[IMPROVEMENT] Jitsi lean (#2534)
* 2.10.2 * update jitsi sdk * use our own react-native-jitsi-meet * use own android jitsi sdk * remove jsc reference * use self-builded ios sdk * update react-native-jitsi-meet Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
buildscript {
ext {
buildToolsVersion = "29.0.2"
minSdkVersion = 21
minSdkVersion = 23
compileSdkVersion = 29
targetSdkVersion = 29
glideVersion = "4.9.0"
@ -40,11 +40,7 @@ allprojects {
maven {
// Android JSC is installed from npm
maven {
url "https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-maven-repository/raw/master/releases"
url "https://github.com/RocketChat/jitsi-maven-repository/raw/master/releases"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ def all_pods
target 'RocketChatRN' do
# force use our own JitsiMeetSDK
pod 'JitsiMeetSDK', :git => 'https://github.com/RocketChat/jitsi-meet-ios-sdk-releases.git'
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ PODS:
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (6.7.1):
- GoogleUtilities/Logger
- JitsiMeetSDK (2.8.1)
- JitsiMeetSDK (2.10.2)
- KeyCommands (2.0.3):
- React
- libwebp (1.1.0):
@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ PODS:
- React
- react-native-document-picker (3.5.3):
- React
- react-native-jitsi-meet (2.1.1):
- JitsiMeetSDK (= 2.8.1)
- react-native-jitsi-meet (2.3.0):
- JitsiMeetSDK
- React
- react-native-mmkv-storage (0.3.5):
- MMKV (= 1.2.1)
@ -575,6 +575,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES:
- FlipperKit/SKIOSNetworkPlugin (~> 0.41.1)
- Folly (from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/Folly.podspec`)
- glog (from `../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/glog.podspec`)
- JitsiMeetSDK (from `https://github.com/RocketChat/jitsi-meet-ios-sdk-releases.git`)
- KeyCommands (from `../node_modules/react-native-keycommands`)
- RCTRequired (from `../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/RCTRequired`)
- RCTTypeSafety (from `../node_modules/react-native/Libraries/TypeSafety`)
@ -670,7 +671,6 @@ SPEC REPOS:
- GoogleDataTransport
- GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport
- GoogleUtilities
- JitsiMeetSDK
- libwebp
- MMKVCore
@ -717,6 +717,8 @@ EXTERNAL SOURCES:
:podspec: "../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/Folly.podspec"
:podspec: "../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/glog.podspec"
:git: https://github.com/RocketChat/jitsi-meet-ios-sdk-releases.git
:path: "../node_modules/react-native-keycommands"
@ -858,6 +860,11 @@ EXTERNAL SOURCES:
:path: "../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga"
:commit: c48962b64633fa80eb5c417dad6b627ba7afef1c
:git: https://github.com/RocketChat/jitsi-meet-ios-sdk-releases.git
boost-for-react-native: 39c7adb57c4e60d6c5479dd8623128eb5b3f0f2c
BugsnagReactNative: 98fb350df4bb0c94cce903023531a1a5cc11fa51
@ -896,7 +903,7 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
GoogleDataTransport: 9a8a16f79feffc7f42096743de2a7c4815e84020
GoogleDataTransportCCTSupport: 489c1265d2c85b68187a83a911913d190012158d
GoogleUtilities: e121a3867449ce16b0e35ddf1797ea7a389ffdf2
JitsiMeetSDK: 2984eac1343690bf1c0c72bde75b48b0148d0f79
JitsiMeetSDK: ef6dd5cfa6d9badf009c7dba1a2c1365bfaae6b0
KeyCommands: f66c535f698ed14b3d3a4e58859d79a827ea907e
libwebp: 946cb3063cea9236285f7e9a8505d806d30e07f3
MMKV: 67253edee25a34edf332f91d73fa94a9e038b971
@ -919,7 +926,7 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
react-native-cameraroll: ae0a7c0cc8462508855707ff623b1e789b692865
react-native-cookies: d79e5015a5d3a38e08f5cb39c4948532be7e9c2b
react-native-document-picker: 825552b827012282baf4b7cbf119d3b37a280c90
react-native-jitsi-meet: f89bcb2cfbd5b15403b9c40738036c4f1af45d05
react-native-jitsi-meet: bf3d58dbdbf7c0889bc26f66911deba8aaadad88
react-native-mmkv-storage: 48729fe90e850ef2fdc9d3714b7030c7c51d82b0
react-native-notifications: ee8fd739853e72694f3af8b374c8ccb106b7b227
react-native-orientation-locker: f0ca1a8e5031dab6b74bfb4ab33a17ed2c2fcb0d
@ -978,6 +985,6 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
Yoga: d5bd05a2b6b94c52323745c2c2b64557c8c66f64
YogaKit: f782866e155069a2cca2517aafea43200b01fd5a
PODFILE CHECKSUM: 19c78b598c807d2c6b988fd11b24544ac1895a35
PODFILE CHECKSUM: c38f9a91b5c154453863a4ee1ccc203da58ad2f2
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "تسجيل الدخول";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "تسجيل الدخول باستخدام Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "تسجيل الدخول باستخدام Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "احصل على تطبيق Google المجاني وسجل الدخول إلى التطبيقات من خلال حساب Google. لا توجد حاجة لتذكر كلمات المرور.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "إلغاء";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "جلب";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "موافق";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "إلغاء";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "إعدادات";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "يتعذَّر تسجيل الدخول إلى الحساب";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "يطلب منك المشرف تعيين رمز مرور على هذا الجهاز للدخول إلى هذا الحساب. يُرجى تعيين رمز المرور وإعادة المحاولة.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "لا يتوافق هذا الجهاز مع سياسة الأمان التي أعدها مشرفك";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "هل تريد الربط بتطبيق Device Policy؟";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "يجب الربط مع تطبيق Device Policy قبل تسجيل الدخول لحماية بيانات مؤسستك.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "ربط";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Inicia la sessió";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Inicia la sessió amb Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Inicia la sessió amb Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Obteniu l'aplicació Google gratuïta i inicieu la sessió a les aplicacions amb el vostre compte de Google. D'aquesta manera, ja no haureu de recordar cap més contrasenya.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Cancel·la";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Obtén";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "D’acord";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Cancel·la";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Configuració";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "No es pot iniciar la sessió al compte";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "L'administrador requereix que estableixis una contrasenya en aquest dispositiu per accedir al compte. Estableix una contrasenya i torna-ho a provar.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "El dispositiu no compleix la política de seguretat establerta pel teu administrador.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Vols connectar-te amb l'aplicació Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Per protegir les dades de la teva organització, t'has de connectar amb l'aplicació Device Policy abans d'iniciar la sessió.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Vull connectar-me";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Přihlásit se";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Přihlásit se účtem Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Přihlašujte se účtem Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Nainstalujte si zdarma aplikaci Google a přihlašujte se do aplikací pomocí účtu Google. Nebudete si už muset pamatovat spoustu hesel.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Zrušit";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Instalovat";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Zrušit";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Nastavení";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Nelze se přihlásit k účtu";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Administrátor vyžaduje, abyste v tomto zařízení nastavili heslo pro přístup k tomuto účtu. Nastavte prosím heslo a zkuste to znovu.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Zařízení nevyhovuje bezpečnostním zásadám nastaveným administrátorem.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Propojit s aplikací Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Aby bylo možné chránit data vaší organizace, před přihlášením je nutné aktivovat propojení s aplikací Device Policy.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Propojit";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Log ind";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Log ind med Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Log ind med Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Hent den gratis Google-app, og log ind på apps med din Google-konto. Du slipper for at huske på adgangskoder.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Annuller";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Hent";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Annuller";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Indstillinger";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Der kunne ikke logges ind på kontoen";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Din administrator kræver, at du angiver en adgangskode på enheden for at få adgang til kontoen. Angiv en adgangskode, og prøv igen.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Enheden overholder ikke den sikkerhedspolitik, der er angivet af din administrator.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Vil du oprette forbindelse til appen Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Du skal oprette forbindelse til appen Device Policy, inden du logger ind, for at beskytte din organisations data.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Opret forbindelse";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Anmelden";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Über Google anmelden";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Über Google anmelden";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Installieren Sie die kostenlose Google App und melden Sie sich mit Ihrem Google-Konto in Apps an. So müssen Sie sich keine Passwörter mehr merken.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Abbrechen";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Installieren";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Abbrechen";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Einstellungen";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Anmelden im Konto nicht möglich";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Ihr Administrator hat festgelegt, dass auf diesem Gerät ein Sicherheitscode eingerichtet werden muss, um auf dieses Konto zuzugreifen. Bitte legen Sie einen Sicherheitscode fest und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Das Gerät ist nicht mit den von Ihrem Administrator festgelegten Sicherheitsrichtlinien konform.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Mit der Device Policy App verknüpfen?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Zum Schutz der Daten Ihrer Organisation müssen Sie Ihr Gerät zuerst mit der Device Policy App verknüpfen, bevor Sie sich anmelden.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Verknüpfen";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Σύνδεση";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Συνδεθείτε με το Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Συνδεθείτε με το Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Αποκτήστε τη δωρεάν εφαρμογή Google και συνδεθείτε σε εφαρμογές με το Λογαριασμό σας Google. Δεν χρειάζεται να απομνημονεύετε κωδικούς πρόσβασης.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Ακύρωση";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Λήψη";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "ΟΚ";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Άκυρο";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Ρυθμίσεις";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Δεν είναι δυνατή η σύνδεση στον λογαριασμό";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Ο διαχειριστής σας απαιτεί να ορίσετε έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης στη συσκευή, για να έχετε πρόσβαση σε αυτόν τον λογαριασμό. Ορίστε έναν κωδικό πρόσβασης και δοκιμάστε ξανά.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Η συσκευή δεν συμμορφώνεται με την πολιτική ασφαλείας που έχει ορίσει ο διαχειριστής σας.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Σύνδεση με την εφαρμογή Device Policy;";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Προκειμένου να προστατεύσετε τα δεδομένα του οργανισμού σας, θα πρέπει να συνδεθείτε με την εφαρμογή Device Policy προτού συνδεθείτε στον λογαριασμό σας.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Σύνδεση";
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Sign in";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Sign in with Google";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Cancel";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Settings";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Unable to sign in to account";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Your administrator requires you to set a passcode on this device to access this account. Please set a passcode and try again.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "The device is not compliant with the security policy set by your administrator.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Connect with Device Policy App?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "In order to protect your organization's data, you must connect with the Device Policy app before logging in.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Connect";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Sign in";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Sign in with Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Sign in with Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Get the free Google app and sign in to apps with your Google Account. No need to remember passwords.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Cancel";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Get";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Cancel";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Settings";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Unable to sign in to account";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Your administrator requires you to set a passcode on this device to access this account. Please set a passcode and try again.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "The device is not compliant with the security policy set by your administrator.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Connect with Device Policy App?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "In order to protect your organisation's data, you must connect with the Device Policy app before logging in.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Connect";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Iniciar sesión";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Iniciar sesión con Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Iniciar sesión con Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Obtén la aplicación Google gratuita e inicia sesión en aplicaciones con tu cuenta de Google. No tendrás que recordar las contraseñas.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Obtener";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "Aceptar";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Configuración";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "No se ha podido iniciar sesión en la cuenta";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "El administrador requiere que configures una contraseña en este dispositivo para acceder a esta cuenta. Inténtalo de nuevo cuando lo hayas hecho.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "El dispositivo no cumple la política de privacidad que ha definido tu administrador.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "¿Has conectado tu dispositivo con la aplicación Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Para proteger los datos de tu organización, debes conectar tu dispositivo con la aplicación Device Policy antes de iniciar sesión.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Conectar";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Acceder";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Acceder con Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Acceder con Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Obtén Google app y accede a aplicaciones con tu cuenta de Google. No hace falta recordar contraseñas.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Obtener";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "Aceptar";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Configuración";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "No es posible acceder a la cuenta";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Para acceder a esta cuenta, tu administrador requiere que establezcas una contraseña en el dispositivo. Configúrala y vuelve a intentarlo.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "El dispositivo no cumple con la política de seguridad que estableció el administrador.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "¿Deseas conectarte con la app de Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Para proteger los datos de tu organización, debes conectarte con la app de Device Policy antes de acceder.