# Snyk (https://snyk.io) policy file, patches or ignores known vulnerabilities.
version: v1.7.1
ignore: {}
# patches apply the minimum changes required to fix a vulnerability
    - react-native > connect > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'
    - react-native > connect > express-session > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'
    - react-native > connect > finalhandler > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'
    - react-native > connect > morgan > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'
    - react-native > connect > serve-index > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'
    - react-native > connect > body-parser > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'
    - react-native > connect > compression > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'
    - react-native > connect > connect-timeout > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'
    - react-native > connect > serve-static > send > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'
    - realm > extract-zip > debug:
        patched: '2017-09-29T23:29:20.238Z'