
models.clockPresaleSupply.belongsTo(models.tradeItem, {
foreignKey: 'tradeItemId',
targetKey: 'tradeItemId',
models.clockPresaleSupply.belongsTo(models.organization, {
foreignKey: 'organizationId',
targetKey: 'organizationId',
} catch (err) {
let spinner;
try {
const action = JSON.parse(env.FORCE_SYNC) ? { force: true } : { alter: true };
const actionMsg = JSON.parse(env.FORCE_SYNC) ? 'Forcing' : 'Altering';
const spinner = ora(`${actionMsg} models...`).start();
await sequelize.sync(action);
catch (err) {
if (spinner) spinner.fail();
* Creates the connection to the database.
* @returns {Sequelize} Sequelize instance with the connection to the database.
function createConn() {
return new Sequelize(env.DB_SCHEMA, env.DB_USER, env.DB_PWD, {
host: env.DB_HOST,
dialect: env.DB_DIALECT,
logging: false,
pool: {
max: parseInt(env.DB_MAX_CONN_POOL),
acquire: 60000,
idle: 10000,
timezone: env.DB_TIMEZONE,
* Check if connection is ok
async function checkCon() {
try {
await sequelize.authenticate();
} catch (err) {
throw new Error (err);
* Close the connection to the database
async function closeCon() {
const spinner = ora('Closing database connection...').start();
try {
await sequelize.close()
} catch (err) {
export { models, checkCon, closeCon}; |