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Conectar";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Kirjaudu sisään";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Kirjaudu Google-tilin tunnuksilla";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Kirjaudu Google-tilin tunnuksilla";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Hanki ilmainen Google-sovellus ja kirjaudu sovelluksiin Google-tililläsi. Sinun ei tarvitse muistaa salasanoja.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Peruuta";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Hae";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Peruuta";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Asetukset";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Kirjautuminen tilille ei onnistu";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Järjestelmänvalvoja edellyttää tunnuskoodin määrittämistä, ennen kuin voit käyttää tiliä tällä laitteella. Määritä tunnuskoodi ja yritä uudelleen.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Laite ei noudata järjestelmänvalvojan määrittämää verkkotunnuskäytäntöä.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Muodostetaanko yhteys Device Policy ‑sovellukseen?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Suojaa organisaatiosi dataa muodostamalla yhteys Device Policy ‑sovellukseen ennen kirjautumista.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Muodosta yhteys";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Se connecter";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Se connecter avec Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Se connecter avec Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Installez l'appli Google gratuite et connectez-vous à des applications avec votre compte Google. Plus besoin de vous souvenir de vos mots de passe.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Annuler";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Installer";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Annuler";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Paramètres";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Impossible de se connecter au compte";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Votre administrateur exige que vous définissiez un mot de passe sur cet appareil pour accéder à ce compte. Veuillez définir un mot de passe, puis réessayer.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "L'appareil ne respecte pas les règles de sécurité définies par votre administrateur.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Se connecter à l'application Device Policy ?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Afin de protéger les données de votre organisation, vous devez vous connecter à l'application Device Policy avant de vous connecter à votre compte.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Connexion";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Se connecter";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Se connecter à Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Connectez-vous à Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Téléchargez gratuitement l'application Google et connectez-vous à des applications avec votre compte Google. Plus besoin de mémoriser vos mots de passe.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Annuler";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Télécharger";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Annuler";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Paramètres";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Impossible de se connecter au compte";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Pour que votre administrateur puisse accéder à ce compte, vous devez définir un mot de passe sur cet appareil. Veuillez définir un mot de passe et réessayer.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "L'appareil n'est pas conforme à la politique de sécurité définie par votre administrateur.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Connexion avec l'application Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Pour protéger les données de votre organisation, vous devez vous connecter à l'application Device Policy avant de vous connecter.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Connexion";
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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "היכנס";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "היכנס באמצעות Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "כניסה באמצעות Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "התקן את Google app בחינם והיכנס אל אפליקציות באמצעות חשבון Google. לא תצטרך עוד לזכור סיסמאות.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "בטל";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "התקן";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "אישור";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "ביטול";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "הגדרות";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "לא ניתן להיכנס לחשבון";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "מנהל המערכת דורש ממך להגדיר קוד סיסמה במכשיר זה כדי לגשת לחשבון זה. יש להגדיר קוד סיסמה ולנסות שוב.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "המכשיר אינו פועל בהתאם למדיניות האבטחה שנקבעה על-ידי מנהל המערכת.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "האם להתחבר באמצעות האפליקציית Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "על מנת להגן על נתוני הארגון שלך, יש להתחבר באמצעות אפליקציית Device Policy לפני הכניסה לחשבון.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "התחברות";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "साइन इन करें";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Google के साथ साइन इन करें";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Google के साथ साइन इन करें";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "मुफ़्त Google ऐप्लिकेशन पाएं और अपने Google खाते से ऐप्लिकेशन में साइन इन करें. पासवर्ड याद रखने की ज़रूरत नहीं.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "अभी नहीं";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "पाएं";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "ठीक";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "अभी नहीं";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "सेटिंग";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "खाते में साइन इन नहीं किया जा सका";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "आपके एडमिन के लिए ज़रूरी है कि आप यह खाता एक्सेस करने के लिए इस डिवाइस पर एक पासकोड सेट करें. कृपया पासकोड सेट करें और दोबारा कोशिश करें.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "डिवाइस आपके एडमिन के ज़रिए सेट की गई सुरक्षा नीति का अनुपालन नहीं करता है.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "क्या Device Policy ऐप्लिकेशन से कनेक्ट करना चाहते हैं?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "अपने संगठन डेटा की सुरक्षा के लिए, आपको लॉग-इन करने से पहले Device Policy ऐप्लिकेशन से कनेक्ट करना होगा.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "कनेक्ट करें";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Prijava";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Prijavite se putem Googlea";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Prijavite se putem Googlea";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Preuzmite besplatnu aplikaciju Google i prijavljujte se na aplikacije svojim Google računom. Ne morate pamtiti zaporke.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Odustani";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Nabavi";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "U redu";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Odbaci";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Postavke";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Prijava na račun nije moguća";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Vaš administrator zahtijeva da postavite šifru zaporke na ovom uređaju da biste pristupili računu. Postavite šifru zaporke i pokušajte ponovo.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Uređaj nije usklađen sa sigurnosnim pravilima koja je postavio vaš administrator.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Želite li se povezati s aplikacijom Pravila za uređaje?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Da biste zaštitili podatke svoje organizacije, morate se povezati s aplikacijom Pravila za uređaje prije prijave.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Poveži";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Bejelentkezés";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Bejelentkezés Google-fiókkal";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Bejelentkezés Google-fiókkal";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Telepítse az ingyenes Google alkalmazást, és jelentkezzen be az egyes termékekbe Google-fiókjával. Nem kell különböző jelszavakat megjegyeznie.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Mégse";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Telepítés";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Mégse";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Beállítások";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Nem sikerült bejelentkezni a fiókba";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Adminisztrátora biztonsági kód beállítását kéri ezen az eszközön a fiókhoz való hozzáféréshez. Kérjük, állítson be biztonsági kódot, majd próbálja újra.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Az eszköz nem felel meg a rendszergazda által beállított biztonsági házirendnek.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Csatlakozik a Device Policy alkalmazáshoz?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "A szervezet adatainak védelme érdekében a bejelentkezés előtt csatlakoznia kell a Device Policy alkalmazáshoz.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Csatlakozás";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Masuk";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Masuk dengan Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Masuk dengan Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Dapatkan Google app gratis dan masuk ke aplikasi dengan Akun Google. Tidak perlu mengingat sandi.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Batal";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Ambil";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "Oke";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Batal";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Setelan";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Tidak dapat login ke akun";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Administrator mengharuskan Anda menyetel kode sandi di perangkat ini untuk mengakses akun ini. Setel kode sandi dan coba lagi.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Perangkat ini tidak sesuai dengan kebijakan keamanan yang disetel oleh administrator.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Sambungkan dengan Aplikasi Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Untuk melindungi data organisasi, Anda harus tersambung dengan aplikasi Device Policy sebelum login.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Sambungkan";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Accedi";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Accedi con Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Accedi con Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Scarica gratis l'app Google app e accedi alle app con il tuo account Google: liberati dai vincoli delle password.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Annulla";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Scarica";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Annulla";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Impostazioni";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Impossibile accedere all'account";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "L'amministratore richiede l'impostazione di un passcode sul dispositivo per accedere a questo account. Imposta un passcode e riprova.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Il dispositivo non è conforme alle norme di sicurezza stabilite dall'amministratore.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Vuoi collegarti all'app Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Per proteggere i dati della tua organizzazione, devi collegarti all'app Device Policy prima di accedere.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Collega";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "ログイン";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Googleでログイン";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Googleでログイン";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "無料のGoogleアプリをインストールして、Googleアカウントでアプリにログインしよう。パスワードを覚えておく必要はありません。";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "キャンセル";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "インストール";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "キャンセル";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "設定";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "アカウントにログインできません";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "このアカウントにアクセスするには、この端末でパスコードを設定する必要があります。パスコードを設定してから、もう一度お試しください。";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "この端末は、管理者が設定したセキュリティ ポリシーに準拠していません。";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Device Policy アプリと接続しますか?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "組織のデータを保護するために、ログインする前に Device Policy アプリと接続する必要があります。";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "接続";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "로그인";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Google 계정으로 로그인";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Google 계정으로 로그인";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "무료 Google 앱을 다운로드하여 Google 계정으로 앱에 로그인하세요. 비밀번호를 기억할 필요가 없습니다.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "취소";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "설치";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "확인";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "취소";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "설정";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "계정에 로그인할 수 없음";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "관리자의 설정에 따라 이 계정에 액세스하려면 사용 중인 기기에 비밀번호를 설정해야 합니다. 비밀번호를 설정한 후 다시 시도해 주세요.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "관리자가 설정한 보안 정책을 준수하지 않는 기기입니다.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Device Policy 앱과 연결하시겠습니까?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "조직의 데이터를 보호하려면 로그인하기 전에 Device Policy 앱과 연결해야 합니다.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "연결";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Log masuk";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Log masuk dengan Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Log masuk dengan Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Dapatkan apl Google percuma dan log masuk ke apl menggunakan Akaun Google anda. Tidak perlu mengingati kata laluan.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Batal";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Dapatkan";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Batal";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Tetapan";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Tidak dapat log masuk ke akaun";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Pentadbir menghendaki anda menetapkan kod laluan pada peranti ini untuk mengakses akaun ini. Sila tetapkan kod laluan, kemudian cuba lagi.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Peranti tidak mematuhi dasar keselamatan yang ditetapkan oleh pentadbir anda.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Berhubung dengan Apl Dasar Peranti?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Untuk melindungi data organisasi anda, anda mesti berhubung dengan apl Dasar Peranti sebelum log masuk.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Hubungkan";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Logg på";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Logg på med Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Logg på med Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Skaff deg den gratis Google-appen, og logg på apper med Google-kontoen din. Du trenger ikke å huske passord.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Avbryt";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Hent";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Avbryt";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Innstillinger";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Kan ikke logge på kontoen";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Administratoren din krever at du angir en adgangskode på denne enheten for å få tilgang til kontoen. Angi en adgangskode, og prøv på nytt.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Enheten overholder ikke retningslinjene for sikkerhet som ble angitt av administratoren din.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Vil du koble til med Device Policy-appen?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "For å beskytte dataene til organisasjonen din må du koble til med Device Policy-appen før du logger på.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Koble til";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Inloggen";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Inloggen met Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Inloggen met Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Installeer de gratis Google-app en log in bij apps met uw Google-account. U hoeft geen wachtwoorden te onthouden.