* [NEW] MessageBox: Expo-av audio recorder
* Refactor MessageBox to accommodate recording button even when recording
* Rename Recording.js -> RecordAudio.js as we could implement video recording in the future
* RecordAudio: Introduce cancel and send buttons
* RecordAudio: Introduce recorderBusy state, refactor MessageBox, remove useless SafeAreaView
* RecordAudio: Better audio quality 🎉, stop recording on unmount
* RecordAudio: Use FileSystem from expo-file-system instead of RNFetchBlob
* chore: flush out react-native-audio
* fix(MessageBox): bring back some missed styles during refactor
* refactor(RecordAudio): use class component
* refactor(RecordAudio): recorder busy to class property, styling changes
* recorder initialisation changes
* fix(RecordAudio): missing await in isRecordingPermissionGranted
* fix(RecordAudio): set isRecording = false on cancel/finish, refactor perms
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Fix - Any https link was deep linking to RocketChat
* Keyboard dismiss after add new server
* Room info bug fix
* Opacity animation
* Navigation when adding server fixed
* Throttle for unnecessary render on receiving several messages
* Search inputs without autocorrect and autocapitalize
* Search messages fixed
* Messagebox unnecessary render and spotlight fixed
* react-native-keyboard-input updated