1311 lines
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1311 lines
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import { InteractionManager } from 'react-native';
import semver from 'semver';
import { Rocketchat as RocketchatClient } from '@rocket.chat/sdk';
import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb';
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-community/async-storage';
import reduxStore from './createStore';
import defaultSettings from '../constants/settings';
import messagesStatus from '../constants/messagesStatus';
import database from './database';
import log from '../utils/log';
import { isIOS, getBundleId } from '../utils/deviceInfo';
import fetch from '../utils/fetch';
import { setUser, setLoginServices, loginRequest } from '../actions/login';
import { disconnect, connectSuccess, connectRequest } from '../actions/connect';
import {
shareSelectServer, shareSetUser
} from '../actions/share';
import subscribeRooms from './methods/subscriptions/rooms';
import subscribeInquiry from './methods/subscriptions/inquiry';
import getUsersPresence, { getUserPresence, subscribeUsersPresence } from './methods/getUsersPresence';
import protectedFunction from './methods/helpers/protectedFunction';
import readMessages from './methods/readMessages';
import getSettings, { getLoginSettings, setSettings } from './methods/getSettings';
import getRooms from './methods/getRooms';
import getPermissions from './methods/getPermissions';
import { getCustomEmojis, setCustomEmojis } from './methods/getCustomEmojis';
import getSlashCommands from './methods/getSlashCommands';
import getRoles from './methods/getRoles';
import canOpenRoom from './methods/canOpenRoom';
import triggerBlockAction, { triggerSubmitView, triggerCancel } from './methods/actions';
import loadMessagesForRoom from './methods/loadMessagesForRoom';
import loadMissedMessages from './methods/loadMissedMessages';
import loadThreadMessages from './methods/loadThreadMessages';
import sendMessage, { sendMessageCall } from './methods/sendMessage';
import { sendFileMessage, cancelUpload, isUploadActive } from './methods/sendFileMessage';
import callJitsi from './methods/callJitsi';
import logout, { removeServer } from './methods/logout';
import { getDeviceToken } from '../notifications/push';
import { setActiveUsers } from '../actions/activeUsers';
import I18n from '../i18n';
import { twoFactor } from '../utils/twoFactor';
import { selectServerFailure } from '../actions/server';
import { useSsl } from '../utils/url';
import UserPreferences from './userPreferences';
const TOKEN_KEY = 'reactnativemeteor_usertoken';
const CURRENT_SERVER = 'currentServer';
const returnAnArray = obj => obj || [];
const MIN_ROCKETCHAT_VERSION = '0.70.0';
const STATUSES = ['offline', 'online', 'away', 'busy'];
const RocketChat = {
async subscribeRooms() {
if (!this.roomsSub) {
try {
this.roomsSub = await subscribeRooms.call(this);
} catch (e) {
async subscribeInquiry() {
if (!this.inquirySub) {
try {
this.inquirySub = await subscribeInquiry.call(this);
} catch (e) {
name, users, type, readOnly, broadcast
}) {
// RC 0.51.0
return this.methodCallWrapper(type ? 'createPrivateGroup' : 'createChannel', name, users, readOnly, {}, { broadcast });
async getWebsocketInfo({ server }) {
const sdk = new RocketchatClient({ host: server, protocol: 'ddp', useSsl: useSsl(server) });
try {
await sdk.connect();
} catch (err) {
if (err.message && err.message.includes('400')) {
return {
success: false,
message: 'Websocket_disabled',
messageOptions: {
contact: I18n.t('Contact_your_server_admin')
return {
success: true
async getServerInfo(server) {
const notRCServer = {
success: false,
message: 'Not_RC_Server',
messageOptions: {
contact: I18n.t('Contact_your_server_admin')
try {
const result = await fetch(`${ server }/api/info`).then(async(response) => {
let res = notRCServer;