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Annuleren";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Installeren";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Annuleren";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Instellingen";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Kan niet inloggen op account";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Uw beheerder vereist dat u een toegangscode instelt op dit apparaat om toegang te krijgen tot dit account. Stel een toegangscode in en probeer het opnieuw.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Het apparaat voldoet niet aan het beveiligingsbeleid dat is ingesteld door uw beheerder.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Verbinden met Device Policy-app?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Ter bescherming van de gegevens van uw organisatie moet u verbinding maken met de Device Policy-app voordat u inlogt.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Verbinden";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Zaloguj się";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Zaloguj się przez Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Zaloguj się przez Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Pobierz darmową aplikację Google i zaloguj się do aplikacji, używając konta Google. Nie musisz pamiętać haseł.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Anuluj";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Pobierz";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Anuluj";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Ustawienia";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Nie można zalogować się na konto";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Administrator wymaga ustawienia kodu dostępu do konta na tym urządzeniu. Ustaw kod dostępu i spróbuj ponownie.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Urządzenie nie jest zgodne z zasadami bezpieczeństwa ustanowionymi przez Twojego administratora.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Połączyć z aplikacją Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Aby chronić dane organizacji, przed zalogowaniem musisz się połączyć z aplikacją Device Policy.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Połącz";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Fazer login";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Fazer login com o Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Fazer login com o Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Faça o download do Google app gratuitamente e faça login em aplicativos com sua Conta do Google. Não há necessidade de lembrar senhas.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Instalar";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Configurações";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Não foi possível fazer login na conta";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Seu administrador exige que você defina uma senha neste dispositivo para acessar esta conta. Defina uma senha e tente novamente.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "O dispositivo não está em conformidade com a política de segurança definida pelo administrador.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Conectar-se ao app Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Para proteger os dados da sua organização, você precisa se conectar ao app Device Policy antes de fazer login.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Conectar";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Fazer login";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Fazer login com o Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Fazer login com o Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Faça o download do Google app gratuitamente e faça login em aplicativos com sua Conta do Google. Não há necessidade de lembrar senhas.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Instalar";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Configurações";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Não foi possível fazer login na conta";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Seu administrador exige que você defina uma senha neste dispositivo para acessar esta conta. Defina uma senha e tente novamente.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "O dispositivo não está em conformidade com a política de segurança definida pelo administrador.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Conectar-se ao app Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Para proteger os dados da sua organização, você precisa se conectar ao app Device Policy antes de fazer login.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Conectar";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Iniciar sessão";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Iniciar sessão com o Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Iniciar sessão com o Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Obtenha a aplicação Google gratuita e inicie sessão nas aplicações com a sua Conta Google. Não precisa de memorizar palavras-passe.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Obter";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Cancelar";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Definições";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Não é possível iniciar sessão na conta";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "O administrador requer a definição de um código secreto neste dispositivo para aceder a esta conta. Defina um código secreto e tente novamente.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "O dispositivo não está em conformidade com a política de segurança definida pelo seu administrador.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Pretende ligar-se à aplicação Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Para proteger os dados da sua entidade, tem de se ligar à aplicação Device Policy antes de iniciar sessão.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Ligar";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Conectați-vă";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Conectați-vă cu Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Conectați-vă cu Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Instalați aplicația Google gratuită și conectați-vă la aplicații folosind Contul Google. Nu mai trebuie să rețineți parolele.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Anulați";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Instalați";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Anulați";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Setări";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Nu vă puteți conecta la cont";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Administratorul impune să setați o parolă pe acest dispozitiv ca să accesați contul. Setați o parolă și încercați din nou.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Dispozitivul nu respectă politica de securitate stabilită de administrator.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Vă conectați cu aplicația Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Pentru a vă proteja datele organizației, trebuie să vă conectați cu aplicația Device Policy înainte de a vă conecta.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Conectați";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Войти";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Войти в аккаунт Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Надоело вводить пароль?";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Установите бесплатное приложение Google и входите в другие мобильные программы, используя учетные данные своего аккаунта.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Отмена";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Установить";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "ОК";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Отмена";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Настройки";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Не удалось войти в аккаунт";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "В соответствии с требованиями администратора для входа в аккаунт необходимо установить на устройстве код доступа. Сделайте это и повторите попытку.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Устройство не соответствует правилам безопасности, которые установлены администратором.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Подключить приложение Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "В целях защиты корпоративных данных перед входом в аккаунт необходимо подключить приложение Device Policy.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Подключить";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Prihlásiť sa";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Prihlásiť sa pomocou účtu Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Prihlásenie pomocou účtu Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Nainštalujte si zdarma aplikáciu Google a prihlasujte sa do aplikácií pomocou účtu Google. Nebudete si už musieť pamätať rôzne heslá.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Zrušiť";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Inštalovať";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Zrušiť";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Nastavenia";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Nedá sa prihlásiť do účtu";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Správca vyžaduje, aby ste v tomto zariadení nastavili vstupný kód na prístup do príslušného účtu. Nastavte vstupný kód a skúste to znova.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Zariadenie nespĺňa pravidlá zabezpečenia nastavené vaším správcom.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Prepojiť s aplikáciou Pravidlá pre zariadenie?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Na to, aby bolo možné chrániť dáta vašej organizácie, je nutné pred prihlásením aktivovať prepojenie s aplikáciou Pravidlá pre zariadenie.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Prepojiť";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Logga in";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Logga in med Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Logga in med Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Hämta Google-appen utan kostnad och logga in i appar med ditt Google-konto. Du behöver inte komma ihåg en massa lösenord.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Avbryt";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Hämta";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "Ok";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Avbryt";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Inställningar";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Det gick inte att logga in på kontot";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Administratören kräver att du anger ett lösenord på den här enheten för att få åtkomst till kontot. Ange ett lösenord och försök igen.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Säkerhetspolicyn som administratören har angett efterlevs inte på enheten.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Vill du ansluta med appen Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Du måste ansluta med appen Device Policy innan du loggar in för att skydda organisationens data.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Anslut";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้ด้วย Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้ด้วย Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "ติดตั้งแอป Google ฟรีและลงชื่อเข้าใช้แอปต่างๆ ด้วยบัญชี Google คุณไม่ต้องจำรหัสผ่านอีกแล้ว";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "ยกเลิก";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "ติดตั้ง";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "ตกลง";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "ยกเลิก";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "การตั้งค่า";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "ลงชื่อเข้าใช้บัญชีไม่ได้";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "ผู้ดูแลระบบกำหนดให้คุณตั้งรหัสผ่านในอุปกรณ์นี้เพื่อเข้าถึงบัญชีนี้ โปรดตั้งรหัสผ่าน แล้วลองอีกครั้ง";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "อุปกรณ์ไม่ตรงตามนโยบายความปลอดภัยที่กำหนดโดยผู้ดูแลระบบของคุณ";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "เชื่อมต่อแอป Device Policy ไหม";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "เพื่อปกป้องข้อมูลขององค์กร คุณต้องเชื่อมต่อแอป Device Policy ก่อนลงชื่อเข้าสู่ระบบ";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "เชื่อมต่อ";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Oturum aç";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Google ile oturum aç";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Google ile oturum aç";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Ücretsiz Google uygulamasını edinin ve uygulamalarda Google Hesabınızla oturum açın. Şifrelerinizi hatırlamanız gerekmez.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "İptal";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Yükle";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "Tamam";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "İptal";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Ayarlar";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Hesapta oturum açılamıyor";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Yöneticiniz, bu hesaba erişmek için bu cihazda bir şifre kodu ayarlamanızı gerektiriyor. Lütfen şifre kodu ayarlayın ve tekrar deneyin.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Bu cihaz, yöneticinizin ayarladığı güvenlik politikasıyla uyumlu değil.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Cihaz Politika Uygulamasına bağlanılsın mı?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Kuruluşunuzun verilerini korumak için, giriş yapmadan önce Cihaz Politikası uygulamasına bağlanmalısınız.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Bağlan";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Увійти";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Увійти в обліковий запис Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Входьте в обліковий запис Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Установіть безкоштовний додаток Google і входьте в обліковий запис Google у додатках. Не потрібно запам’ятовувати паролі.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Скасувати";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Установити";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Скасувати";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Налаштування";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Не вдається ввійти в обліковий запис";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Щоб увійти в обліковий запис, потрібно налаштувати код доступу на пристрої. Зробіть це й повторіть спробу.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Пристрій не відповідає правилу безпеки, яке налаштував адміністратор.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "З’єднатися з додатком Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Щоб захистити дані організації, потрібно з’єднатися з додатком Device Policy, перш ніж увійти.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "З’єднатися";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "Đăng nhập";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "Đăng nhập bằng Google";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "Đăng nhập bằng Google";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "Tải ứng dụng Google miễn phí và đăng nhập vào các ứng dụng bằng Tài khoản Google của bạn. Không cần phải nhớ mật khẩu.";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "Hủy";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "Tải";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "Hủy";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "Cài đặt";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "Không thể đăng nhập vào tài khoản";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "Quản trị viên của bạn yêu cầu bạn phải đặt mật mã trên thiết bị này để truy cập vào tài khoản này. Hãy đặt mật mã và thử lại.";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "Thiết bị này không tuân thủ chính sách bảo mật do quản trị viên của bạn thiết lập.";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "Kết nối với ứng dụng Device Policy?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "Để bảo vệ dữ liệu của tổ chức của mình, bạn phải kết nối với ứng dụng Device Policy trước khi đăng nhập.";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "Kết nối";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "登录";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "使用 Google 帐号登录";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "使用 Google 帐号登录";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "安装免费的“Google”应用后,您可以使用自己的 Google 帐号登录众多应用(无需记住众多密码)。";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "取消";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "安装";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "确定";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "取消";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "设置";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "无法登录帐号";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "您的管理员要求您必须先在此设备上设置密码,然后才能访问此帐号。请设置密码并重试。";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "该设备不符合管理员设置的安全政策。";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "要关联 Device Policy 应用吗?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "要保护您组织的数据,您必须在登录前关联 Device Policy 应用。";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "关联";
