273 lines
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273 lines
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import { NavigatorScreenParams } from '@react-navigation/core';
import { TextInputProps } from 'react-native';
import Model from '@nozbe/watermelondb/Model';
import { IOptionsField } from '../views/NotificationPreferencesView/options';
import { IServer } from '../definitions/IServer';
import { IAttachment } from '../definitions/IAttachment';
import { IMessage } from '../definitions/IMessage';
import { IRoom, RoomType } from '../definitions/IRoom';
export type ChatsStackParamList = {
RoomsListView: undefined;
RoomView: {
rid: string;
t: RoomType;
tmid?: string;
message?: string;
name?: string;
fname?: string;
prid?: string;
room: IRoom;
jumpToMessageId?: string;
jumpToThreadId?: string;
roomUserId?: string;
RoomActionsView: {
room: IRoom;
member: any;
rid: string;
t: RoomType;
joined: boolean;
SelectListView: {
data: any;
title: string;
infoText: string;
nextAction: Function;
showAlert: boolean;
isSearch: boolean;
onSearch: Function;
isRadio?: boolean;
RoomInfoView: {
room: IRoom;
member: any;
rid: string;
t: RoomType;
RoomInfoEditView: {
rid: string;
RoomMembersView: {
rid: string;
room: IRoom;
SearchMessagesView: {
rid: string;
t: RoomType;
encrypted?: boolean;
showCloseModal?: boolean;
SelectedUsersView: {
maxUsers?: number;
showButton?: boolean;
title?: string;
buttonText?: string;
nextAction?: Function;
InviteUsersView: {
rid: string;
InviteUsersEditView: {
rid: string;
MessagesView: {
rid: string;
t: RoomType;
name: string;
AutoTranslateView: {
rid: string;
room: IRoom;
DirectoryView: undefined;
NotificationPrefView: {
rid: string;
room: Model;
ForwardLivechatView: {
rid: string;
LivechatEditView: {
room: IRoom;
roomUser: any; // TODO: Change
PickerView: {
title: string;
data: IOptionsField[];
value?: any; // TODO: Change
onChangeText?: ((text: string) => IOptionsField[]) | ((term?: string) => Promise<any>);
goBack?: boolean;
onChangeValue: Function;
ThreadMessagesView: {
rid: string;
t: RoomType;
TeamChannelsView: {
teamId: string;
CreateChannelView: {
isTeam?: boolean; // TODO: To check
teamId?: string;
AddChannelTeamView: {
teamId?: string;
teamChannels: []; // TODO: Change
AddExistingChannelView: {
teamId?: string;
teamChannels: []; // TODO: Change
MarkdownTableView: {
renderRows: (drawExtraBorders?: boolean) => JSX.Element;
tableWidth: number;
ReadReceiptsView: {
messageId: string;
QueueListView: undefined;
CannedResponsesListView: {
rid: string;
CannedResponseDetail: {
cannedResponse: {
shortcut: string;
text: string;
scopeName: string;
tags: string[];
room: IRoom;
export type ProfileStackParamList = {
ProfileView: undefined;
UserPreferencesView: undefined;
UserNotificationPrefView: undefined;
PickerView: {
title: string;
data: IOptionsField[];
value: any; // TODO: Change
onChangeText?: TextInputProps['onChangeText'];
goBack?: Function;
onChangeValue: Function;
export type SettingsStackParamList = {
SettingsView: undefined;
SecurityPrivacyView: undefined;
E2EEncryptionSecurityView: undefined;
LanguageView: undefined;
ThemeView: undefined;
DefaultBrowserView: undefined;
ScreenLockConfigView: undefined;
ProfileView: undefined;
DisplayPrefsView: undefined;
export type AdminPanelStackParamList = {
AdminPanelView: undefined;
export type DisplayPrefStackParamList = {
DisplayPrefsView: undefined;
export type DrawerParamList = {
ChatsStackNavigator: NavigatorScreenParams<ChatsStackParamList>;
ProfileStackNavigator: NavigatorScreenParams<ProfileStackParamList>;
SettingsStackNavigator: NavigatorScreenParams<SettingsStackParamList>;
AdminPanelStackNavigator: NavigatorScreenParams<AdminPanelStackParamList>;
DisplayPrefStackNavigator: NavigatorScreenParams<DisplayPrefStackParamList>;
export type NewMessageStackParamList = {
NewMessageView: undefined;
SelectedUsersViewCreateChannel: {
maxUsers?: number;
showButton?: boolean;
title?: string;
buttonText?: string;
nextAction?: Function;
}; // TODO: Change
CreateChannelView: {
isTeam?: boolean; // TODO: To check
teamId?: string;
CreateDiscussionView: {
channel: IRoom;
message: IMessage;
showCloseModal: boolean;
export type E2ESaveYourPasswordStackParamList = {
E2ESaveYourPasswordView: undefined;
E2EHowItWorksView?: {
showCloseModal?: boolean;
export type E2EEnterYourPasswordStackParamList = {
E2EEnterYourPasswordView: undefined;
export type InsideStackParamList = {
DrawerNavigator: NavigatorScreenParams<DrawerParamList>;
NewMessageStackNavigator: NavigatorScreenParams<NewMessageStackParamList>;
E2ESaveYourPasswordStackNavigator: NavigatorScreenParams<E2ESaveYourPasswordStackParamList>;
E2EEnterYourPasswordStackNavigator: NavigatorScreenParams<E2EEnterYourPasswordStackParamList>;
AttachmentView: {
attachment: IAttachment;
StatusView: undefined;
ShareView: {
attachments: IAttachment[];
isShareView?: boolean;
isShareExtension: boolean;
serverInfo: IServer;
text: string;
room: IRoom;
thread: any; // TODO: Change
ModalBlockView: {
data: any; // TODO: Change;
JitsiMeetView: {
rid: string;
url: string;
onlyAudio?: boolean;
export type OutsideParamList = {
NewServerView: undefined;
WorkspaceView: undefined;
LoginView: {
title: string;
username?: string;
ForgotPasswordView: {
title: string;
SendEmailConfirmationView: {
user?: string;
RegisterView: {
title: string;
LegalView: undefined;
export type OutsideModalParamList = {
OutsideStack: NavigatorScreenParams<OutsideParamList>;
AuthenticationWebView: {
authType: string;
url: string;
ssoToken?: string;