"Desktop_Alert_info":"These notifications are delivered in desktop",
"Direct_Messages":"Direct Messages",
"Disable_notifications":"Disable notifications",
"Discussion_Desc":"Help keeping an overview about what's going on! By creating a discussion, a sub-channel of the one you selected is created and both are linked.",
"Discussion_name":"Discussion name",
"Dont_Have_An_Account":"Don't you have an account?",
"Do_you_have_an_account":"Do you have an account?",
"Do_you_have_a_certificate":"Do you have a certificate?",
"Do_you_really_want_to_key_this_room_question_mark":"Do you really want to {{key}} this room?",
"E2E_Encryption":"E2E Encryption",
"E2E_How_It_Works_info1":"You can now create encrypted private groups and direct messages. You may also change existing private groups or DMs to encrypted.",
"E2E_How_It_Works_info2":"This is *end to end encryption* so the key to encode/decode your messages and they will not be saved on the server. For that reason *you need to store this password somewhere safe* which you can access later if you may need.",
"E2E_How_It_Works_info3":"If you proceed, it will be auto generated an E2E password.",
"E2E_How_It_Works_info4":"You can also setup a new password for your encryption key any time from any browser you have entered the existing E2E password.",
"Edit_Status":"Edit Status",
"Edit_Invite":"Edit Invite",
"End_to_end_encrypted_room":"End to end encrypted room",
"end_to_end_encryption":"end to end encryption",
"Email_Notification_Mode_All":"Every Mention/DM",
"Email_or_password_field_is_empty":"Email or password field is empty",
"Empty_title":"Empty title",
"Enable_Auto_Translate":"Enable Auto-Translate",
"Enable_notifications":"Enable notifications",
"Encrypted_message":"Encrypted message",
"Enter_Your_E2E_Password":"Enter Your E2E Password",
"Enter_Your_Encryption_Password_desc1":"This will allow you to access your encrypted private groups and direct messages.",
"Enter_Your_Encryption_Password_desc2":"You need to enter the password to encode/decode messages every place you use the chat.",
"Encryption_error_desc":"It wasn't possible to decode your encryption key to be imported.",
"Everyone_can_access_this_channel":"Everyone can access this channel",
"Everyone_can_access_this_team":"Everyone can access this team",
"Error_uploading":"Error uploading",
"Expiration_Days":"Expiration (Days)",
"File_description":"File description",
"File_name":"File name",
"Finish_recording":"Finish recording",
"Following_thread":"Following thread",
"For_your_security_you_must_enter_your_current_password_to_continue":"For your security, you must enter your current password to continue",
"Forgot_password_If_this_email_is_registered":"If this email is registered, we'll send instructions on how to reset your password. If you do not receive an email shortly, please come back and try again.",
"Forgot_password":"Forgot your password?",
"Forgot_Password":"Forgot Password",
"Forward_Chat":"Forward Chat",
"Forward_to_department":"Forward to department",
"Forward_to_user":"Forward to user",
"Full_table":"Click to see full table",
"Generate_New_Link":"Generate New Link",
"Has_joined_the_channel":"has joined the channel",
"I_Saved_My_E2E_Password":"I Saved My E2E Password",
"In_App_And_Desktop":"In-app and Desktop",
"In_App_and_Desktop_Alert_info":"Displays a banner at the top of the screen when app is open, and displays a notification on desktop",
"is_a_valid_RocketChat_instance":"is a valid Rocket.Chat instance",
"is_not_a_valid_RocketChat_instance":"is not a valid Rocket.Chat instance",
"is_typing":"is typing",
"Invalid_or_expired_invite_token":"Invalid or expired invite token",
"Invalid_server_version":"The server you're trying to connect is using a version that's not supported by the app anymore: {{currentVersion}}.\n\nWe require version {{minVersion}}",
"Invite_Link":"Invite Link",
"Invite_users":"Invite users",
"Join_Code":"Join Code",
"Insert_Join_Code":"Insert Join Code",
"Join_our_open_workspace":"Join our open workspace",
"Join_your_workspace":"Join your workspace",
"Just_invited_people_can_access_this_channel":"Just invited people can access this channel",
"Just_invited_people_can_access_this_team":"Just invited people can access this team",
"No_available_agents_to_transfer":"No available agents to transfer",
"Omnichannel_enable_alert":"You're not available on Omnichannel. Would you like to be available?",
"Onboarding_description":"A workspace is your team or organization’s space to collaborate. Ask the workspace admin for address to join or create one for your team.",
"Onboarding_join_workspace":"Join a workspace",
"Onboarding_subtitle":"Beyond Team Collaboration",
"Onboarding_title":"Welcome to Rocket.Chat",
"Onboarding_join_open_description":"Join our open workspace to chat with the Rocket.Chat team and community.",
"Onboarding_agree_terms":"By continuing, you agree to Rocket.Chat",
"Onboarding_less_options":"Less options",
"Onboarding_more_options":"More options",
"Only_authorized_users_can_write_new_messages":"Only authorized users can write new messages",
"You_need_to_access_at_least_one_RocketChat_server_to_share_something":"You need to access at least one Rocket.Chat server to share something.",
"You_need_to_verifiy_your_email_address_to_get_notications":"You need to verify your email address to get notifications",
"Your_certificate":"Your Certificate",
"Your_invite_link_will_expire_after__usesLeft__uses":"Your invite link will expire after {{usesLeft}} uses.",
"Your_invite_link_will_expire_on__date__or_after__usesLeft__uses":"Your invite link will expire on {{date}} or after {{usesLeft}} uses.",
"Your_invite_link_will_expire_on__date__":"Your invite link will expire on {{date}}.",
"Your_invite_link_will_never_expire":"Your invite link will never expire.",
"Your_workspace":"Your workspace",
"Your_password_is":"Your password is",
"Version_no":"Version: {{version}}",
"You_will_not_be_able_to_recover_this_message":"You will not be able to recover this message!",
"You_will_unset_a_certificate_for_this_server":"You will unset a certificate for this server",