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
/* Sign-in button text */
"Sign in" = "登入";
/* Long form sign-in button text */
"Sign in with Google" = "登入 Google 帳戶";
/* The title of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoTitle" = "登入 Google 帳戶";
/* The body message of the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoMessage" = "只要安裝免費的 Google app,即可使用 Google 帳戶登入應用程式,而不必費心記住密碼。";
/* The cancel button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionCancel" = "取消";
/* The install button on the promotional prompt to install the Google app. */
"PromoActionInstall" = "安裝";
/* The text for the button for user to acknowledge and dismiss a dialog. */
"OK" = "確定";
/* The text for the button for user to dismiss a dialog without taking any action. */
"Cancel" = "取消";
/* The name of the iOS native "Settings" app. */
"SettingsAppName" = "設定";
/* The title for the error dialog for unable to sign in because of EMM policy. */
"EmmErrorTitle" = "無法登入帳戶";
/* The text in the error dialog asking user to set up a passcode for the device due to EMM policy. */
"EmmPasscodeRequired" = "管理員要求您必須為這個裝置設定通行碼,才能存取這個帳戶。請設定通行碼,然後再試一次。";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that EMM policy prevented sign-in on the device. */
"EmmGeneralError" = "這部裝置不符合您的管理員所設定的安全性政策規定。";
/* The title in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectTitle" = "要連結 Device Policy 應用程式嗎?";
/* The text in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectText" = "為了保護貴機構的資料,您必須在登入前連結 Device Policy 應用程式。";
/* The action button label in the error dialog informing user that connecting with Device Policy app is required. */
"EmmConnectLabel" = "連結";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* Copyright @ 2019-present 8x8, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface InfoPlistUtil : NSObject
+ (BOOL)containsRealServiceInfoPlistInBundle:(NSBundle *)bundle;
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.2.2 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.6 clang-1103.0.32.51)
// Generated by Apple Swift version 5.3.1 (swiftlang-1200.0.35 clang-1200.0.32.4)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgcc-compat"
@ -250,3 +252,4 @@ SWIFT_CLASS_PROPERTY(@property (nonatomic, class) BOOL enabled;)
# pragma clang attribute pop
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#import <JitsiMeet/JitsiMeetConferenceOptions.h>
#import <JitsiMeet/JitsiMeetLogger.h>
#import <JitsiMeet/JitsiMeetBaseLogHandler.h>
#import <JitsiMeet/InfoPlistUtil.h>
@interface JitsiMeet : NSObject
@ -64,4 +65,6 @@
- (JitsiMeetConferenceOptions *_Nonnull)getInitialConferenceOptions;
- (BOOL)isCrashReportingDisabled;
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.2.2 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.6 clang-1103.0.32.51)
// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.3.1 (swiftlang-1200.0.35 clang-1200.0.32.4)
// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios11.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name JitsiMeet
import AVKit
import CallKit
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ public class PiPViewCoordinator {
public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
public var initialPositionInSuperview: JitsiMeet.PiPViewCoordinator.Position
public var pipSizeRatio: CoreGraphics.CGFloat
@available(*, deprecated, message: "The PiP window size is now fixed to 150px.")
public var c: CoreGraphics.CGFloat
weak public var delegate: JitsiMeet.PiPViewCoordinatorDelegate?
public init(withView view: UIKit.UIView)
public func configureAsStickyView(withParentView parentView: UIKit.UIView? = nil)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.2.2 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.6 clang-1103.0.32.51)
// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.3.1 (swiftlang-1200.0.35 clang-1200.0.32.4)
// swift-module-flags: -target arm64-apple-ios11.0 -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name JitsiMeet
import AVKit
import CallKit
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ public class PiPViewCoordinator {
public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
public var initialPositionInSuperview: JitsiMeet.PiPViewCoordinator.Position
public var pipSizeRatio: CoreGraphics.CGFloat
@available(*, deprecated, message: "The PiP window size is now fixed to 150px.")
public var c: CoreGraphics.CGFloat
weak public var delegate: JitsiMeet.PiPViewCoordinatorDelegate?
public init(withView view: UIKit.UIView)
public func configureAsStickyView(withParentView parentView: UIKit.UIView? = nil)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.2.2 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.6 clang-1103.0.32.51)
// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.3.1 (swiftlang-1200.0.35 clang-1200.0.32.4)
// swift-module-flags: -target x86_64-apple-ios11.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name JitsiMeet
import AVKit
import CallKit
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ public class PiPViewCoordinator {
public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
public var initialPositionInSuperview: JitsiMeet.PiPViewCoordinator.Position
public var pipSizeRatio: CoreGraphics.CGFloat
@available(*, deprecated, message: "The PiP window size is now fixed to 150px.")
public var c: CoreGraphics.CGFloat
weak public var delegate: JitsiMeet.PiPViewCoordinatorDelegate?
public init(withView view: UIKit.UIView)
public func configureAsStickyView(withParentView parentView: UIKit.UIView? = nil)
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.2.2 (swiftlang-1103.0.32.6 clang-1103.0.32.51)
// swift-compiler-version: Apple Swift version 5.3.1 (swiftlang-1200.0.35 clang-1200.0.32.4)
// swift-module-flags: -target x86_64-apple-ios11.0-simulator -enable-objc-interop -enable-library-evolution -swift-version 5 -enforce-exclusivity=checked -O -module-name JitsiMeet
import AVKit
import CallKit
@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ public class PiPViewCoordinator {
public func hash(into hasher: inout Swift.Hasher)
public var initialPositionInSuperview: JitsiMeet.PiPViewCoordinator.Position
public var pipSizeRatio: CoreGraphics.CGFloat
@available(*, deprecated, message: "The PiP window size is now fixed to 150px.")
public var c: CoreGraphics.CGFloat
weak public var delegate: JitsiMeet.PiPViewCoordinatorDelegate?
public init(withView view: UIKit.UIView)
public func configureAsStickyView(withParentView parentView: UIKit.UIView? = nil)
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"en": "الإنجليزية",
"af": "الأفريكانية",
"bg": "البلغارية",
"ca": "الكاتالانية",
"cs": "التشيكية",
"da": "الدنماركية",
"de": "الألمانية",
"el": "اليونانية",
"enGB": "الإنجليزية (المملكة المتحدة)",
"eo": "الإسبرانتو",
"es": "الإسبانية",
"esUS": "الإسبانية (أمريكا اللاتينية)",
"et": "الإستونية",
"fi": "الفنلندية",
"fr": "الفرنسية",
"frCA": "الفرنسية (الكندية)",
"hr": "الكرواتية",
"hu": "الهنغارية",
"hy": "الأرمنية",
"it": "الإيطالية",
"ja": "اليابانية",
"ko": "الكورية",
"nl": "الهولندية",
"oc": "القسطانية",
"pl": "البولندية",
"ptBR": "البرتغالية (البرازيل)",
"ru": "الروسية",
"sv": "السويدية",
"tr": "التركية",
"vi": "الفيتنامية",
"zhCN": "الصينية (الصين)",
"zhTW": "الصينية (تايوان)",
"th": "التايلندية",
"sc": "السردينية",
"eu": "الباسكية",
"uk": "الأوكرانية",
"sk": "السلوفاكية",
"lt": "الليتوانية",
"id": "الإندونيسية",
"he": "العبرية"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"en": "Anglès",
"af": "Afrikaans",
"ar": "Àrab",
"bg": "Búlgar",
"ca": "Català",
"cs": "Txec",
"da": "Danès",
"de": "Alemany",
"el": "Grec",
"enGB": "Anglès (Regne Unit)",
"eo": "Esperanto",
"es": "Espanyol",
"esUS": "Espanyol (Amèrica Llatina)",
"et": "Estonià",
"eu": "Èuscar",
"fi": "Finès",
"fr": "Francès",
"frCA": "Francès (Canadà)",
"he": "Hebreu",
"mr": "Marathi",
"hr": "Croat",
"hu": "Hongarès",
"hy": "Armeni",
"id": "Indonesi",
"it": "Italià",
"ja": "Japonès",
"ko": "Coreà",
"lt": "Lituà",
"nl": "Neerlandès",
"oc": "Occità",
"pl": "Polonès",
"ptBR": "Portuguès (Brasil)",
"ru": "Rus",
"ro": "Romanès",
"sc": "Sard",
"sk": "Eslovac",
"sl": "Eslovè",
"sv": "Suec",
"th": "Tai",
"tr": "Turc",
"uk": "Ucraïnès",
"vi": "Vietnamita",
"zhCN": "Xinès (Xina)",
"zhTW": "Xinès (Taiwan)"
@ -20,8 +20,20 @@
"ru": "Russisch",
"sk": "Slowakisch",
"sl": "Slowenisch",
"sr": "Serbish",
"sv": "Schwedisch",
"tr": "Türkisch",
"vi": "Vietnamesisch",
"zhCN": "Chinesisch (China)"
"zhCN": "Chinesisch (China)",
"zhTW": "Chinesisch (Taiwan)",
"nl": "Niederländisch",
"hu": "Ungarisch",
"hr": "Kroatisch",
"frCA": "Französisch (Kanada)",
"fi": "Finnisch",
"et": "Estnisch",
"esUS": "Spanisch (Lateinamerika)",
"enGB": "Englisch (Vereinigtes Königreich)",
"da": "Dänisch",
"ca": "Katalanisch"
@ -1,27 +1,39 @@
"en": "",
"af": "",
"en": "English",
"af": "Afrikaans",
"az": "",
"bg": "",
"cs": "",
"de": "",
"el": "",
"eo": "",
"es": "",
"fr": "",
"hy": "",
"it": "",
"ja": "",
"ko": "",
"bg": "Bulgarian",
"cs": "Czech",
"de": "German",
"el": "Greek",
"eo": "Esperanto",
"es": "Spanish",
"fr": "French",
"hy": "Armenian",
"it": "Italian",
"ja": "Japanese",
"ko": "Korean",
"nb": "",
"oc": "",
"pl": "",
"ptBR": "",
"ru": "",
"oc": "Occitan",
"pl": "Polish",
"ptBR": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
"ru": "Russian",
"sk": "",
"sl": "",
"sv": "",
"tr": "",
"vi": "",
"zhCN": ""
"sl": "Slovenian",
"sr": "Serbian",
"sv": "Swedish",
"tr": "Turkish",
"vi": "Vietnamese",
"zhCN": "Chinese (China)",
"zhTW": "Chinese (Taiwan)",
"nl": "Dutch",
"hu": "Hungarian",
"hr": "Croatian",
"frCA": "French (Canadian)",
"fi": "Finnish",
"et": "Estonian",
"esUS": "Spanish (Latin America)",
"enGB": "English (United Kingdom)",
"da": "Danish",
"ca": "Catalan"
@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
"en": "Angla",
"af": "",
"az": "",
"af": "Afrikansa",
"az": "Azera",
"bg": "Bulgara",
"cs": "",
"cs": "Ĉeĥa",
"de": "Germana",
"el": "",
"el": "Greka",
"eo": "Esperanto",
"es": "Hispana",
"fr": "Franca",
"hy": "Armena",
"it": "Itala",
"ja": "",
"ko": "",
"ja": "Japana",
"ko": "Korea",
"nb": "Norvega (Bukmola)",
"oc": "Okcitana",
"pl": "Pola",
@ -22,6 +22,6 @@
"sl": "Slovena",
"sv": "Sveda",
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"vi": "",
"vi": "Vjetnama",
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"cs": "Checo",
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
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"fi": "Finlandés",
"fr": "Francés",
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"frCA": "Francés (Canadiense)",
"he": "Hebreo",
"hr": "Croata",
"hu": "Húngaro",
@ -30,5 +30,7 @@
"tr": "Turco",
"vi": "Vietnamita",
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"zhTW": "Chino (Taiwan)"
"zhTW": "Chino (Taiwán)",
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"nb": "",
"oc": "",
"pl": "",
"ptBR": "",
"ru": "",
"oc": "oksitaani",
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"sk": "",
"sl": "",
"sv": "",
"tr": "",
"vi": "",
"zhCN": ""
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"zhTW": "kiina (Taiwan)",
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"hr": "kroaatti",
"frCA": "ranska (Kanada)",
"fi": "suomi",
"et": "viro",
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"enGB": "englanti (Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta)",
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@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
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"enGB": "Anglais (Royaume-Uni)",
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"fi": "Finlandais",
"fi": "Finnois",
"fr": "Français",
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"frCA": "Français (Canada)",
"hr": "Croate",
"hu": "Hongrois",
"hy": "Arménien",
@ -29,5 +29,7 @@
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"zhCN": "Chinois (Chine)",
"zhTW": "Chinois (Taiwan)"
"zhTW": "Chinois (Taiwan)",
"et": "Estonien",
"da": "Danois"
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
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"enGB": "Anglais (Royaume-Uni)",
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"fi": "Finnois",
"fr": "Français",
"frCA": "Français (Canadien)",
"hr": "Croate",
@ -29,5 +29,7 @@
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"vi": "Vietnamien",
"zhCN": "Chinois (Chine)",
"zhTW": "Chinois (Taiwan)"
"zhTW": "Chinois (Taiwan)",
"et": "Estonien",
"da": "Danois"
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
"ru": "Ruski",
"sk": "Slovački",
"sl": "Slovenski",
"sr": "Srpski",
"sv": "Švedski",
"tr": "Turski",
"vi": "Vijetnamski",
@ -29,5 +29,7 @@
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"zhCN": "Kínai (Kína)",
"zhTW": "Kínai (Tajvan)"
"zhTW": "Kínai (Tajvan)",
"et": "Észt",
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@ -23,5 +23,16 @@
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"zhCN": "Cinese (Cina)"
"zhCN": "Cinese (Cina)",
"enGB": "Inglese (Regno Unito)",
"da": "Danese",
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"zhTW": "",
"nl": "",
"hu": "",
"hr": "",
"frCA": "",
"fi": "",
"et": "",
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@ -28,5 +28,21 @@
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"zhTW": "Chinés (Taiwan)"
"zhTW": "Chinés (Taiwan)",
"et": "Estonian",
"da": "Danés",
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"sc": "Sarde",
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"ro": "Romanian",
"ar": "Arabi"
Normal file
Normal file
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"cs": "Cehă",
"da": "Daneză",
"de": "Germană",
"el": "Greacă",
"enGB": "Engleză (Regatul Unit)",
"eo": "Esperanto",
"es": "Spaniolă",
"esUS": "Spaniolă (America Latină)",
"et": "Estonă",
"eu": "Bască",
"fi": "Finlandeză",
"fr": "Franceză",
"frCA": "Franceză (Canada)",
"he": "Ebraică",
"hr": "Croată",
"hu": "Maghiară",
"hy": "Armeană",
"id": "Indoneziană",
"it": "Italiană",
"ja": "Japoneză",
"ko": "Koreană",
"lt": "Lituaniană",
"nl": "Olandeză",
"oc": "Occitană",
"pl": "Poloneză",
"ptBR": "Portugheză (Brazilia)",
"ru": "Rusă",
"ro": "Română",
"sc": "Sardă",
"sk": "Slovacă",
"sl": "Slovenă",
"sv": "Suedeză",
"th": "Thailandeză",
"tr": "Turcă",
"uk": "Ucraineană",
"vi": "Vietnameză",
"zhCN": "Chineză (China)",
"zhTW": "Chineză (Taiwan)"
@ -24,9 +24,12 @@
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"ptBR": "Португальский (Бразилия)",
"ru": "Русский",
"sr": "Сербский",
"sv": "Шведский",
"tr": "Турецкий",
"vi": "Вьетнамский",
"zhCN": "Китайский (Китай)",
"zhTW": "Китайский (Тайвань)"
"zhTW": "Китайский (Тайвань)",
"et": "Эстонский",
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Normal file
Normal file
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"eo": "Esperanto",
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"esUS": "Castillianu (Amèrica de su Sud)",
"fi": "Finlandesu",
"fr": "Frantzesu",
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"hr": "Croatu",
"hu": "Ungheresu",
"hy": "Armenu",
"it": "Italianu",
"ja": "Giaponesu",
"ko": "Coreanu",
"nl": "Olandesu",
"oc": "Otzitanu",
"pl": "Polacu",
"ptBR": "Portughesu (Brasile)",
"ru": "Russu",
"sc": "Sardu",
"sv": "Isvedesu",
"tr": "Turcu",
"vi": "Vietnamita",
"zhCN": "Tzinesu (Tzina)",
"zhTW": "Tzinesu (Taiwan)"
Normal file
Normal file
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"esUS": "Angličtina (Spojené štáty americké)",
"et": "Estónčina",
"fi": "Fínčina",
"fr": "Francúžtina",
"frCA": "Francúžtina (Kanada)",
"hr": "Chorvátčina",
"hu": "Maďarčina",
"hy": "Arménčina",
"it": "Taliančina",
"ja": "Japončina",
"ko": "Kórejčina",
"nl": "Holandčina",
"oc": "Okcitánština",
"pl": "Polština",
"ptBR": "Portugalčina",
"ru": "Ruština",
"sk": "Slovenčina",
"sv": "Švédčina",
"tr": "Turečtina",
"vi": "Vietnamčina",
"zhCN": "Čínština (Čína)",
"zhTW": "Čínština (Taiwan)"
Normal file
Normal file
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"ja": "Japonščina",
"ko": "Korejščina",
"nb": "Norveščina (Bokmål)",
"oc": "Okcitanščina",
"pl": "Poljščina",
"ptBR": "Portugalščina (Brazilija)",
"ru": "Ruščina",
"sk": "Slovaščina",
"sl": "Slovenščina",
"sv": "Švedščina",
"tr": "Turščina",
"vi": "Vietnamščina",
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@ -22,6 +22,17 @@
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"zhTW": "Kinesiska (Taiwan)",
"nl": "Nederländska",
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"hr": "Kroatiska",
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"fi": "Finska",
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Normal file
Normal file
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"hy": "Ermenice",
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"sk": "Slovakça",
"sl": "Slovence",
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"zhCN": "Çince (Çin)",
"zhTW": "Çince (Tayvan)",
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"enGB": "İngilizce (Birleşik Krallık)",
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@ -12,15 +13,19 @@
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"kab": "Kabyle",
"ko": "Korean",
"lt": "Lithuanian",
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@ -28,10 +33,15 @@
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"th": "Thailand",
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"conferenceReloadMsg": "Ons probeer om dit reg te stel. Gaan herkoppel oor {{seconds}} sekondes…",
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"suboptimalExperienceDescription": "Gits... ons is bevrees u ervaring met {{appName}} gaan nie so goed wees hier nie. Ons soek maniere om dit die hoof te bied, maar probeer intussen een van die <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>volledig ondersteunde blaaiers</a>.",
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"AUTHENTICATING": "المصادقة جارية",