try {
res = await response.json();
if (!(res && res.success)) {
return notRCServer;
} catch (e) {
// do nothing
return res;
if (result.success) {
if (semver.lt(result.version, MIN_ROCKETCHAT_VERSION)) {
return {
success: false,
message: 'Invalid_server_version',
messageOptions: {
currentVersion: result.version,
return result;
} catch (e) {
if (e.message === 'Aborted') {
throw e;
return {
success: false,
message: 'The_URL_is_invalid',
messageOptions: {
contact: I18n.t('Contact_your_server_admin')
stopListener(listener) {
return listener && listener.stop();
// Abort all requests and create a new AbortController
abort() {
if (this.controller) {
if (this.sdk) {
this.controller = new AbortController();
connect({ server, user, logoutOnError = false }) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (!this.sdk || this.sdk.client.host !== server) {
if (this.connectTimeout) {
if (this.connectedListener) {
if (this.closeListener) {
if (this.usersListener) {
if (this.notifyLoggedListener) {
if (this.roomsSub) {
this.roomsSub = null;
if (this.inquirySub) {
this.inquirySub = null;
if (this.sdk) {
this.sdk = null;
if (this.code) {
this.code = null;
this.sdk = new RocketchatClient({ host: server, protocol: 'ddp', useSsl: useSsl(server) });
const sdkConnect = () => this.sdk.connect()
.then(() => {
const { server: currentServer } = reduxStore.getState().server;
if (user && user.token && server === currentServer) {
reduxStore.dispatch(loginRequest({ resume: user.token }, logoutOnError));
.catch((err) => {
console.log('connect error', err);
// when `connect` raises an error, we try again in 10 seconds
this.connectTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
if (this.sdk?.client?.host === server) {
}, 10000);
this.connectedListener = this.sdk.onStreamData('connected', () => {
this.closeListener = this.sdk.onStreamData('close', () => {
this.usersListener = this.sdk.onStreamData('users', protectedFunction(ddpMessage => RocketChat._setUser(ddpMessage)));
this.notifyLoggedListener = this.sdk.onStreamData('stream-notify-logged', protectedFunction((ddpMessage) => {
const { eventName } = ddpMessage.fields;
if (eventName === 'user-status') {
this.activeUsers = this.activeUsers || {};
if (!this._setUserTimer) {
this._setUserTimer = setTimeout(() => {
const activeUsersBatch = this.activeUsers;
InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
this._setUserTimer = null;
return this.activeUsers = {};
}, 10000);
const userStatus = ddpMessage.fields.args[0];
const [id,, status, statusText] = userStatus;
this.activeUsers[id] = { status: STATUSES[status], statusText };
const { user: loggedUser } = reduxStore.getState().login;
if (loggedUser && loggedUser.id === id) {
reduxStore.dispatch(setUser({ status: STATUSES[status], statusText }));
async shareExtensionInit(server) {
if (this.shareSDK) {
this.shareSDK = null;
this.shareSDK = new RocketchatClient({ host: server, protocol: 'ddp', useSsl: useSsl(server) });
// set Server
const serversDB = database.servers;
// set User info
try {
const userId = await UserPreferences.getStringAsync(`${ RocketChat.TOKEN_KEY }-${ server }`);
const userCollections = serversDB.collections.get('users');
let user = null;
if (userId) {
const userRecord = await userCollections.find(userId);
user = {
id: userRecord.id,
token: userRecord.token,
username: userRecord.username,
roles: userRecord.roles
await RocketChat.login({ resume: user.token });
} catch (e) {
closeShareExtension() {
if (this.shareSDK) {
this.shareSDK = null;
database.share = null;
updateJitsiTimeout(roomId) {
// RC 0.74.0
return this.post('video-conference/jitsi.update-timeout', { roomId });
register(credentials) {
// RC 0.50.0
return this.post('users.register', credentials, false);
forgotPassword(email) {
// RC 0.64.0
return this.post('users.forgotPassword', { email }, false);
loginTOTP(params) {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
