
345 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

export default {
'1_person_reacted': '1 人回复了',
'1_user': '1 位用户',
'error-action-not-allowed': '不允许 {{action}}',
'error-application-not-found': '没有找到应用',
'error-archived-duplicate-name': '已存在名为 {{room_name}} 的已归档频道',
'error-avatar-invalid-url': '头像地址不合法: {{url}}',
'error-avatar-url-handling': '将 {{username}} 的头像设置为URL({{url}})时发送了错误',
'error-cant-invite-for-direct-room': '私人对话中不能邀请其他用户',
'error-could-not-change-email': 'email 不能修改',
'error-could-not-change-name': 'name 不能修改',
'error-could-not-change-username': 'username 不能修改',
'error-delete-protected-role': '不能删除被保护角色',
'error-department-not-found': '部门没有找到',
'error-direct-message-file-upload-not-allowed': '私人对话中不能分享文件',
'error-duplicate-channel-name': '已经存在名为 {{channel_name}} 的频道',
'error-email-domain-blacklisted': '邮箱域名已被禁止',
'error-email-send-failed': '正尝试将错误发送到email: {{message}}',
'error-field-unavailable': '{{field}} 已被使用 :(',
'error-file-too-large': '文件太大',
'error-importer-not-defined': 'importer 定义不正确, Import class 丢失.',
'error-input-is-not-a-valid-field': '{{input}} 不是合法的 {{field}}',
'error-invalid-actionlink': '无效的 action link',
'error-invalid-arguments': '无效的参数',
'error-invalid-asset': '无效的资源',
'error-invalid-channel': '无效的频道',
'error-invalid-channel-start-with-chars': '无效的频道. 已 @ 或 # 开始',
'error-invalid-custom-field': '无效的自定义字段',
'error-invalid-custom-field-name': '无效的自定义字段名. 只能包含 字母, 数字, 中线(-) and 下划线(_).',
'error-invalid-date': '无效的日期',
'error-invalid-description': '无效的描述',
'error-invalid-domain': '无效的域名',
'error-invalid-email': '无效的 email {{emai}}',
'error-invalid-email-address': '无效的 email 地址',
'error-invalid-file-height': '无效的文件长度',
'error-invalid-file-type': '无效的文件类型',
'error-invalid-file-width': '无效的文件宽度',
'error-invalid-from-address': '你从该地址通知了一个无效的人.',
'error-invalid-integration': '无效的 integration',
'error-invalid-message': '无效的 message',
'error-invalid-method': '无效的 method',
'error-invalid-name': '无效的 name',
'error-invalid-password': '无效的 password',
'error-invalid-redirectUri': '无效的 redirectUri',
'error-invalid-role': '无效的角色',
'error-invalid-room': '无效的房间',
'error-invalid-room-name': '{{room_name}} 不是合法的房间名',
'error-invalid-room-type': '{{type}} 不是合法的房间类型.',
'error-invalid-settings': '无效的设置',
'error-invalid-subscription': '无效的订阅',
'error-invalid-token': '无效的 token',
'error-invalid-triggerWords': '无效的 triggerWords',
'error-invalid-urls': '无效的 URLs',
'error-invalid-user': '无效的 user',
'error-invalid-username': '无效的 username',
'error-invalid-webhook-response': 'webhook 地址响应状态不是200',
'error-message-deleting-blocked': '消息删除被阻塞',
'error-message-editing-blocked': '消息编辑被阻塞',
'error-message-size-exceeded': '消息大小超过了最大允许大小',
'error-missing-unsubscribe-link': '您必须提供[取消订阅]链接.',
'error-no-tokens-for-this-user': '这个用户没有Token',
'error-not-allowed': '不允许',
'error-not-authorized': '未授权',
'error-push-disabled': 'Push 被禁用',
'error-remove-last-owner': '这是最后一个所有者。请在删除这个之前设置一个新所有者。',
'error-role-in-use': '无法删除角色,因为它在使用中',
'error-role-name-required': '角色名称是必需的',
'error-the-field-is-required': '字段 {{field}} 是必需的。',
'error-too-many-requests': '错误,请求太多。请慢一点。在再次尝试之前,必须等待{{seconds}}秒。',
'error-user-is-not-activated': '用户未被激活',
'error-user-has-no-roles': '用户没有角色',
'error-user-limit-exceeded': '尝试邀请到 #channel_name 的用户数量超过了管理员设置的限制',
'error-user-not-in-room': '用户不在这个房间',
'error-user-registration-custom-field': 'error-user-registration-custom-field',
'error-user-registration-disabled': '禁用用户注册',
'error-user-registration-secret': '用户注册只允许通过私密URL',
'error-you-are-last-owner': '你是最后一个所有者。请在离开房间前安排好新主人。',
Actions: '操作',
activity: '活动',
Activity: '按活动排序',
Add_Reaction: '增加回复',
Add_Server: '添加服务器',
2020-01-29 20:20:36 +00:00
Add_users: '添加用户',
Alert: '警告',
alert: '警告',
alerts: '警告',
All_users_in_the_channel_can_write_new_messages: '频道中的所有用户都可以发送新消息',
All: '所有',
Allow_Reactions: '允许的回复',
Alphabetical: '字母顺序排列',
and_more: '和更多的',
and: '和',
announcement: '公告',
Announcement: '公告',
ARCHIVE: '存档',
archive: '存档',
are_typing: '正在输入',
Are_you_sure_question_mark: '你确定吗?',
Are_you_sure_you_want_to_leave_the_room: '你确定要离开房间 {{room}} 吗?',
Authenticating: '正在验证身份',
Avatar_changed_successfully: '头像更新成功!',
Avatar_Url: '头像地址',
Away: '离开',
Block_user: '阻止用户',
Broadcast_channel_Description: '只有经过授权的用户才能写新消息,但其他用户可以回复',
Broadcast_Channel: '广播频道',
Busy: '忙碌',
By_proceeding_you_are_agreeing: '继续操作,请同意我们的',
Cancel_editing: '取消编辑',
Cancel_recording: '取消录制',
Cancel: '取消',
changing_avatar: '更改头像',
creating_channel: '创建频道',
Channel_Name: '频道名',
Channels: '频道',
Chats: '聊天',
Close: '关闭',
Close_emoji_selector: '关闭emoji选择器',
Choose: '选择',
Choose_from_library: '选择库',
Code: '代码',
Collaborative: '协作',
Confirm: '确认',
Connect: '连接',
Connected: '已连接',
Connecting: '连接中',
Continue_with: '继续采用',
Copied_to_clipboard: '复制到剪贴板',
2019-02-26 12:45:45 +00:00
Copy: '复制',
Permalink: '永久链接',
Create_account: '创建账户',
Create_Channel: '创建频道',
Create_a_new_workspace: '创建一个新的工作区',
Create: '创建',
Delete_Room_Warning: '删除一个房间将删除房间内的所有消息。这是不可逆转的.',
delete: '删除',
Delete: '删除',
DELETE: '删除',
description: '描述',
Description: '描述',
Disable_notifications: '禁用消息通知',
Direct_Messages: '私信',
Dont_Have_An_Account: '还没有账号?',
Do_you_really_want_to_key_this_room_question_mark: '你真的想要{{key}}这个房间吗?',
edit: '编辑',
Merge beta into master (#1897) * [FIX] Close SortDropdown on sort select (#1230) * [FIX] Cancel upload and check failed upload (#1232) * [FIX] Slash commands not cleaning is typing and not using state (#1233) * [FIX] Dispatch roomsRequest on app foreground event even if not connected (#1234) * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet (#1235) * [FIX] Regex on run slash command (#1223) * Update React Native to 0.61.1 (#1236) * Update React Native to 0.61.1 * Update patch to SSL Pinning * Revert storybook * [CHORE] Update react-native-safe-area-view (#1219) * [FIX] Try/catch JSON.parse XHR response (#1238) * [FIX] Change messagebox icon immediate on change text (#1241) * [FIX] Update last open on message stream received (#1240) * [FIX] Remove animation from RoomsListView.willFocus (#1239) * [FIX] Delete message on thread (#1214) * [REGRESSION] Markdown text (#1242) * [FIX] Jest (#1243) * [FIX] Avatar shown when useRealName is activated (#1162) * Fix avatar when use real name * Wrong