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// FIRRemoteConfig.h
// Firebase Remote Config service SDK
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
/// The Firebase Remote Config service default namespace, to be used if the API method does not
/// specify a different namespace. Use the default namespace if configuring from the Google Firebase
/// service.
extern NSString *const __nonnull FIRNamespaceGoogleMobilePlatform
/// Key used to manage throttling in NSError user info when the refreshing of Remote Config
/// parameter values (data) is throttled. The value of this key is the elapsed time since 1970,
/// measured in seconds.
extern NSString *const __nonnull FIRRemoteConfigThrottledEndTimeInSecondsKey
/// Indicates whether updated data was successfully fetched.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FIRRemoteConfigFetchStatus) {
/// Config has never been fetched.
/// Config fetch succeeded.
/// Config fetch failed.
/// Config fetch was throttled.
} NS_SWIFT_NAME(RemoteConfigFetchStatus);
/// Remote Config error domain that handles errors when fetching data from the service.
extern NSString *const __nonnull FIRRemoteConfigErrorDomain NS_SWIFT_NAME(RemoteConfigErrorDomain);
/// Firebase Remote Config service fetch error.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FIRRemoteConfigError) {
/// Unknown or no error.
FIRRemoteConfigErrorUnknown = 8001,
/// Frequency of fetch requests exceeds throttled limit.
FIRRemoteConfigErrorThrottled = 8002,
/// Internal error that covers all internal HTTP errors.
FIRRemoteConfigErrorInternalError = 8003,
} NS_SWIFT_NAME(RemoteConfigError);
/// Enumerated value that indicates the source of Remote Config data. Data can come from
/// the Remote Config service, the DefaultConfig that is available when the app is first installed,
/// or a static initialized value if data is not available from the service or DefaultConfig.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, FIRRemoteConfigSource) {
FIRRemoteConfigSourceRemote, ///< The data source is the Remote Config service.
FIRRemoteConfigSourceDefault, ///< The data source is the DefaultConfig defined for this app.
FIRRemoteConfigSourceStatic, ///< The data doesn't exist, return a static initialized value.
} NS_SWIFT_NAME(RemoteConfigSource);
/// Completion handler invoked by fetch methods when they get a response from the server.
/// @param status Config fetching status.
/// @param error Error message on failure.
typedef void (^FIRRemoteConfigFetchCompletion)(FIRRemoteConfigFetchStatus status,
NSError *__nullable error)
#pragma mark - FIRRemoteConfigValue
/// This class provides a wrapper for Remote Config parameter values, with methods to get parameter
/// values as different data types.
@interface FIRRemoteConfigValue : NSObject<NSCopying>
/// Gets the value as a string.
@property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *stringValue;
/// Gets the value as a number value.
@property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSNumber *numberValue;
/// Gets the value as a NSData object.
@property(nonatomic, readonly, nonnull) NSData *dataValue;
/// Gets the value as a boolean.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL boolValue;
/// Identifies the source of the fetched value.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) FIRRemoteConfigSource source;
#pragma mark - FIRRemoteConfigSettings
/// Firebase Remote Config settings.
@interface FIRRemoteConfigSettings : NSObject
/// Indicates whether Developer Mode is enabled.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isDeveloperModeEnabled;
/// Initializes FIRRemoteConfigSettings, which is used to set properties for custom settings. To
/// make custom settings take effect, pass the FIRRemoteConfigSettings instance to the
/// configSettings property of FIRRemoteConfig.
- (nonnull FIRRemoteConfigSettings *)initWithDeveloperModeEnabled:(BOOL)developerModeEnabled
#pragma mark - FIRRemoteConfig
/// Firebase Remote Config class. The shared instance method +remoteConfig can be created and used
/// to fetch, activate and read config results and set default config results.
@interface FIRRemoteConfig : NSObject<NSFastEnumeration>
/// Last successful fetch completion time.
@property(nonatomic, readonly, strong, nullable) NSDate *lastFetchTime;
/// Last fetch status. The status can be any enumerated value from FIRRemoteConfigFetchStatus.
@property(nonatomic, readonly, assign) FIRRemoteConfigFetchStatus lastFetchStatus;
/// Config settings are custom settings.
@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, nonnull) FIRRemoteConfigSettings *configSettings;
/// Returns the FIRRemoteConfig instance shared throughout your app. This singleton object contains
/// the complete set of Remote Config parameter values available to the app, including the Active
/// Config and Default Config. This object also caches values fetched from the Remote Config Server
/// until they are copied to the Active Config by calling activateFetched.
/// When you fetch values from the Remote Config Server using the default Firebase namespace
/// service, you should use this class method to create a shared instance of the FIRRemoteConfig
/// object to ensure that your app will function properly with the Remote Config Server and the
/// Firebase service.
+ (nonnull FIRRemoteConfig *)remoteConfig NS_SWIFT_NAME(remoteConfig());
/// Unavailable. Use +remoteConfig instead.
- (nonnull instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("Use +remoteConfig instead.")));
#pragma mark - Fetch
/// Fetches Remote Config data with a callback. Call activateFetched to make fetched data available
/// to your app.
/// Note: This method uses a Firebase Instance ID token to identify the app instance, and once it's
/// called, it periodically sends data to the Firebase backend. (see
/// `[FIRInstanceID getIDWithHandler:]`).
/// To stop the periodic sync, developers need to call `[FIRInstanceID deleteIDWithHandler:]` and
/// avoid calling this method again.
/// @param completionHandler Fetch operation callback.