try {
const result = await this.login(params);
return resolve(result);
} catch (e) {
if (e.data?.error && (e.data.error === 'totp-required' || e.data.error === 'totp-invalid')) {
const { details } = e.data;
try {
reduxStore.dispatch(setUser({ username: params.user || params.username }));
const code = await twoFactor({ method: details?.method || 'totp', invalid: e.data.error === 'totp-invalid' });
return resolve(this.loginTOTP({ ...params, code: code?.twoFactorCode }));
} catch {
// twoFactor was canceled
return reject();
} else {
loginWithPassword({ user, password }) {
let params = { user, password };
const state = reduxStore.getState();
if (state.settings.LDAP_Enable) {
params = {
username: user,
ldapPass: password,
ldap: true,
ldapOptions: {}
} else if (state.settings.CROWD_Enable) {
params = {
username: user,
crowdPassword: password,
crowd: true
return this.loginTOTP(params);
async loginOAuthOrSso(params) {
const result = await this.login(params);
reduxStore.dispatch(loginRequest({ resume: result.token }));
async login(params) {
const sdk = this.shareSDK || this.sdk;
// RC 0.64.0
await sdk.login(params);
const { result } = sdk.currentLogin;
const user = {
id: result.userId,
token: result.authToken,
username: result.me.username,
name: result.me.name,
language: result.me.language,
status: result.me.status,
statusText: result.me.statusText,
customFields: result.me.customFields,
statusLivechat: result.me.statusLivechat,
emails: result.me.emails,
roles: result.me.roles
return user;
async clearCache({ server }) {
try {
const serversDB = database.servers;
await serversDB.action(async() => {
const serverCollection = serversDB.collections.get('servers');
const serverRecord = await serverCollection.find(server);
await serverRecord.update((s) => {
s.roomsUpdatedAt = null;
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing
try {
const db = database.active;
await db.action(() => db.unsafeResetDatabase());
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing
registerPushToken() {
return new Promise(async(resolve) => {
const token = getDeviceToken();
if (token) {
const type = isIOS ? 'apn' : 'gcm';
const data = {
value: token,
appName: getBundleId
try {
// RC 0.60.0
await this.post('push.token', data);
} catch (error) {
return resolve();
removePushToken() {
const token = getDeviceToken();
if (token) {
// RC 0.60.0
return this.sdk.del('push.token', { token });
return Promise.resolve();
async resendMessage(message, tmid) {
const db = database.active;
try {
await db.action(async() => {
await message.update((m) => {
m.status = messagesStatus.TEMP;
let m = {
id: message.id,
msg: message.msg,
subscription: { id: message.subscription.id }
if (tmid) {
m = {
await sendMessageCall.call(this, m);
} catch (e) {
async search({ text, filterUsers = true, filterRooms = true }) {
const searchText = text.trim();
if (this.oldPromise) {
if (searchText === '') {
delete this.oldPromise;
return [];
const db = database.active;
let data = await db.collections.get('subscriptions').query(
Q.where('name', Q.like(`%${ Q.sanitizeLikeString(searchText) }%`))
if (filterUsers && !filterRooms) {
data = data.filter(item => item.t === 'd' && !RocketChat.isGroupChat(item));
} else if (!filterUsers && filterRooms) {
data = data.filter(item => item.t !== 'd' || RocketChat.isGroupChat(item));
data = data.slice(0, 7);
data = data.map((sub) => {
if (sub.t !== 'd') {
return ({
rid: sub.rid,
name: sub.name,
fname: sub.fname,
t: sub.t,
search: true
return sub;
const usernames = data.map(sub => sub.name);
try {
if (data.length < 7) {
const { users, rooms } = await Promise.race([
RocketChat.spotlight(searchText, usernames, { users: filterUsers, rooms: filterRooms }),
new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.oldPromise = reject)
if (filterUsers) {
data = data.concat(users.map(user => ({
rid: user.username,
name: user.username,
t: 'd',
search: true
if (filterRooms) {
rooms.forEach((room) => {
// Check if it exists on local database
const index = data.findIndex(item => item.rid === room._id);
if (index === -1) {
rid: room._id,
search: true
delete this.oldPromise;
return data;
} catch (e) {
return data;
// return [];
spotlight(search, usernames, type) {
// RC 0.51.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('spotlight', search, usernames, type);
createDirectMessage(username) {
// RC 0.59.0
return this.post('im.create', { username });
createGroupChat() {
const { users } = reduxStore.getState().selectedUsers;
const usernames = users.map(u => u.name).join(',');
// RC 3.1.0
return this.post('im.create', { usernames });
prid, pmid, t_name, reply, users
}) {
// RC 1.0.0
return this.post('rooms.createDiscussion', {
prid, pmid, t_name, reply, users
joinRoom(roomId, type) {
// TODO: join code
// RC 0.48.0
if (type === 'p') {
return this.methodCallWrapper('joinRoom', roomId);
return this.post('channels.join', { roomId });
parseSettings: settings => settings.reduce((ret, item) => {
ret[item._id] = defaultSettings[item._id] && item[defaultSettings[item._id].type];
if (item._id === 'Hide_System_Messages') {
ret[item._id] = ret[item._id]
.reduce((array, value) => [...array, ...value === 'mute_unmute' ? ['user-muted', 'user-unmuted'] : [value]], []);
return ret;
}, {}),
_prepareSettings(settings) {
return settings.map((setting) => {
setting[defaultSettings[setting._id].type] = setting.value;
return setting;
deleteMessage(messageId, rid) {
// RC 0.48.0
return this.post('chat.delete', { msgId: messageId, roomId: rid });
editMessage(message) {
const { id, msg, rid } = message;
// RC 0.49.0
return this.post('chat.update', { roomId: rid, msgId: id, text: msg });
markAsUnread({ messageId }) {
return this.post('subscriptions.unread', { firstUnreadMessage: { _id: messageId } });
toggleStarMessage(messageId, starred) {
if (starred) {
// RC 0.59.0
return this.post('chat.unStarMessage', { messageId });
// RC 0.59.0
return this.post('chat.starMessage', { messageId });
togglePinMessage(messageId, pinned) {
if (pinned) {
// RC 0.59.0
return this.post('chat.unPinMessage', { messageId });
// RC 0.59.0
return this.post('chat.pinMessage', { messageId });
reportMessage(messageId) {
return this.post('chat.reportMessage', { messageId, description: 'Message reported by user' });
async getRoom(rid) {
try {
const db = database.active;
const room = await db.collections.get('subscriptions').find(rid);
return Promise.resolve(room);
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Room not found'));
async getPermalinkMessage(message) {
let room;
try {
room = await RocketChat.getRoom(message.subscription.id);
} catch (e) {
return null;
const { server } = reduxStore.getState().server;
const roomType = {
p: 'group',
c: 'channel',
d: 'direct'
return `${ server }/${ roomType }/${ this.isGroupChat(room) ? room.rid : room.name }?msg=${ message.id }`;
getPermalinkChannel(channel) {
const { server } = reduxStore.getState().server;
const roomType = {
p: 'group',
c: 'channel',
d: 'direct'
return `${ server }/${ roomType }/${ channel.name }`;
subscribe(...args) {
return this.sdk.subscribe(...args);
subscribeRoom(...args) {
return this.sdk.subscribeRoom(...args);
unsubscribe(subscription) {
return this.sdk.unsubscribe(subscription);
onStreamData(...args) {
return this.sdk.onStreamData(...args);
emitTyping(room, typing = true) {
const { login, settings } = reduxStore.getState();
const { UI_Use_Real_Name } = settings;
const { user } = login;
const name = UI_Use_Real_Name ? user.name : user.username;
return this.methodCall('stream-notify-room', `${ room }/typing`, name, typing);
setUserPresenceAway() {
return this.methodCall('UserPresence:away');
setUserPresenceOnline() {
return this.methodCall('UserPresence:online');
setUserStatus(status, message) {
// RC 1.2.0