"AUTHFAIL": "فشلت المصادقة",
"CONNECTED": "متصل",
"CONNECTING": "الإتصال جارٍ",
"CONNFAIL": "فشل الاتصال",
"DISCONNECTED": "غير متصل",
"DISCONNECTING": "جارٍ قطع الإتصال",
"ERROR": "خطأ",
"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "جارٍ الحصول على معرف الجلسة…",
"connectionindicator": {
"address": "العنوان:",
"bandwidth": "النطاق العريض التقديري:",
"bitrate": "معدّل التدفق:",
"bridgeCount": "عدد الخوادم: ",
"connectedTo": "متصل بِـ:",
"e2e_rtt": "",
"framerate": "معدل الإطارات في الثانية:",
"less": "اعرض أقل",
"localaddress": "",
"localport": "",
"more": "اعرض المزيد",
"packetloss": "الخسارة في الحُزَم:",
"quality": {
"good": "جيد",
"inactive": "غير نشط",
"lost": "فقدت",
"nonoptimal": "غير مثالي",
"poor": "ضعيف"
"remoteaddress": "",
"remoteport": "",
"resolution": "دقة الوضوح:",
"status": "التوصيل:",
"transport": ""
"dateUtils": {
"earlier": "آنِفاً",
"today": "اليوم",
"yesterday": "البارحة"
"deepLinking": {
"appNotInstalled": "أنت بحاجة إلى تطبيق {{app}} للجوال للانضمام إلى هذا الاجتماع على هاتفك.",
"description": "",
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "",
"downloadApp": "تنزيل التطبيق",
"launchWebButton": "أطلقه على متصفح الويب",
"openApp": "تابع إلى التطبيق",
"title": "",
"tryAgainButton": "حاول مرة أخرى على سطح المكتب"
"defaultLink": "مثال {{url}}",
"defaultNickname": "مثال Jane Pink",
"deviceError": {
"cameraError": "فشل الوصول إلى الكاميرا",
"cameraPermission": "خطأ في الحصول على إذن الكاميرا",
"microphoneError": "فشل الوصول إلى الميكروفون",
"microphonePermission": "خطأ في الحصول على إذن الميكروفون"
"deviceSelection": {
"noPermission": "لم يتم منح الإذن",
"previewUnavailable": "المعاينة غير متوفرة",
"selectADevice": "اختر جهازا",
"testAudio": "اختبار الصوت"
"dialog": {
"accessibilityLabel": {
"liveStreaming": "بث مباشر"
"allow": "السماح",
"alreadySharedVideoMsg": "",
"alreadySharedVideoTitle": "",
"applicationWindow": "نافذة التطبيق",
"Back": "العودة",
"cameraConstraintFailedError": "",
"cameraNotFoundError": "",
"cameraNotSendingData": "",
"cameraNotSendingDataTitle": "",
"cameraPermissionDeniedError": "",
"cameraUnknownError": "",
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "",
"Cancel": "إلغاء",
"close": "اغلق",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "",
"confirm": "تأكيد",
"confirmNo": "لا",
"confirmYes": "نعم",
"connectError": "",
"connectErrorWithMsg": "",
"connecting": "",
"contactSupport": "",
"copy": "انسخ",
"dismiss": "",
"displayNameRequired": "",
"done": "تم",
"enterDisplayName": "",
"error": "",
"externalInstallationMsg": "",
"externalInstallationTitle": "",
"goToStore": "الذهاب إلى متجر الويب",
"gracefulShutdown": "",
"IamHost": "",
"incorrectRoomLockPassword": "",
"incorrectPassword": "",
"inlineInstallationMsg": "",
"inlineInstallExtension": "",
"internalError": "",
"internalErrorTitle": "",
"kickMessage": "يمكنك الاتصال بـ {{participantDisplayName}} لمزيد من التفاصيل.",
"kickParticipantButton": "اطرده",
"kickParticipantDialog": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد طرد هذا المشارِك؟",
"kickParticipantTitle": "أتريد طرد هذا المشارك؟",
"kickTitle": "",
"liveStreaming": "بث مباشر",
"liveStreamingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "",
"liveStreamingDisabledTooltip": "البث المباشر معطّل.",
"lockMessage": "",
"lockRoom": "إضافة $t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) إلى الاجتماع",
"lockTitle": "",
"logoutQuestion": "",
"logoutTitle": "الخروج",
"maxUsersLimitReached": "",
"maxUsersLimitReachedTitle": "",
"micConstraintFailedError": "",
"micNotFoundError": "",
"micNotSendingData": "انتقل إلى إعدادات جهاز الكمبيوتر لإلغاء كتم صوت الميكروفون وضبط مستواه",
"micNotSendingDataTitle": "إنّ صوت الميكروفون مكتوم من خلال إعدادات نظامك",
"micPermissionDeniedError": "",
"micUnknownError": "",
"muteEveryoneElseDialog": "",
"muteEveryoneElseTitle": "اكتم الجميع ما عدا {{whom}}؟",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "",
"muteEveryoneTitle": "كتم صوت الجميع؟",
"muteEveryoneSelf": "أنت",
"muteEveryoneStartMuted": "من الآن فصاعدًا سيبدأ الجميع مكتومي الصوت",
"muteParticipantBody": "",
"muteParticipantButton": "اكتمه",
"muteParticipantDialog": "",
"muteParticipantTitle": "أتريد كتم هذا المشارِك؟",
"Ok": "موافق",
"passwordLabel": "",
"passwordNotSupported": "",
"passwordNotSupportedTitle": "",
"passwordRequired": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) مطلوب",
"popupError": "",
"popupErrorTitle": "",
"recording": "",
"recordingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "لا يمكن للضيوف بدء التسجيلات.",
"recordingDisabledTooltip": "إطلاق التسجيل معطّل.",
"rejoinNow": "الانضمام الآن",
"remoteControlAllowedMessage": "",
"remoteControlDeniedMessage": "",
"remoteControlErrorMessage": "",
"remoteControlRequestMessage": "",
"remoteControlShareScreenWarning": "",
"remoteControlStopMessage": "",
"remoteControlTitle": "",
"Remove": "",
"removePassword": "إزالة $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"removeSharedVideoMsg": "",
"removeSharedVideoTitle": "إزالة الفيديو المشترك",
"reservationError": "",
"reservationErrorMsg": "",
"retry": "",
"screenSharingAudio": "",
"screenSharingFailedToInstall": "",
"screenSharingFailedToInstallTitle": "",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedError": "",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedTitle": "",
"screenSharingPermissionDeniedError": "",
"sendPrivateMessage": "",
"sendPrivateMessageCancel": "",
"sendPrivateMessageOk": "",
"sendPrivateMessageTitle": "",
"serviceUnavailable": "الخدمة غير متوفرة",
"sessTerminated": "",
"Share": "شارك",
"shareVideoLinkError": "يرجى تقديم رابط يوتيوب صحيح.",
"shareVideoTitle": "مشاركة فيديو",
"shareYourScreen": "",
"shareYourScreenDisabled": "",
"shareYourScreenDisabledForGuest": "",
"startLiveStreaming": "ابدأ البث المباشر",
"startRecording": "ابدأ التسجيل",
"startRemoteControlErrorMessage": "",
"stopLiveStreaming": "أوقف البث المباشر",
"stopRecording": "أوقف التسجيل",
"stopRecordingWarning": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك ترغب في توقيف التسجيل؟",
"stopStreamingWarning": "هل أنت متأكد من أنك ترغب في توقيف البث المباشر؟",
"streamKey": "",
"Submit": "",
"thankYou": "شكرًا لك على استخدام {{appName}}!",
"token": "الرمز المميز",
"tokenAuthFailed": "عذرًا ، غير مسموح لك بالانضمام إلى هذه المكالمة.",
"tokenAuthFailedTitle": "فشلت المصادقة",
"transcribing": "",
"unlockRoom": "",
"userPassword": "",
"WaitForHostMsg": "",
"WaitForHostMsgWOk": "",
"WaitingForHost": "",
"Yes": "",
"yourEntireScreen": ""
"dialOut": {
"statusMessage": ""
"documentSharing": {
"title": "مستند مشترَك"
"feedback": {
"average": "",
"bad": "",
"detailsLabel": "أخبرنا عنه أكثر.",
"good": "جيد",
"rateExperience": "",
"veryBad": "",
"veryGood": "جيد جدا"
"incomingCall": {
"answer": "إجابة",
"audioCallTitle": "مكالمة واردة",
"decline": "رفض",
"productLabel": "مِن Jitsi Meet",
"videoCallTitle": "مكالمة فيديو واردة"
"info": {
"accessibilityLabel": "اعرض المعلومات",
"addPassword": "إضافة $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"cancelPassword": "إزالة $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"conferenceURL": "الرابط:",
"country": "البلد",
"dialANumber": "للانضمام إلى اجتماعك ، اطلب أحد هذه الأرقام ثم أدخل الرقم السري.",
"dialInConferenceID": "الرمز المميز:",
"dialInNotSupported": "",
"dialInNumber": "اتصل بـ:",
"dialInSummaryError": "",
"dialInTollFree": "رقم مجاني",
"genericError": "",
"inviteLiveStream": "",
"invitePhone": "للانضمام عبر الهاتف بدلاً من ذلك ، شكّل: {{number}},,{{conferenceID}}#\n",
"invitePhoneAlternatives": "",
"inviteURLFirstPartGeneral": "أنت مدعو للانضمام إلى الاجتماع.",
"inviteURLFirstPartPersonal": "قام {{name}} بدعوتك إلى اجتماع.\n",
"inviteURLSecondPart": "\nالانضمام إلى الاجتماع:\n{{url}}\n",
"liveStreamURL": "بث مباشر:",
"moreNumbers": "المزيد من الأرقام",
"noNumbers": "",
"noPassword": "لا شيء",
"noRoom": "",
"numbers": "أرقام الإتصال",
"password": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase):",
"title": "شارك",
"tooltip": "شارك رابط ومعلومات الاتصال للالتحاق بهذا الاجتماع",
"label": "معلومات حول الاجتماع"
"inviteDialog": {
"alertText": "فشلت عملية دعوة بعض المشاركين.",
"header": "دعوة",
"searchCallOnlyPlaceholder": "أدخل رقم الهاتف",
"searchPeopleOnlyPlaceholder": "البحث عن مشاركين",
"searchPlaceholder": "مشارك أو رقم هاتف",
"send": "ارسل"
"inlineDialogFailure": {
"msg": "تعثرنا قليلا.",
"retry": "حاول مجددًا",
"support": "الدعم",
"supportMsg": "إذا استمر حدوث ذلك ، فتواصل مع"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"focusLocal": "",
"focusRemote": "",
"fullScreen": "عرض أو الخروج من وضع ملء الشاشة",
"keyboardShortcuts": "اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح",
"localRecording": "",
"mute": "كتم صوت الميكروفون أو إلغاء كتمه",
"pushToTalk": "اضغط للتحدث",
"raiseHand": "ارفع أو اخفض يدك",
"showSpeakerStats": "اعرض إحصائيات المتحدث",
"toggleChat": "فتح أو إغلاق المحادثة",
"toggleFilmstrip": "",
"toggleScreensharing": "",
"toggleShortcuts": "",
"videoMute": "شغّل أو عطّل الكاميرا",
"videoQuality": "إدارة جودة المكالمات"
"liveStreaming": {
"busy": "",
"busyTitle": "",
"changeSignIn": "",
"choose": "اختر بثا مباشرًا",
"chooseCTA": "",
"enterStreamKey": "",
"error": "",
"errorAPI": "",
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "",
"expandedOff": "لقد توقف البث المباشر",
"expandedOn": "",
"expandedPending": "جارٍ بداية البث المباشر…",
"failedToStart": "فشل بداية تشغيل البث المباشر",
"getStreamKeyManually": "",
"invalidStreamKey": "",
"off": "توقف البث المباشر",
"offBy": "",
"on": "",
"onBy": "بدأ {{name}} البث المباشر",
"pending": "اطلاق البث المباشر…",
"serviceName": "",
"signedInAs": "إنك الآن متصل كـ:",
"signIn": "الولوج عبر غوغل",
"signInCTA": "",
"signOut": "الخروج",
"start": "ابدأ بثًا مباشرًا",
"streamIdHelp": "ما هذا؟",
"unavailableTitle": "البث المباشر غير متاح",
"youtubeTerms": "شروط خدمات يوتيوب",
"googlePrivacyPolicy": "سياسة الخصوصية لغوغل"
"localRecording": {
"clientState": {
"off": "معطل",
"on": "نشط",
"unknown": "غير معروف"
"dialogTitle": "",
"duration": "المدة",
"durationNA": "غير متاح",
"encoding": "جاري الترميز",
"label": "",
"labelToolTip": "بداية التسجيل المحلي",
"localRecording": "التسجيل المحلي",
"me": "أنا",
"messages": {
"engaged": "بداية التسجيل المحلي.",
"finished": "",
"finishedModerator": "",
"notModerator": "أنت لست مشرفا. لا يمكنك إطلاق تشغيل أو إيقاف التسجيل المحلي."
"moderator": "مشرف",
"no": "لا",
"participant": "مشارك",
"participantStats": "إحصائيات المشارِك",
"sessionToken": "الرمز المميز للجلسة",
"start": "ابدأ التسجيل",
"stop": "أوقف التسجيل",
"yes": "نعم"
"lockRoomPassword": "الكلمة السرية",
"lockRoomPasswordUppercase": "الكلمة السرية",
"me": "",
"notify": {
"connectedOneMember": "انضم {{name}} إلى جلسة الاجتماع",
"connectedThreePlusMembers": "انضم {{name}} و {{count}} آخرون إلى الاجتماع",
"connectedTwoMembers": "انضم {{first}} و {{second}} إلى الاجتماع",
"disconnected": "",
"focus": "",
"focusFail": "",
"grantedTo": "تم منح صلاحيات المشرف إلى {{to}}!",
"invitedOneMember": "تمت دعوة {{name}}",
"invitedThreePlusMembers": "",
"invitedTwoMembers": "",
"kickParticipant": "",
"me": "",
"moderator": "تم منح صلاحيات المشرف!",
"muted": "",
"mutedTitle": "",
"mutedRemotelyTitle": "لقد تم كتم صوتك من قِبل {{participantDisplayName}}!",
"mutedRemotelyDescription": "",
"passwordRemovedRemotely": "",
"passwordSetRemotely": "",
"raisedHand": "يود {{name}} أخذ الكلمة.",
"somebody": "",
"startSilentTitle": "لقد انضممت مِن دون مَخرج للصوت!",
"startSilentDescription": "",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "",
"unmute": "",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "",
"newDeviceAudioTitle": "",
"newDeviceAction": ""
"passwordSetRemotely": "",
"passwordDigitsOnly": "",
"poweredby": "",
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "مشغول",
"calling": "",
"connected": "متصل",
"connecting": "الإتصال جارٍ…",
"connecting2": "",
"disconnected": "غير متصل",
"expired": "",
"ignored": "",
"initializingCall": "جاري تهيئة المكالمة…",
"invited": "",
"rejected": "",
"ringing": "المكالمة جارية…"
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "اختر اسمك المستعار",
"setEmailInput": "أدخل عنوان بريد إلكتروني",
"setEmailLabel": "ادخل البريد الإلكتروني لـ Gravatar",
"title": "الملف التعريفي"
"raisedHand": "",
"recording": {
"authDropboxText": "",
"availableSpace": "",
"beta": "",
"busy": "",
"busyTitle": "كافة المسجلات مشغولة حاليا",
"error": "",
"expandedOff": "",
"expandedOn": "",
"expandedPending": "جارٍ الشروع في التسجيل…",
"failedToStart": "أخفقت عملية بداية التسجيل",
"fileSharingdescription": "",
"live": "",
"loggedIn": "متصل كـ {{userName}}",
"off": "",
"offBy": "",
"on": "",
"onBy": "قام {{name}} بإطلاق التسجيل",
"pending": "",
"rec": "",
"serviceDescription": "سيتم حفظ تسجيلك عن طريق خدمة التسجيل",
"serviceName": "",
"signIn": "",
"signOut": "الخروج",
"unavailable": "",
"unavailableTitle": "التسجيل غير متاح"
"sectionList": {
"pullToRefresh": ""
"settings": {
"calendar": {
"about": "",
"disconnect": "قطع الاتصال",
"microsoftSignIn": "الولوج عبر مايكروسوفت",
"signedIn": "",
"title": "التقويم"
"devices": "الأجهزة",
"followMe": "الجميع يتبعني",
"language": "اللغة",
"loggedIn": "متصل كـ {{name}}",
"microphones": "الميكروفونات",
"moderator": "مشرف",
"more": "المزيد",
"name": "الإسم",
"noDevice": "لا شيء",
"selectAudioOutput": "مخرج الصوت",
"selectCamera": "الكاميرا",
"selectMic": "الميكروفون",
"speakers": "المتحدّثون",
"startAudioMuted": "الجميع يبدأون صامتون",
"startVideoMuted": "الجميع يبدأون مِن دون فيديو",
"title": "الإعدادات"
"settingsView": {
"advanced": "المتقدمة",
"alertOk": "حسنًا",
"alertTitle": "تحذير",
"alertURLText": "عنوان URL للخادم الذي تم إدخاله غير صالح",
"buildInfoSection": "",
"conferenceSection": "الإجتماع",
"disableCallIntegration": "",
"disableP2P": "تعطيل وضع النظير إلى النظير",
"displayName": "الإسم المستعار",
"email": "البريد الإلكتروني",
"header": "الإعدادات",
"profileSection": "الملف التعريفي",
"serverURL": "رابط عنوان الخادم",
"showAdvanced": "عرض الإعدادات المتقدمة",
"startWithAudioMuted": "ابدأ مع كتم الصوت",
"startWithVideoMuted": "ابدأ مع كتم الفيديو",
"version": "الإصدار",
"disableCrashReporting": "تعطيل الإبلاغ عن الأعطال",
"alertCancel": "إلغاء"
"share": {
"dialInfoText": "",
"mainText": ""
"speaker": "المتحدث",
"speakerStats": {
"hours": "{{count}}سا",
"minutes": "{{count}}د",
"name": "الاسم",
"seconds": "{{count}}ثا",
"speakerStats": "إحصائيات المتحدث",
"speakerTime": "وقت التحدث"
"startupoverlay": {
"policyText": "",
"title": "{{app}} بحاجة لاستخدام الميكروفون والكاميرا."
"suspendedoverlay": {
"rejoinKeyTitle": "",
"text": "",
"title": ""
"toolbar": {
"accessibilityLabel": {
"audioOnly": "",
"audioRoute": "",
"callQuality": "إدارة جودة الفيديو",
"cc": "",
"chat": "",
"document": "",
"download": "قم بتنزيل تطبيقاتنا",
"feedback": "",
"fullScreen": "تبديل وضع الشاشة الكاملة",
"hangup": "",
"help": "مساعدة",
"invite": "",
"kick": "",
"localRecording": "",
"lockRoom": "",
"moreActions": "",
"moreActionsMenu": "قائمة الإجراءات الإضافية",
"moreOptions": "اعرض المزيد من الخيارات",
"mute": "",
"muteEveryone": "اكتم صوت الجميع",
"pip": "",
"privateMessage": "",
"profile": "تحرير ملفك التعريفي",
"raiseHand": "",
"recording": "",
"remoteMute": "",
"Settings": "إخفاء أو إظهار قائمة الإعدادات",
"sharedvideo": "",
"shareRoom": "",
"shareYourScreen": "",
"shortcuts": "",
"show": "",
"speakerStats": "عرض / إخفاء إحصائيات المتحدّث",
"tileView": "",
"toggleCamera": "",
"toggleFilmstrip": "",
"videomute": "",
"videoblur": ""
"addPeople": "",
"audioOnlyOff": "",
"audioOnlyOn": "",
"audioRoute": "",
"authenticate": "",
"callQuality": "إدارة جودة الفيديو",
"chat": "فتح / إغلاق المحادثة",
"closeChat": "",
"documentClose": "أغلق المستند المشترَك",
"documentOpen": "افتح المستند المشترك",
"download": "قم بتنزيل تطبيقاتنا",
"enterFullScreen": "اعرض كامل الشاشة",
"enterTileView": "أدخل وضع عرض المربعات",
"exitFullScreen": "الخروج من عرض ملء الشاشة",
"exitTileView": "",
"feedback": "",
"hangup": "",
"help": "مساعدة",
"invite": "",
"login": "",
"logout": "الخروج",
"lowerYourHand": "",
"moreActions": "المزيد من الإجراءات",
"moreOptions": "خيارات أخرى",
"mute": "",
"muteEveryone": "اكتم الجميع",
"noAudioSignalTitle": "",
"noAudioSignalDesc": "",
"noAudioSignalDescSuggestion": "",
"noAudioSignalDialInDesc": "",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc": "",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "",
"openChat": "",
"pip": "",
"privateMessage": "",
"profile": "تحرير ملفك التعريفي",
"raiseHand": "ارفع / اخفض يدك",
"raiseYourHand": "ارفع يدك",
"Settings": "الإعدادات",
"sharedvideo": "مشاركة فيديو يوتيوب",
"shareRoom": "",
"shortcuts": "اعرض الإختصارات",
"speakerStats": "إحصائيات المتحدث",
"startScreenSharing": "",
"startSubtitles": "",
"stopScreenSharing": "",
"stopSubtitles": "",
"stopSharedVideo": "وقف فيديو يوتيوب",
"talkWhileMutedPopup": "",
"tileViewToggle": "",
"toggleCamera": "",
"videomute": "",
"startvideoblur": "تعتيم خلفيتي",
"stopvideoblur": "إلغاء عتمة الخلفية"
"transcribing": {
"ccButtonTooltip": "",
"error": "",
"expandedLabel": "",
"failedToStart": "",
"labelToolTip": "",
"off": "",
"pending": "",
"start": "",
"stop": "",
"tr": ""
"userMedia": {
"androidGrantPermissions": "اختر <b><i>السماح</i></b> عندما يطلب منك متصفّحك التصريحات.",
"chromeGrantPermissions": "اختر <b><i>السماح</i></b> عندما يطلب منك متصفّحك التصريحات.",
"edgeGrantPermissions": "اختر <b><i>نعم</i></b> عندما يطلب منك متصفّحك التصريحات.",
"electronGrantPermissions": "",
"firefoxGrantPermissions": "",
"iexplorerGrantPermissions": "اختر <b><i>موافق</i></b> عندما يطلب منك متصفّحك التصريحات.",
"nwjsGrantPermissions": "",
"operaGrantPermissions": "اختر <b><i>السماح</i></b> عندما يطلب منك متصفّحك التصريحات.",
"react-nativeGrantPermissions": "اختر <b><i>السماح</i></b> عندما يطلب منك متصفّحك التصريحات.",
"safariGrantPermissions": "اختر <b><i>موافق</i></b> عندما يطلب منك متصفّحك التصريحات."
