import React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { View, Text, Switch, SafeAreaView, ScrollView, Platform } from 'react-native'; import RCTextInput from '../containers/TextInput'; import Loading from '../containers/Loading'; import LoggedView from './View'; import { createChannelRequest } from '../actions/createChannel'; import styles from './Styles'; import KeyboardView from '../presentation/KeyboardView'; import scrollPersistTaps from '../utils/scrollPersistTaps'; import Button from '../containers/Button'; @connect( state => ({ createChannel: state.createChannel, users: state.selectedUsers.users }), dispatch => ({ create: data => dispatch(createChannelRequest(data)) }) ) export default class CreateChannelView extends LoggedView { static navigationOptions = () => ({ title: 'Create a New Channel' }); static propTypes = { create: PropTypes.func.isRequired, createChannel: PropTypes.object.isRequired, users: PropTypes.array.isRequired, navigation: PropTypes.object.isRequired }; constructor(props) { super('CreateChannelView', props); this.state = { channelName: '', type: true, readOnly: false, broadcast: false }; } submit = () => { if (!this.state.channelName.trim() || this.props.createChannel.isFetching) { return; } const { channelName, type, readOnly, broadcast } = this.state; let { users } = this.props; // transform users object into array of usernames users = =>; // create channel this.props.create({ name: channelName, users, type, readOnly, broadcast }); } renderChannelNameError() { if ( !this.props.createChannel.failure || this.props.createChannel.error.error !== 'error-duplicate-channel-name' ) { return null; } return ( {this.props.createChannel.error.reason} ); } renderSwitch = ({ id, value, label, description, onValueChange, disabled = false }) => ( {label} {description} ); renderType() { const { type } = this.state; return this.renderSwitch({ id: 'type', value: type, label: type ? 'Private Channel' : 'Public Channel', description: type ? 'Just invited people can access this channel' : 'Everyone can access this channel', onValueChange: value => this.setState({ type: value }) }); } renderReadOnly() { const { readOnly, broadcast } = this.state; return this.renderSwitch({ id: 'readonly', value: readOnly, label: 'Read Only Channel', description: readOnly ? 'Only authorized users can write new messages' : 'All users in the channel can write new messages', onValueChange: value => this.setState({ readOnly: value }), disabled: broadcast }); } renderBroadcast() { const { broadcast, readOnly } = this.state; return this.renderSwitch({ id: 'broadcast', value: broadcast, label: 'Broadcast Channel', description: 'Only authorized users can write new messages, but the other users will be able to reply', onValueChange: (value) => { this.setState({ broadcast: value, readOnly: value ? true : readOnly }); } }); } render() { return ( this.setState({ channelName })} placeholder='Type the channel name here' returnKeyType='done' autoFocus testID='create-channel-name' /> {this.renderChannelNameError()} {this.renderType()} {this.renderReadOnly()} {this.renderBroadcast()}