/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright 2012 John Maddock. Distributed under the Boost // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_ #ifndef BOOST_MP_INTEGER_HPP #define BOOST_MP_INTEGER_HPP #include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp> #include <boost/multiprecision/detail/bitscan.hpp> namespace boost{ namespace multiprecision{ template <class Integer, class I2> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value && is_integral<I2>::value, Integer&>::type multiply(Integer& result, const I2& a, const I2& b) { return result = static_cast<Integer>(a) * static_cast<Integer>(b); } template <class Integer, class I2> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value && is_integral<I2>::value, Integer&>::type add(Integer& result, const I2& a, const I2& b) { return result = static_cast<Integer>(a) + static_cast<Integer>(b); } template <class Integer, class I2> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value && is_integral<I2>::value, Integer&>::type subtract(Integer& result, const I2& a, const I2& b) { return result = static_cast<Integer>(a) - static_cast<Integer>(b); } template <class Integer> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value>::type divide_qr(const Integer& x, const Integer& y, Integer& q, Integer& r) { q = x / y; r = x % y; } template <class I1, class I2> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<I1>::value && is_integral<I2>::value, I2>::type integer_modulus(const I1& x, I2 val) { return static_cast<I2>(x % val); } namespace detail{ // // Figure out the kind of integer that has twice as many bits as some builtin // integer type I. Use a native type if we can (including types which may not // be recognised by boost::int_t because they're larger than boost::long_long_type), // otherwise synthesize a cpp_int to do the job. // template <class I> struct double_integer { static const unsigned int_t_digits = 2 * sizeof(I) <= sizeof(boost::long_long_type) ? std::numeric_limits<I>::digits * 2 : 1; typedef typename mpl::if_c< 2 * sizeof(I) <= sizeof(boost::long_long_type), typename mpl::if_c< is_signed<I>::value, typename boost::int_t<int_t_digits>::least, typename boost::uint_t<int_t_digits>::least >::type, typename mpl::if_c< 2 * sizeof(I) <= sizeof(double_limb_type), typename mpl::if_c< is_signed<I>::value, signed_double_limb_type, double_limb_type >::type, number<cpp_int_backend<sizeof(I)*CHAR_BIT*2, sizeof(I)*CHAR_BIT*2, (is_signed<I>::value ? signed_magnitude : unsigned_magnitude), unchecked, void> > >::type >::type type; }; } template <class I1, class I2, class I3> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<I1>::value && is_unsigned<I2>::value && is_integral<I3>::value, I1>::type powm(const I1& a, I2 b, I3 c) { typedef typename detail::double_integer<I1>::type double_type; I1 x(1), y(a); double_type result; while(b > 0) { if(b & 1) { multiply(result, x, y); x = integer_modulus(result, c); } multiply(result, y, y); y = integer_modulus(result, c); b >>= 1; } return x % c; } template <class I1, class I2, class I3> inline typename enable_if_c<is_integral<I1>::value && is_signed<I2>::value && is_integral<I3>::value, I1>::type powm(const I1& a, I2 b, I3 c) { if(b < 0) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::runtime_error("powm requires a positive exponent.")); } return powm(a, static_cast<typename make_unsigned<I2>::type>(b), c); } template <class Integer> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value, unsigned>::type lsb(const Integer& val) { if(val <= 0) { if(val == 0) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::range_error("No bits were set in the operand.")); } else { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::range_error("Testing individual bits in negative values is not supported - results are undefined.")); } } return detail::find_lsb(val); } template <class Integer> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value, unsigned>::type msb(Integer val) { if(val <= 0) { if(val == 0) { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::range_error("No bits were set in the operand.")); } else { BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::range_error("Testing individual bits in negative values is not supported - results are undefined.")); } } return detail::find_msb(val); } template <class Integer> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value, bool>::type bit_test(const Integer& val, unsigned index) { Integer mask = 1; if(index >= sizeof(Integer) * CHAR_BIT) return 0; if(index) mask <<= index; return val & mask ? true : false; } template <class Integer> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value, Integer&>::type bit_set(Integer& val, unsigned index) { Integer mask = 1; if(index >= sizeof(Integer) * CHAR_BIT) return val; if(index) mask <<= index; val |= mask; return val; } template <class Integer> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value, Integer&>::type bit_unset(Integer& val, unsigned index) { Integer mask = 1; if(index >= sizeof(Integer) * CHAR_BIT) return val; if(index) mask <<= index; val &= ~mask; return val; } template <class Integer> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value, Integer&>::type bit_flip(Integer& val, unsigned index) { Integer mask = 1; if(index >= sizeof(Integer) * CHAR_BIT) return val; if(index) mask <<= index; val ^= mask; return val; } template <class Integer> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value, Integer>::type sqrt(const Integer& x, Integer& r) { // // This is slow bit-by-bit integer square root, see for example // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_computing_square_roots#Binary_numeral_system_.28base_2.29 // There are better methods such as http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/07/28/54/PDF/RR-3805.pdf // and http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/07/21/13/PDF/RR-4475.pdf which should be implemented // at some point. // Integer s = 0; if(x == 0) { r = 0; return s; } int g = msb(x); if(g == 0) { r = 1; return s; } Integer t = 0; r = x; g /= 2; bit_set(s, g); bit_set(t, 2 * g); r = x - t; --g; do { t = s; t <<= g + 1; bit_set(t, 2 * g); if(t <= r) { bit_set(s, g); r -= t; } --g; } while(g >= 0); return s; } template <class Integer> typename enable_if_c<is_integral<Integer>::value, Integer>::type sqrt(const Integer& x) { Integer r; return sqrt(x, r); } }} // namespaces #endif