"videoSIPGW": {
"busy": "",
"busyTitle": "خدمة الغرف مشغولة حاليًا",
"errorAlreadyInvited": "",
"errorInvite": "",
"errorInviteFailed": "",
"errorInviteFailedTitle": "",
"errorInviteTitle": "",
"pending": ""
"videoStatus": {
"audioOnly": "",
"audioOnlyExpanded": "",
"callQuality": "",
"hd": "",
"hdTooltip": "",
"highDefinition": "عالية الوضوح",
"labelTooiltipNoVideo": "",
"labelTooltipAudioOnly": "",
"ld": "",
"ldTooltip": "",
"lowDefinition": "جودة منخفضة",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "",
"onlyAudioSupported": "",
"sd": "",
"sdTooltip": "",
"standardDefinition": "جودة قياسية"
"videothumbnail": {
"domute": "",
"domuteOthers": "اكتم صوت الآخرين",
"flip": "",
"kick": "",
"moderator": "مشرف",
"mute": "",
"muted": "",
"remoteControl": "",
"show": "",
"videomute": ""
"welcomepage": {
"accessibilityLabel": {
"join": "",
"roomname": "أدخل اسم القاعة"
"appDescription": "امضي قدما ، تحدّث عبر الفيديو مع الفريق بأكمله. في الواقع ، قم بدعوة كل شخص تعرفه. {{app}} منصة مشفّرة ومفتوحة المصدر 100% لعقد الاجتماعات عبر الفيديو يمكنك استخدامها طوال اليوم وكل يوم مجانًا - دون الحاجة إلى إنشاء حساب.",
"audioVideoSwitch": {
"audio": "",
"video": ""
"calendar": "التقويم",
"connectCalendarButton": "قم بربط تقويمك",
"connectCalendarText": "",
"enterRoomTitle": "ابدأ اجتماعًا جديدًا",
"getHelp": "الحصول على مساعدة",
"roomNameAllowedChars": "",
"go": "أنشئ",
"goSmall": "أنشئ",
"join": "",
"info": "",
"privacy": "الخصوصية",
"recentList": "الحديثة",
"recentListDelete": "حذف",
"recentListEmpty": "قائمة اجتماعاتك الحديثة فارغة. قم بالتحدث مع فريقك وستجد اجتماعاتك الأخيرة هنا.",
"reducedUIText": "",
"roomname": "أدخل اسم القاعة",
"roomnameHint": "",
"sendFeedback": "",
"terms": "الشروط",
"title": "تداول آمِن ومميّز عبر الفيديو و مجاني تمامًا"
"lonelyMeetingExperience": {
"button": "ادع أشخاصا آخرين",
"youAreAlone": "إنك المشترِك الوحيد في هذا الاجتماع"
"helpView": {
"header": "مركز المساعدة"
"prejoin": {
"viewAllNumbers": "عرض جميع الأرقام",
"videoOnlyError": "خطأ فيديو:",
"or": "أو",
"linkCopied": "تم نسخ الرابط إلى الحافظة",
"initiated": "بدأت المكالمة",
"joinWithoutAudio": "انضم بدون صوت",
"joinMeeting": "انضم إلى الاجتماع",
"joinAudioByPhone": "انضم بصوت الهاتف",
"iWantToDialIn": "أريد الاتصال",
"doNotShow": "لا تظهر هذا مرة أخرى",
"configuringDevices": "إعداد الأجهزة…",
"lookGood": "يبدو أن الميكروفون يعمل بشكل صحيح",
"copyAndShare": "انسخ وشارك رابط الاجتماع",
"dialInPin": "اتصل هاتفيا بالاجتماع وأدخل رمز PIN:",
"callMeAtNumber": "اتصل بي على هذا الرقم:",
"callMe": "اتصل بي",
"audioOnlyError": "خطأ في الصوت:",
"audioAndVideoError": "خطأ في الصوت والفيديو:"
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
"somebody": "Някой",
"startSilentTitle": "Влязохте с опция да не чувате аудио!",
"startSilentDescription": "Влезте повторно за да пуснете звука",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Опасяваме се, че няма да можете да се насладите на срещата. Работим по въпроса, междувременно използвайте някой от <a href='static/recommendedBrowsers.html' target='_blank'>напълно поддържаните браузъри</a>.",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Опасяваме се, че няма да можете да се насладите на срещата. Работим по въпроса, междувременно използвайте някой от <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>напълно поддържаните браузъри</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "Внимание",
"unmute": "Пускане на микрофона",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "Засечена е нова камера",
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "Задайте екранното си име",
"setEmailInput": "Въведете е-поща",
"setEmailLabel": "Задайте е-пощата си в „gravatar“",
"setEmailLabel": "Задайте е-пощата си в „Gravatar“",
"title": "Профил"
"raisedHand": "Иска думата",
@ -722,9 +722,6 @@
"lowDefinition": "Ниско качество",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "Само аудио е налично",
"onlyAudioSupported": "Този браузър поддържа само аудио.",
"p2pEnabled": "Вкл. директно свързване",
"p2pVideoQualityDescription": "В директна връзка, получаваното качество може да се сменя между високо и само аудио. Останалите настройки ще са достъпни когато връзката не е директна.",
"recHighDefinitionOnly": "Ще се предпочита високо качество.",
"sd": "СК",
"sdTooltip": "Гледате стандартно качество на видеото",
"standardDefinition": "Стандартно качество"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
"addPeople": {
"add": "Convida",
"countryNotSupported": "Encara no és possible usar aquesta destinació.",
"countryReminder": "Truqueu des de fora els EUA? Assegureu-vos que comenceu b el codi de país!",
"disabled": "No podeu convidar-hi persones.",
"failedToAdd": "No s'han pogut afegir-hi participants",
"footerText": "La marcació està desactivada.",
"loading": "S'estan cercant persones i números de telèfon",
"loadingNumber": "S'està validant el número de telèfon",
"loadingPeople": "S'estan cercant les persones a convidar",
"noResults": "No s'ha trobat cap resultat coincident",
"noValidNumbers": "Introduïu un número de telèfon",
"searchNumbers": "Afegeix-hi números de telèfon",
"searchPeople": "Cerca-hi persones",
"searchPeopleAndNumbers": "Cerca persones o n'afegeix els números de telèfon",
"telephone": "Telèfon: {{number}}",
"title": "Convida persones a aquesta reunió"
"audioDevices": {
"bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
"headphones": "Auriculars",
"phone": "Telèfon",
"speaker": "Altaveu",
"none": "No hi ha disponible cap aparell d'àudio"
"audioOnly": {
"audioOnly": "Poc ample de banda"
"calendarSync": {
"addMeetingURL": "Afegeix un enllaç de reunió",
"confirmAddLink": "Voleu afegir un enllaç Jitsi en aquest esdeveniment?",
"error": {
"appConfiguration": "La integració de l'agenda no està configurada correctament.",
"generic": "S'ha produït un error. Comproveu la configuració de l'agenda o intenteu d'actualitzar-la.",
"notSignedIn": "S'ha produït un error en l'autenticació per a visualitzar els esdeveniments del calendari. Reviseu la configuració de l'agenda i intenteu a iniciar la sessió més endavant."
"join": "Afegeix-m'hi",
"joinTooltip": "Uniu-vos a la reunió",
"nextMeeting": "reunió següent",
"noEvents": "No hi ha cap esdeveniment previst a l'agenda.",
"ongoingMeeting": "reunió en curs",
"permissionButton": "Obre la configuració",
"permissionMessage": "Es requereix el permís d'agenda per a veure les reunions en l'aplicació.",
"refresh": "Actualitza l'agenda",
"today": "Avui"
"chat": {
"error": "Error: no s'ha enviat el vostre missatge. Raó: {{error}}",
"fieldPlaceHolder": "Escriviu aquí el missatge",
"messagebox": "Escriviu un missatge",
"messageTo": "Missatge privat per a {{recipient}}",
"noMessagesMessage": "Encara no hi ha cap missatge en aquesta reunió. Comenceu una conversa aquí!",
"nickname": {
"popover": "Trieu un sobrenom",
"title": "Introduïu un sobrenom per a usar el xat"
"privateNotice": "Missatge privat per a {{recipient}}",
"title": "Xat",
"you": "vós"
"chromeExtensionBanner": {
"installExtensionText": "Instal·la l'extensió per a la integració amb Google Calendar i Office 365",
"buttonText": "Instal·la l'extensió de Chrome",
"dontShowAgain": "No m'ho mostris més"
"connectingOverlay": {
"joiningRoom": "S'està connectat a la reunió…"
"connection": {
"ATTACHED": "Adjunt",
"AUTHENTICATING": "S'està autenticant",
"AUTHFAIL": "L'autenticació ha fallat",
"CONNECTED": "Connectat",
"CONNECTING": "S'està connectant",
"CONNFAIL": "La connexió ha fallat",
"DISCONNECTED": "Desconnectat",
"DISCONNECTING": "S'està desconnectant",
"ERROR": "Error",
"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "S'està obtenint un identificador de sessió…",
"GET_SESSION_ID_ERROR": "S'ha produït un error en obtenir l'identificador de la sessió: {{code}}",
"GOT_SESSION_ID": "Obtenció d'identificador de sessió… Fet",
"LOW_BANDWIDTH": "S'ha apagat el vídeo de {{displayName}} per a estalviar ample de banda"
"connectionindicator": {
"address": "Adreça:",
"bandwidth": "Ample de banda estimat:",
"bitrate": "Taxa de bits:",
"bridgeCount": "Nombre de servidors: ",
"connectedTo": "Connectat a:",
"e2e_rtt": "E2E RTT:",
"framerate": "Taxa de fotogrames:",
"less": "Menys informació",
"localaddress": "Adreça local:",
"localaddress_plural": "Adreces locals:",
"localport": "Port local:",
"localport_plural": "Ports locals:",
"more": "Més informació",
"packetloss": "Pèrdua de paquets:",
"quality": {
"good": "Bona",
"inactive": "Inactiva",
"lost": "Perduda",
"nonoptimal": "No òptima",
"poor": "Pobra"
"remoteaddress": "Adreça remota:",
"remoteaddress_plural": "Adreces remotes:",
"remoteport": "Port remot:",
"remoteport_plural": "Ports remots:",
"resolution": "Resolució:",
"status": "Connexió:",
"transport": "Transport:",
"transport_plural": "Transports:"
"dateUtils": {
"earlier": "Abans",
"today": "Avui",
"yesterday": "Ahir"
"deepLinking": {
"appNotInstalled": "Us cal l'aplicació mòbil {{app}} per a unir-vos a aquesta reunió des del vostre telèfon.",
"description": "No ha passat res? Hem intentat iniciar la reunió en l'aplicació d'escriptori {{app}}. Torneu a intentar-ho en l'aplicació web {{app}}.",
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "No ha passat res? Hem intentat iniciar la reunió en l'aplicació d'escriptori {{app}}.",
"downloadApp": "Baixa l'aplicació",
"launchWebButton": "Inicia al web",
"openApp": "Continua en l'aplicació",
"title": "S'està iniciant la reunió en {{app}}…",
"tryAgainButton": "Torna-ho a intentar en l'escriptori"
"defaultLink": "p. ex. {{url}}",
"defaultNickname": "p. ex. Pere Cullera",
"deviceError": {
"cameraError": "No s'ha pogut accedir a la càmera",
"cameraPermission": "S'ha produït un error en obtenir el permís de la càmera",
"microphoneError": "No s'ha pogut accedir al micròfon",
"microphonePermission": "S'ha produït un error en obtenir el permís del micròfon"
"deviceSelection": {
"noPermission": "No s'ha concedit el permís",
"previewUnavailable": "La previsualització no és disponible",
"selectADevice": "Seleccioneu un aparell",
"testAudio": "Reprodueix un so de prova"
"dialog": {
"accessibilityLabel": {
"liveStreaming": "Transmissió en directe"
"allow": "Permet",
"alreadySharedVideoMsg": "Un altre participant està compartint un vídeo. Aquesta conferència només permet compartir un vídeo a la vegada.",
"alreadySharedVideoTitle": "Només es permet un vídeo compartit a la vegada",
"applicationWindow": "Finestra de l'aplicació",
"Back": "Enrere",
"cameraConstraintFailedError": "La càmera no satisfà algun dels requeriments.",
"cameraNotFoundError": "No s'ha trobat cap càmera.",
"cameraNotSendingData": "No podem accedir a la càmera. Comproveu si alguna una aplicació l'està usant, seleccioneu un altre aparell en el menú de configuració o intenteu de recarregar l'aplicació.",
"cameraNotSendingDataTitle": "No s'ha pogut accedir a la càmera",
"cameraPermissionDeniedError": "No heu concedit permís per a usar la càmera. Encara podeu unir-vos a la conferència però els altres participants no us veuran. Useu el botó de la càmera en la barra d'adreces per a corregir això.",
"cameraUnknownError": "Per algun motiu desconegut, no es pot usar la càmera.",
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "La vostra càmera no permet la resolució de vídeo requerida.",
"Cancel": "Cancel·la",
"close": "Tanca",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Potser vulgueu comprovar la connexió a la xarxa. Es tornarà a connecta en {{seconds}} segons…",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "Esteu desconnectat.",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Estem intentat de corregir-ho. Tornem a connectar en {{seconds}} segons…",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "Malauradament, alguna cosa no ha anat bé.",
"confirm": "Confirmo",
"confirmNo": "No",
"confirmYes": "Sí",
"connectError": "Vaja! Alguna cosa no ha anat bé i no podem connectar a la conferència.",
"connectErrorWithMsg": "Vaja! Alguna cosa no ha anat bé i no podem connectar a la conferència: {{msg}}",
"connecting": "S'està connectant",
"contactSupport": "Contacte amb l'assistència",
"copy": "Copia",
"dismiss": "Descarta",
"displayNameRequired": "Hola! Com us dieu?",
"done": "Fet",
"enterDisplayName": "Introduïu aquí el vostre nom",
"error": "Error",
"externalInstallationMsg": "Cal que instal·leu l'extensió de compartició d'escriptori.",
"externalInstallationTitle": "Es requereix una extensió",
"goToStore": "Aneu a la botiga d'aplicacions web",
"gracefulShutdown": "El nostre servei ara mateix és en manteniment. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"IamHost": "Sóc l'amfitrió",
"incorrectRoomLockPassword": "La contrasenya no és correcta",
"incorrectPassword": "El nom o la contrasenya no són correctes",
"inlineInstallationMsg": "Cal que instal·leu l'extensió de compartició de l'extensió.",
"inlineInstallExtension": "Instal·la-ho ara",
"internalError": "Vaja! Alguna cosa no ha anat bé. S'ha produït l'error següent: {{error}}",
"internalErrorTitle": "Error intern",
"kickMessage": "Per a més detalls, podeu contactar amb {{participantDisplayName}}.",
"kickParticipantButton": "Expulsa",
"kickParticipantDialog": "Esteu segur que voleu expulsar aquest participant?",
"kickParticipantTitle": "Voleu expulsar aquest participant?",
"kickTitle": "Ep! {{participantDisplayName}} us ha expulsat de la reunió",
"liveStreaming": "Transmissió en directe",
"liveStreamingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "Els convidats no poden iniciar la transmissió en directe.",