return this.post('users.setStatus', { status, message });
setReaction(emoji, messageId) {
// RC 0.62.2
return this.post('chat.react', { emoji, messageId });
toggleFavorite(roomId, favorite) {
// RC 0.64.0
return this.post('rooms.favorite', { roomId, favorite });
toggleRead(read, roomId) {
if (read) {
return this.post('subscriptions.unread', { roomId });
return this.post('subscriptions.read', { rid: roomId });
getRoomMembers(rid, allUsers, skip = 0, limit = 10) {
// RC 0.42.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('getUsersOfRoom', rid, allUsers, { skip, limit });
methodCallWrapper(method, ...params) {
const { API_Use_REST_For_DDP_Calls } = reduxStore.getState().settings;
if (API_Use_REST_For_DDP_Calls) {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
const data = await this.post(`method.call/${ method }`, { message: JSON.stringify({ method, params }) });
const response = JSON.parse(data.message);
if (response?.error) {
return reject(response.error);
return resolve(response.result);
return this.methodCall(method, ...params);
getUserRoles() {
// RC 0.27.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('getUserRoles');
getRoomCounters(roomId, t) {
// RC 0.65.0
return this.sdk.get(`${ this.roomTypeToApiType(t) }.counters`, { roomId });
getChannelInfo(roomId) {
// RC 0.48.0
return this.sdk.get('channels.info', { roomId });
getUserInfo(userId) {
// RC 0.48.0
return this.sdk.get('users.info', { userId });
getRoomInfo(roomId) {
// RC 0.72.0
return this.sdk.get('rooms.info', { roomId });
getVisitorInfo(visitorId) {
// RC 2.3.0
return this.sdk.get('livechat/visitors.info', { visitorId });
closeLivechat(rid, comment) {
// RC 0.29.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('livechat:closeRoom', rid, comment, { clientAction: true });
editLivechat(userData, roomData) {
// RC 0.55.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('livechat:saveInfo', userData, roomData);
returnLivechat(rid) {
// RC 0.72.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('livechat:returnAsInquiry', rid);
forwardLivechat(transferData) {
// RC 0.36.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('livechat:transfer', transferData);
getPagesLivechat(rid, offset) {
// RC 2.3.0
return this.sdk.get(`livechat/visitors.pagesVisited/${ rid }?count=50&offset=${ offset }`);
getDepartmentInfo(departmentId) {
// RC 2.2.0
return this.sdk.get(`livechat/department/${ departmentId }?includeAgents=false`);
getDepartments() {
// RC 2.2.0
return this.sdk.get('livechat/department');
usersAutoComplete(selector) {
// RC 2.4.0
return this.sdk.get('users.autocomplete', { selector });
getRoutingConfig() {
// RC 2.0.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('livechat:getRoutingConfig');
getTagsList() {
// RC 2.0.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('livechat:getTagsList');
getAgentDepartments(uid) {
// RC 2.4.0
return this.sdk.get(`livechat/agents/${ uid }/departments?enabledDepartmentsOnly=true`);
getCustomFields() {
// RC 2.2.0
return this.sdk.get('livechat/custom-fields');
changeLivechatStatus() {
// RC 0.26.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('livechat:changeLivechatStatus');
getInquiriesQueued() {
// RC 2.4.0
return this.sdk.get('livechat/inquiries.queued');
takeInquiry(inquiryId) {
// this inquiry is added to the db by the subscriptions stream
// and will be removed by the queue stream
// RC 2.4.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('livechat:takeInquiry', inquiryId);
getUidDirectMessage(room) {
const { id: userId } = reduxStore.getState().login.user;
// legacy method
if (!room.uids && room.rid && room.t === 'd') {
return room.rid.replace(userId, '').trim();
if (RocketChat.isGroupChat(room)) {
return false;
const me = room && room.uids && room.uids.find(uid => uid === userId);
const other = room && room.uids && room.uids.filter(uid => uid !== userId);
return other && other.length ? other[0] : me;
