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/* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// For best performance and convenient usage, fetchers should be generated by a common
// GTMSessionFetcherService instance, like
// _fetcherService = [[GTMSessionFetcherService alloc] init];
// GTMSessionFetcher* myFirstFetcher = [_fetcherService fetcherWithRequest:request1];
// GTMSessionFetcher* mySecondFetcher = [_fetcherService fetcherWithRequest:request2];
#import "GTMSessionFetcher.h"
// Notifications.
// This notification indicates a reusable session has become invalid. It is intended mainly for the
// service's unit tests.
// The notification object is the fetcher service.
// The invalid session is provided via the userInfo kGTMSessionFetcherServiceSessionKey key.
extern NSString *const kGTMSessionFetcherServiceSessionBecameInvalidNotification;
extern NSString *const kGTMSessionFetcherServiceSessionKey;
@interface GTMSessionFetcherService : NSObject<GTMSessionFetcherServiceProtocol>
// Queues of delayed and running fetchers. Each dictionary contains arrays
// of GTMSessionFetcher *fetchers, keyed by NSString *host
@property(atomic, strong, readonly, GTM_NULLABLE) GTM_NSDictionaryOf(NSString *, NSArray *) *delayedFetchersByHost;
@property(atomic, strong, readonly, GTM_NULLABLE) GTM_NSDictionaryOf(NSString *, NSArray *) *runningFetchersByHost;
// A max value of 0 means no fetchers should be delayed.
// The default limit is 10 simultaneous fetchers targeting each host.
// This does not apply to fetchers whose useBackgroundSession property is YES. Since services are
// not resurrected on an app relaunch, delayed fetchers would effectively be abandoned.
@property(atomic, assign) NSUInteger maxRunningFetchersPerHost;
// Properties to be applied to each fetcher; see GTMSessionFetcher.h for descriptions
@property(atomic, strong, GTM_NULLABLE) NSURLSessionConfiguration *configuration;
@property(atomic, copy, GTM_NULLABLE) GTMSessionFetcherConfigurationBlock configurationBlock;
@property(atomic, strong, GTM_NULLABLE) NSHTTPCookieStorage *cookieStorage;
@property(atomic, strong, GTM_NULL_RESETTABLE) dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue;
@property(atomic, copy, GTM_NULLABLE) GTMSessionFetcherChallengeBlock challengeBlock;
@property(atomic, strong, GTM_NULLABLE) NSURLCredential *credential;
@property(atomic, strong) NSURLCredential *proxyCredential;
@property(atomic, copy, GTM_NULLABLE) GTM_NSArrayOf(NSString *) *allowedInsecureSchemes;
@property(atomic, assign) BOOL allowLocalhostRequest;
@property(atomic, assign) BOOL allowInvalidServerCertificates;
@property(atomic, assign, getter=isRetryEnabled) BOOL retryEnabled;
@property(atomic, copy, GTM_NULLABLE) GTMSessionFetcherRetryBlock retryBlock;
@property(atomic, assign) NSTimeInterval maxRetryInterval;
@property(atomic, assign) NSTimeInterval minRetryInterval;
@property(atomic, copy, GTM_NULLABLE) GTM_NSDictionaryOf(NSString *, id) *properties;
@property(atomic, assign) BOOL skipBackgroundTask;
// A default useragent of GTMFetcherStandardUserAgentString(nil) will be given to each fetcher
// created by this service unless the request already has a user-agent header set.
// This default will be added starting with builds with the SDKs for OS X 10.11 and iOS 9.
// To use the configuration's default user agent, set this property to nil.
@property(atomic, copy, GTM_NULLABLE) NSString *userAgent;
// The authorizer to attach to the created fetchers. If a specific fetcher should
// not authorize its requests, the fetcher's authorizer property may be set to nil
// before the fetch begins.
@property(atomic, strong, GTM_NULLABLE) id<GTMFetcherAuthorizationProtocol> authorizer;
// Delegate queue used by the session when calling back to the fetcher. The default
// is the main queue. Changing this does not affect the queue used to call back to the
// application; that is specified by the callbackQueue property above.
@property(atomic, strong, GTM_NULL_RESETTABLE) NSOperationQueue *sessionDelegateQueue;
// When enabled, indicates the same session should be used by subsequent fetchers.