"liveStreamingDisabledTooltip": "No es pot iniciar la transmissió en directe.",
"lockMessage": "No s'ha pogut blocar la conferència.",
"lockRoom": "Afegeix la reunió $t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase)",
"lockTitle": "El blocatge ha fallat",
"logoutQuestion": "Esteu segur de voler tancar la sessió i aturar la conferència?",
"logoutTitle": "Tanca la sessió",
"maxUsersLimitReached": "S'ha assolit el nombre màxim de participants. La conferència és plena. Contacteu amb el propietari de la reunió o torneu-ho a intentar més tard!",
"maxUsersLimitReachedTitle": "S'ha assolit el límit màxim de participants",
"micConstraintFailedError": "La càmera no satisfà algun dels requeriments.",
"micNotFoundError": "No s'ha trobat cap micròfon.",
"micNotSendingData": "Aneu a la configuració de l'ordinador per a activar el micròfon i ajusteu-ne el nivell",
"micNotSendingDataTitle": "El micròfon està silenciat en la configuració del sistema",
"micPermissionDeniedError": "No heu concedit permís per a usar el micròfon. Encara podeu unir-vos a la conferència però els altres participants no us sentiran. Useu el botó de micròfon en la barra d'adreces per a corregir això.",
"micUnknownError": "No es pot usar el micròfon per alguna raó desconeguda.",
"muteEveryoneElseDialog": "Una vegada silenciats, no podreu activar-ne els micròfons, però podran activar-lo ells mateixos en qualsevol moment.",
"muteEveryoneElseTitle": "Voleu silenciar tothom excepte {{whom}}?",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "Esteu segur que voleu silenciar tothom? No podreu activar-los el micròfon, però ells mateixos podran activar el micròfon respectiu en qualsevol moment.",
"muteEveryoneTitle": "Voleu silenciar tothom?",
"muteEveryoneSelf": "vós mateix",
"muteEveryoneStartMuted": "Tothom comença en silenci a partir d'ara",
"muteParticipantBody": "No podreu activar-ne els micròfons, però ells podran activar-ne el seu en qualsevol moment.",
"muteParticipantButton": "Silencia",
"muteParticipantDialog": "Esteu segur que voleu silenciar aquest participant? No podreu activar-li el micròfon, però sí que podrà fer-ho ell mateix en qualsevol moment.",
"muteParticipantTitle": "Voleu silenciar aquest participant?",
"Ok": "D'acord",
"passwordLabel": "Un participant ha blocat la reunió. Introduïu una $t(lockRoomPassword) per a unirvos-hi.",
"passwordNotSupported": "No és possible definir una $t(lockRoomPassword).",
"passwordNotSupportedTitle": "No se suporta la $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"passwordRequired": "Es requereix una $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"popupError": "El vostre navegador bloca les finestres emergents d'aquest lloc. Habiliteu les finestres emergents a la configuració de seguretat del navegador i torneu-ho a intentar.",
"popupErrorTitle": "Finestres emergents blocades",
"recording": "Enregistrament",
"recordingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "Els convidats no poden iniciar enregistraments.",
"recordingDisabledTooltip": "No es pot enregistrar.",
"rejoinNow": "Torna a entrar ara",
"remoteControlAllowedMessage": "{{user}} ha acceptat la petició de control remot!",
"remoteControlDeniedMessage": "{{user}} ha rebutjat la petició de control remot!",
"remoteControlErrorMessage": "S'ha produït un error en intentar sol·licitar a {{user}} permisos de control remot!",
"remoteControlRequestMessage": "Voleu permetre a {{user}} de controlar remotament el vostre escriptori?",
"remoteControlShareScreenWarning": "Tingueu present que si pitgeu \"Permet\" compartireu la vostra pantalla!",
"remoteControlStopMessage": "La sessió de control remot ha finalitzat!",
"remoteControlTitle": "Control d'escriptori remot",
"Remove": "Suprimeix",
"removePassword": "Suprimeix la $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"removeSharedVideoMsg": "Esteu segur que voleu suprimir el vídeo compartit?",
"removeSharedVideoTitle": "Suprimeix aquest vídeo compartit",
"reservationError": "S'ha produït un error de reserva de sistema",
"reservationErrorMsg": "Codi d'error: {{code}}, missatge: {{msg}}",
"retry": "Torna a intentar-ho",
"screenSharingFailedToInstall": "Vaja! No s'ha pogut instal·lar l'extensió de compartició de pantalla.",
"screenSharingFailedToInstallTitle": "No s'ha pogut instal·lar l'extensió de compartició de pantalla",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedError": "Alguna cosa no ha anat bé en intentar compartir la pantalla. Assegureu-vos que heu donat el permís per a fer-ho. ",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedTitle": "Vaja! No hem pogut iniciar la compartició de pantalla!",
"screenSharingPermissionDeniedError": "Vaja! Alguna cosa no ha anat bé amb els permisos de l'extensió de compartició de pantalla. Torneu a carregar i intenteu-ho una altra vegada.",
"sendPrivateMessage": "Fa poc que heu rebut un missatge privat. Voleu respondre'l de forma privada, o voleu enviar el missatge al grup?",
"sendPrivateMessageCancel": "Envia'l al grup",
"sendPrivateMessageOk": "Envia'l en privat",
"sendPrivateMessageTitle": "Voleu enviar-lo en privat?",
"serviceUnavailable": "El servei no és disponible",
"sessTerminated": "La trucada ha finalitzat",
"Share": "Comparteix",
"shareVideoLinkError": "Proporcioneu un enllaç de YouTube correcte.",
"shareVideoTitle": "Comparteix un vídeo",
"shareYourScreen": "Comparteix la pantalla",
"shareYourScreenDisabled": "S'ha inhabilitat la compartició de pantalla.",
"shareYourScreenDisabledForGuest": "Els convidats no poden compartir la pantalla.",
"startLiveStreaming": "Inicia la transmissió en directe",
"startRecording": "Inicia l'enregistrament",
"startRemoteControlErrorMessage": "S'ha produït un error en intentar iniciar la sessió de control remot!",
"stopLiveStreaming": "Atura la transmissió en directe",
"stopRecording": "Atura l'enregistrament",
"stopRecordingWarning": "Esteu segur de voler aturar l'enregistrament?",
"stopStreamingWarning": "Esteu segur de voler aturar la transmissió en directe?",
"streamKey": "Clau de transmissió en directe",
"Submit": "Tramet",
"thankYou": "Gràcies per emprar {{appName}}!",
"token": "identificador",
"tokenAuthFailed": "No esteu autoritzat a unir-vos a aquesta trucada.",
"tokenAuthFailedTitle": "L'autenticació ha fallat",
"transcribing": "Transcripció",
"unlockRoom": "Suprimeix la $t(lockRoomPassword) de la reunió",
"userPassword": "contrasenya d'usuari",
"WaitForHostMsg": "La conferència <b>{{room}}</b> encara no ha començat. Si en sou l'amfitrió autentiqueu-vos. Altrament, espereu que arribi l'amfitrió.",
"WaitForHostMsgWOk": "La conferència <b>{{room}}</b> encara no ha començat. Si sou l'amfitrió aleshores pitgeu «D'acord» per a autenticar-vos. Altrament, espereu que arribi l'amfitrió.",
"WaitingForHost": "S'està esperant l'amfitrió…",
"Yes": "Sí",
"yourEntireScreen": "La pantalla sencera",
"screenSharingAudio": "Comparteix l'àudio"
"dialOut": {
"statusMessage": "ara és {{status}}"
"documentSharing": {
"title": "Document compartit"
"feedback": {
"average": "Mitjana",
"bad": "Dolenta",
"detailsLabel": "Expliqueu-nos més sobre això.",
"good": "Bona",
"rateExperience": "Valoreu l'experiència de reunió",
"veryBad": "Molt dolenta",
"veryGood": "Molt bona"
"incomingCall": {
"answer": "Resposta",
"audioCallTitle": "Trucada entrant",
"decline": "Rebutja",
"productLabel": "de Jitsi Meet",
"videoCallTitle": "Videotrucada entrant"
"info": {
"accessibilityLabel": "Mostra la informació",
"addPassword": "Afegeix una $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"cancelPassword": "Cancel·la $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"conferenceURL": "Enllaç:",
"country": "País",
"dialANumber": "Per a unir-vos a la reunió, marqueu un d'aquests números i aleshores introduïu el PIN.",
"dialInConferenceID": "PIN:",
"dialInNotSupported": "El marcatge ara mateix no és permés.",
"dialInNumber": "Marcatge:",
"dialInSummaryError": "S'ha produït un error en obtenir la informació de marcatge. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"dialInTollFree": "Sense peatges",
"genericError": "Vaja, alguna cosa no ha anat bé.",
"inviteLiveStream": "Per a veure la transmissió en directe d'aquesta reunió, feu clic en aquest enllaç: {{url}}",
"invitePhone": "Per a unir-vos per telèfon, toqueu això: {{number}},,{{conferenceID}}#\n",
"invitePhoneAlternatives": "Esteu cercant un número de marcatge diferent?\nVegeu els números de marcatge de la reunió: {{url}}\n\n\nSi també truqueu via un telèfon de reunió, uniu-vos-hi sense connectar l'àudio: {{silentUrl}}",
"inviteURLFirstPartGeneral": "Us han convidat a unir-vos a una reunió.",
"inviteURLFirstPartPersonal": "{{name}} us convida a una reunió.\n",
"inviteURLSecondPart": "\nUniu-vos a la reunió:\n{{url}}\n",
"liveStreamURL": "Transmissió en directe:",
"moreNumbers": "Més números",
"noNumbers": "Sense números de marcatge.",
"noPassword": "Cap",
"noRoom": "No s'ha indicat cap sala a què marcar.",
"numbers": "Números de marcatge",
"password": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase):",
"title": "Comparteix",
"tooltip": "Comparteix l'enllaç i la informació de marcatge d'aquesta reunió",
"label": "Informació de la reunió"
"inviteDialog": {
"alertText": "No s'ha pogut convidar alguns participants.",
"header": "Convida",
"searchCallOnlyPlaceholder": "Introduïu el número de telèfon",
"searchPeopleOnlyPlaceholder": "Cerca participants",
"searchPlaceholder": "Participant o número de telèfon",
"send": "Envia"
"inlineDialogFailure": {
"msg": "Vam ensopegar una mica.",
"retry": "Torneu-ho a intentar",
"support": "Assistència",
"supportMsg": "Si segueix passant, feu-nos-ho saber"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"focusLocal": "Focus al vostre vídeo",
"focusRemote": "Focus en el vídeo d'una altra persona",
"fullScreen": "Entra o surt de la pantalla completa",
"keyboardShortcuts": "Dreceres de teclat",
"localRecording": "Mostra o amaga els controls d'enregistrament local",
"mute": "Silencia o activa el micròfon",
"pushToTalk": "Premeu per a parlar",
"raiseHand": "Aixeca o abaixa la mà",
"showSpeakerStats": "Mostra les estadístiques de l'interlocutor",
"toggleChat": "Obre o tanca el xat",
"toggleFilmstrip": "Mostra o amaga les miniatures de vídeo",
"toggleScreensharing": "Canvia entre la càmera i la compartició de pantalla",
"toggleShortcuts": "Mostra o amaga les dreceres de teclat",
"videoMute": "Inicia o atura la vostra càmara",
"videoQuality": "Gestiona la qualitat de la trucada"
"liveStreaming": {
"busy": "Treballem per a alliberar recursos de transmissió. Torneu-ho a intentar en uns minuts.",
"busyTitle": "Ara mateix, tots els reproductors són ocupats",
"changeSignIn": "Canvia entre comptes.",
"choose": "Trieu una transmissió en directe",
"chooseCTA": "Trieu una opció de transmissió. Ara mateix teniu sessió iniciada com a {{email}}.",
"enterStreamKey": "Introduïu la clau YouTube de transmissió en directe aquí.",
"error": "La transmissió en directe ha fallat. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"errorAPI": "S'ha produït un error en accedir a les vostres emissions de Youtube. Torneu a iniciar sessió una altra vegada.",
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "La transmissió en directe no està activada a ̣{{email}}. Activeu-la o inicieu sessió en un compte que tingui la transmissió en directe activada.",
"expandedOff": "S'ha aturat la transmissió en directe",
"expandedOn": "Ara mateix, la reunió s'està transmetent a Youtube.",
"expandedPending": "S'ha iniciat la transmissió en directe…",
"failedToStart": "No s'ha pogut iniciar la transmissió en directe",
"getStreamKeyManually": "No hem pogut obtenir cap transmissió en directe. Intenteu d'obtenir la clau de transmissió en directe del YouTube.",
"invalidStreamKey": "La clau de transmissió en directe pot ser incorrecta.",
"off": "S'ha aturat la transmissió en directe",
"offBy": "{{name}} ha aturat la transmissió en directe",
"on": "Transmissió en directe",
"onBy": "{{name}} ha iniciat la transmissió en directe",
"pending": "S'està iniciant la transmissió en directe…",
"serviceName": "Servei de transmissió en directe",
"signedInAs": "Teniu sessió iniciada com a:",
"signIn": "Inicia sessió amb Google",
"signInCTA": "Inicieu sessió o introduïu la clau de transmissió en directe de YouTube.",
"signOut": "Tanca la sessió",
"start": "Inicia la transmissió en directe",
"streamIdHelp": "Què és això?",
"unavailableTitle": "La transmissió en directe no és disponible",
"googlePrivacyPolicy": "Política de privadesa de Google",
"youtubeTerms": "Condicions de servei del Youtube"
"localRecording": {
"clientState": {
"off": "Inactiu",
"on": "Actiu",
"unknown": "Desconegut"
"dialogTitle": "Controls d'enregistrament local",
"duration": "Durada",
"durationNA": "N/D",
"encoding": "Codificació",
"label": "ENREG LOC",
"labelToolTip": "L'enregistrament local està funcionant",
"localRecording": "Enregistrament local",
"me": "Jo",
"messages": {
"engaged": "L'enregistrament local funciona.",
"finished": "La sessió d'enregistrament {{token}} ha finalitzat. Envieu el fitxer enregistrat al moderador.",
"finishedModerator": "La sessió d'enregistrament {{token}} ha finalitzat. L'enregistrament de la part local s'ha desat. Demaneu als altres participants que enviïn els seus enregistraments.",
"notModerator": "No sou el moderador. No podeu iniciar ni aturar un enregistrament local."
