128 lines
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128 lines
2.7 KiB
import Model from '@nozbe/watermelondb/Model';
import Relation from '@nozbe/watermelondb/Relation';
import { ILastMessage, TMessageModel } from './IMessage';
import { IServedBy } from './IServedBy';
import { TThreadModel } from './IThread';
import { TThreadMessageModel } from './IThreadMessage';
import { TUploadModel } from './IUpload';
export enum SubscriptionType {
GROUP = 'p',
DIRECT = 'd',
CHANNEL = 'c',
E2E = 'e2e',
THREAD = 'thread' // FIXME: this is not a type of subscription
export interface IVisitor {
_id: string;
username: string;
token: string;
status: string;
lastMessageTs: Date;
export enum ERoomTypes {
DIRECT = 'direct',
GROUP = 'group',
CHANNEL = 'channel'
export interface ISubscription {
_id: string; // _id belongs watermelonDB
id: string; // id from server
_updatedAt?: string; // from server
v?: IVisitor;
f: boolean;
t: SubscriptionType;
ts: string | Date;
ls: Date;
name: string;
fname?: string;
rid: string; // the same as id
open: boolean;
alert: boolean;
roles?: string[];
unread: number;
lm: string;
lr: string;
userMentions: number;
groupMentions: number;
tunread?: string[];
tunreadUser?: string[];
tunreadGroup?: string[];
roomUpdatedAt: Date | number;
ro: boolean;
lastOpen?: Date;
description?: string;
announcement?: string;
bannerClosed?: boolean;
topic?: string;
blocked?: boolean;
blocker?: boolean;
reactWhenReadOnly?: boolean;
archived: boolean;
joinCodeRequired?: boolean;
muted?: string[];
ignored?: string[];
broadcast?: boolean;
prid?: string;
draftMessage?: string | null;
lastThreadSync?: Date;
jitsiTimeout?: number;
autoTranslate?: boolean;
autoTranslateLanguage: string;
lastMessage?: ILastMessage;
hideUnreadStatus?: boolean;
sysMes?: string[] | boolean;
uids?: string[];
usernames?: string[];
visitor?: IVisitor;
departmentId?: string;
servedBy?: IServedBy;
livechatData?: any;
tags?: string[];
E2EKey?: string;
encrypted?: boolean;
e2eKeyId?: string;
avatarETag?: string;
teamId?: string;
teamMain?: boolean;
// https://nozbe.github.io/WatermelonDB/Relation.html#relation-api
messages: Relation<TMessageModel>;
threads: Relation<TThreadModel>;
threadMessages: Relation<TThreadMessageModel>;
uploads: Relation<TUploadModel>;
export type TSubscriptionModel = ISubscription & Model;
export interface IServerSubscriptionItem {
_id: string;
rid: string;
u: {
_id: string;
username: string;
_updatedAt: string;
alert: boolean;
fname: string;
groupMentions: number;
name: string;
open: boolean;
t: string;
unread: number;
userMentions: number;
ls: string;
lr: string;
tunread: number[] | [];
export interface IServerSubscription {
update: IServerSubscriptionItem[];
remove: IServerSubscriptionItem[];
success: boolean;