[CI] Restore cache on CI (#1029)
* feat: add fastlane save\restore cache config; comment not needed jobs;
* install fastlane using 'bundle install'
* install fastlane using 'sudo bundle install'
* uncomment ios build commands
* run set up google services in ios folder
* add working_directory: ios to ios-build steps
* remove 'cd ios' from Fastlane build step
* add save\restore cache for npm modules
* group save_cache steps
* cache fastlane in ios-testflight job
* uncomment previously commented jobs\steps
* fix: add missing colon
* use key for caching: node-modules-{{ checksum ".circleci/config.yml" }}-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
* add names for save\restore steps
* ci: add `default` step with `working_directory: ~/repo` to ios-build job
* return back caching npm: `node-v1-{{ checksum "package.json" }}-{{ arch }}`
* fix: add missing curly braces
* save\restore cache in e2e-test job; remove {{arch}} from cache names
* add names to restore_cache steps in android-build job
* add names to save_cache steps in android-build job
* add names to all save\restore steps; change checksum package.json to yarn.lock
* change `npm` to `NPM` in steps naming
* remove {{ checksum circle ci }} from android-build job and fix naming of steps
2019-07-04 08:23:31 -03:00 |