// // Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Artyom Beilis (Tonkikh) // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #ifndef BOOST_LOCALE_DATE_TIME_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_LOCALE_DATE_TIME_HPP_INCLUDED #include <boost/locale/config.hpp> #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4275 4251 4231 4660) #endif #include <boost/locale/hold_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/locale/date_time_facet.hpp> #include <boost/locale/formatting.hpp> #include <boost/locale/time_zone.hpp> #include <locale> #include <vector> #include <stdexcept> namespace boost { namespace locale { /// /// \defgroup date_time Date, Time, Timezone and Calendar manipulations /// /// This module provides various calendar, timezone and date time services /// /// @{ /// /// \brief This error is thrown in case of invalid state that occurred /// class BOOST_SYMBOL_VISIBLE date_time_error : public std::runtime_error { public: /// /// Constructor of date_time_error class /// date_time_error(std::string const &e) : std::runtime_error(e) {} }; /// /// \brief This class represents a pair of period_type and the integer /// values that describes its amount. For example 3 days or 4 years. /// /// Usually obtained as product of period_type and integer or /// my calling a representative functions /// For example day()*3 == date_time_period(day(),3) == day(3) /// struct date_time_period { period::period_type type; ///< The type of period, i.e. era, year, day etc. int value; ///< The value the actual number of \a periods /// /// Operator + returns copy of itself /// date_time_period operator+() const { return *this; } /// /// Operator -, switches the sign of period /// date_time_period operator-() const { return date_time_period(type,-value); } /// /// Constructor that creates date_time_period from period_type \a f and a value \a v -- default 1. /// date_time_period(period::period_type f=period::period_type(),int v=1) : type(f), value(v) {} }; namespace period { /// /// Get period_type for: special invalid value, should not be used directly /// inline period_type invalid(){ return period_type(marks::invalid); } /// /// Get period_type for: Era i.e. AC, BC in Gregorian and Julian calendar, range [0,1] /// inline period_type era(){ return period_type(marks::era); } /// /// Get period_type for: Year, it is calendar specific, for example 2011 in Gregorian calendar. /// inline period_type year(){ return period_type(marks::year); } /// /// Get period_type for: Extended year for Gregorian/Julian calendars, where 1 BC == 0, 2 BC == -1. /// inline period_type extended_year(){ return period_type(marks::extended_year); } /// /// Get period_type for: The month of year, calendar specific, in Gregorian [0..11] /// inline period_type month(){ return period_type(marks::month); } /// /// Get period_type for: The day of month, calendar specific, in Gregorian [1..31] /// inline period_type day(){ return period_type(marks::day); } /// /// Get period_type for: The number of day in year, starting from 1, in Gregorian [1..366] /// inline period_type day_of_year(){ return period_type(marks::day_of_year); } /// /// Get period_type for: Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7. /// /// Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example, /// If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting /// the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward /// by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is. /// inline period_type day_of_week(){ return period_type(marks::day_of_week); } /// /// Get period_type for: Original number of the day of the week in month. For example 1st Sunday, /// 2nd Sunday, etc. in Gregorian [1..5] /// inline period_type day_of_week_in_month(){ return period_type(marks::day_of_week_in_month); } /// /// Get period_type for: Local day of week, for example in France Monday is 1, in US Sunday is 1, [1..7] /// inline period_type day_of_week_local(){ return period_type(marks::day_of_week_local); } /// /// Get period_type for: 24 clock hour [0..23] /// inline period_type hour(){ return period_type(marks::hour); } /// /// Get period_type for: 12 clock hour [0..11] /// inline period_type hour_12(){ return period_type(marks::hour_12); } /// /// Get period_type for: am or pm marker [0..1] /// inline period_type am_pm(){ return period_type(marks::am_pm); } /// /// Get period_type for: minute [0..59] /// inline period_type minute(){ return period_type(marks::minute); } /// /// Get period_type for: second [0..59] /// inline period_type second(){ return period_type(marks::second); } /// /// Get period_type for: The week number in the year /// inline period_type week_of_year(){ return period_type(marks::week_of_year); } /// /// Get period_type for: The week number within current month /// inline period_type week_of_month(){ return period_type(marks::week_of_month); } /// /// Get period_type for: First day of week, constant, for example