import log from '../../../../utils/log'; import { store } from '../../../../lib/auxStore'; import RocketChat from '../../../../lib/rocketchat'; import { inquiryQueueAdd, inquiryQueueRemove, inquiryQueueUpdate, inquiryRequest } from '../../actions/inquiry'; import sdk from '../../../../lib/rocketchat/services/sdk'; import { ILivechatDepartment } from '../../../../definitions/ILivechatDepartment'; import { IOmnichannelRoom } from '../../../../definitions'; interface IArgsQueueOmnichannel extends IOmnichannelRoom { type: string; } interface IDdpMessage { msg: string; collection: string; id: string; fields: { eventName: string; args: IArgsQueueOmnichannel[]; }; } const removeListener = (listener: any) => listener.stop(); let connectedListener: any; let queueListener: any; const streamTopic = 'stream-livechat-inquiry-queue-observer'; export default function subscribeInquiry() { const handleConnection = () => { store.dispatch(inquiryRequest()); }; const handleQueueMessageReceived = (ddpMessage: IDdpMessage) => { const [{ type, ...sub }] = ddpMessage.fields.args; // added can be ignored, since it is handled by 'changed' event if (/added/.test(type)) { return; } // if the sub isn't on the queue anymore if (sub.status !== 'queued') { // remove it from the queue if (sub._id) { store.dispatch(inquiryQueueRemove(sub._id)); } return; } const { queued } = store.getState().inquiry; // check if this sub is on the current queue const idx = queued.findIndex(item => item._id === sub._id); if (idx >= 0) { // if it is on the queue let's update store.dispatch(inquiryQueueUpdate(sub)); } else { // if it is not on the queue let's add store.dispatch(inquiryQueueAdd(sub)); } }; const stop = () => { if (connectedListener) { connectedListener.then(removeListener); connectedListener = false; } if (queueListener) { queueListener.then(removeListener); queueListener = false; } }; connectedListener = sdk.onStreamData('connected', handleConnection); queueListener = sdk.onStreamData(streamTopic, handleQueueMessageReceived); try { const { user } = store.getState().login; if (! { throw new Error('inquiry: @subscribeInquiry not found'); } RocketChat.getAgentDepartments( { success: boolean; departments: ILivechatDepartment[] }) => { if (result.success) { const { departments } = result; if (!departments.length || RocketChat.hasRole('livechat-manager')) { sdk.subscribe(streamTopic, 'public').catch((e: unknown) => console.log(e)); } const departmentIds ={ departmentId }) => departmentId); departmentIds.forEach(departmentId => { // subscribe to all departments of the agent sdk.subscribe(streamTopic, `department/${departmentId}`).catch((e: unknown) => console.log(e)); }); } }); return { stop: () => stop() }; } catch (e) { log(e); return Promise.reject(); } }