// This is enabled by default.
@property(atomic, assign) BOOL reuseSession;
// Sets the delay until an unused session is invalidated.
// The default interval is 60 seconds.
// If the interval is set to 0, then any reused session is not invalidated except by
// explicitly invoking -resetSession. Be aware that setting the interval to 0 thus
// causes the session's delegate to be retained until the session is explicitly reset.
@property(atomic, assign) NSTimeInterval unusedSessionTimeout;
// If shouldReuseSession is enabled, this will force creation of a new session when future
// fetchers begin.
- (void)resetSession;
// Create a fetcher
// These methods will return a fetcher. If successfully created, the connection
// will hold a strong reference to it for the life of the connection as well.
// So the caller doesn't have to hold onto the fetcher explicitly unless they
// want to be able to monitor or cancel it.
- (GTMSessionFetcher *)fetcherWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request;
- (GTMSessionFetcher *)fetcherWithURL:(NSURL *)requestURL;
- (GTMSessionFetcher *)fetcherWithURLString:(NSString *)requestURLString;
// Common method for fetcher creation.
// -fetcherWithRequest:fetcherClass: may be overridden to customize creation of
// fetchers. This is the ONLY method in the GTMSessionFetcher library intended to
// be overridden.
- (id)fetcherWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request
- (BOOL)isDelayingFetcher:(GTMSessionFetcher *)fetcher;
- (NSUInteger)numberOfFetchers; // running + delayed fetchers
- (NSUInteger)numberOfRunningFetchers;
- (NSUInteger)numberOfDelayedFetchers;
// Return a list of all running or delayed fetchers. This includes fetchers created
// by the service which have been started and have not yet stopped.
// Returns an array of fetcher objects, or nil if none.
- (GTM_NULLABLE GTM_NSArrayOf(GTMSessionFetcher *) *)issuedFetchers;
// Search for running or delayed fetchers with the specified URL.
// Returns an array of fetcher objects found, or nil if none found.
- (GTM_NULLABLE GTM_NSArrayOf(GTMSessionFetcher *) *)issuedFetchersWithRequestURL:(NSURL *)requestURL;
- (void)stopAllFetchers;
// Methods for use by the fetcher class only.
- (GTM_NULLABLE NSURLSession *)session;
- (GTM_NULLABLE NSURLSession *)sessionForFetcherCreation;
- (GTM_NULLABLE id<NSURLSessionDelegate>)sessionDelegate;
- (GTM_NULLABLE NSDate *)stoppedAllFetchersDate;
// The testBlock can inspect its fetcher parameter's request property to
// determine which fetcher is being faked.
@property(atomic, copy, GTM_NULLABLE) GTMSessionFetcherTestBlock testBlock;
@interface GTMSessionFetcherService (TestingSupport)
// Convenience methods to create a fetcher service for testing.
// Fetchers generated by this mock fetcher service will not perform any
// network operation, but will invoke callbacks and provide the supplied data
// or error to the completion handler.
// You can make more customized mocks by setting the test block property of the service
// or fetcher; the test block can inspect the fetcher's request or other properties.
// See the description of the testBlock property below.
+ (instancetype)mockFetcherServiceWithFakedData:(GTM_NULLABLE NSData *)fakedDataOrNil
fakedError:(GTM_NULLABLE NSError *)fakedErrorOrNil;
+ (instancetype)mockFetcherServiceWithFakedData:(GTM_NULLABLE NSData *)fakedDataOrNil
fakedResponse:(NSHTTPURLResponse *)fakedResponse
fakedError:(GTM_NULLABLE NSError *)fakedErrorOrNil;
// Spin the run loop and discard events (or, if not on the main thread, just sleep the thread)
// until all running and delayed fetchers have completed.
// This is only for use in testing or in tools without a user interface.
// Synchronous fetches should never be done by shipping apps; they are
// sufficient reason for rejection from the app store.
// Returns NO if timed out.
- (BOOL)waitForCompletionOfAllFetchersWithTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeoutInSeconds;
@interface GTMSessionFetcherService (BackwardsCompatibilityOnly)
// Clients using GTMSessionFetcher should set the cookie storage explicitly themselves.
// This method is just for compatibility with the old fetcher.
@property(atomic, assign) NSInteger cookieStorageMethod;