indentation * [DOCS] Add (#1244) * [CHORE] Update react-native-reanimated to 1.3.0 (#1246) * [FIX] Run credentials migration only once (#1245) * [CHORE] Update react-native-jitsi-meet to 2.0.1 (#1249) * [FIX] Messagebox onChangeText issues (#1252) * Stop ongoing debounces on messagebox unmount * Immediately change send icon, but keep debouncing others * Make CustomEmoji stateless function * Fix mentions keyExtractor * [FIX] Room subscription issues (#1255) * [FIX] Reaction press (#1258) * [FIX] Channel avatars not showing after application unloads (#1264) * Revert react-native-safe-area-view (#1265) * [FIX] Remove console on production mode (#1268) * [FIX] Messages preview issues (#1257) * [FIX] Select user from native credentials (#1266) * [FIX] Some issues on preview message (#1271) * [FIX] Audio player track and thumb not rendering on Android (#1273) * [FIX] Record audio message throws exception when FileSystem.getInfoAsync is called (#1272) * [FIX] China shouldn't use CallKit (#1274) * [FIX] Watermelon batches (#1277) * Bump version to 1.20.1 (#1285) * [CHORE] Remove memoize-one (#1284) * [FIX] End Jitsi call on unmount (#1291) * [FIX] Allow self-signed certificates (#1310) * [FIX] Set User-Agent (#1318) * Set User-Agent Fetch & Websocket & XHR * Set User-Agent * Custom User Agent on fetch/websocket * Fix names * Use DeviceInfo * fix server with subpath (#1322) * [FIX] Server with https:\\ instead of https:// (#1320) * [FIX] Server dropdown not closing after changing stack (#1299) * [FIX] Invalid server version (#1319) * [IMPROVEMENT] Respect "Hide counter" preference (#1306) * [FIX] Pass isFocused as a function to Messagebox (#1309) * [CHORE] Remove icons folder (#1290) * [CHORE] Refactor RoomItem touchable (#1331) * [FIX] Unnecessary rerender on RoomItem when status is undefined (#1336) * [UPDATE DEPS] react-navigation and react-navigation-stack (#1337) * [FIX] Avatars not loading on share extension when Accounts_AvatarBlockUnauthenticatedAccess is enabled (#1339) * Bump version to 1.20.2 (#1340) * [FIX] Remove some unnecessary re-renders on Messagebox (#1341) * [REGRESSION] Use LayoutAnimation instead of Transition API (#1338) * [FIX] Remove setState from notifications view causing watermelon object to be updated outside an action (#1342) * [IMPROVEMENT] Save last message as message when subscription is updated (#1344) * [UPDATE DEPS] Update RN to 0.61.3 (#1345) * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1346) * [CHORE] Remove react-native-scrollable-tab-view fork (#1352) * [FIX] URL preview (#1360) * [REGRESSION] Decrease list view memory size (#1361) * [FIX] Paste (#1350) * [CHORE] Update gems (#1365) * Bump version to 1.20.3 (#1366) * [FIX] Use Ruby 2.4 on TestFlight upload (#1368) * [FIX] Parse Urls (#1371) * [FIX] Parse image URL only if it's not empty (#1372) * [FIX] Load messages issues (#1373) * Bump version to 1.21.0 (#1376) * [FIX] Crowd login (#1381) * [FIX] Clicking user avatar in thread previews crashes app (#1363) * [IMPROVEMENT] Error messages on connect (#1379) * [FIX] ProfileView input navigation error when custom fields aren't set (#1383) * [FIX] Batch server deletion on logout (#1382) * Bump app to 1.22.0 (#1387) * [FIX] Server Version (#1392) * Update patch and minor deps (#1386) * [FIX] Crash when open thread (#1395) * Bump version to 1.23.0 (#1394) * [I18N] Update ru.js (#1384) * [FIX] CAS building wrong URL (#1362) * [FIX] Delete messages (#1399) * [FIX] In-app notification showing wrong content on channels (#1400) * Bump version to 1.24.0 (#1404) * [FIX] Prevent server with whitespace (#1402) * [IMPROVEMENT] Keyboard and content type on login (#1403) * [FIX] Messages stop loading (#1410) * [NEW] Tablet support (#1300) * [IMPROVEMENT] Authentication via deep linking (#1418) * [IMPROVEMENT] Markdown performance when identifying emoji only content (#1422) * [FIX] BackHandler remove random failing on development (#1423) * Bump version to 1.25.0 (#1424) * [CHORE] Update CI Xcode Image (#1430) * [FIX] Rooms grouping not working properly (#1435) * [FIX] Take a video (#1437) * [NEW] Themes (#1298) * [FIX] Share extension doesn't reconnect to previous selected server on Android (#1429) * [FIX] Init local settings on notification tap (#1438) * Bump version to 1.26.0 (#1450) * [FIX] Emoji parser not working on Hermes (#1445) * [NEW] Enable Hermes (#1446) * [FIX] Automatic theme repeating (#1457) * [CHORE] Sync Experimental and Official app versions (#1458) * [DOCS] Update readme (#1459) * [FIX] Messages being sent but showing as temp status (#1469) * [FIX] Missing messages after reconnect (#1470) * [FIX] Few fixes on themes (#1477) * [I18N] Missing German translations (#1465) * Missing German translation * adding a missing space behind colon * added a missing space after colon * and another attempt to finally fix this – got confused by all the branches * some smaller fixes for the translation * better wording * fixed another typo * [FIX] Crash while displaying the attached image with http on file name (#1401) * [IMPROVEMENT] Tap app and server version to copy to clipboard (#1425) * [NEW] Reply notification (#1448) * [FIX] Incorrect background color login on iPad (#1480) * [FIX] Prevent multiple tap on send (Share Extension) (#1481) * [NEW] Image Viewer (#1479) * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1485) * [FIX] Jitsi with Hermes Enabled (#1523) * [FIX] Draft messages not working with themed Messagebox (#1525) * [FIX] Go to direct message from members list (#1519) * [FIX] Make SAML wait for idp token instead of creating it on client (#1527) * [FIX] Server Test Push Notification (#1508) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [CHORE] Update to new server response (#1509) * [FIX] Insert messages with blank users (#1529) * Bump version to 4.2.1 (#1530) * [FIX] Error when normalizing empty messages (#1532) * [REGRESSION] CAS (#1570) * Bump version to 4.2.2 (#1571) * [FIX] Add username block condition to prevent error (#1585) * Bump version to 4.2.3 * Bump version to 4.2.4 * Bump version to 4.3.0 (#1630) * [FIX] Channels doesn't load (#1586) * [FIX] Channels doesn't load * [FIX] Update roomsUpdatedAt when subscriptions.length is 0 * [FIX] Remove unnecessary changes * [FIX] Improve the code Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Make SAML to work on Rocket.Chat < 2.3.0 (#1629) * [NEW] Invite links (#1534) * [FIX] Set the http-agent to the form that Rocket.Chat requires for logging (#1482) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] "Following thread" and "Unfollowed Thread" is hardcoded and not translated (#1625) * [FIX] Disable reset button if form didn't changed (#1569) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Header title of RoomInfoView (#1553) * [I18N] Gallery Permissions DE (#1542) * [FIX] Not allow to send messages to archived room (#1623) * [FIX] Profile fields automatically reset (#1502) * [FIX] Show attachment on ThreadMessagesView (#1493) * [NEW] Wordpress auth (#1633) * [CHORE] Add Start Packager script (#1639) * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5 (#1638) * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5 * [CHORE] Update react-native patch Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * Bump version to 4.3.1 (#1641) * [FIX] Change force logout rule (#1640) * Bump version to 4.4.0 (#1643) * [IMPROVEMENT] Use MessagingStyle on Android Notification (#1575) * [NEW] Request review (#1627) * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomView (#1657) * [FIX] Unsubscribe from room (#1655) * [FIX] Server with subdirs (#1646) * [NEW] Clear cache (#1660) * [IMPROVEMENT] Memoize and batch subscriptions updates (#1642) * [FIX] Disallow empty sharing (#1664) * [REGRESSION] Use HTTPS links for sharing and markets protocol for review (#1663) * [FIX] In some cases, share extension doesn't load images (#1649) * [i18n] DE translations for new invite function and some minor fixes (#1631) * [FIX] Remove duplicate jetify step (#1628) minor: also remove 'cd' calls Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [REGRESSION] Read messages (#1666) * [i18n] German translations missing (#1670) * [FIX] Notifications crash on older Android Versions (#1672) * [i18n] Added Dutch translation (#1676) * [NEW] Omnichannel Beta (#1674) * [NEW] Confirm logout/clear cache (#1688) * [I18N] Add es-ES language (#1495) * [NEW] UiKit Beta (#1497) * [IMPROVEMENT] Use reselect (#1696) * [FIX] Notification in Android API level less than 24 (#1692) * [IMPROVEMENT] Send tmid on slash commands and media (#1698) * [FIX] Unhandled action on UIKit (#1703) * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomsList (#1701) * [IMPROVEMENT] Reset app when language is changed (#1702) * [FIX] Small fixes on UIKit (#1709) * [FIX] Spotlight (#1719) * [CHORE] Update react-native-image-crop-picker (#1712) * [FIX] Messages Overlapping (Android) and MessageBox Scroll (iOS) (#1720) * [REGRESSION] Remove @ and # from mention (#1721) * [NEW] Direct message from user info (#1516) * [FIX] Delete slash commands (#1723) * [IMPROVEMENT] Hold URL to copy (#1684) * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes (#1724) * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes * Upload sourcemaps after build * [REVERT] Show emoji keyboard on Android (#1738) * [FIX] Stop logging react-native-image-crop-picker (#1745) * [FIX] Prevent toast ref error (#1744) * [FIX] Prevent reaction map error (#1743) * [FIX] Add missing calls to user info (#1741) * [FIX] Catch room unsubscribe error (#1739) * [i18n] Missing German keys (#1735) * [FIX] Missing i18n on MessagesView title (#1733) * [FIX] UIKit Modal: Weird behavior on Android Tablet (#1742) * [i18n] Missing key on German (#1747) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [i18n] Add Italian (#1736) * [CHORE] Memory leaks investigation (#1675) * [IMPROVEMENT] Alert verify email when enabled (#1725) * [NEW] Jitsi JWT added to URL (#1746) * [FIX] UIKit submit when connection lost (#1748) * Bump version to 4.5.0 (#1761) * [NEW] Default browser (#1752) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] HTTP Basic Auth (#1753) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Honor profile fields edit settings (#1687) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Room announcements (#1726) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Honor Register/Login settings (#1727) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Make links clickable on Room Info (#1730) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [NEW] Hide system messages (#1755) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Honor "Message_AudioRecorderEnabled" (#1764) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [i18n] Missing de keys (#1765) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Redirect user to SetUsernameView (#1728) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Join Room (#1769) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Accept all media types using * (#1770) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Use RealName when necessary (#1758) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Markdown Line Break (#1783) * [IMPROVEMENT] Remove useMarkdown (#1774) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Open browser rather than webview on Create Workspace (#1788) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Markdown perf (#1796) * [FIX] Stop video when modal is closed (#1787) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Hide reply notification action when there are missing data (#1771) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [i18n] Added Japanese translation (#1781) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Reset password error message (#1772) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Close tablet modal (#1773) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Setting not present (#1775) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Thread header (#1776) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Keyboard tracking loses input ref (#1784) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [NEW] Mark message as unread (#1785) Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Log server version (#1786) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Add loading message on long running tasks (#1798) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [CHORE] Switch Apple account on Fastlane (#1810) * [FIX] Watermelon