Diego Mello
[NEW] Create channel layout ( #420 )
* RoomsListView layout
* Rooms list layout
* Sort component
* Header icons
* Default header colors
* Add server dropdown
* Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
* UserItem
* Room type icon
* Search working
* Tests updated
* Android layout
* Using realm queries instead of array iterates
* Animation duration
* Fixed render bug
* - NewMessageView
- backButtonTitle always empty
- SearchBox created
* New create channel layout
* Search refactored
* loginSuccess dismiss modal
* Tests working
2018-08-31 15:13:30 -03:00
Diego Mello
[NEW] Onboarding ( #407 )
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
Closes #392
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->

2018-08-10 14:26:36 -03:00
Diego Mello
Improve RoomsList render time ( #384 )
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
- [x] Added FlatList.getItemLayout() to improve list render time
- [x] Some texts were breaking lines at sidebar
- [x] Removed onPress from links at RoomsListView
- [x] Added eslint rule to prevent unused styles
- [x] Fixed auto focus bug at CreateChannel and NewServer
- [x] Fix change server bug
- [x] Fixed a bug when resuming in ListServer
- [x] I18n fixed
- [x] Fixed a bug on actionsheet ref not being created
- [x] Reply wasn't showing on Android
- [x] Use Notification.Builder.setColor/getColor only after Android SDK 23
- [x] Listen to app state only when inside app
- [x] Switched register push token position in order to improve login performance
- [x] When deep link changes server, it doesn't refresh rooms list
- [x] Added SafeAreaView in all views to improve iPhone X experience
- [x] Subpath regex #388
2018-08-01 16:35:06 -03:00
Guilherme Gazzo
Beta ( #265 )
* Fabric iOS
* Fabric configured on iOS and Android
* - react-native-fabric configured
- login tracked
* README updated
* Run scripts from README updated
* README scripts
* get rooms and messages by rest
* user status
* more improves
* more improves
* send pong on timeout
* fix some methods
* more tests
* rest messages
* Room actions (#266 )
* Toggle notifications
* Search messages
* Invite users
* Mute/Unmute users in room
* rocket.cat messages
* Room topic layout fixed
* Starred messages loading onEndReached
* Room actions onEndReached
* Unnecessary login request
* Login loading
* Login services fixed
* User presence layout
* ïmproves on room actions view
* Removed unnecessary data from SelectedUsersView
* load few messages on open room, search message improve
* fix loading messages forever
* Removed state from search
* Custom message time format
* secureTextEntry layout
* Reduce android app size
* Roles subscription fix
* Public routes navigation
* fix reconnect
* - New login/register, login, register
* proguard
* Login flux
* App init/restore
* Android layout fixes
* Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
* Nested attachments
* Nested attachments
* fix check status
* New login layout (#269 )
* Public routes navigation
* New login/register, login, register
* Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
* Nested attachments
* Button component
* TextInput android layout fixed
* Register fixed
* Thinner close modal button
* Requests /me after login only one time
* Static images moved
* fix reconnect
* fix ddp
* fix custom emoji
* New message layout (#273 )
* Grouping messages
* Message layout
* Users typing animation
* Image attachment layout
2018-04-24 17:08:17 -03:00
Guilherme Gazzo
Test improve render ( #159 )
[NEW] ListView
2018-01-09 15:12:55 -02:00
Diego Mello
[WIP] Abstract database calls ( #157 )
* Databases separated
2017-12-27 13:22:06 -02:00
Rodrigo Nascimento
Fix lint
2017-11-13 10:58:35 -02:00
Guilherme Gazzo
Add server change saga ( #34 )
* Reduce test lines of code
* removed useless packages
* pkg
* add server saga
* removed taginput
taginput is not ready =/
* ~fix navigation~
* code duplicated
* code duplicated
* Delete tags.js
* Delete TagInput.js
2017-09-01 16:42:50 -03:00
Gabriel Delavald
Cleaning up refactors code, fixing sagas. By Gazzo
2017-08-18 18:30:16 -03:00