2023-10-19 13:38:57 +00:00
import { put, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { Alert } from 'react-native';
import { sanitizedRaw } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/RawRecord';
import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb';
import valid from 'semver/functions/valid';
import coerce from 'semver/functions/coerce';
import { call } from 'typed-redux-saga';
import Navigation from '../lib/navigation/appNavigation';
import { SERVER } from '../actions/actionsTypes';
import {
} from '../actions/server';
import { clearSettings } from '../actions/settings';
import { clearUser, setUser } from '../actions/login';
import { clearActiveUsers } from '../actions/activeUsers';
import database from '../lib/database';
import log, { logServerVersion } from '../lib/methods/helpers/log';
import I18n from '../i18n';
import { BASIC_AUTH_KEY, setBasicAuth } from '../lib/methods/helpers/fetch';
import { appStart } from '../actions/app';
import { setSupportedVersions } from '../actions/supportedVersions';
import UserPreferences from '../lib/methods/userPreferences';
import { encryptionStop } from '../actions/encryption';
import SSLPinning from '../lib/methods/helpers/sslPinning';
import { inquiryReset } from '../ee/omnichannel/actions/inquiry';
import { IServerInfo, RootEnum, TServerModel } from '../definitions';
import { CERTIFICATE_KEY, CURRENT_SERVER, TOKEN_KEY } from '../lib/constants';
import {
} from '../lib/methods';
import { Services } from '../lib/services';
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import { connect, disconnect } from '../lib/services/connect';
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import { appSelector } from '../lib/hooks';
import { getServerById } from '../lib/database/services/Server';
import { getLoggedUserById } from '../lib/database/services/LoggedUser';
const getServerVersion = function (version: string | null) {
let validVersion = valid(version);
if (validVersion) {
return validVersion;
const coercedVersion = coerce(version);
if (coercedVersion) {
validVersion = valid(coercedVersion);
if (validVersion) {
return validVersion;
throw new Error('Server version not found');
const upsertServer = async function ({ server, serverInfo }: { server: string; serverInfo: IServerInfo }): Promise<TServerModel> {
const serversDB = database.servers;
const serversCollection = serversDB.get('servers');
const serverVersion = getServerVersion(serverInfo.version);
const record = await getServerById(server);
if (record) {
await serversDB.write(async () => {
await record.update(r => {
r.version = serverVersion;
if (serverInfo.supportedVersions) {
r.supportedVersions = serverInfo.supportedVersions;
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r.supportedVersionsUpdatedAt = new Date();
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return record;
let newRecord;
await serversDB.write(async () => {
newRecord = await serversCollection.create(r => {
r._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: server }, serversCollection.schema);
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r.version = serverVersion;
2023-10-19 13:38:57 +00:00
if (serverInfo.supportedVersions) {
r.supportedVersions = serverInfo.supportedVersions;
2023-10-23 19:35:18 +00:00
r.supportedVersionsUpdatedAt = new Date();
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if (newRecord) {
return newRecord;
throw new Error('Error creating server record');
const getServerInfoSaga = function* getServerInfoSaga({ server, raiseError = true }: { server: string; raiseError?: boolean }) {
try {
const serverInfoResult = yield* call(getServerInfo, server);
if (raiseError) {
if (!serverInfoResult.success) {
Alert.alert(I18n.t('Oops'), serverInfoResult.message);
yield put(serverFailure());
const websocketInfo = yield* call(Services.getWebsocketInfo, { server });
if (!websocketInfo.success) {
Alert.alert(I18n.t('Oops'), websocketInfo.message);
yield put(serverFailure());
let serverRecord: TServerModel | null;
if (serverInfoResult.success) {
serverRecord = yield* call(upsertServer, { server, serverInfo: serverInfoResult });