isRead(item) {
let isUnread = item.archived !== true && item.open === true; // item is not archived and not opened
isUnread = isUnread && (item.unread > 0 || item.alert === true); // either its unread count > 0 or its alert
return !isUnread;
isGroupChat(room) {
return (room.uids && room.uids.length > 2) || (room.usernames && room.usernames.length > 2);
toggleBlockUser(rid, blocked, block) {
if (block) {
// RC 0.49.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('blockUser', { rid, blocked });
// RC 0.49.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('unblockUser', { rid, blocked });
leaveRoom(roomId, t) {
// RC 0.48.0
return this.post(`${ this.roomTypeToApiType(t) }.leave`, { roomId });
deleteRoom(roomId, t) {
// RC 0.49.0
return this.post(`${ this.roomTypeToApiType(t) }.delete`, { roomId });
toggleMuteUserInRoom(rid, username, mute) {
if (mute) {
// RC 0.51.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('muteUserInRoom', { rid, username });
// RC 0.51.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('unmuteUserInRoom', { rid, username });
toggleArchiveRoom(roomId, t, archive) {
if (archive) {
// RC 0.48.0
return this.post(`${ this.roomTypeToApiType(t) }.archive`, { roomId });
// RC 0.48.0
return this.post(`${ this.roomTypeToApiType(t) }.unarchive`, { roomId });
hideRoom(roomId, t) {
return this.post(`${ this.roomTypeToApiType(t) }.close`, { roomId });
saveRoomSettings(rid, params) {
// RC 0.55.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('saveRoomSettings', rid, params);
post(...args) {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
try {
const result = await this.sdk.post(...args);
return resolve(result);
} catch (e) {
if (e.data && (e.data.errorType === 'totp-required' || e.data.errorType === 'totp-invalid')) {
const { details } = e.data;
try {
await twoFactor({ method: details?.method, invalid: e.data.errorType === 'totp-invalid' });
return resolve(this.post(...args));
} catch {
// twoFactor was canceled
return resolve({});
} else {
methodCall(...args) {
return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => {
try {
const result = await this.sdk.methodCall(...args, this.code || '');
return resolve(result);
} catch (e) {
if (e.error && (e.error === 'totp-required' || e.error === 'totp-invalid')) {
const { details } = e;
try {
this.code = await twoFactor({ method: details?.method, invalid: e.error === 'totp-invalid' });
return resolve(this.methodCall(...args));
} catch {
// twoFactor was canceled
return resolve({});
} else {
sendEmailCode() {
const { username } = reduxStore.getState().login.user;
// RC 3.1.0
return this.post('users.2fa.sendEmailCode', { emailOrUsername: username });
saveUserProfile(data, customFields) {
// RC 0.62.2
return this.post('users.updateOwnBasicInfo', { data, customFields });
saveUserPreferences(data) {
// RC 0.62.0
return this.post('users.setPreferences', { data });
saveNotificationSettings(roomId, notifications) {
// RC 0.63.0
return this.post('rooms.saveNotification', { roomId, notifications });
addUsersToRoom(rid) {
let { users } = reduxStore.getState().selectedUsers;
users = users.map(u => u.name);
// RC 0.51.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('addUsersToRoom', { rid, users });
getSingleMessage(msgId) {
// RC 0.47.0
return this.sdk.get('chat.getMessage', { msgId });
hasRole(role) {
const shareUser = reduxStore.getState().share.user;
const loginUser = reduxStore.getState().login.user;
// get user roles on the server from redux
const userRoles = (shareUser?.roles || loginUser?.roles) || [];
return userRoles.indexOf(r => r === role) > -1;
async hasPermission(permissions, rid) {
const db = database.active;
const subsCollection = db.collections.get('subscriptions');
const permissionsCollection = db.collections.get('permissions');
let roomRoles = [];
try {
// get the room from database
const room = await subsCollection.find(rid);