- (void)fetchWithCompletionHandler:(nullable FIRRemoteConfigFetchCompletion)completionHandler;
/// Fetches Remote Config data and sets a duration that specifies how long config data lasts.
/// Call activateFetched to make fetched data available to your app.
/// Note: This method uses a Firebase Instance ID token to identify the app instance, and once it's
/// called, it periodically sends data to the Firebase backend. (see
/// `[FIRInstanceID getIDWithHandler:]`).
/// To stop the periodic sync, developers need to call `[FIRInstanceID deleteIDWithHandler:]` and
/// avoid calling this method again.
/// @param expirationDuration Duration that defines how long fetched config data is available, in
/// seconds. When the config data expires, a new fetch is required.
/// @param completionHandler Fetch operation callback.
- (void)fetchWithExpirationDuration:(NSTimeInterval)expirationDuration
completionHandler:(nullable FIRRemoteConfigFetchCompletion)completionHandler;
#pragma mark - Apply
/// Applies Fetched Config data to the Active Config, causing updates to the behavior and appearance
/// of the app to take effect (depending on how config data is used in the app).
/// Returns true if there was a Fetched Config, and it was activated.
/// Returns false if no Fetched Config was found, or the Fetched Config was already activated.
- (BOOL)activateFetched;
#pragma mark - Get Config
/// Enables access to configuration values by using object subscripting syntax.
/// This is used to get the config value of the default namespace.
/// <pre>
/// // Example:
/// FIRRemoteConfig *config = [FIRRemoteConfig remoteConfig];
/// FIRRemoteConfigValue *value = config[@"yourKey"];
/// BOOL b = value.boolValue;
/// NSNumber *number = config[@"yourKey"].numberValue;
/// </pre>
- (nonnull FIRRemoteConfigValue *)objectForKeyedSubscript:(nonnull NSString *)key;
/// Gets the config value of the default namespace.
/// @param key Config key.
- (nonnull FIRRemoteConfigValue *)configValueForKey:(nullable NSString *)key;
/// Gets the config value of a given namespace.
/// @param key Config key.
/// @param aNamespace Config results under a given namespace.
- (nonnull FIRRemoteConfigValue *)configValueForKey:(nullable NSString *)key
namespace:(nullable NSString *)aNamespace;
/// Gets the config value of a given namespace and a given source.
/// @param key Config key.
/// @param aNamespace Config results under a given namespace.
/// @param source Config value source.
- (nonnull FIRRemoteConfigValue *)configValueForKey:(nullable NSString *)key
namespace:(nullable NSString *)aNamespace
/// Gets all the parameter keys from a given source and a given namespace.
/// @param source The config data source.
/// @param aNamespace The config data namespace.
/// @return An array of keys under the given source and namespace.
- (nonnull NSArray<NSString *> *)allKeysFromSource:(FIRRemoteConfigSource)source
namespace:(nullable NSString *)aNamespace;
/// Returns the set of parameter keys that start with the given prefix, from the default namespace
/// in the active config.
/// @param prefix The key prefix to look for. If prefix is nil or empty, returns all the
/// keys.
/// @return The set of parameter keys that start with the specified prefix.
- (nonnull NSSet<NSString *> *)keysWithPrefix:(nullable NSString *)prefix;
/// Returns the set of parameter keys that start with the given prefix, from the given namespace in
/// the active config.
/// @param prefix The key prefix to look for. If prefix is nil or empty, returns all the
/// keys in the given namespace.
/// @param aNamespace The namespace in which to look up the keys. If the namespace is invalid,
/// returns an empty set.
/// @return The set of parameter keys that start with the specified prefix.
- (nonnull NSSet<NSString *> *)keysWithPrefix:(nullable NSString *)prefix
namespace:(nullable NSString *)aNamespace;
#pragma mark - Defaults
/// Sets config defaults for parameter keys and values in the default namespace config.
/// @param defaults A dictionary mapping a NSString * key to a NSObject * value.
- (void)setDefaults:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSObject *> *)defaults;
/// Sets config defaults for parameter keys and values in the default namespace config.
/// @param defaults A dictionary mapping a NSString * key to a NSObject * value.
/// @param aNamespace Config under a given namespace.
- (void)setDefaults:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSObject *> *)defaults
namespace:(nullable NSString *)aNamespace;
/// Sets default configs from plist for default namespace;
/// @param fileName The plist file name, with no file name extension. For example, if the plist file
/// is defaultSamples.plist, call:
/// [[FIRRemoteConfig remoteConfig] setDefaultsFromPlistFileName:@"defaultSamples"];
- (void)setDefaultsFromPlistFileName:(nullable NSString *)fileName
/// Sets default configs from plist for a given namespace;
/// @param fileName The plist file name, with no file name extension. For example, if the plist file
/// is defaultSamples.plist, call:
/// [[FIRRemoteConfig remoteConfig] setDefaultsFromPlistFileName:@"defaultSamples"];
/// @param aNamespace The namespace where the default config is set.
- (void)setDefaultsFromPlistFileName:(nullable NSString *)fileName
namespace:(nullable NSString *)aNamespace
/// Returns the default value of a given key and a given namespace from the default config.
/// @param key The parameter key of default config.
/// @param aNamespace The namespace of default config.
/// @return Returns the default value of the specified key and namespace. Returns
/// nil if the key or namespace doesn't exist in the default config.
- (nullable FIRRemoteConfigValue *)defaultValueForKey:(nullable NSString *)key
namespace:(nullable NSString *)aNamespace;