49 lines
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Executable File
49 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "developers/mobile/abt/proto/ExperimentPayload.pbobjc.h"
@class FIRLifecycleEvents;
/// The default experiment overflow policy, that is to discard the experiment with the oldest start
/// time when users start the experiment on the web console.
extern const ABTExperimentPayload_ExperimentOverflowPolicy FIRDefaultExperimentOverflowPolicy;
/// This class is for Firebase services to handle experiments updates to Firebase Analytics.
/// Experiments can be set, cleared and updated through this controller.
@interface FIRExperimentController : NSObject
/// Returns the FIRExperimentController singleton.
+ (FIRExperimentController *)sharedInstance;
/// Updates the list of experiments. Experiments already existing in payloads are not affected,
/// whose state and payload is preserved. This method compares whether the experiments have changed
/// or not by their variant ID. This runs in a background queue.
/// @param origin The originating service affected by the experiment, it is defined at
/// Firebase Analytics FIREventOrigins.h.
/// @param events A list of event names to be used for logging experiment lifecycle events,
/// if they are not defined in the payload.
/// @param policy The policy to handle new experiments when slots are full.
/// @param lastStartTime The last known experiment start timestamp for this affected service.
/// (Timestamps are specified by the number of seconds from 00:00:00 UTC on 1
/// January 1970.).
/// @param payloads List of experiment metadata.
- (void)updateExperimentsWithServiceOrigin:(NSString *)origin
events:(FIRLifecycleEvents *)events
payloads:(NSArray<NSData *> *)payloads;
/// Returns the latest experiment start timestamp given a current latest timestamp and a list of
/// experiment payloads. Timestamps are specified by the number of seconds from 00:00:00 UTC on 1
/// January 1970.
/// @param timestamp Current latest experiment start timestamp. If not known, affected service
/// should specify -1;
/// @param payloads List of experiment metadata.
- (NSTimeInterval)latestExperimentStartTimestampBetweenTimestamp:(NSTimeInterval)timestamp
andPayloads:(NSArray<NSData *> *)payloads;