throwing "Cannot update a record with pending updates" (#1754) * [FIX] Detox tests (#1790) * [CHORE] Use markdown preview on RoomView Header (#1807) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] LoginSignup blink services (#1809) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Request user presence on demand (#1813) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Remove all invited users when create a channel (#1814) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Pop from room which you have been removed (#1819) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Room Info styles (#1820) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [i18n] Add missing German keys (#1800) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Empty mentions for @all and @here when real name is enabled (#1822) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [TESTS] Markdown added to Storybook (#1812) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [REGRESSION] Room View header title (#1827) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Storybook snapshots (#1831) Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [FIX] Mentions (#1829) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Thread message not found (#1830) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Separate delete and remove channel (#1832) * Rename to delete room * Separate delete and remove channel * handleRemoved -> handleRoomRemoved * [FIX] Navigate to RoomsList & Handle tablet case Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [NEW] Filter system messages per room (#1815) Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] e2e tests (#1838) * [FIX] Consecutive clear cache calls freezing app (#1851) * Bump version to 4.5.1 (#1853) * [FIX][iOS] Ignore silent mode on audio player (#1862) * [IMPROVEMENT] Create App Group property on Info.plist (#1858) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> Co-authored-by: Prateek Jain <> Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> Co-authored-by: Lucas Siqueira <> Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <> Co-authored-by: Pitstopper <> Co-authored-by: phriedrich <> Co-authored-by: Guilherme Siqueira <> Co-authored-by: Prateek Jain <> Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <> Co-authored-by: Bernard Seow <> Co-authored-by: Hiroki Ishiura <> Co-authored-by: Exordian <> Co-authored-by: Daanchaam <> Co-authored-by: Youssef Muhamad <> Co-authored-by: Iván Álvarez <> Co-authored-by: Sarthak Pranesh <> Co-authored-by: Michele Pellegrini <> Co-authored-by: Tanmoy Bhowmik <> Co-authored-by: Hibikine Kage <>
2020-03-18 21:26:17 +00:00
deleting_room: '正抹去房间',
Edit: '编辑',
Email_or_password_field_is_empty: '邮件或密码字段为空',
Email: '邮箱',
email: '邮箱',
Enable_notifications: '开启消息通知',
Everyone_can_access_this_channel: '每个人都可以进入这个频道',
Error_uploading: '错误上传',
Favorites: '最喜欢的',
Files: '文件',
Finish_recording: '完成录制',
For_your_security_you_must_enter_your_current_password_to_continue: '为了安全起见,您必须输入当前密码才能继续',
Forgot_password_If_this_email_is_registered: '如果这封邮件已注册,我们将发送如何重置密码的说明。如果您没有立即收到电子邮件,请回来再试一次。',
Forgot_password: '忘记密码',
Forgot_Password: '忘记密码',
Group_by_favorites: '按喜好分组',
Group_by_type: '按类型分组',
Has_joined_the_channel: '已加入频道',
Has_left_the_channel: '已离开频道',
I_have_an_account: '我有帐户',
Invisible: '看不见的',
Invite: '邀请',
is_a_valid_RocketChat_instance: '是一个有效的 Rocket.Chat 实例',
is_not_a_valid_RocketChat_instance: '不是有效的 Rocket.Chat 实例',
is_typing: '正在输入',
Join: '加入',
Just_invited_people_can_access_this_channel: '刚被邀请的人可以进入这个频道',
Language: '语言',
last_message: '最后一条消息',
Leave_channel: '离开频道',
leaving_room: '离开房间',
leave: '离开',
Legal: '合法',
Livechat: '即时聊天',
Login: '登录',
Login_error: '你的凭证被拒绝了! 请再试一次',
Login_with: '登陆为',
Logout: '注销',
Members: '成员',
Mentioned_Messages: '提到的信息',
mentioned: '提到',
Mentions: '提到',
Message_accessibility: '{{time}}来自{{user}}的消息: {{message}}',
Message_actions: '消息操作',
Message_pinned: '消息被钉住',
Message_removed: '消息被删除',
Messages: '消息',
Microphone_Permission_Message: 'Rocket Chat需要访问您的麦克风以便您可以发送音频消息。',
Microphone_Permission: '麦克风授权',
Mute: '静音',
muted: '被静音',
My_servers: '我的服务器',
N_people_reacted: '{{n}} 人回复',
N_users: '{{n}} 位用户',
name: '名字',
Name: '名字',
New_in_RocketChat_question_mark: '还没有账号?',
New_Message: '新消息',
New_Password: '新密码',
New_Server: '新服务器',
Next: '下一步',
No_files: '没有文件',
No_mentioned_messages: '没有提到的信息',
No_pinned_messages: '没有固定的消息',
No_snippeted_messages: '没有代码片段的消息',
No_starred_messages: '没有加星标的消息',
No_Message: '没有消息',
No_Reactions: '没有回复',
Not_logged: '没有记录',
Nothing_to_save: '什么都没有保存!',
Notify_active_in_this_room: '通知这个房间的活跃用户',
Notify_all_in_this_room: '通知这个房间的所有人',
Offline: '离线',
Oops: '哎呀!',
Merge beta into master (#2003) * [FIX] Pass isFocused as a function to Messagebox (#1309) * [CHORE] Remove icons folder (#1290) * [CHORE] Refactor RoomItem touchable (#1331) * [FIX] Unnecessary rerender on RoomItem when status is undefined (#1336) * [UPDATE DEPS] react-navigation and react-navigation-stack (#1337) * [FIX] Avatars not loading on share extension when Accounts_AvatarBlockUnauthenticatedAccess is enabled (#1339) * Bump version to 1.20.2 (#1340) * [FIX] Remove some unnecessary re-renders on Messagebox (#1341) * [REGRESSION] Use LayoutAnimation instead of Transition API (#1338) * [FIX] Remove setState from notifications view causing watermelon object to be updated outside an action (#1342) * [IMPROVEMENT] Save last message as message when subscription is updated (#1344) * [UPDATE DEPS] Update RN to 0.61.3 (#1345) * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1346) * [CHORE] Remove react-native-scrollable-tab-view fork (#1352) * [FIX] URL preview (#1360) * [REGRESSION] Decrease list view memory size (#1361) * [FIX] Paste (#1350) * [CHORE] Update gems (#1365) * Bump version to 1.20.3 (#1366) * [FIX] Use Ruby 2.4 on TestFlight upload (#1368) * [FIX] Parse Urls (#1371) * [FIX] Parse image URL only if it's not empty (#1372) * [FIX] Load messages issues (#1373) * Bump version to 1.21.0 (#1376) * [FIX] Crowd login (#1381) * [FIX] Clicking user avatar in thread previews crashes app (#1363) * [IMPROVEMENT] Error messages on connect (#1379) * [FIX] ProfileView input navigation error when custom fields