import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { StackNavigationOptions, StackNavigationProp } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import { RouteProp } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { NativeModules, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import ShareExtension from 'rn-extensions-share'; import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'; import { InsideStackParamList } from '../../stacks/types'; import { themes } from '../../constants/colors'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import Loading from '../../containers/Loading'; import * as HeaderButton from '../../containers/HeaderButton'; import { isBlocked } from '../../utils/room'; import { isReadOnly } from '../../utils/isReadOnly'; import { withTheme } from '../../theme'; import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat'; import TextInput from '../../containers/TextInput'; import MessageBox from '../../containers/MessageBox'; import SafeAreaView from '../../containers/SafeAreaView'; import { getUserSelector } from '../../selectors/login'; import StatusBar from '../../containers/StatusBar'; import database from '../../lib/database'; import { canUploadFile } from '../../utils/media'; import { isAndroid } from '../../utils/deviceInfo'; import Thumbs from './Thumbs'; import Preview from './Preview'; import Header from './Header'; import styles from './styles'; import { IAttachment } from './interfaces'; import { ISubscription } from '../../definitions/ISubscription'; interface IShareViewState { selected: IAttachment; loading: boolean; readOnly: boolean; attachments: IAttachment[]; text: string; room: ISubscription; thread: any; // change maxFileSize: number; mediaAllowList: string; } interface IShareViewProps { navigation: StackNavigationProp<InsideStackParamList, 'ShareView'>; route: RouteProp<InsideStackParamList, 'ShareView'>; theme: string; user: { id: string; username: string; token: string; }; server: string; FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList?: string; FileUpload_MaxFileSize?: number; } interface IMessageBoxShareView { text: string; forceUpdate(): void; } class ShareView extends Component<IShareViewProps, IShareViewState> { private messagebox: React.RefObject<IMessageBoxShareView>; private files: any[]; private isShareExtension: boolean; private serverInfo: any; constructor(props: IShareViewProps) { super(props); this.messagebox = React.createRef(); this.files = props.route.params?.attachments ?? []; this.isShareExtension = props.route.params?.isShareExtension; this.serverInfo = props.route.params?.serverInfo ?? {}; this.state = { selected: {} as IAttachment, loading: false, readOnly: false, attachments: [], text: props.route.params?.text ?? '', room: props.route.params?.room ?? {}, thread: props.route.params?.thread ?? {}, maxFileSize: this.isShareExtension ? this.serverInfo?.FileUpload_MaxFileSize : props.FileUpload_MaxFileSize, mediaAllowList: this.isShareExtension ? this.serverInfo?.FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList : props.FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList }; this.getServerInfo(); } componentDidMount = async () => { const readOnly = await this.getReadOnly(); const { attachments, selected } = await this.getAttachments(); this.setState({ readOnly, attachments, selected }, () => this.setHeader()); }; componentWillUnmount = () => { console.countReset(`${}.render calls`); }; setHeader = () => { const { room, thread, readOnly, attachments } = this.state; const { navigation, theme } = this.props; const options: StackNavigationOptions = { headerTitle: () => <Header room={room} thread={thread} />, headerTitleAlign: 'left', headerTintColor: themes[theme].previewTintColor }; // if is share extension show default back button if (!this.isShareExtension) { options.headerLeft = () => <HeaderButton.CloseModal navigation={navigation} />; } if (!attachments.length && !readOnly) { options.headerRight = () => ( <HeaderButton.Container> <HeaderButton.Item title={I18n.t('Send')} onPress={this.send} /> </HeaderButton.Container> ); } options.headerBackground = () => <View style={[styles.container, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].previewBackground }]} />; navigation.setOptions(options); }; // fetch server info getServerInfo = async () => { const { server } = this.props; const serversDB = database.servers; const serversCollection = serversDB.get('servers'); try { this.serverInfo = await serversCollection.find(server); } catch (error) { // Do nothing } }; getPermissionMobileUpload = async () => { const { room } = this.state; const db =; const permissionsCollection = db.get('permissions'); const uploadFilePermissionFetch = await permissionsCollection.query(Q.where('id','mobile-upload-file'))).fetch(); const uploadFilePermission = uploadFilePermissionFetch[0]?.roles; const permissionToUpload = await RocketChat.hasPermission([uploadFilePermission], room.rid); // uploadFilePermission as undefined is considered that there isn't this permission, so all can upload file. return !uploadFilePermission || permissionToUpload[0]; }; getReadOnly = async () => { const { room } = this.state; const { user } = this.props; const readOnly = await isReadOnly(room, user); return readOnly; }; getAttachments = async () => { const { mediaAllowList, maxFileSize } = this.state; const permissionToUploadFile = await this.getPermissionMobileUpload(); const items = await Promise.all( item => { // Check server settings const { success: canUpload, error } = canUploadFile(item, mediaAllowList, maxFileSize, permissionToUploadFile); item.canUpload = canUpload; item.error = error; // get video thumbnails if (isAndroid && this.files.length > 1 && item.mime?.match?.