Sunday in US = 1, Monday in France = 2 /// inline period_type first_day_of_week(){ return period_type(marks::first_day_of_week); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: Era i.e. AC, BC in Gregorian and Julian calendar, range [0,1] /// inline date_time_period era(int v) { return date_time_period(era(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: Year, it is calendar specific, for example 2011 in Gregorian calendar. /// inline date_time_period year(int v) { return date_time_period(year(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: Extended year for Gregorian/Julian calendars, where 1 BC == 0, 2 BC == -1. /// inline date_time_period extended_year(int v) { return date_time_period(extended_year(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: The month of year, calendar specific, in Gregorian [0..11] /// inline date_time_period month(int v) { return date_time_period(month(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: The day of month, calendar specific, in Gregorian [1..31] /// inline date_time_period day(int v) { return date_time_period(day(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: The number of day in year, starting from 1, in Gregorian [1..366] /// inline date_time_period day_of_year(int v) { return date_time_period(day_of_year(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7. /// /// Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example, /// If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting /// the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward /// by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is. /// inline date_time_period day_of_week(int v) { return date_time_period(day_of_week(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: Original number of the day of the week in month. For example 1st Sunday, /// 2nd Sunday, etc. in Gregorian [1..5] /// inline date_time_period day_of_week_in_month(int v) { return date_time_period(day_of_week_in_month(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: Local day of week, for example in France Monday is 1, in US Sunday is 1, [1..7] /// inline date_time_period day_of_week_local(int v) { return date_time_period(day_of_week_local(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: 24 clock hour [0..23] /// inline date_time_period hour(int v) { return date_time_period(hour(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: 12 clock hour [0..11] /// inline date_time_period hour_12(int v) { return date_time_period(hour_12(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: am or pm marker [0..1] /// inline date_time_period am_pm(int v) { return date_time_period(am_pm(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: minute [0..59] /// inline date_time_period minute(int v) { return date_time_period(minute(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: second [0..59] /// inline date_time_period second(int v) { return date_time_period(second(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: The week number in the year /// inline date_time_period week_of_year(int v) { return date_time_period(week_of_year(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: The week number within current month /// inline date_time_period week_of_month(int v) { return date_time_period(week_of_month(),v); } /// /// Get date_time_period for: First day of week, constant, for example Sunday in US = 1, Monday in France = 2 /// inline date_time_period first_day_of_week(int v) { return date_time_period(first_day_of_week(),v); } /// /// Get predefined constant for January /// inline date_time_period january() { return date_time_period(month(),0); } /// /// Get predefined constant for February /// inline date_time_period february() { return date_time_period(month(),1); } /// /// Get predefined constant for March /// inline date_time_period march() { return date_time_period(month(),2); } /// /// Get predefined constant for April /// inline date_time_period april() { return date_time_period(month(),3); } /// /// Get predefined constant for May /// inline date_time_period may() { return date_time_period(month(),4); } /// /// Get predefined constant for June /// inline date_time_period june() { return date_time_period(month(),5); } /// /// Get predefined constant for July /// inline date_time_period july() { return date_time_period(month(),6); } /// /// Get predefined constant for August /// inline date_time_period august() { return date_time_period(month(),7); } /// /// Get predefined constant for September /// inline date_time_period september() { return date_time_period(month(),8); } /// /// Get predefined constant for October /// inline date_time_period october() { return date_time_period(month(),9); } /// /// Get predefined constant for November /// inline date_time_period november() { return date_time_period(month(),10); } /// /// Get predefined constant for December /// inline date_time_period december() { return date_time_period(month(),11); } /// /// Get