#if !defined(BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING) ///// header body #ifndef BOOST_MPL_APPLY_WRAP_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_MPL_APPLY_WRAP_HPP_INCLUDED // Copyright Aleksey Gurtovoy 2000-2008 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // See http://www.boost.org/libs/mpl for documentation. // $Id$ // $Date$ // $Revision$ #if !defined(BOOST_MPL_PREPROCESSING_MODE) # include <boost/mpl/aux_/arity.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/has_apply.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/na.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/msvc_never_true.hpp> #endif #include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/use_preprocessed.hpp> #if !defined(BOOST_MPL_CFG_NO_PREPROCESSED_HEADERS) \ && !defined(BOOST_MPL_PREPROCESSING_MODE) # define BOOST_MPL_PREPROCESSED_HEADER apply_wrap.hpp # include <boost/mpl/aux_/include_preprocessed.hpp> #else # include <boost/mpl/limits/arity.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/params.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/enum.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/preprocessor/add.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/bcc.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/ctps.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/dtp.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/eti.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/msvc.hpp> # include <boost/mpl/aux_/config/workaround.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/comma_if.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/logical/and.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/inc.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/iterate.hpp> namespace boost { namespace mpl { // local macros, #undef-ined at the end of the header # define AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(n, param) \ BOOST_MPL_PP_PARAMS(n, param) \ /**/ # define AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_SPEC_PARAMS(n, param) \ BOOST_MPL_PP_ENUM(BOOST_PP_INC(n), param) \ /**/ #define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_1 \ (3,(0, BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_METAFUNCTION_ARITY, <boost/mpl/apply_wrap.hpp>)) #include BOOST_PP_ITERATE() # undef AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_SPEC_PARAMS # undef AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS }} #endif // BOOST_MPL_CFG_NO_PREPROCESSED_HEADERS #endif // BOOST_MPL_APPLY_WRAP_HPP_INCLUDED ///// iteration, depth == 1 // For gcc 4.4 compatability, we must include the // BOOST_PP_ITERATION_DEPTH test inside an #else clause. #else // BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING #if BOOST_PP_ITERATION_DEPTH() == 1 # define i_ BOOST_PP_FRAME_ITERATION(1) # if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, < 1300) // MSVC version #define AUX778076_MSVC_DTW_NAME BOOST_PP_CAT(msvc_apply,i_) #define AUX778076_MSVC_DTW_ORIGINAL_NAME apply #define AUX778076_MSVC_DTW_ARITY i_ #include <boost/mpl/aux_/msvc_dtw.hpp> template< typename F BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i_) AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, typename T) > struct BOOST_PP_CAT(apply_wrap,i_) { // Metafunction forwarding confuses vc6 typedef typename BOOST_PP_CAT(msvc_apply,i_)<F>::template result_< AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, T) >::type type; }; # elif defined(BOOST_MPL_CFG_BROKEN_DEFAULT_PARAMETERS_IN_NESTED_TEMPLATES) // MWCW/Borland version template< int N, typename F BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i_) AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, typename T) > struct BOOST_PP_CAT(apply_wrap_impl,i_); #define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_PARAMS_2 \ (3,(0, BOOST_MPL_LIMIT_METAFUNCTION_ARITY - i_, <boost/mpl/apply_wrap.hpp>)) #include BOOST_PP_ITERATE() template< typename F BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i_) AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, typename T) > struct BOOST_PP_CAT(apply_wrap,i_) : BOOST_PP_CAT(apply_wrap_impl,i_)< ::boost::mpl::aux::arity<F,i_>::value , F BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i_) AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, T) >::type { }; # else // ISO98 C++, with minor concession to vc7 template< typename F BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i_) AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, typename T) #if i_ == 0 , typename has_apply_ = typename aux::has_apply<F>::type #endif > struct BOOST_PP_CAT(apply_wrap,i_) // metafunction forwarding confuses MSVC 7.0 #if !BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, == 1300) : F::template apply< AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, T) > { #else { typedef typename F::template apply< AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, T) >::type type; #endif }; #if i_ == 0 && !defined(BOOST_NO_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION) template< typename F > struct BOOST_PP_CAT(apply_wrap,i_)<F,true_> : F::apply { }; #endif # endif // workarounds #if defined(BOOST_MPL_CFG_MSVC_ETI_BUG) /// workaround for ETI bug template<> struct BOOST_PP_CAT(apply_wrap,i_)<AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_SPEC_PARAMS(i_, int)> { typedef int type; }; #endif # undef i_ ///// iteration, depth == 2 #elif BOOST_PP_ITERATION_DEPTH() == 2 # define j_ BOOST_PP_FRAME_ITERATION(2) #if i_ == 0 && j_ == 0 \ && defined(BOOST_MPL_CFG_BCC590_WORKAROUNDS) \ && !defined(BOOST_MPL_CFG_NO_HAS_APPLY) template< typename F, bool F_has_apply > struct apply_wrap_impl0_bcb { typedef typename F::template apply< na > type; }; template< typename F > struct apply_wrap_impl0_bcb< F, true > { typedef typename F::apply type; }; template< typename F BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i_) AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, typename T) > struct BOOST_PP_CAT(apply_wrap_impl,i_)< BOOST_MPL_PP_ADD(i_, j_) , F BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i_) AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, T) > { typedef apply_wrap_impl0_bcb< F, aux::has_apply< F >::value >::type type; }; #else template< typename F BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i_) AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, typename T) > struct BOOST_PP_CAT(apply_wrap_impl,i_)< BOOST_MPL_PP_ADD(i_, j_) , F BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(i_) AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, T) > { typedef typename F::template apply< AUX778076_APPLY_WRAP_PARAMS(i_, T) #if i_ == 0 && j_ == 0 /// since the defaults are "lost", we have to pass *something* even for nullary /// metafunction classes na #else BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(BOOST_PP_AND(i_, j_)) BOOST_MPL_PP_ENUM(j_, na) #endif > type; }; #endif # undef j_ #endif // BOOST_PP_ITERATION_DEPTH() #endif // BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING