
182 lines
4.4 KiB

export default {
// Login
enter: 'Enter',
email: 'E-Mail',
password: 'Password',
remember: 'Don not close session',
search: 'Search',
accept: 'Accept',
cancel: 'Cancel',
save: 'Save',
delete: 'Delete',
add: 'Add',
create: 'create',
dataSaved: 'Data saved!',
noDataFound: 'No data found',
areYouSureDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete?',
fieldIsRequired: 'Field is required',
date: {
days: [
daysShort: [
months: [
shortMonths: [
// Layout
login: 'Login',
visitor: 'Visitor',
// Menu
home: 'Home',
catalog: 'Catalog',
orders: 'Orders',
conditions: 'Conditions',
about: 'About us',
config: 'Configuration',
user: 'User',
addresses: 'Addresses',
addressEdit: 'Edit address',
register: 'Register',
// Home
recentNews: 'Recent news',
startOrder: 'Start order',
weThinkForYou: 'We think for you',
everythingYouNeed: 'everything you need for your florist',
servedOrdersAmount: '+2.000.000',
servedOrders: 'of successfully served orders',
nEmployees: '+290',
employeesDedicatedToYou: 'employees dedicated to give you the best service',
fieldsArea: '+60.000m2',
cropsToProductGreens: 'of crops, dedicated to the production of greens',
makeYourOrder: 'Make your order',
byPhoneWebOrApp: 'by phone, on the web or with our app',
realStock: 'Real stock of products',
realOnlineStock: 'our online platform shows the real stock',
n1InPrice: 'Nº1 in price',
ourBigVolumeAllows: 'our big volume allows us to offer the best prices',
// Catalog
more: 'More',
noItemsFound: 'No items found',
pleaseSetFilter: 'Please, set a filter using the right menu',
buy: 'Buy',
deleteFilter: 'Delete filter',
viewMore: 'View more',
viewLess: 'View less',
from: 'from',
deliveryDate: 'Delivery date',
configureOrder: 'Configure order',
categories: 'Categories',
category: 'Category',
family: 'Family',
orderBy: 'Ordenar by',
name: 'Name',
relevancy: 'Relevancy',
priceAsc: 'Acending price',
priceDesc: 'Descending price',
novelty: 'Novelty',
available: 'Available',
siceAsc: 'Ascending size',
sizeDesc: 'Descencing size',
// Orders
ordersMadeAt: 'Orders made at',
pendingConfirmtion: 'Pending confirmation',
noOrdersFound: 'No orders found',
pending: 'Pending',
confirmed: 'Confirmed',
packages: '{n} packages',
// Conditions
conditionsDesc: 'The order will arrive to your home in 24/48 hours depending on which area you are.',
// About
aboutDesc: 'Verdnatura offers all services for your florist.',
// Config
userName: 'Username',
nickname: 'Nickname',
language: 'Language',
receiveInvoiceByEmail: 'Receive invoices by email',
passwordRequirements: 'Password requirements',
charsLong: '{0} characters long',
alphabeticChars: '{0} alphabetic chars',
upperLetters: '{0} uppercase letters',
digits: '{0} digits',
simbols: '{0} symbols. Ex: $%&.',
oldPassword: 'Old password',
newPassword: 'New password',
repeatPassword: 'Repeat password',
changePassword: 'Change password',
passwordCannotBeEmpty: 'Password cannot be empty',
passwordsDontMatch: 'Passwords do not match',
passwordChanged: 'Password changed successfully!',
// Addresses
setAsDefault: 'Set as default',
addressSetAsDefault: 'Address set as default',
addressRemoved: 'Address removed',
areYouSureDeleteAddress: 'Are you sure you want to delete the address?',
addressCreated: 'Address created successfully!',
// Address
consignatary: 'Consignatary',
street: 'Street',
city: 'City',
postalCode: 'Postal code',
province: 'Province',
country: 'Country',
phone: 'Phone',
mobile: 'Mobile',
// Register
registerAsNew: 'Registrarse como nuevo usuario',
notYetUser: 'You are not yet a user, register now and start enjoying everything that Verdnatura offers you.',
receiveOffers: 'Receive offers and promotions by e-mail',
userRegistered: 'User registered successfully'