import EJSON from 'ejson'; import { Base64 } from 'js-base64'; import SimpleCrypto from 'react-native-simple-crypto'; import { toString, b64ToBuffer, bufferToUtf8, bufferToB64, bufferToB64URI, utf8ToBuffer, splitVectorData, joinVectorData } from './utils'; import { E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE, E2E_STATUS } from './constants'; import RocketChat from '../rocketchat'; import Deferred from '../../utils/deferred'; import debounce from '../../utils/debounce'; import { Encryption } from './index'; import database from '../database'; import log from '../../utils/log'; export default class EncryptionRoom { constructor(roomId) { this.ready = false; this.roomId = roomId; this.establishing = false; this.readyPromise = new Deferred(); this.readyPromise.then(() => { // Mark as ready this.ready = true; // Mark as established this.establishing = false; }); } // Initialize the E2E room handshake = async() => { // If it's already ready we don't need to handshake again if (this.ready) { return; } // If it's already establishing if (this.establishing) { // Return the ready promise to wait this client ready return this.readyPromise; } const db =; const subCollection = db.collections.get('subscriptions'); try { // Find the subscription const subscription = await subCollection.find(this.roomId); const { E2EKey, e2eKeyId } = subscription; // If this room has a E2EKey, we import it if (E2EKey) { // We're establishing a new room encryption client this.establishing = true; await this.importRoomKey(E2EKey, Encryption.privateKey); this.readyPromise.resolve(); return; } // If it doesn't have a e2eKeyId, we need to create keys to the room if (!e2eKeyId) { // We're establishing a new room encryption client this.establishing = true; await this.createRoomKey(); this.readyPromise.resolve(); return; } // Request a E2EKey for this room to other users await this.requestRoomKey(e2eKeyId); } catch (e) { log(e); } } // Import roomKey as an AES Decrypt key importRoomKey = async(E2EKey, privateKey) => { const roomE2EKey = E2EKey.slice(12); const decryptedKey = await SimpleCrypto.RSA.decrypt(roomE2EKey, privateKey); this.sessionKeyExportedString = toString(decryptedKey); this.keyID = Base64.encode(this.sessionKeyExportedString).slice(0, 12); // Extract K from Web Crypto Secret Key // K is a base64URL encoded array of bytes // Web Crypto API uses this as a private key to decrypt/encrypt things // Reference: const { k } = EJSON.parse(this.sessionKeyExportedString); this.roomKey = b64ToBuffer(k); } // Create a key to a room createRoomKey = async() => { const key = await SimpleCrypto.utils.randomBytes(16); this.roomKey = key; // Web Crypto format of a Secret Key const sessionKeyExported = { // Type of Secret Key kty: 'oct', // Algorithm alg: 'A128CBC', // Base64URI encoded array of bytes k: bufferToB64URI(this.roomKey), // Specific Web Crypto properties ext: true, key_ops: ['encrypt', 'decrypt'] }; this.sessionKeyExportedString = EJSON.stringify(sessionKeyExported); this.keyID = Base64.encode(this.sessionKeyExportedString).slice(0, 12); await RocketChat.e2eSetRoomKeyID(this.roomId, this.keyID); await this.encryptRoomKey(); } // Request a key to this room // We're debouncing this function to avoid multiple calls // when you join a room with a lot of messages and nobody // can send the encryption key at the moment. // Each time you see a encrypted message of a room that you don't have a key // this will be called again and run once in 5 seconds requestRoomKey = debounce(async(e2eKeyId) => { await RocketChat.e2eRequestRoomKey(this.roomId, e2eKeyId); }, 5000, true) // Create an encrypted key for this room based on users encryptRoomKey = async() => { const result = await RocketChat.e2eGetUsersOfRoomWithoutKey(this.roomId); if (result.success) { const { users } = result; await Promise.all( => this.encryptRoomKeyForUser(user))); } } // Encrypt the room key to each user in encryptRoomKeyForUser = async(user) => { if (user?.e2e?.public_key) { const { public_key: publicKey } = user.e2e; const userKey = await SimpleCrypto.RSA.importKey(EJSON.parse(publicKey)); const encryptedUserKey = await SimpleCrypto.RSA.encrypt(this.sessionKeyExportedString, userKey); await RocketChat.e2eUpdateGroupKey(user?._id, this.roomId, this.keyID + encryptedUserKey); } } // Provide this room key to a user provideKeyToUser = async(keyId) => { // Don't provide a key if the keyId received // is different than the current one if (this.keyID !== keyId) { return; } await this.encryptRoomKey(); } // Encrypt text encryptText = async(text) => { text = utf8ToBuffer(text); const vector = await SimpleCrypto.utils.randomBytes(16); const data = await SimpleCrypto.AES.encrypt( text, this.roomKey, vector ); return this.keyID + bufferToB64(joinVectorData(vector, data)); } // Encrypt messages encrypt = async(message) => { if (!this.ready) { return message; } try { const msg = await this.encryptText(EJSON.stringify({ _id: message._id, text: message.msg, userId: this.userId, ts: new Date() })); return { ...message, t: E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE, e2e: E2E_STATUS.PENDING, msg }; } catch { // Do nothing } return message; } // Decrypt text decryptText = async(msg) => { msg = b64ToBuffer(msg.slice(12)); const [vector, cipherText] = splitVectorData(msg); const decrypted = await SimpleCrypto.AES.decrypt( cipherText, this.roomKey, vector ); const m = EJSON.parse(bufferToUtf8(decrypted)); return m.text; } // Decrypt messages decrypt = async(message) => { if (!this.ready) { return message; } try { const { t, e2e } = message; // If message type is e2e and it's encrypted still if (t === E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE && e2e !== E2E_STATUS.DONE) { let { msg, tmsg } = message; // Decrypt msg msg = await this.decryptText(msg); // Decrypt tmsg if (tmsg) { tmsg = await this.decryptText(tmsg); } return { ...message, tmsg, msg, e2e: E2E_STATUS.DONE }; } } catch { // Do nothing } return message; } }