predefined constant for Sunday /// inline date_time_period sunday() { return date_time_period(day_of_week(),1); } /// /// Get predefined constant for Monday /// inline date_time_period monday() { return date_time_period(day_of_week(),2); } /// /// Get predefined constant for Tuesday /// inline date_time_period tuesday() { return date_time_period(day_of_week(),3); } /// /// Get predefined constant for Wednesday /// inline date_time_period wednesday() { return date_time_period(day_of_week(),4); } /// /// Get predefined constant for Thursday /// inline date_time_period thursday() { return date_time_period(day_of_week(),5); } /// /// Get predefined constant for Friday /// inline date_time_period friday() { return date_time_period(day_of_week(),6); } /// /// Get predefined constant for Saturday /// inline date_time_period saturday() { return date_time_period(day_of_week(),7); } /// /// Get predefined constant for AM (Ante Meridiem) /// inline date_time_period am() { return date_time_period(am_pm(),0); } /// /// Get predefined constant for PM (Post Meridiem) /// inline date_time_period pm() { return date_time_period(am_pm(),1); } /// /// convert period_type to date_time_period(f,1) /// inline date_time_period operator+(period::period_type f) { return date_time_period(f); } /// /// convert period_type to date_time_period(f,-1) /// inline date_time_period operator-(period::period_type f) { return date_time_period(f,-1); } /// /// Create date_time_period of type \a f with value \a v. /// template<typename T> date_time_period operator*(period::period_type f,T v) { return date_time_period(f,v); } /// /// Create date_time_period of type \a f with value \a v. /// template<typename T> date_time_period operator*(T v,period::period_type f) { return date_time_period(f,v); } /// /// Create date_time_period of type \a f with value \a v. /// template<typename T> date_time_period operator*(T v,date_time_period f) { return date_time_period(f.type,f.value*v); } /// /// Create date_time_period of type \a f with value \a v. /// template<typename T> date_time_period operator*(date_time_period f,T v) { return date_time_period(f.type,f.value*v); } } // period /// /// \brief this class that represents a set of periods, /// /// It is generally created by operations on periods: /// 1995*year + 3*month + 1*day. Note: operations are not commutative. /// class date_time_period_set { public: /// /// Default constructor - empty set /// date_time_period_set() { } /// /// Create a set of single period with value 1 /// date_time_period_set(period::period_type f) { basic_[0]=date_time_period(f); } /// /// Create a set of single period \a fl /// date_time_period_set(date_time_period const &fl) { basic_[0]=fl; } /// /// Append date_time_period \a f to the set /// void add(date_time_period f) { size_t n=size(); if(n < 4) basic_[n]=f; else periods_.push_back(f); } /// /// Get number if items in list /// size_t size() const { if(basic_[0].type == period::period_type()) return 0; if(basic_[1].type == period::period_type()) return 1; if(basic_[2].type == period::period_type()) return 2; if(basic_[3].type == period::period_type()) return 3; return 4+periods_.size(); } /// /// Get item at position \a n the set, n should be in range [0,size) /// date_time_period const &operator[](size_t n) const { if(n >= size()) throw std::out_of_range("Invalid index to date_time_period"); if(n < 4) return basic_[n]; else return periods_[n-4]; } private: date_time_period basic_[4]; std::vector<date_time_period> periods_; }; /// /// Append two periods sets. Note this operator is not commutative /// inline date_time_period_set operator+(date_time_period_set const &a,date_time_period_set const &b) { date_time_period_set s(a); for(unsigned i=0;i<b.size();i++) s.add(b[i]); return s; } /// /// Append two period sets when all periods of set \b change their sign /// inline date_time_period_set operator-(date_time_period_set const &a,date_time_period_set const &b) { date_time_period_set s(a); for(unsigned i=0;i<b.size();i++) s.add(-b[i]); return s; } /// /// \brief this class provides an access to general calendar information. /// /// This information is not connected to specific date but generic to locale, and timezone. /// It is used in obtaining general information about calendar and is essential for creation of /// date_time objects. /// class BOOST_LOCALE_DECL calendar { public: /// /// Create calendar taking locale and timezone information from ios_base instance. /// /// \note throws std::bad_cast if ios does not have a locale with installed \ref calendar_facet /// facet installed /// calendar(std::ios_base &ios); /// /// Create calendar with locale \a l and time_zone \a zone /// /// \note throws std::bad_cast if loc does not have \ref calendar_facet facet installed /// calendar(std::locale const &l,std::string const &zone); /// /// Create calendar with locale \a l and default timezone /// /// \note throws std::bad_cast if loc does not have \ref