// get room roles
roomRoles = room.roles || [];
} catch (error) {
console.log('hasPermission -> Room not found');
return permissions.reduce((result, permission) => {
result[permission] = false;
return result;
}, {});
// get permissions from database
try {
const permissionsFiltered = await permissionsCollection.query(Q.where('id', Q.oneOf(permissions))).fetch();
const shareUser = reduxStore.getState().share.user;
const loginUser = reduxStore.getState().login.user;
// get user roles on the server from redux
const userRoles = (shareUser?.roles || loginUser?.roles) || [];
// merge both roles
const mergedRoles = [...new Set([...roomRoles, ...userRoles])];
// return permissions in object format
// e.g. { 'edit-room': true, 'set-readonly': false }
return permissions.reduce((result, permission) => {
result[permission] = false;
const permissionFound = permissionsFiltered.find(p => p.id === permission);
if (permissionFound) {
result[permission] = returnAnArray(permissionFound.roles).some(r => mergedRoles.includes(r));
return result;
}, {});
} catch (e) {
getAvatarSuggestion() {
// RC 0.51.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('getAvatarSuggestion');
resetAvatar(userId) {
// RC 0.55.0
return this.post('users.resetAvatar', { userId });
setAvatarFromService({ data, contentType = '', service = null }) {
// RC 0.51.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('setAvatarFromService', data, contentType, service);
async getAllowCrashReport() {
const allowCrashReport = await AsyncStorage.getItem(CRASH_REPORT_KEY);
if (allowCrashReport === null) {
return true;
return JSON.parse(allowCrashReport);
async getSortPreferences() {
const prefs = await UserPreferences.getMapAsync(SORT_PREFS_KEY);
return prefs;
async saveSortPreference(param) {
let prefs = await RocketChat.getSortPreferences();
prefs = { ...prefs, ...param };
return UserPreferences.setMapAsync(SORT_PREFS_KEY, prefs);
async getLoginServices(server) {
try {
let loginServices = [];
const loginServicesResult = await fetch(`${ server }/api/v1/settings.oauth`).then(response => response.json());
if (loginServicesResult.success && loginServicesResult.services) {
const { services } = loginServicesResult;
loginServices = services;
const loginServicesReducer = loginServices.reduce((ret, item) => {
const name = item.name || item.buttonLabelText || item.service;
const authType = this._determineAuthType(item);
if (authType !== 'not_supported') {
ret[name] = { ...item, name, authType };
return ret;
}, {});
} else {
} catch (error) {
_determineAuthType(services) {
const {
name, custom, showButton = true, service
} = services;
const authName = name || service;
if (custom && showButton) {
return 'oauth_custom';
if (service === 'saml') {
return 'saml';
if (service === 'cas') {
return 'cas';
if (authName === 'apple' && isIOS) {
return 'apple';
// TODO: remove this after other oauth providers are implemented. e.g. Drupal, github_enterprise
const availableOAuth = ['facebook', 'github', 'gitlab', 'google', 'linkedin', 'meteor-developer', 'twitter', 'wordpress'];
return availableOAuth.includes(authName) ? 'oauth' : 'not_supported';
getUsernameSuggestion() {
// RC 0.65.0
return this.sdk.get('users.getUsernameSuggestion');
roomTypeToApiType(t) {
const types = {
c: 'channels', d: 'im', p: 'groups', l: 'channels'
return types[t];
getFiles(roomId, type, offset) {
// RC 0.59.0
return this.sdk.get(`${ this.roomTypeToApiType(type) }.files`, {
sort: { uploadedAt: -1 },
fields: {
name: 1, description: 1, size: 1, type: 1, uploadedAt: 1, url: 1, userId: 1
getMessages(roomId, type, query, offset) {
// RC 0.59.0
return this.sdk.get(`${ this.roomTypeToApiType(type) }.messages`, {
sort: { ts: -1 }
getReadReceipts(messageId) {
return this.sdk.get('chat.getMessageReadReceipts', {
searchMessages(roomId, searchText) {
// RC 0.60.0
return this.sdk.get('chat.search', {
