const { device, expect, element, by, waitFor } = require('detox'); const { takeScreenshot } = require('./helpers/screenshot'); const { tapBack } = require('./helpers/app'); describe('Welcome screen', () => { describe('Render', async() => { it('should have welcome screen', async() => { await expect(element('welcome-view'))).toBeVisible(); }); it('should have register button', async() => { await expect(element('welcome-view-register'))).toBeVisible(); }); it('should have login button', async() => { await expect(element('welcome-view-login'))).toBeVisible(); }); // TODO: oauth after(async() => { takeScreenshot(); }); }); describe('Usage', async() => { it('should navigate to login', async() => { await element('welcome-view-login')).tap(); await waitFor(element('login-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(2000); await expect(element('login-view'))).toBeVisible(); await tapBack(); }); it('should navigate to register', async() => { await element('welcome-view-register')).tap(); await waitFor(element('register-view'))).toBeVisible().withTimeout(2000); await expect(element('register-view'))).toBeVisible(); await tapBack(); }); afterEach(async() => { takeScreenshot(); }); }); });