calendar_facet facet installed /// calendar(std::locale const &l); /// /// Create calendar with default locale and timezone \a zone /// /// \note throws std::bad_cast if global locale does not have \ref calendar_facet facet installed /// calendar(std::string const &zone); /// /// Create calendar with default locale and timezone /// /// \note throws std::bad_cast if global locale does not have \ref calendar_facet facet installed /// calendar(); ~calendar(); /// /// copy calendar /// calendar(calendar const &other); /// /// assign calendar /// calendar const &operator=(calendar const &other); /// /// Get minimum value for period f, For example for period::day it is 1. /// int minimum(period::period_type f) const; /// /// Get greatest possible minimum value for period f, For example for period::day it is 1, but may be different for other calendars. /// int greatest_minimum(period::period_type f) const; /// /// Get maximum value for period f, For example for Gregorian calendar's maximum period::day it is 31. /// int maximum(period::period_type f) const; /// /// Get least maximum value for period f, For example for Gregorian calendar's maximum period::day it is 28. /// int least_maximum(period::period_type f) const; /// /// Get first day of week for specific calendar, for example for US it is 1 - Sunday for France it is 2 - Monday int first_day_of_week() const; /// /// get calendar's locale /// std::locale get_locale() const; /// /// get calendar's time zone /// std::string get_time_zone() const; /// /// Check if the calendar is Gregorian /// bool is_gregorian() const; /// /// Compare calendars for equivalence: i.e. calendar types, time zones etc. /// bool operator==(calendar const &other) const; /// /// Opposite of == /// bool operator!=(calendar const &other) const; private: friend class date_time; std::locale locale_; std::string tz_; hold_ptr<abstract_calendar> impl_; }; /// /// \brief this class represents a date time and allows to perform various operation according to the /// locale settings. /// /// This class allows to manipulate various aspects of dates and times easily using arithmetic operations with /// periods. /// /// General arithmetic functions: /// /// - date_time + date_time_period_set = date_time: move time point forward by specific periods like date_time + month; /// - date_time - date_time_period_set = date_time: move time point backward by specific periods like date_time - month; /// - date_time << date_time_period_set = date_time: roll time point forward by specific periods with rolling to begin if overflows: like "2010-01-31" << 2* day == "2010-01-02" instead of "2010-02-02" /// - date_time >> date_time_period_set = date_time: roll time point backward by specific periods with rolling to end if overflows: like "2010-01-02" >> 2* day == "2010-01-31" instead of "2009-12-30" /// - date_time / period_type = int - current period value: like "2010-12-21" / month == 12. "2010-12-21" / year = 2010 /// - (date_time - date_time) / period_type = int: distance between dates in period_type. Like ("2010-12-01" - "2008-12-01") / month = 24. /// /// You can also assign specific periods using assignment operator like: /// some_time = year * 1995 that sets the year to 1995. /// /// class BOOST_LOCALE_DECL date_time { public: /// /// Dafault constructor, uses default calendar initialized date_time object to current time. /// /// \note throws std::bad_cast if the global locale does not have \ref calendar_facet facet installed /// date_time(); /// /// copy date_time /// date_time(date_time const &other); /// /// copy date_time and change some fields according to the \a set /// date_time(date_time const &other,date_time_period_set const &set); /// /// assign the date_time /// date_time const &operator=(date_time const &other); ~date_time(); /// /// Create a date_time object using POSIX time \a time and default calendar /// /// \note throws std::bad_cast if the global locale does not have \ref calendar_facet facet installed /// date_time(double time); /// /// Create a date_time object using POSIX time \a time and calendar \a cal /// date_time(double time,calendar const &cal); /// /// Create a date_time object using calendar \a cal and initializes it to current time. /// date_time(calendar const &cal); /// /// Create a date_time object using default calendar and define values given in \a set /// /// \note throws std::bad_cast if the global locale does not have \ref calendar_facet facet installed /// date_time(date_time_period_set const &set); /// /// Create a date_time object using calendar \a cal and define values given in \a set /// date_time(date_time_period_set const &set,calendar const &cal); /// /// assign values to various periods in set \a f /// date_time const &operator=(date_time_period_set const &f); /// /// set specific period \a f value to \a v /// void set(period::period_type f,int v); /// /// get specific period \a f value /// int get(period::period_type f) const; /// /// syntactic