aren't set (#1383) * [FIX] Batch server deletion on logout (#1382) * Bump app to 1.22.0 (#1387) * [FIX] Server Version (#1392) * Update patch and minor deps (#1386) * [FIX] Crash when open thread (#1395) * Bump version to 1.23.0 (#1394) * [I18N] Update ru.js (#1384) * [FIX] CAS building wrong URL (#1362) * [FIX] Delete messages (#1399) * [FIX] In-app notification showing wrong content on channels (#1400) * Bump version to 1.24.0 (#1404) * [FIX] Prevent server with whitespace (#1402) * [IMPROVEMENT] Keyboard and content type on login (#1403) * [FIX] Messages stop loading (#1410) * [NEW] Tablet support (#1300) * [IMPROVEMENT] Authentication via deep linking (#1418) * [IMPROVEMENT] Markdown performance when identifying emoji only content (#1422) * [FIX] BackHandler remove random failing on development (#1423) * Bump version to 1.25.0 (#1424) * [CHORE] Update CI Xcode Image (#1430) * [FIX] Rooms grouping not working properly (#1435) * [FIX] Take a video (#1437) * [NEW] Themes (#1298) * [FIX] Share extension doesn't reconnect to previous selected server on Android (#1429) * [FIX] Init local settings on notification tap (#1438) * Bump version to 1.26.0 (#1450) * [FIX] Emoji parser not working on Hermes (#1445) * [NEW] Enable Hermes (#1446) * [FIX] Automatic theme repeating (#1457) * [CHORE] Sync Experimental and Official app versions (#1458) * [DOCS] Update readme (#1459) * [FIX] Messages being sent but showing as temp status (#1469) * [FIX] Missing messages after reconnect (#1470) * [FIX] Few fixes on themes (#1477) * [I18N] Missing German translations (#1465) * Missing German translation * adding a missing space behind colon * added a missing space after colon * and another attempt to finally fix this – got confused by all the branches * some smaller fixes for the translation * better wording * fixed another typo * [FIX] Crash while displaying the attached image with http on file name (#1401) * [IMPROVEMENT] Tap app and server version to copy to clipboard (#1425) * [NEW] Reply notification (#1448) * [FIX] Incorrect background color login on iPad (#1480) * [FIX] Prevent multiple tap on send (Share Extension) (#1481) * [NEW] Image Viewer (#1479) * [DOCS] Update Readme (#1485) * [FIX] Jitsi with Hermes Enabled (#1523) * [FIX] Draft messages not working with themed Messagebox (#1525) * [FIX] Go to direct message from members list (#1519) * [FIX] Make SAML wait for idp token instead of creating it on client (#1527) * [FIX] Server Test Push Notification (#1508) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [CHORE] Update to new server response (#1509) * [FIX] Insert messages with blank users (#1529) * Bump version to 4.2.1 (#1530) * [FIX] Error when normalizing empty messages (#1532) * [REGRESSION] CAS (#1570) * Bump version to 4.2.2 (#1571) * [FIX] Add username block condition to prevent error (#1585) * Bump version to 4.2.3 * Bump version to 4.2.4 * Bump version to 4.3.0 (#1630) * [FIX] Channels doesn't load (#1586) * [FIX] Channels doesn't load * [FIX] Update roomsUpdatedAt when subscriptions.length is 0 * [FIX] Remove unnecessary changes * [FIX] Improve the code Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Make SAML to work on Rocket.Chat < 2.3.0 (#1629) * [NEW] Invite links (#1534) * [FIX] Set the http-agent to the form that Rocket.Chat requires for logging (#1482) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] "Following thread" and "Unfollowed Thread" is hardcoded and not translated (#1625) * [FIX] Disable reset button if form didn't changed (#1569) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Header title of RoomInfoView (#1553) * [I18N] Gallery Permissions DE (#1542) * [FIX] Not allow to send messages to archived room (#1623) * [FIX] Profile fields automatically reset (#1502) * [FIX] Show attachment on ThreadMessagesView (#1493) * [NEW] Wordpress auth (#1633) * [CHORE] Add Start Packager script (#1639) * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5 (#1638) * [CHORE] Update RN to 0.61.5 * [CHORE] Update react-native patch Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * Bump version to 4.3.1 (#1641) * [FIX] Change force logout rule (#1640) * Bump version to 4.4.0 (#1643) * [IMPROVEMENT] Use MessagingStyle on Android Notification (#1575) * [NEW] Request review (#1627) * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomView (#1657) * [FIX] Unsubscribe from room (#1655) * [FIX] Server with subdirs (#1646) * [NEW] Clear cache (#1660) * [IMPROVEMENT] Memoize and batch subscriptions updates (#1642) * [FIX] Disallow empty sharing (#1664) * [REGRESSION] Use HTTPS links for sharing and markets protocol for review (#1663) * [FIX] In some cases, share extension doesn't load images (#1649) * [i18n] DE translations for new invite function and some minor fixes (#1631) * [FIX] Remove duplicate jetify step (#1628) minor: also remove 'cd' calls Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [REGRESSION] Read messages (#1666) * [i18n] German translations missing (#1670) * [FIX] Notifications crash on older Android Versions (#1672) * [i18n] Added Dutch translation (#1676) * [NEW] Omnichannel Beta (#1674) * [NEW] Confirm logout/clear cache (#1688) * [I18N] Add es-ES language (#1495) * [NEW] UiKit Beta (#1497) * [IMPROVEMENT] Use reselect (#1696) * [FIX] Notification in Android API level less than 24 (#1692) * [IMPROVEMENT] Send tmid on slash commands and media (#1698) * [FIX] Unhandled action on UIKit (#1703) * [NEW] Pull to refresh RoomsList (#1701) * [IMPROVEMENT] Reset app when language is changed (#1702) * [FIX] Small fixes on UIKit (#1709) * [FIX] Spotlight (#1719) * [CHORE] Update react-native-image-crop-picker (#1712) * [FIX] Messages Overlapping (Android) and MessageBox Scroll (iOS) (#1720) * [REGRESSION] Remove @ and # from mention (#1721) * [NEW] Direct message from user info (#1516) * [FIX] Delete slash commands (#1723) * [IMPROVEMENT] Hold URL to copy (#1684) * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes (#1724) * [FIX] Different sourcemaps generation for Hermes * Upload sourcemaps after build * [REVERT] Show emoji keyboard on Android (#1738) * [FIX] Stop logging react-native-image-crop-picker (#1745) * [FIX] Prevent toast ref error (#1744) * [FIX] Prevent reaction map