/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #pragma once #include <cstdlib> #include <limits> #include <type_traits> #include <folly/Likely.h> #include <folly/Portability.h> #include <folly/Range.h> #include <folly/experimental/Bits.h> #include <folly/experimental/CodingDetail.h> #include <folly/experimental/Instructions.h> #include <folly/experimental/Select64.h> #include <folly/lang/Bits.h> #include <glog/logging.h> #if !FOLLY_X64 #error BitVectorCoding.h requires x86_64 #endif namespace folly { namespace compression { static_assert(kIsLittleEndian, "BitVectorCoding.h requires little endianness"); template <class Pointer> struct BitVectorCompressedListBase { BitVectorCompressedListBase() = default; template <class OtherPointer> BitVectorCompressedListBase( const BitVectorCompressedListBase<OtherPointer>& other) : size(other.size), upperBound(other.upperBound), data(other.data), bits(reinterpret_cast<Pointer>(other.bits)), skipPointers(reinterpret_cast<Pointer>(other.skipPointers)), forwardPointers(reinterpret_cast<Pointer>(other.forwardPointers)) {} template <class T = Pointer> auto free() -> decltype(::free(T(nullptr))) { return ::free(data.data()); } size_t size = 0; size_t upperBound = 0; folly::Range<Pointer> data; Pointer bits = nullptr; Pointer skipPointers = nullptr; Pointer forwardPointers = nullptr; }; typedef BitVectorCompressedListBase<const uint8_t*> BitVectorCompressedList; typedef BitVectorCompressedListBase<uint8_t*> MutableBitVectorCompressedList; template < class Value, class SkipValue, size_t kSkipQuantum = 0, size_t kForwardQuantum = 0> struct BitVectorEncoder { static_assert( std::is_integral<Value>::value && std::is_unsigned<Value>::value, "Value should be unsigned integral"); typedef BitVectorCompressedList CompressedList; typedef MutableBitVectorCompressedList MutableCompressedList; typedef Value ValueType; typedef SkipValue SkipValueType; struct Layout; static constexpr size_t skipQuantum = kSkipQuantum; static constexpr size_t forwardQuantum = kForwardQuantum; template <class RandomAccessIterator> static MutableCompressedList encode( RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end) { if (begin == end) { return MutableCompressedList(); } BitVectorEncoder encoder(size_t(end - begin), *(end - 1)); for (; begin != end; ++begin) { encoder.add(*begin); } return encoder.finish(); } explicit BitVectorEncoder(const MutableCompressedList& result) : bits_(result.bits), skipPointers_(result.skipPointers), forwardPointers_(result.forwardPointers), result_(result) { memset(result.data.data(), 0, result.data.size()); } BitVectorEncoder(size_t size, ValueType upperBound) : BitVectorEncoder( Layout::fromUpperBoundAndSize(upperBound, size).allocList()) {} void add(ValueType value) { CHECK_LT(value, std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max()); // Also works when lastValue_ == -1. CHECK_GT(value + 1, lastValue_ + 1) << "BitVectorCoding only supports stricly monotone lists"; auto block = bits_ + (value / 64) * sizeof(uint64_t); size_t inner = value % 64; folly::Bits<folly::Unaligned<uint64_t>>::set( reinterpret_cast<folly::Unaligned<uint64_t>*>(block), inner); if (skipQuantum != 0) { size_t nextSkipPointerSize = value / skipQuantum; while (skipPointersSize_ < nextSkipPointerSize) { auto pos = skipPointersSize_++; folly::storeUnaligned<SkipValueType>( skipPointers_ + pos * sizeof(SkipValueType), size_); } } if (forwardQuantum != 0) { if (size_ != 0 && (size_ % forwardQuantum == 0)) { const auto pos = size_ / forwardQuantum - 1; folly::storeUnaligned<SkipValueType>( forwardPointers_ + pos * sizeof(SkipValueType), value); } } lastValue_ = value; ++size_; } const MutableCompressedList& finish() const { CHECK_EQ(size_, result_.size); // TODO(ott): Relax this assumption. CHECK_EQ(result_.upperBound, lastValue_); return result_; } private: uint8_t* const bits_ = nullptr; uint8_t* const skipPointers_ = nullptr; uint8_t* const forwardPointers_ = nullptr; ValueType lastValue_ = -1; size_t size_ = 0; size_t skipPointersSize_ = 0; MutableCompressedList result_; }; template < class Value, class SkipValue, size_t kSkipQuantum, size_t kForwardQuantum> struct BitVectorEncoder<Value, SkipValue, kSkipQuantum, kForwardQuantum>:: Layout { static Layout fromUpperBoundAndSize(size_t upperBound, size_t size) { Layout layout; layout.size = size; layout.upperBound = upperBound; size_t bitVectorSizeInBytes = (upperBound / 8) + 1; layout.bits = bitVectorSizeInBytes; if (skipQuantum != 0) { size_t numSkipPointers = upperBound / skipQuantum; layout.skipPointers = numSkipPointers * sizeof(SkipValueType); } if (forwardQuantum != 0) { size_t numForwardPointers = size / forwardQuantum; layout.forwardPointers = numForwardPointers * sizeof(SkipValueType); } CHECK_LT(size, std::numeric_limits<SkipValueType>::max()); return layout; } size_t bytes() const { return bits + skipPointers + forwardPointers; } template <class Range> BitVectorCompressedListBase<typename Range::iterator> openList( Range& buf) const { BitVectorCompressedListBase<typename Range::iterator> result; result.size = size; result.upperBound = upperBound; result.data = buf.subpiece(0, bytes()); auto advance = [&](size_t n) { auto begin = buf.data(); buf.advance(n); return begin; }; result.bits = advance(bits); result.skipPointers = advance(skipPointers); result.forwardPointers = advance(forwardPointers); CHECK_EQ(buf.data() - result.data.data(), bytes()); return result; } MutableCompressedList allocList() const { uint8_t* buf = nullptr; if (size > 0) { buf = static_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(bytes() + 7)); } folly::MutableByteRange bufRange(buf, bytes()); return openList(bufRange); } size_t size = 0; size_t upperBound = 0; // Sizes in bytes. size_t bits = 0; size_t skipPointers = 0; size_t forwardPointers = 0; }; template < class Encoder, class Instructions = instructions::Default, bool kUnchecked = false> class BitVectorReader : detail::ForwardPointers<Encoder::forwardQuantum>, detail::SkipPointers<Encoder::skipQuantum> { public: typedef Encoder EncoderType; typedef typename Encoder::ValueType ValueType; // A bitvector can only be as large as its largest value. typedef typename Encoder::ValueType SizeType; typedef typename Encoder::SkipValueType SkipValueType; explicit BitVectorReader(const typename Encoder::CompressedList& list) : detail::ForwardPointers<Encoder::forwardQuantum>(list.forwardPointers), detail::SkipPointers<Encoder::skipQuantum>(list.skipPointers), bits_(list.bits), size_(list.size), upperBound_( (kUnchecked || UNLIKELY(list.size == 0)) ? 0 : list.upperBound) { reset(); } void reset() { // Pretend the bitvector is prefixed by a block of zeroes. block_ = 0; position_ = static_cast<SizeType>(-1); outer_ = static_cast<SizeType>(-sizeof(uint64_t)); value_ = kInvalidValue; } bool next() { if (!kUnchecked && UNLIKELY(position() + 1 >= size_)) { return setDone(); } while (block_ == 0) { outer_ += sizeof(uint64_t); block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<uint64_t>(bits_ + outer_); } ++position_; auto inner = Instructions::ctz(block_); block_ = Instructions::blsr(block_); return setValue(inner); } bool skip(SizeType n) { if (n == 0) { return valid(); } if (!kUnchecked && position() + n >= size_) { return setDone(); } // Small skip optimization. if (LIKELY(n < kLinearScanThreshold)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { next(); } return true; } position_ += n; // Use forward pointer. if (Encoder::forwardQuantum > 0 && n > Encoder::forwardQuantum) { const size_t steps = position_ / Encoder::forwardQuantum; const size_t dest = folly::loadUnaligned<SkipValueType>( this->forwardPointers_ + (steps - 1) * sizeof(SkipValueType)); reposition(dest); n = position_ + 1 - steps * Encoder::forwardQuantum; } size_t cnt; // Find necessary block. while ((cnt = Instructions::popcount(block_)) < n) { n -= cnt; outer_ += sizeof(uint64_t); block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<uint64_t>(bits_ + outer_); } // Skip to the n-th one in the block. DCHECK_GT(n, 0); auto inner = select64<Instructions>(block_, n - 1); block_ &= (uint64_t(-1) << inner) << 1; return setValue(inner); } bool skipTo(ValueType v) { // Also works when value_ == kInvalidValue. if (v != kInvalidValue) { DCHECK_GE(v + 1, value_ + 1); } if (!kUnchecked && v > upperBound_) { return setDone(); } else if (v == value_) { return true; } // Small skip optimization. if (v - value_ < kLinearScanThreshold) { do { next(); } while (value() < v); return true; } if (Encoder::skipQuantum > 0 && v - value_ > Encoder::skipQuantum) { size_t q = v / Encoder::skipQuantum; auto skipPointer = folly::loadUnaligned<SkipValueType>( this->skipPointers_ + (q - 1) * sizeof(SkipValueType)); position_ = static_cast<SizeType>(skipPointer) - 1; reposition(q * Encoder::skipQuantum); } // Find the value. size_t outer = v / 64 * sizeof(uint64_t); while (outer_ != outer) { position_ += Instructions::popcount(block_); outer_ += sizeof(uint64_t); block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<uint64_t>(bits_ + outer_); DCHECK_LE(outer_, outer); } uint64_t mask = ~((uint64_t(1) << (v % 64)) - 1); position_ += Instructions::popcount(block_ & ~mask) + 1; block_ &= mask; while (block_ == 0) { outer_ += sizeof(uint64_t); block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<uint64_t>(bits_ + outer_); } auto inner = Instructions::ctz(block_); block_ = Instructions::blsr(block_); setValue(inner); return true; } SizeType size() const { return size_; } bool valid() const { return position() < size(); // Also checks that position() != -1. } SizeType position() const { return position_; } ValueType value() const { DCHECK(valid()); return value_; } bool jump(SizeType n) { reset(); return skip(n + 1); } bool jumpTo(ValueType v) { reset(); return skipTo(v); } bool setDone() { value_ = kInvalidValue; position_ = size_; return false; } private: // Must hold kInvalidValue + 1 == 0. constexpr static ValueType kInvalidValue = -1; bool setValue(size_t inner) { value_ = static_cast<ValueType>(8 * outer_ + inner); return true; } void reposition(size_t dest) { outer_ = dest / 64 * 8; // We maintain the invariant that outer_ is divisible by 8. block_ = folly::loadUnaligned<uint64_t>(bits_ + outer_); block_ &= ~((uint64_t(1) << (dest % 64)) - 1); } constexpr static size_t kLinearScanThreshold = 4; const uint8_t* const bits_; uint64_t block_; SizeType outer_; SizeType position_; ValueType value_; const SizeType size_; const ValueType upperBound_; }; } // namespace compression } // namespace folly