sugar for get(f) /// int operator/(period::period_type f) const { return get(f); } /// /// add single period f to the current date_time /// date_time operator+(period::period_type f) const { return *this+date_time_period(f); } /// /// subtract single period f from the current date_time /// date_time operator-(period::period_type f) const { return *this-date_time_period(f); } /// /// add single period f to the current date_time /// date_time const &operator+=(period::period_type f) { return *this+=date_time_period(f); } /// /// subtract single period f from the current date_time /// date_time const &operator-=(period::period_type f) { return *this-=date_time_period(f); } /// /// roll forward a date by single period f. /// date_time operator<<(period::period_type f) const { return *this<<date_time_period(f); } /// /// roll backward a date by single period f. /// date_time operator>>(period::period_type f) const { return *this>>date_time_period(f); } /// /// roll forward a date by single period f. /// date_time const &operator<<=(period::period_type f) { return *this<<=date_time_period(f); } /// /// roll backward a date by single period f. /// date_time const &operator>>=(period::period_type f) { return *this>>=date_time_period(f); } /// /// add date_time_period to the current date_time /// date_time operator+(date_time_period const &v) const; /// /// subtract date_time_period from the current date_time /// date_time operator-(date_time_period const &v) const; /// /// add date_time_period to the current date_time /// date_time const &operator+=(date_time_period const &v); /// /// subtract date_time_period from the current date_time /// date_time const &operator-=(date_time_period const &v); /// /// roll current date_time forward by date_time_period v /// date_time operator<<(date_time_period const &v) const; /// /// roll current date_time backward by date_time_period v /// date_time operator>>(date_time_period const &v) const ; /// /// roll current date_time forward by date_time_period v /// date_time const &operator<<=(date_time_period const &v); /// /// roll current date_time backward by date_time_period v /// date_time const &operator>>=(date_time_period const &v); /// /// add date_time_period_set v to the current date_time /// date_time operator+(date_time_period_set const &v) const; /// /// subtract date_time_period_set v from the current date_time /// date_time operator-(date_time_period_set const &v) const; /// /// add date_time_period_set v to the current date_time /// date_time const &operator+=(date_time_period_set const &v); /// /// subtract date_time_period_set v from the current date_time /// date_time const &operator-=(date_time_period_set const &v); /// /// roll current date_time forward by date_time_period_set v /// date_time operator<<(date_time_period_set const &v) const; /// /// roll current date_time backward by date_time_period_set v /// date_time operator>>(date_time_period_set const &v) const ; /// /// roll current date_time forward by date_time_period_set v /// date_time const &operator<<=(date_time_period_set const &v); /// /// roll current date_time backward by date_time_period_set v /// date_time const &operator>>=(date_time_period_set const &v); /// /// Get POSIX time /// /// The POSIX time is number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 00:00 UTC, ignoring leap seconds. /// double time() const; /// /// set POSIX time /// /// The POSIX time is number of seconds since January 1st, 1970 00:00 UTC, ignoring leap seconds. /// This time can be fetched from Operating system clock using C function time, gettimeofday and others. /// void time(double v); /// /// compare date_time in the timeline (ignores difference in calendar, timezone etc) /// bool operator==(date_time const &other) const; /// /// compare date_time in the timeline (ignores difference in calendar, timezone etc) /// bool operator!=(date_time const &other) const; /// /// compare date_time in the timeline (ignores difference in calendar, timezone etc) /// bool operator<(date_time const &other) const; /// /// compare date_time in the timeline (ignores difference in calendar, timezone etc) /// bool operator>(date_time const &other) const; /// /// compare date_time in the timeline (ignores difference in calendar, timezone etc) /// bool operator<=(date_time const &other) const; /// /// compare date_time in the timeline (ignores difference in calendar, timezone etc) /// bool operator>=(date_time const &other) const; /// /// swaps two dates - efficient, does not throw /// void swap(date_time &other); /// /// calculate the distance from this date_time to \a other in terms of perios \a f /// int difference(date_time const &other,period::period_type f) const; /// /// Get minimal possible value for *this time point for a period \a f. /// int minimum(period::period_type f) const; /// /// Get minimal possible value for *this time point for a period \a f. For example /// in February maximum(day) may be 28 