// Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jeremy B. Maitin-Shepard. // Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Daniel James // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_UNORDERED_DETAIL_UTIL_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_UNORDERED_DETAIL_UTIL_HPP_INCLUDED #include <boost/config.hpp> #if defined(BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE) #pragma once #endif #include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_categories.hpp> #include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp> #include <boost/detail/select_type.hpp> #include <boost/move/move.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/size.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/seq/enum.hpp> #include <boost/swap.hpp> namespace boost { namespace unordered { namespace detail { static const float minimum_max_load_factor = 1e-3f; static const std::size_t default_bucket_count = 11; struct move_tag {}; struct empty_emplace {}; namespace func { template <class T> inline void ignore_unused_variable_warning(T const&) {} } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // iterator SFINAE template <typename I> struct is_forward : boost::is_convertible< typename boost::iterator_traversal<I>::type, boost::forward_traversal_tag> {}; template <typename I, typename ReturnType> struct enable_if_forward : boost::enable_if_c< boost::unordered::detail::is_forward<I>::value, ReturnType> {}; template <typename I, typename ReturnType> struct disable_if_forward : boost::disable_if_c< boost::unordered::detail::is_forward<I>::value, ReturnType> {}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // primes #define BOOST_UNORDERED_PRIMES \ (17ul)(29ul)(37ul)(53ul)(67ul)(79ul) \ (97ul)(131ul)(193ul)(257ul)(389ul)(521ul)(769ul) \ (1031ul)(1543ul)(2053ul)(3079ul)(6151ul)(12289ul)(24593ul) \ (49157ul)(98317ul)(196613ul)(393241ul)(786433ul) \ (1572869ul)(3145739ul)(6291469ul)(12582917ul)(25165843ul) \ (50331653ul)(100663319ul)(201326611ul)(402653189ul)(805306457ul) \ (1610612741ul)(3221225473ul)(4294967291ul) template<class T> struct prime_list_template { static std::size_t const value[]; #if !defined(SUNPRO_CC) static std::ptrdiff_t const length; #else static std::ptrdiff_t const length = BOOST_PP_SEQ_SIZE(BOOST_UNORDERED_PRIMES); #endif }; template<class T> std::size_t const prime_list_template<T>::value[] = { BOOST_PP_SEQ_ENUM(BOOST_UNORDERED_PRIMES) }; #if !defined(SUNPRO_CC) template<class T> std::ptrdiff_t const prime_list_template<T>::length = BOOST_PP_SEQ_SIZE(BOOST_UNORDERED_PRIMES); #endif #undef BOOST_UNORDERED_PRIMES typedef prime_list_template<std::size_t> prime_list; // no throw inline std::size_t next_prime(std::size_t num) { std::size_t const* const prime_list_begin = prime_list::value; std::size_t const* const prime_list_end = prime_list_begin + prime_list::length; std::size_t const* bound = std::lower_bound(prime_list_begin, prime_list_end, num); if(bound == prime_list_end) bound--; return *bound; } // no throw inline std::size_t prev_prime(std::size_t num) { std::size_t const* const prime_list_begin = prime_list::value; std::size_t const* const prime_list_end = prime_list_begin + prime_list::length; std::size_t const* bound = std::upper_bound(prime_list_begin,prime_list_end, num); if(bound != prime_list_begin) bound--; return *bound; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // insert_size/initial_size template <class I> inline std::size_t insert_size(I i, I j, typename boost::unordered::detail::enable_if_forward<I, void*>::type = 0) { return static_cast<std::size_t>(std::distance(i, j)); } template <class I> inline std::size_t insert_size(I, I, typename boost::unordered::detail::disable_if_forward<I, void*>::type = 0) { return 1; } template <class I> inline std::size_t initial_size(I i, I j, std::size_t num_buckets = boost::unordered::detail::default_bucket_count) { // TODO: Why +1? return (std::max)( boost::unordered::detail::insert_size(i, j) + 1, num_buckets); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compressed template <typename T, int Index> struct compressed_base : private T { compressed_base(T const& x) : T(x) {} compressed_base(T& x, move_tag) : T(boost::move(x)) {} T& get() { return *this; } T const& get() const { return *this; } }; template <typename T, int Index> struct uncompressed_base { uncompressed_base(T const& x) : value_(x) {} uncompressed_base(T& x, move_tag) : value_(boost::move(x)) {} T& get() { return value_; } T const& get() const { return value_; } private: T value_; }; template <typename T, int Index> struct generate_base : boost::detail::if_true< boost::is_empty<T>::value >:: BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE then< boost::unordered::detail::compressed_base<T, Index>, boost::unordered::detail::uncompressed_base<T, Index> > {}; template <typename T1, typename T2> struct compressed : private boost::unordered::detail::generate_base<T1, 1>::type, private boost::unordered::detail::generate_base<T2, 2>::type { typedef typename generate_base<T1, 1>::type base1; typedef typename generate_base<T2, 2>::type base2; typedef T1 first_type; typedef T2 second_type; first_type& first() { return static_cast<base1*>(this)->get(); } first_type const& first() const { return static_cast<base1 const*>(this)->get(); } second_type& second() { return static_cast<base2*>(this)->get(); } second_type const& second() const { return static_cast<base2 const*>(this)->get(); } template <typename First, typename Second> compressed(First const& x1, Second const& x2) : base1(x1), base2(x2) {} compressed(compressed const& x) : base1(x.first()), base2(x.second()) {} compressed(compressed& x, move_tag m) : base1(x.first(), m), base2(x.second(), m) {} void assign(compressed const& x) { first() = x.first(); second() = x.second(); } void move_assign(compressed& x) { first() = boost::move(x.first()); second() = boost::move(x.second()); } void swap(compressed& x) { boost::swap(first(), x.first()); boost::swap(second(), x.second()); } private: // Prevent assignment just to make use of assign or // move_assign explicit. compressed& operator=(compressed const&); }; }}} #endif