} else {
serverRecord = yield* call(getServerById, server);
if (!serverRecord) {
throw new Error('Server not found');
const supportedVersionsResult = yield* call(checkSupportedVersions, {
supportedVersions: serverRecord.supportedVersions,
serverVersion: serverRecord.version
yield put(setSupportedVersions(supportedVersionsResult));
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if (supportedVersionsResult.status === 'expired') {
2023-10-19 13:38:57 +00:00
return serverRecord;
} catch (e) {
yield put(serverFailure());
const handleSelectServer = function* handleSelectServer({ server, version, fetchVersion }: ISelectServerAction) {
try {
// SSL Pinning - Read certificate alias and set it to be used by network requests
const certificate = UserPreferences.getString(`${CERTIFICATE_KEY}-${server}`);
if (certificate) {
SSLPinning?.setCertificate(certificate, server);
yield put(inquiryReset());
yield put(encryptionStop());
yield put(clearActiveUsers());
const userId = UserPreferences.getString(`${TOKEN_KEY}-${server}`);
let user = null;
if (userId) {
// search credentials on database
const userRecord = yield* call(getLoggedUserById, userId);
if (userRecord) {
user = {
id: userRecord.id,
token: userRecord.token,
username: userRecord.username,
name: userRecord.name,
language: userRecord.language,
status: userRecord.status,
statusText: userRecord.statusText,
roles: userRecord.roles,
avatarETag: userRecord.avatarETag,
bio: userRecord.bio,
nickname: userRecord.nickname
} else {
const token = UserPreferences.getString(`${TOKEN_KEY}-${userId}`);
if (token) {
user = { token };
const basicAuth = UserPreferences.getString(`${BASIC_AUTH_KEY}-${server}`);
if (user) {
yield put(clearSettings());
yield put(setUser(user));
yield connect({ server, logoutOnError: true });
yield put(appStart({ root: RootEnum.ROOT_INSIDE }));
UserPreferences.setString(CURRENT_SERVER, server); // only set server after have a user
} else {
yield put(clearUser());
yield connect({ server });
yield put(appStart({ root: RootEnum.ROOT_OUTSIDE }));
// We can't use yield here because fetch of Settings & Custom Emojis is slower
// and block the selectServerSuccess raising multiples errors
// We need uniqueId from settings to get cloud info, so setSettings needs to be called first
let serverInfo;
if (fetchVersion) {
serverInfo = yield* getServerInfoSaga({ server, raiseError: false });
// Return server version even when offline
const serverVersion = (serverInfo && serverInfo.version) || (version as string);
// we'll set serverVersion as metadata for bugsnag
yield put(selectServerSuccess({ server, version: serverVersion, name: serverInfo?.name || 'Rocket.Chat' }));
} catch (e) {
yield put(selectServerFailure());
const handleServerRequest = function* handleServerRequest({ server, username, fromServerHistory }: IServerRequestAction) {
try {
// SSL Pinning - Read certificate alias and set it to be used by network requests
const certificate = UserPreferences.getString(`${CERTIFICATE_KEY}-${server}`);
if (certificate) {
SSLPinning?.setCertificate(certificate, server);
const serverInfo = yield* getServerInfoSaga({ server });
const serversDB = database.servers;
const serversHistoryCollection = serversDB.get('servers_history');
if (serverInfo) {
yield Services.getLoginServices(server);
yield getLoginSettings({ server });
const Accounts_iframe_enabled = yield* appSelector(state => state.settings.Accounts_iframe_enabled);
if (fromServerHistory && !Accounts_iframe_enabled) {
Navigation.navigate('LoginView', { username });
yield serversDB.write(async () => {
try {
const serversHistory = await serversHistoryCollection.query(Q.where('url', server)).fetch();
if (!serversHistory?.length) {
await serversHistoryCollection.create(s => {
s.url = server;
} catch (e) {
yield put(selectServerRequest(server, serverInfo.version, false));
} catch (e) {
yield put(serverFailure());
const root = function* root() {
yield takeLatest<IServerRequestAction>(SERVER.REQUEST, handleServerRequest);
yield takeLatest<ISelectServerAction>(SERVER.SELECT_REQUEST, handleSelectServer);
export default root;