(/video/)) { try { const VideoThumbnails = require('expo-video-thumbnails'); const { uri } = await VideoThumbnails.getThumbnailAsync(item.path); item.uri = uri; } catch { // Do nothing } } // Set a filename, if there isn't any if (!item.filename) { item.filename = new Date().toISOString(); } return item; }) ); return { attachments: items, selected: items[0] }; }; send = async () => { const { loading, selected } = this.state; if (loading) { return; } // update state await this.selectFile(selected); const { attachments, room, text, thread } = this.state; const { navigation, server, user } = this.props; // if it's share extension this should show loading if (this.isShareExtension) { this.setState({ loading: true }); // if it's not share extension this can close } else { navigation.pop(); } try { // Send attachment if (attachments.length) { await Promise.all({ filename: name, mime: type, description, size, path, canUpload }) => { if (canUpload) { return RocketChat.sendFileMessage( room.rid, { name, description, size, type, path, store: 'Uploads' }, thread?.id, server, { id:, token: user.token } ); } return Promise.resolve(); }) ); // Send text message } else if (text.length) { await RocketChat.sendMessage(room.rid, text, thread?.id, { id:, token: user.token }); } } catch { // Do nothing } // if it's share extension this should close if (this.isShareExtension) { ShareExtension.close(); } }; selectFile = (item: IAttachment) => { const { attachments, selected } = this.state; if (attachments.length > 0) { const text = this.messagebox.current?.text; const newAttachments = => { if (att.path === selected.path) { att.description = text; } return att; }); return this.setState({ attachments: newAttachments, selected: item }); } }; removeFile = (item: IAttachment) => { const { selected, attachments } = this.state; let newSelected; if (item.path === selected.path) { const selectedIndex = attachments.findIndex(att => att.path === selected.path); // Selects the next one, if available if (attachments[selectedIndex + 1]?.path) { newSelected = attachments[selectedIndex + 1]; // If it's the last thumb, selects the previous one } else { newSelected = attachments[selectedIndex - 1] || {}; } } this.setState({ attachments: attachments.filter(att => att.path !== item.path), selected: newSelected ?? selected }, () => { this.messagebox?.current?.forceUpdate?.(); }); }; onChangeText = (text: string) => { this.setState({ text }); }; renderContent = () => { const { attachments, selected, room, text } = this.state; const { theme, navigation } = this.props; if (attachments.length) { return ( <View style={styles.container}> <Preview // using key just to reset zoom/move after change selected key={selected?.path} item={selected} length={attachments.length} theme={theme} isShareExtension={this.isShareExtension} /> <MessageBox showSend sharing ref={this.messagebox} rid={room.rid} roomType={room.t} theme={theme} onSubmit={this.send} message={{ msg: selected?.description ?? '' }} navigation={navigation} isFocused={navigation.isFocused} iOSScrollBehavior={NativeModules.KeyboardTrackingViewManager?.KeyboardTrackingScrollBehaviorNone} isActionsEnabled={false}> <Thumbs attachments={attachments} theme={theme} isShareExtension={this.isShareExtension} onPress={this.selectFile} onRemove={this.removeFile} /> </MessageBox> </View> ); } return ( <TextInput containerStyle={styles.inputContainer} inputStyle={[styles.input, styles.textInput, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].focusedBackground }]} placeholder='' onChangeText={this.onChangeText} defaultValue='' multiline textAlignVertical='top' autoFocus theme={theme} value={text} /> ); }; render() { console.count(`${}.render calls`); const { readOnly, room, loading } = this.state; const { theme } = this.props; if (readOnly || isBlocked(room)) { return ( <View style={[styles.container, styles.centered, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].backgroundColor }]}> <Text style={[styles.title, { color: themes[theme].titleText }]}> {isBlocked(room) ? I18n.t('This_room_is_blocked') : I18n.t('This_room_is_read_only')} </Text> </View> ); } return ( <SafeAreaView style={{ backgroundColor: themes[theme].backgroundColor }}> <StatusBar barStyle='light-content' backgroundColor={themes[theme].previewBackground} /> {this.renderContent()} <Loading visible={loading} theme={theme} /> </SafeAreaView> ); } } const mapStateToProps = (state: any) => ({ user: getUserSelector(state), server: state.share.server.server || state.server.server, FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList: state.settings.FileUpload_MediaTypeWhiteList, FileUpload_MaxFileSize: state.settings.FileUpload_MaxFileSize }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withTheme(ShareView));