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[NEW] Passcode and biometric unlock (#2059) * Update expo libs * Configure expo-local-authentication * ScreenLockedView * Authenticate server change * Auth on app resume * localAuthentication util * Add servers.lastLocalAuthenticatedSession column * Save last session date on background * Use our own version of app state redux * Fix libs * Remove inactive * ScreenLockConfigView * Apply on saved data * Auto lock option label * Starting passcode * Basic passcode flow working * Change passcode * Check if biometry is enrolled * Use fork * Migration * Patch expo-local-authentication * Use async storage * Styling * Timer * Refactor * Lock orientation portrait when not on tablet * share extension * Deep linking * Share extension * Refactoring passcode * use state * Stash * Refactor * Change passcode * Animate dots on error * Matching passcodes * Shake * Remove lib * Delete button * Fade animation on modal * Refactoring * ItemInfo * I18n * I18n * Remove unnecessary prop * Save biometry column * Raise time to lock to 30 seconds * Vibrate on wrong confirmation passcode * Reset attempts and save last authentication on local passcode confirmation * Remove inline style * Save last auth * Fix header blink * Change function name * Fix android modal * Fix vibration permission * PasscodeEnter calls biometry * Passcode on the state * Biometry button on PasscodeEnter * Show whole passcode * Secure passcode * Save passcode with promise to prevent empty passcodes and immediately lock * Patch expo-local-authentication * I18n * Fix biometry being called every time * Blur screen on app inactive * Revert "Blur screen on app inactive" This reverts commit a4ce812934adcf6cf87eb1a92aec9283e2f26753. * Remove immediately because of how Activities work on Android * Pods * New layout * stash * Layout refactored * Fix icons * Force set passcode from server * Lint * Improve permission message * Forced passcode subtitle * Disable based on admin's choice * Require local authentication on login success * Refactor * Update tests * Update react-native-device-info to fix notch * Lint * Fix modal * Fix icons * Fix min auto lock time * Review * keep enabled on mobile * fix forced by admin when enable unlock with passcode * use DEFAULT_AUTO_LOCK when manual enable screenLock * fix check has passcode * request biometry on first password * reset auto time lock when disabled on server Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <>
2020-05-08 17:04:37 +00:00
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