toggleFollowMessage(mid, follow) {
// RC 1.0
if (follow) {
return this.post('chat.followMessage', { mid });
return this.post('chat.unfollowMessage', { mid });
getThreadsList({ rid, count, offset }) {
// RC 1.0
return this.sdk.get('chat.getThreadsList', {
rid, count, offset, sort: { ts: -1 }
getSyncThreadsList({ rid, updatedSince }) {
// RC 1.0
return this.sdk.get('chat.syncThreadsList', {
rid, updatedSince
readThreads(tmid) {
const serverVersion = reduxStore.getState().server.version;
if (serverVersion && semver.gte(semver.coerce(serverVersion), '3.4.0')) {
// RC 3.4.0
return this.methodCallWrapper('readThreads', tmid);
return Promise.resolve();
runSlashCommand(command, roomId, params, triggerId, tmid) {
// RC 0.60.2
return this.post('commands.run', {
command, roomId, params, triggerId, tmid
getCommandPreview(command, roomId, params) {
// RC 0.65.0
return this.sdk.get('commands.preview', {
command, roomId, params
executeCommandPreview(command, params, roomId, previewItem, triggerId, tmid) {
// RC 0.65.0
return this.post('commands.preview', {
command, params, roomId, previewItem, triggerId, tmid
_setUser(ddpMessage) {
this.activeUsers = this.activeUsers || {};
const { user } = reduxStore.getState().login;
if (ddpMessage.fields && user && user.id === ddpMessage.id) {
if (ddpMessage.cleared && user && user.id === ddpMessage.id) {
reduxStore.dispatch(setUser({ status: { status: 'offline' } }));
if (!this._setUserTimer) {
this._setUserTimer = setTimeout(() => {
const activeUsersBatch = this.activeUsers;
InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
this._setUserTimer = null;
return this.activeUsers = {};
}, 10000);
if (!ddpMessage.fields) {
this.activeUsers[ddpMessage.id] = { status: 'offline' };
} else if (ddpMessage.fields.status) {
this.activeUsers[ddpMessage.id] = { status: ddpMessage.fields.status };
query, count, offset, sort
}) {
// RC 1.0
return this.sdk.get('directory', {
query, count, offset, sort
async canAutoTranslate() {
const db = database.active;
try {
const AutoTranslate_Enabled = reduxStore.getState().settings && reduxStore.getState().settings.AutoTranslate_Enabled;
if (!AutoTranslate_Enabled) {
return false;
const permissionsCollection = db.collections.get('permissions');
const autoTranslatePermission = await permissionsCollection.find('auto-translate');
const userRoles = (reduxStore.getState().login.user && reduxStore.getState().login.user.roles) || [];
return autoTranslatePermission.roles.some(role => userRoles.includes(role));
} catch (e) {
return false;
rid, field, value, options
}) {
return this.methodCallWrapper('autoTranslate.saveSettings', rid, field, value, options);
getSupportedLanguagesAutoTranslate() {
return this.methodCallWrapper('autoTranslate.getSupportedLanguages', 'en');
translateMessage(message, targetLanguage) {
return this.methodCallWrapper('autoTranslate.translateMessage', message, targetLanguage);
getRoomTitle(room) {
const { UI_Use_Real_Name: useRealName, UI_Allow_room_names_with_special_chars: allowSpecialChars } = reduxStore.getState().settings;
const { username } = reduxStore.getState().login.user;
if (RocketChat.isGroupChat(room) && !(room.name && room.name.length)) {
return room.usernames.filter(u => u !== username).sort((u1, u2) => u1.localeCompare(u2)).join(', ');
if (allowSpecialChars && room.t !== 'd') {
return room.fname || room.name;
return ((room.prid || useRealName) && room.fname) || room.name;
getRoomAvatar(room) {
if (RocketChat.isGroupChat(room)) {
return room.uids?.length + room.usernames?.join();
return room.prid ? room.fname : room.name;
findOrCreateInvite({ rid, days, maxUses }) {
// RC 2.4.0
return this.post('findOrCreateInvite', { rid, days, maxUses });
validateInviteToken(token) {
// RC 2.4.0
return this.post('validateInviteToken', { token });
useInviteToken(token) {
// RC 2.4.0
return this.post('useInviteToken', { token });
export default RocketChat;