error (#1743) * [FIX] Add missing calls to user info (#1741) * [FIX] Catch room unsubscribe error (#1739) * [i18n] Missing German keys (#1735) * [FIX] Missing i18n on MessagesView title (#1733) * [FIX] UIKit Modal: Weird behavior on Android Tablet (#1742) * [i18n] Missing key on German (#1747) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [i18n] Add Italian (#1736) * [CHORE] Memory leaks investigation (#1675) * [IMPROVEMENT] Alert verify email when enabled (#1725) * [NEW] Jitsi JWT added to URL (#1746) * [FIX] UIKit submit when connection lost (#1748) * Bump version to 4.5.0 (#1761) * [NEW] Default browser (#1752) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] HTTP Basic Auth (#1753) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Honor profile fields edit settings (#1687) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Room announcements (#1726) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Honor Register/Login settings (#1727) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Make links clickable on Room Info (#1730) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [NEW] Hide system messages (#1755) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Honor "Message_AudioRecorderEnabled" (#1764) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [i18n] Missing de keys (#1765) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Redirect user to SetUsernameView (#1728) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Join Room (#1769) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Accept all media types using * (#1770) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Use RealName when necessary (#1758) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Markdown Line Break (#1783) * [IMPROVEMENT] Remove useMarkdown (#1774) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Open browser rather than webview on Create Workspace (#1788) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Markdown perf (#1796) * [FIX] Stop video when modal is closed (#1787) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Hide reply notification action when there are missing data (#1771) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [i18n] Added Japanese translation (#1781) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Reset password error message (#1772) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Close tablet modal (#1773) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Setting not present (#1775) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Thread header (#1776) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Keyboard tracking loses input ref (#1784) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [NEW] Mark message as unread (#1785) Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Log server version (#1786) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Add loading message on long running tasks (#1798) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [CHORE] Switch Apple account on Fastlane (#1810) * [FIX] Watermelon throwing "Cannot update a record with pending updates" (#1754) * [FIX] Detox tests (#1790) * [CHORE] Use markdown preview on RoomView Header (#1807) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] LoginSignup blink services (#1809) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Request user presence on demand (#1813) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Remove all invited users when create a channel (#1814) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Pop from room which you have been removed (#1819) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Room Info styles (#1820) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [i18n] Add missing German keys (#1800) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Empty mentions for @all and @here when real name is enabled (#1822) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [TESTS] Markdown added to Storybook (#1812) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [REGRESSION] Room View header title (#1827) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Storybook snapshots (#1831) Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [FIX] Mentions (#1829) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Thread message not found (#1830) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Separate delete and remove channel (#1832) * Rename to delete room * Separate delete and remove channel * handleRemoved -> handleRoomRemoved * [FIX] Navigate to RoomsList & Handle tablet case Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [NEW] Filter system messages per room (#1815) Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] e2e tests (#1838) * [FIX] Consecutive clear cache calls freezing app (#1851) * Bump version to 4.5.1 (#1853) * [FIX][iOS] Ignore silent mode on audio player (#1862) * [IMPROVEMENT] Create App Group property on Info.plist (#1858) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Make username clickable on message (#1618) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Show proper error message on profile (#1768) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [IMPROVEMENT] Show toast when a message is starred/unstarred (#1616) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Incorrect size params to avatar endpoint (#1875) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Remove unrecognized emoji flags on android (#1887) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Remove react-native global installs (#1886) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Emojis transparent on android (#1881) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 (#1876) Bumps [acorn]( from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4. - [Release notes]( - [Commits]( Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * Bump version to 4.6.0 (#1911) * [FIX] Encode Image URI (#1909) * [FIX] Encode Image URI * [FIX] Check if Image is Valid Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [NEW] Adaptive Icons (#1904) * Remove unnecessary stuff from debug build * Adaptive icon for experimental app * [FIX] Stop showing message on leave channel (#1896) * [FIX] Leave room don't show 'was