or 29, in January maximum(day)==31 /// int maximum(period::period_type f) const; /// /// Check if *this time point is in daylight saving time /// bool is_in_daylight_saving_time() const; private: hold_ptr<abstract_calendar> impl_; }; /// /// Writes date_time \a t to output stream \a out. /// /// This function uses locale, calendar and time zone of the target stream \a in. /// /// For example: /// \code /// date_time now(time(0),hebrew_calendar) /// cout << "Year: " << period::year(now) <<" Full Date:"<< now; /// \endcode /// /// The output may be Year:5770 Full Date:Jan 1, 2010 /// template<typename CharType> std::basic_ostream<CharType> &operator<<(std::basic_ostream<CharType> &out,date_time const &t) { double time_point = t.time(); uint64_t display_flags = ios_info::get(out).display_flags(); if ( display_flags == flags::date || display_flags == flags::time || display_flags == flags::datetime || display_flags == flags::strftime ) { out << time_point; } else { ios_info::get(out).display_flags(flags::datetime); out << time_point; ios_info::get(out).display_flags(display_flags); } return out; } /// /// Reads date_time \a t from output stream \a in /// /// This function uses locale, calendar and time zone of the source stream \a in. /// template<typename CharType> std::basic_istream<CharType> &operator>>(std::basic_istream<CharType> &in,date_time &t) { double v; uint64_t display_flags = ios_info::get(in).display_flags(); if ( display_flags == flags::date || display_flags == flags::time || display_flags == flags::datetime || display_flags == flags::strftime ) { in >> v; } else { ios_info::get(in).display_flags(flags::datetime); in >> v; ios_info::get(in).display_flags(display_flags); } if(!in.fail()) t.time(v); return in; } /// /// \brief This class represents a period: a pair of two date_time objects. /// /// It is generally used as syntactic sugar to calculate difference between two dates. /// /// Note: it stores references to the original objects, so it is not recommended to be used /// outside of the equation you calculate the difference in. /// class date_time_duration { public: /// /// Create an object were \a first represents earlier point on time line and \a second is later /// point. /// date_time_duration(date_time const &first,date_time const &second) : s_(first), e_(second) { } /// /// find a difference in terms of period_type \a f /// int get(period::period_type f) const { return start().difference(end(),f); } /// /// Syntactic sugar for get(f) /// int operator / (period::period_type f) const { return start().difference(end(),f); } /// /// Get starting point /// date_time const &start() const { return s_; } /// /// Get ending point /// date_time const &end() const { return e_; } private: date_time const &s_; date_time const &e_; }; /// /// Calculates the difference between two dates, the left operand is a later point on time line. /// Returns date_time_duration object. /// inline date_time_duration operator-(date_time const &later,date_time const &earlier) { return date_time_duration(earlier,later); } namespace period { /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of Era i.e. AC, BC in Gregorian and Julian calendar, range [0,1] /// inline int era(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(era()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of Year, it is calendar specific, for example 2011 in Gregorian calendar. /// inline int year(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(year()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of Extended year for Gregorian/Julian calendars, where 1 BC == 0, 2 BC == -1. /// inline int extended_year(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(extended_year()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of The month of year, calendar specific, in Gregorian [0..11] /// inline int month(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(month()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of The day of month, calendar specific, in Gregorian [1..31] /// inline int day(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(day()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of The number of day in year, starting from 1, in Gregorian [1..366] /// inline int day_of_year(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(day_of_year()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of Day of week, Sunday=1, Monday=2,..., Saturday=7. /// /// Note that updating this value respects local day of week, so for example, /// If first day of week is Monday and the current day is Tuesday then setting /// the value to Sunday (1) would forward the date by 5 days forward and not backward /// by two days as it could be expected if the numbers were taken as is. /// inline int day_of_week(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(day_of_week()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of Original number of the day of the week in month. For example 1st Sunday, /// 2nd