// // A universal frame-based communication protocol which can be used to exchange // arbitrary structured data. // // In short: // // - Each transmission is comprised by one fixed-size frame. // - Each frame contains a protocol version number. // - Each frame contains an application frame type. // - Each frame can contain an identifying tag. // - Each frame can have application-specific data of up to UINT32_MAX size. // - Transactions style messaging can be modeled on top using frame tags. // - Lightweight API on top of libdispatch (aka GCD) -- close to the metal. // #include <dispatch/dispatch.h> #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> // Special frame tag that signifies "no tag". Your implementation should never // create a reply for a frame with this tag. static const uint32_t PTFrameNoTag = 0; // Special frame type that signifies that the stream has ended. static const uint32_t PTFrameTypeEndOfStream = 0; // NSError domain FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * const PTProtocolErrorDomain; @interface PTProtocol : NSObject // Queue on which to run data processing blocks. @property dispatch_queue_t queue; // Get the shared protocol object for *queue* + (PTProtocol*)sharedProtocolForQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue; // Initialize a new protocol object to use a specific queue. - (id)initWithDispatchQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue; // Initialize a new protocol object to use the current calling queue. - (id)init; #pragma mark Sending frames // Generate a new tag that is unique within this protocol object. - (uint32_t)newTag; // Send a frame over *channel* with an optional payload and optional callback. // If *callback* is not NULL, the block is invoked when either an error occured // or when the frame (and payload, if any) has been completely sent. - (void)sendFrameOfType:(uint32_t)frameType tag:(uint32_t)tag withPayload:(dispatch_data_t)payload overChannel:(dispatch_io_t)channel callback:(void(^)(NSError *error))callback; #pragma mark Receiving frames // Read frames over *channel* as they arrive. // The onFrame handler is responsible for reading (or discarding) any payload // and call *resumeReadingFrames* afterwards to resume reading frames. // To stop reading frames, simply do not invoke *resumeReadingFrames*. // When the stream ends, a frame of type PTFrameTypeEndOfStream is received. - (void)readFramesOverChannel:(dispatch_io_t)channel onFrame:(void(^)(NSError *error, uint32_t type, uint32_t tag, uint32_t payloadSize, dispatch_block_t resumeReadingFrames))onFrame; // Read a single frame over *channel*. A frame of type PTFrameTypeEndOfStream // denotes the stream has ended. - (void)readFrameOverChannel:(dispatch_io_t)channel callback:(void(^)(NSError *error, uint32_t frameType, uint32_t frameTag, uint32_t payloadSize))callback; #pragma mark Receiving frame payloads // Read a complete payload. It's the callers responsibility to make sure // payloadSize is not too large since memory will be automatically allocated // where only payloadSize is the limit. // The returned dispatch_data_t object owns *buffer* and thus you need to call // dispatch_retain on *contiguousData* if you plan to keep *buffer* around after // returning from the callback. - (void)readPayloadOfSize:(size_t)payloadSize overChannel:(dispatch_io_t)channel callback:(void(^)(NSError *error, dispatch_data_t contiguousData, const uint8_t *buffer, size_t bufferSize))callback; // Discard data of *size* waiting on *channel*. *callback* can be NULL. - (void)readAndDiscardDataOfSize:(size_t)size overChannel:(dispatch_io_t)channel callback:(void(^)(NSError *error, BOOL endOfStream))callback; @end @interface NSData (PTProtocol) // Creates a new dispatch_data_t object which references the receiver and uses // the receivers bytes as its backing data. The returned dispatch_data_t object // holds a reference to the recevier. It's the callers responsibility to call // dispatch_release on the returned object when done. - (dispatch_data_t)createReferencingDispatchData; + (NSData *)dataWithContentsOfDispatchData:(dispatch_data_t)data; @end @interface NSDictionary (PTProtocol) // See description of -[NSData(PTProtocol) createReferencingDispatchData] - (dispatch_data_t)createReferencingDispatchData; // Decode *data* as a peroperty list-encoded dictionary. Returns nil on failure. + (NSDictionary*)dictionaryWithContentsOfDispatchData:(dispatch_data_t)data; @end