"Change_Language":"Change Language",
"Crash_report_disclaimer":"We never track the content of your chats. The crash report and analytics events only contains relevant information for us in order to identify and fix issues.",
"E2E_encryption_change_password_description":"You can now create encrypted private groups and direct messages. You may also change existing private groups or DMs to encrypted. \nThis is end to end encryption so the key to encode/decode your messages will not be saved on the server. For that reason you need to store your password somewhere safe. You will be required to enter it on other devices you wish to use e2e encryption on.",
"E2E_encryption_change_password_error":"Error while changing E2E key password!",
"E2E_encryption_reset_description":"This option will remove your current E2E key and log you out. \nWhen you login again, Rocket.Chat will generate you a new key and restore your access to any encrypted room that has one or more members online. \nDue to the nature of the E2E encryption, Rocket.Chat will not be able to restore access to any encrypted room that has no member online.",
"E2E_encryption_reset_button":"Reset E2E Key",
"E2E_encryption_reset_error":"Error while resetting E2E key!",
"E2E_encryption_reset_message":"You're going to be logged out.",
"This_room_encryption_has_been_enabled_by__username_":"This room's encryption has been enabled by {{username}}",
"This_room_encryption_has_been_disabled_by__username_":"This room's encryption has been disabled by {{username}}",
"No_team_channels_found":"No channels found",
"Team_not_found":"Team not found",
"Create_Team":"Create Team",
"Team_Name":"Team Name",
"creating_team":"creating team",
"team-name-already-exists":"A team with that name already exists",
"Add_Channel_to_Team":"Add Channel to Team",
"Left_The_Team_Successfully":"Left the team successfully",
"Create_New":"Create New",
"Add_Existing":"Add Existing",
"Add_Existing_Channel":"Add Existing Channel",
"Remove_from_Team":"Remove from Team",
"Remove_Team_Room_Warning":"Woud you like to remove this channel from the team? The channel will be moved back to the workspace",
"invalid-room":"Invalid room",
"You_are_leaving_the_team":"You are leaving the team '{{team}}'",
"Leave_Team":"Leave Team",
"Select_Team":"Select Team",
"Select_Team_Channels":"Select the Team's channels you would like to leave.",
"Cannot_leave":"Cannot leave",
"Cannot_remove":"Cannot remove",
"Cannot_delete":"Cannot delete",
"Last_owner_team_room":"You are the last owner of this channel. Once you leave the team, the channel will be kept inside the team but you will be managing it from outside.",
"last-owner-can-not-be-removed":"Last owner cannot be removed",
"Remove_User_Teams":"Select channels you want the user to be removed from.",
"Select_channels_to_delete":"This can't be undone. Once you delete a team, all chat content and configuration will be deleted. \n\nSelect the channels you would like to delete. The ones you decide to keep will be available on your workspace. Notice that public channels will still be public and visible to everyone.",
"You_are_deleting_the_team":"You are deleting this team.",
"Removing_user_from_this_team":"You are removing {{user}} from this team",
"Remove_User_Team_Channels":"Select the channels you want the user to be removed from.",
"Remove_Member":"Remove Member",
"leaving_team":"leaving team",
"removing_team":"removing from team",
"moving_channel_to_team":"moving channel to team",
"deleting_team":"deleting team",
"member-does-not-exist":"Member does not exist",
"Convert_to_Team":"Convert to Team",
"Convert_to_Team_Warning":"You are converting this Channel to a Team. All Members will be kept.",
"Move_to_Team":"Move to Team",
"Move_Channel_Paragraph":"Moving a channel inside a team means that this channel will be added in the team’s context, however, all channel’s members, which are not members of the respective team, will still have access to this channel, but will not be added as team’s members. \n\nAll channel’s management will still be made by the owners of this channel.\n\nTeam’s members and even team’s owners, if not a member of this channel, can not have access to the channel’s content. \n\nPlease notice that the Team’s owner will be able remove members from the Channel.",
"Move_to_Team_Warning":"After reading the previous intructions about this behavior, do you still want to move this channel to the selected team?",
"Load_More":"Load More",
"Load_Newer":"Load Newer",
"Load_Older":"Load Older",
"room-name-already-exists":"Room name already exists",
"error-team-creation":"Error team creation",
"Left_The_Room_Successfully":"Left the room successfully",
"Converting_Team_To_Channel":"Converting Team to Channel",
"Select_Team_Channels_To_Delete":"Select the Team’s Channels you would like to delete, the ones you do not select will be moved to the Workspace. \n\nNotice that public Channels will be public and visible to everyone.",
"You_are_converting_the_team":"You are converting this Team to a Channel",
"Broadcast_hint":"Only authorized users can write new messages, but the other users will be able to reply",
"Team_hint_private":"Only invited people can join",
"Team_hint_public":"When disabled, anyone can join the team",
"Team_hint_not_read_only":"All users in this team can write messages",
"Team_hint_encrypted":"End to end encrypted team. Search will not work with encrypted Teams and notifications may not show the messages content.",
"Team_hint_encrypted_not_available":"Only available for private team",
"Channel_hint_private":"Only invited users can access this Channel",
"Channel_hint_public":"Everyone can access this channel",
"Channel_hint_encrypted":"End to end encrypted channel. Search will not work with encrypted channels and notifications may not show the messages content.",
"Channel_hint_not_read_only":"All users in the channel can write new messages",
"Channel_hint_encrypted_not_available":"Not available for Public Channels",
"Read_only_hint":"Only authorized users can write new messages",