Sunday, etc. in Gregorian [1..5] /// inline int day_of_week_in_month(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(day_of_week_in_month()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of Local day of week, for example in France Monday is 1, in US Sunday is 1, [1..7] /// inline int day_of_week_local(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(day_of_week_local()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of 24 clock hour [0..23] /// inline int hour(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(hour()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of 12 clock hour [0..11] /// inline int hour_12(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(hour_12()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of am or pm marker [0..1] /// inline int am_pm(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(am_pm()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of minute [0..59] /// inline int minute(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(minute()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of second [0..59] /// inline int second(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(second()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of The week number in the year /// inline int week_of_year(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(week_of_year()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of The week number within current month /// inline int week_of_month(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(week_of_month()); } /// /// Extract from date_time numerical value of First day of week, constant, for example Sunday in US = 1, Monday in France = 2 /// inline int first_day_of_week(date_time const &dt) { return dt.get(first_day_of_week()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in Era i.e. AC, BC in Gregorian and Julian calendar, range [0,1] /// inline int era(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(era()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in years /// inline int year(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(year()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in extended years (for Gregorian/Julian calendars, where 1 BC == 0, 2 BC == -1). /// inline int extended_year(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(extended_year()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in months /// inline int month(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(month()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in days of month /// inline int day(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(day()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in days of year /// inline int day_of_year(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(day_of_year()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in days of week /// inline int day_of_week(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(day_of_week()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in original number of the day of the week in month /// inline int day_of_week_in_month(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(day_of_week_in_month()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in local day of week /// inline int day_of_week_local(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(day_of_week_local()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in hours /// inline int hour(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(hour()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in 12 clock hours /// inline int hour_12(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(hour_12()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in am or pm markers /// inline int am_pm(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(am_pm()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in minutes /// inline int minute(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(minute()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in seconds /// inline int second(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(second()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in the week number in the year /// inline int week_of_year(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(week_of_year()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in The week number within current month /// inline int week_of_month(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(week_of_month()); } /// /// Extract from date_time_duration numerical value of duration in the first day of week /// inline int first_day_of_week(date_time_duration const &dt) { return dt.get(first_day_of_week()); } } /// @} } // locale } // boost #ifdef BOOST_MSVC #pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif /// /// \example calendar.cpp /// /// Example of using date_time functions for generating calendar for current year. /// // vim: tabstop=4 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4