removed' message * [FIX] Remove duplicated code Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [i18n] Added missing German translations(#1900) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Linkedin OAuth login (#1913) * [CHORE] Fix typo in CreateChannel View (#1930) * [FIX] Respect protocol in HTTP Auth IPs (#1933) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Use new LinkedIn OAuth url (#1935) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [CHORE] Use storyboard on splash screen (#1939) * Update react-native-bootsplash * iOS * Fix android * [FIX] Check if avatar exists before create Icon (#1927) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Ignore self typing event (#1950) Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Change default directory listing to Users (#1948) * fix: change default directory listing to Users * follow server settings * Fix state to props Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [NEW] Onboarding layout (#1954) * Onboarding texts * OnboardingView * FormContainer * Minor fixes * NewServerView * Remove code * Refactor * WorkspaceView * Stash * Login with email working * Login with * Join open * Revert "Login with" This reverts commit d05dc507d2e9a2db76d433b9b1f62192eba35dbd. * Fix create account styles * Register * Refactor * LoginServices component * Refactor * Multiple servers * Remove native images * Refactor styles * Fix testid * Fix add server on tablet * i18n * Fix close modal * Fix TOTP * [FIX] Registration disabled * [FIX] Login Services separator * Fix logos * Fix AppVersion name * I18n * Minor fixes * [FIX] Custom Fields Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [NEW] Create discussions (#1942) * [WIP][NEW] Create Discussion * [FIX] Clear multiselect & Translations * [NEW] Create Discussion at MessageActions * [NEW] Disabled Multiselect * [FIX] Initial channel * [NEW] Create discussion on MessageBox Actions * [FIX] Crashing on edit name * [IMPROVEMENT] New message layout * [CHORE] Update README * [NEW] Avatars on MultiSelect * [FIX] Select Users * [FIX] Add redirect and Handle tablet * [IMPROVEMENT] Split CreateDiscussionView * [FIX] Create a discussion inner discussion * [FIX] Create a discussion * [I18N] Add pt-br * Change icons * [FIX] Nav to discussion & header title * Fix header Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Load messages (#1910) * Create updateLastOpen param on readMessages * Remove InteractionManager from load messages * [NEW] Custom Status (#1811) * [NEW] Custom Status * [FIX] Subscribe to changes * [FIX] Improve code using Banner component * [IMPROVEMENT] Toggle modal * [NEW] Edit custom status from Sidebar * [FIX] Modal when tablet * [FIX] Styles * [FIX] Switch to react-native-promp-android * [FIX] Custom Status UI * [TESTS] E2E Custom Status * Fix banner * Fix banner * Fix subtitle * status text * Fix topic header * Fix RoomActionsView topic * Fix header alignment on Android * [FIX] RoomInfo crashes when without statusText * [FIX] Use users.setStatus * [FIX] Remove customStatus of ProfileView * [FIX] Room View Thread Header Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] UI issues of Create Discussion View (#1965) * [NEW] Direct Message between multiple users (#1958) * [WIP] DM between multiple users * [WIP][NEW] Create new DM between multiple users * [IMPROVEMENT] Improve createChannel Sagas * [IMPROVEMENT] Selected Users view * [IMPROVEMENT] Room Actions of Group DM * [NEW] Create new DM between multiple users * [NEW] Group DM avatar * [FIX] Directory border * [IMPROVEMENT] Use isGroupChat * [CHORE] Remove legacy getRoomMemberId * [NEW] RoomTypeIcon * [FIX] No use legacy method on RoomInfoView * [FIX] Blink header when create new DM * [FIX] Only show create direct message option when allowed * [FIX] RoomInfoView * pt-BR * Few fixes * Create button name * Show create button only after a user is selected * Fix max users issues Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Add server and hide login (#1968) * Navigate to new server workspace from ServerDropdown if there's no token * Hide login button based on login services and Accounts_ShowFormLogin setting * [FIX] Lint Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [FIX] MultiSelect Keyboard behavior (Android) (#1969) * fixed-modal-position * made-changes Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [FIX] Bottom border style on DirectoryView (#1963) * [FIX] Border style * [FIX] Refactoring * [FIX] fix color of border * Undo Co-authored-by: Aroo <> Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Clear settings on server change (#1967) * [FIX] Deeplinking without RoomId (#1925) * [FIX] Deeplinking without rid * [FIX] Join channel * [FIX] Deep linking without rid * Update app/lib/methods/canOpenRoom.js Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [NEW] Two Factor authentication via email (#1961) * First api call working * [NEW] REST API Post wrapper 2FA * [NEW] Send 2FA on Email * [I18n] Add translations * [NEW] Translations & Cancel totp * [CHORE] Totp -> TwoFactor * [NEW] Two Factor by email * [NEW] Tablet Support * [FIX] Text colors * [NEW] Password 2fa * [FIX] Encrypt password on 2FA * [NEW] MethodCall2FA * [FIX] Password fallback * [FIX] Wrap all post/methodCall with 2fa * [FIX] Wrap missed function * few fixes * [FIX] Use new TOTP on Login * [improvement] 2fa methodCall Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> * [FIX] Correct message for manual approval user Registration (#1906) * [FIX] Correct message for manual approval from admin shown on Registeration * lint fix - added semicolon * Updated the translations * [FIX] Translations * i18n to match server Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Direct Message between multiple users REST (#1974) * [FIX] Investigate app losing connection issues (#1890) * [WIP] Reopen without timeOut & ping with 5 sec & Fix Unsubscribe * [FIX] Remove duplicated close * [FIX] Use no-dist lib * [FIX] Try minor fix * [FIX] Try reopen connection when app was put on foreground * [FIX] Remove timeout * [FIX] Build * [FIX] Patch * [FIX] Snapshot * [IMPROVEMENT] Decrease time to reopen * [FIX] Some fixes * [FIX] Update sdk version * [FIX] Subscribe Room Once * [CHORE] Update sdk * [FIX] Subscribe Room * [FIX] Try to resend missed subs * [FIX] Users never show status when start app without network * [FIX] Subscribe to room * [FIX] Multiple servers * [CHORE] Update SDK * [FIX] Don't duplicate streams on subscribeAll * [FIX] Server version when start the app offline * [FIX] Server version cached * [CHORE] Remove unnecessary code * [FIX] Offline server version * [FIX] Subscribe before connect * [FIX] Remove unncessary props * [FIX] Update sdk * [FIX] User status & Unsubscribe Typing * [FIX] Typing at incorrect room * [FIX] Multiple Servers * [CHORE] Update SDK * [REVERT] Undo some changes on SDK * [CHORE] Update sdk to prevent incorrect subscribes * [FIX] Prevent no reconnect * [FIX] Remove close on open * [FIX] Clear typing when disconnect/connect to SDK * [CHORE] Update SDK * [CHORE] Update SDK * Update SDK * fix merge develop Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Single message thread inserting thread without rid (#1999) * [FIX] ThreadMessagesView crashing on load (#1997) * [FIX] Saml (#1996) * [FIX] SAML incorrect close * [FIX] Pathname Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Change user own status (#1995) * [FIX] Change user own status * [IMPROVEMENT] Set activeUsers Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Loading all updated rooms after app resume (#1998) * [FIX] Loading all updated rooms after app resume * Fix room date on RoomItem Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * [FIX] Change notifications preferences (#2000) * [FIX] Change notifications preferences * [IMPROVEMENT] Picker View * [I18N] Translations * [FIX] Picker Selection * [FIX] List border * [FIX] Prevent crash * [FIX] Not-Pref tablet * [FIX] Use same style of LanguageView * [IMPROVEMENT] Send listItem title Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <> * Bump version to 4.6.1 (#2001) Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <> Co-authored-by: Prateek Jain <> Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <> Co-authored-by: Pitstopper <> Co-authored-by: phriedrich <> Co-authored-by: Guilherme Siqueira <> Co-authored-by: Prateek Jain <> Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <> Co-authored-by: Bernard Seow <> Co-authored-by: Hiroki Ishiura <> Co-authored-by: Exordian <> Co-authored-by: Daanchaam <> Co-authored-by: Youssef Muhamad <> Co-authored-by: Iván Álvarez <> Co-authored-by: Sarthak Pranesh <> Co-authored-by: Michele Pellegrini <> Co-authored-by: Tanmoy Bhowmik <> Co-authored-by: Hibikine Kage <> Co-authored-by: Ezequiel de Oliveira <> Co-authored-by: Neil Agarwal <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> Co-authored-by: Govind Dixit <GOVINDDIXIT93@GMAIL.COM> Co-authored-by: Zhaubassarova Aruzhan <> Co-authored-by: Aroo <> Co-authored-by: Sarthak Pranesh <>
2020-04-07 13:26:19 +00:00
Onboarding_title: '欢迎来到 Rocket.Chat',
Online: '在线',
Only_authorized_users_can_write_new_messages: '只有经过授权的用户才能写新消息',
Open_emoji_selector: '打开emoji选择器',
Open_Source_Communication: '开源沟通',
Password: '密码',
Permalink_copied_to_clipboard: '永久链接已复制到剪贴板!',
Pin: '钉住',
Pinned_Messages: '被钉的消息',
pinned: '被钉住',
Pinned: '被钉',
Please_enter_your_password: '请输入密码',
Preferences_saved: '偏好已保存!',
Privacy_Policy: ' 隐私策略',
Private_Channel: '私人频道',
Private_Groups: '私人群组',
Private: '私有的',
Profile_saved_successfully: '个人资料保存成功!',
Profile: '个人资料',
Public_Channel: '公共频道',
Public: '公共',
Quote: '引用',
Reactions_are_disabled: '回复被禁用',
Reactions_are_enabled: '回复被启用',
Reactions: '回复',
Read_Only_Channel: '只读频道',
Read_Only: '只读',
Register: '注册',
Repeat_Password: '重复输入密码',
Reply: '回复',
Resend: '重新发送',
Reset_password: '重置密码',
RESET: '重置',
Roles: '角色',
Room_actions: '房间操作',
Room_changed_announcement: '{{userBy}}将房间通知改为:{{announcement}}',
Room_changed_description: '{{userBy}}将房间说明改为:{{description}}',
Room_changed_privacy: '{{userBy}}将房间类型改为:{{type}}',
Room_changed_topic: '{{userBy}}将房间主题改为:{{topic}}',
Room_Files: '房间文件',
Room_Info_Edit: '房间信息编辑',
Room_Info: '房间信息',
Room_Members: '房间成员',
Room_name_changed: '{{userBy}}将房间名称改为:{{{name}}',
SAVE: '保存',
Save_Changes: '保存更改',
Save: '保存',
saving_preferences: '保存偏好',
saving_profile: '保存配置文件',
saving_settings: '保存设置',
Search_Messages: '搜索消息',
Search: '搜索',
Select_Avatar: '选择头像',
Select_Users: '选择用户',
Send: '发送',
Send_audio_message: '发送音频信息',
Send_message: '发送消息',
Server: '服务器',
Servers: '服务器',
Set_username_subtitle: '用户名用于允许其他人在邮件中提及您',
Settings: '设置',
Settings_succesfully_changed: '更改设置成功!',
Share: '分享',
Sign_in_your_server: '登录你的服务器',
Sign_Up: '注册',
Some_field_is_invalid_or_empty: '某些字段无效或为空',
Sorting_by: '按{{key}}排序',
Star_room: '将房间标星',
Star: '加星标',
Starred_Messages: '加星标的消息',
starred: '被加星标',
Starred: '星标',
Start_of_conversation: '开始交流',
Submit: '提交',
Take_a_photo: '拍照',
tap_to_change_status: '点按即可更改状态',
Tap_to_view_servers_list: '点击查看服务器列表',
Terms_of_Service: ' 服务条款 ',
The_URL_is_invalid: '您输入的URL无效。请检查一下再试一次!',
There_was_an_error_while_action: '{{action}}出现错误!',
This_room_is_blocked: '这个房间被锁了',
This_room_is_read_only: '这个房间是只读的',
Timezone: '时区',
topic: '主题',
Topic: '主题',
Try_again: '再试一次',
Two_Factor_Authentication: '双重认证',
Type_the_channel_name_here: '在这里输入频道名称',
unarchive: '解除封存',
UNARCHIVE: '解除封存',
Unblock_user: '解锁用户',
Unmute: '取消静音',
unmuted: '静音状态',
Unpin: '拔掉',
unread_messages: '未读',
Unread: '未读的',
Unread_on_top: '未读在上面',
Unstar: '取消星号标记',
Uploading: '正在上传',
Upload_file_question_mark: '上传文件?',
User_added_by: '由{{userBy}}添加的用户 {{useradd}}',
User_has_been_key: '用户已被{{key}}!',
User_is_no_longer_role_by_: '{{userBy}}将角色 {{role}} 从用户 {{user}} 身上移除',
User_muted_by: '用户 {{userMuted}} 被 {{userBy}} 静音',
User_removed_by: '用户 {{userRemoved}} 被 {{userBy}} 移除',
User_unmuted_by: '用户 {{userUnmuted}} 被 {{userBy}} 取消静音',
User_was_set_role_by_: '用户 {{user}} 被 {{userBy}} 设置角色 {{role}}',
Username_is_empty: '用户名是空的',
Username: '用户名',
Username_or_email: '用户名或邮箱',
Validating: '正在验证',
Video_call: '视频电话',
Voice_call: '语音电话',
Welcome: '欢迎',
Yes_action_it: '是的,{{action}}它!',
Yesterday: '昨天',
You_are_in_preview_mode: '您处于预览模式',
You_are_offline: '您处于离线状态',
You_can_search_using_RegExp_eg: '您可以使用RegExp进行搜索。 例如`/^text$/i`',
You_colon: '你: ',
you_were_mentioned: '你被提到了',
You_will_not_be_able_to_recover_this_message: '您将无法恢复此消息!',
you: '你',
Your_server: '你的服务器'