Diego Mello ba232547f1
[CHORE] Update to react-native 0.60.4 ()
* Update to 0.59.10

* stash

* stash

* patch RN

* Try to fix openURL

* Fix compile Share Extension

* Minor fixes

* build ios

* tracking view working and added postinstall

* SafeAreaView vertical never

* tracking view patch

* Android build working

* Android notifications working

* Lint and tests

* Fix android build

* Add tools:replace="android:appComponentFactory"

* Android build

* Update vector icons

* Update webview

* Remove jsc

* Update document picker

* Firebase

* jetify on postinstall

* Patch expo-haptics

* CI

* Migrate packages manually

* Disable ci cache

* Revert "Disable ci cache"

This reverts commit 4740d861021f667f0223d7351a1da6f90cc2e417.

* CI

* audio

* adapter

* notifications

* Try RN directly

* Fix gradle

* Revert patches

* Restore cache

* update redux and lodash

* eslint-config-airbnb@17.1.1 eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@6.2.3

* ejson@2.2.0 react-native-webview@6.7.0 semver@6.3.0 snyk@1.210.0

* codecov@3.5.0 eslint-plugin-react@7.14.3 eslint-plugin-react-native@3.7.0 react-dom@16.8.6

* Update react-redux and remove decorators

* Update redux-saga and reactotron libs

* Husky

* Storybook libs

* react-native-webview@6.8.0 markdown-it-flowdock@0.3.8 react-native-unimodules@0.5.3

* Removed regenerator-runtime

* react-native-picker-select

* react-navigation-header-buttons

* Remove comments

* react-native-notifications

* Fix rnn android build
2019-08-07 10:51:34 -03:00
CoreOnly/Sources [CHORE] Update to react-native 0.60.4 () 2019-08-07 10:51:34 -03:00 [CHORE] Update to react-native 0.60.4 () 2019-08-07 10:51:34 -03:00

Firebase APIs for iOS

Simplify your iOS development, grow your user base, and monetize more effectively with Firebase services.

Much more information can be found at

Install a Firebase SDK using CocoaPods

Firebase distributes several iOS specific APIs and SDKs via CocoaPods. You can install the CocoaPods tool on OS X by running the following command from the terminal. Detailed information is available in the Getting Started guide.

$ sudo gem install cocoapods

Try out an SDK

You can try any of the SDKs with pod try. Run the following command and select the SDK you are interested in when prompted:

$ pod try Firebase

Note that some SDKs may require credentials. More information is available in the SDK-specific documentation at

Add a Firebase SDK to your iOS app

CocoaPods is used to install and manage dependencies in existing Xcode projects.

  1. Create an Xcode project, and save it to your local machine.

  2. Create a file named Podfile in your project directory. This file defines your project's dependencies, and is commonly referred to as a Podspec.

  3. Open Podfile, and add your dependencies. A simple Podspec is shown here:

    platform :ios, '8.0'
    pod 'Firebase'
  4. Save the file.

  5. Open a terminal and cd to the directory containing the Podfile.

    $ cd <path-to-project>/project/
  6. Run the pod install command. This will install the SDKs specified in the Podspec, along with any dependencies they may have.

    $ pod install
  7. Open your app's .xcworkspace file to launch Xcode. Use this file for all development on your app.

  8. You can also install other Firebase SDKs by adding the subspecs in the Podfile.

    pod 'Firebase/AdMob'
    pod 'Firebase/Analytics'
    pod 'Firebase/Auth'
    pod 'Firebase/Database'
    pod 'Firebase/DynamicLinks'
    pod 'Firebase/Firestore'
    pod 'Firebase/Functions'
    pod 'Firebase/InAppMessaging'
    pod 'Firebase/InAppMessagingDisplay'
    pod 'Firebase/Messaging'
    pod 'Firebase/MLCommon'
    pod 'Firebase/MLModelInterpreter'
    pod 'Firebase/MLNLLanguageID'
    pod 'Firebase/MLNLSmartReply'
    pod 'Firebase/MLNLTranslate'
    pod 'Firebase/MLNaturalLanguage'
    pod 'Firebase/MLVision'
    pod 'Firebase/MLVisionAutoML'
    pod 'Firebase/MLVisionBarcodeModel'
    pod 'Firebase/MLVisionFaceModel'
    pod 'Firebase/MLVisionLabelModel'
    pod 'Firebase/MLVisionObjectDetection'
    pod 'Firebase/MLVisionTextModel'
    pod 'Firebase/Performance'
    pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig'
    pod 'Firebase/Storage'