"moderator": "Moderador",
"no": "No",
"participant": "Participant",
"participantStats": "Estadístiques del participant",
"sessionToken": "Identificador de la sessió",
"start": "Inicia l'enregistrament",
"stop": "Atura l'enregistrament",
"yes": "Sí"
"lockRoomPassword": "contrasenya",
"lockRoomPasswordUppercase": "Contrasenya",
"me": "jo",
"notify": {
"connectedOneMember": "{{name}} s'ha unit a la reunió",
"connectedThreePlusMembers": "{{name}} i {{count}} persones més s'han unit a la reunió",
"connectedTwoMembers": "{{first}} i {{second}} s'han unit a la reunió",
"disconnected": "desconnectat",
"focus": "Focus de la conferència",
"focusFail": "{{component}} no és disponible, torneu a intentar en {{ms}} segons",
"grantedTo": "S'han concedit permisos de moderador a {{to}}!",
"invitedOneMember": "S'ha convidat {{name}}",
"invitedThreePlusMembers": "S'han convidat {{name}} i {{count}} participants més",
"invitedTwoMembers": "S'han convidat {{first}} i {{second}}",
"kickParticipant": "{{kicker}} ha expulsat {{kicked}}",
"me": "Jo",
"moderator": "S'han concedit permisos de moderador!",
"muted": "Heu iniciat una conversa silenciada.",
"mutedTitle": "Esteu silenciat!",
"mutedRemotelyTitle": "Heu estat silenciat per {{participantDisplayName}}!",
"mutedRemotelyDescription": "Sempre podeu activar el micròfon quan hàgiu de parlar. Torneu a silenciar-lo quan hàgiu acabat per a mantenir el soroll lluny de la reunió.",
"passwordRemovedRemotely": "Un altre participant ha suprimit $t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase)",
"passwordSetRemotely": "Un altre participant ha establert la $t(lockRoomPassword)",
"raisedHand": "{{name}} vol parlar.",
"somebody": "Algú",
"startSilentTitle": "Us hi heu unit sense cap sortida d'àudio!",
"startSilentDescription": "Torneu a entrar per a activar l'àudio",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Ens sap greu que la vostra experiència de reunió aquí no serà gaire bona. Cerquem maneres per a millorar-la, però fins aleshores, proveu de fer servir algun dels <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>navegadors completament compatibles</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "Avís del navegador",
"unmute": "Activa el so",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "S'ha detectat una càmera nova",
"newDeviceAudioTitle": "S'ha detectat un aparell d'àudio nou",
"newDeviceAction": "Usa"
"passwordSetRemotely": "establerta per una altre participant",
"passwordDigitsOnly": "Fins a {{number}} dígits",
"poweredby": "funciona amb",
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "Ocupat",
"calling": "S'està trucant…",
"connected": "Connectat",
"connecting": "Està connectant…",
"connecting2": "Està connectant*...",
"disconnected": "Desconnectat",
"expired": "Ha expirat",
"ignored": "Ignorat",
"initializingCall": "S'està inicialitzant la trucada...",
"invited": "Convidat",
"rejected": "Rebutjat",
"ringing": "Està sonat..."
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "Indiqueu el nom visible",
"setEmailInput": "Introduïu una adreça electrònica",
"setEmailLabel": "Indiqueu l'adreça electrònica de Gravatar",
"title": "Perfil"
"raisedHand": "Vull parlar",
"recording": {
"authDropboxText": "Puja a Dropbox",
"availableSpace": "Espai disponible: {{spaceLeft}} MB (aproximadament {{duration}} minuts d'enregistrament)",
"beta": "BETA",
"busy": "Treballem per a alliberar recursos d'enregistrament. Torneu-ho a intentar en uns minuts.",
"busyTitle": "Tots els enregistradors estan ocupats",
"error": "L'enregistrament ha fallat. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"expandedOff": "S'ha aturat l'enregistrament",
"expandedOn": "S'està enregistrant la reunió.",
"expandedPending": "S'ha iniciat l'enregistrament...",
"failedToStart": "No s'ha pogut iniciar l'enregistrament",
"fileSharingdescription": "Comparteix l'enregistrament amb els participants de la reunió",
"live": "EN DIRECTE",
"loggedIn": "Sessió iniciada com a {{userName}}",
"off": "S'ha aturat l'enregistrament",
"offBy": "{{name}} ha aturat l'enregistrament",
"on": "Enregistrament",
"onBy": "{{name}} ha iniciat l'enregistrament",
"pending": "S'està preparant per a enregistrar la reunió...",
"rec": "ENREG",
"serviceDescription": "El servei d'enregistrament desarà el vostre enregistrament",
"serviceName": "Servei d'enregistrament",
"signIn": "Inicia la sessió",
"signOut": "Tanca la sessió",
"unavailable": "Vaja! El servei {{serviceName}} ara mateix no és disponible. Treballem per a resoldre el problema. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"unavailableTitle": "L'enregistrament no és disponible"
"sectionList": {
"pullToRefresh": "Estireu per a actualitzar"
"settings": {
"calendar": {
"about": "La integració de l'agenda {{appName}} s'usa per a accedir de forma segura a la vostra agenda perquè pugui llegir els esdeveniments propers.",
"disconnect": "Desconnectat",
"microsoftSignIn": "Inicia sessió amb Microsoft",
"signedIn": "Ara mateix s'està accedint els esdeveniments de l'agenda de {{email}}. Feu clic al botó «Desconnecta» per a deixar d'accedir als esdeveniments de l'agenda.",
"title": "Agenda"
"devices": "Aparells",
"followMe": "Tothom em segueix",
"language": "Llengua",
"loggedIn": "Sessió iniciada com a {{name}}",
"moderator": "Moderador",
"more": "Més",
"name": "Nom",
"noDevice": "Cap",
"selectAudioOutput": "Sortida d'àudio",
"selectCamera": "Càmera",
"selectMic": "Micròfon",
"startAudioMuted": "Tothom comença silenciat",
"startVideoMuted": "Tothom comença amagat",
"title": "Configuració",
"speakers": "Altaveus",
"microphones": "Micròfons"
"settingsView": {
"advanced": "Avançat",
"alertOk": "D'acord",
"alertTitle": "Avís",
"alertURLText": "L'URL introduït no és vàlid",
"buildInfoSection": "Informació de la construcció",
"conferenceSection": "Conferència",
"disableCallIntegration": "Desactiva la integració de trucades nativa",
"disableP2P": "Desactiva el mode d'igual a igual",
"displayName": "Nom visible",
"email": "Adreça electrònica",
"header": "Configuració",
"profileSection": "Perfil",
"serverURL": "URL del servidor",
"showAdvanced": "Mostra la configuració avançada",
"startWithAudioMuted": "Comença amb l'àudio silenciat",
"startWithVideoMuted": "Comença amb el vídeo desactivat",
"version": "Versió"
"share": {
"dialInfoText": "\n\n=====\n\nNomés voleu marcar en el telèfon?\n\n{{defaultDialInNumber}}Feu clic en aquest enllaç per a veure el marcatge de números de telèfon per a aquesta reunió\n{{dialInfoPageUrl}}",
"mainText": "Feu clic a l'enllaç següent per a unir-vos a la reunió:\n{{roomUrl}}"
"speaker": "Altaveu",
"speakerStats": {
"hours": "{{count}}h",
"minutes": "{{count}}m",
"name": "Nom",
"seconds": "{{count}}s",
"speakerStats": "Estadístiques de l'interlocutor",
"speakerTime": "Temps de l'interlocutor"
"startupoverlay": {
"title": "{{app}} requereix usar el micròfon i la càmera.",
"policyText": " "
"suspendedoverlay": {
"rejoinKeyTitle": "Torna a entrar",
"text": "Premeu el botó <i>Torna a entrar</i> per a tornar a connectar.",
"title": "La videotrucada s'ha interromput perquè l'ordinador ha entrat en mode repòs."
"toolbar": {
"accessibilityLabel": {
"audioOnly": "Activa o desactiva només l'àudio",
"audioRoute": "Seleccioneu l'aparell de so",
"callQuality": "Gestiona la qualitat de la trucada",
"cc": "Activa o desactiva els subtítols",
"chat": "Activa o desactiva la finestra de xats",
"document": "Activa o desactiva el document compartit",
"download": "Baixeu les nostres aplicacions",
"feedback": "Deixa comentaris",
"fullScreen": "Activa o desactiva la pantalla completa",
"hangup": "Abandona la trucada",
"help": "Ajuda",
"invite": "Convida-hi persones",
"kick": "Expulsa el participant",
"localRecording": "Activa o desactiva les controls d'enregistrament local",
"lockRoom": "Activa o desactiva la contrasenya de la reunió",
"moreActions": "Activa o desactiva el menú d'accions addicionals",
"moreActionsMenu": "Menú d'accions addicionals",
"moreOptions": "Mostra més opcions",
"mute": "Activa o desactiva el silenci de l'àudio",
"muteEveryone": "Silencia tothom",
"pip": "Activa o desactiva el mode imatge en imatge",
"privateMessage": "Envia un missatge privat",
"profile": "Edita el perfil",
"raiseHand": "Aixeca o abaixa la mà",
"recording": "Activa o desactiva l'enregistrament",
"remoteMute": "Silencia el participant",
"Settings": "Activa o desactiva la configuració",
"sharedvideo": "Activa o desactiva la compartició de vídeo",
"shareRoom": "Convida-hi algú",
"shareYourScreen": "Activa o desactiva la compartició de pantalla",
"shortcuts": "Activa o desactiva les dreceres",
"show": "Mostra-ho en l'escena",
"speakerStats": "Activa o desactiva les estadístiques de l'interlocutor",
"tileView": "Activa o desactiva el mode mosaic",
"toggleCamera": "Activa o desactiva la càmera",
"videomute": "Activa o desactiva el vídeo",
"videoblur": "Activa o desactiva el difuminat",
"toggleFilmstrip": "Activa o desactiva la tira"
"addPeople": "Afegeix persones a la trucada",
"audioOnlyOff": "Desactiva el mode de poc ample de banda",
"audioOnlyOn": "Activa el mode de poc ample de banda",
"audioRoute": "Seleccioneu l'aparell de so",
"authenticate": "Autentica",
"callQuality": "Gestiona la qualitat de la trucada",
"chat": "Obre o tanca el xat",
"closeChat": "Tanca el xat",
"documentClose": "Tanca el document compartit",
"documentOpen": "Obre el document compartit",
"download": "Baixeu les nostres aplicacions",
"enterFullScreen": "Mostra en pantalla completa",
"enterTileView": "Mostra en mode mosaic",
"exitFullScreen": "Surt de la pantalla completa",
"exitTileView": "Surt del mode mosaic",
"feedback": "Deixa comentaris",
"hangup": "Surt",
"help": "Ajuda",
"invite": "Convida-hi persones",
"login": "Inicia sessió",
"logout": "Tanca la sessió",
"lowerYourHand": "Abaixa la mà",
"moreActions": "Més accions",
"moreOptions": "Més opcions",
"mute": "Silencia o activa el so",
"muteEveryone": "Silencia tothom",
"noAudioSignalTitle": "No entra cap so pel vostre micròfon!",
"noAudioSignalDesc": "Si no l'heu silenciat intencionadament en la configuració del sistema o per maquinari, considereu canviar l'aparell.",
"noAudioSignalDescSuggestion": "Si no l'heu silenciat intencionadament en la configuració del sistema o per maquinari, considereu canviar a l'aparell suggerit.",
"noAudioSignalDialInDesc": "També podeu marcar usant:",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc": "Números de marcatge",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "Sembla que el micròfon fa soroll!",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "Sembla que el vostre micròfon fa soroll, considereu de silenciar-lo o canviar l'aparell.",
"openChat": "Obre el xat",
"pip": "Entra en el mode imatge en imatge",
"privateMessage": "Envia un missatge privat",
"profile": "Edita el perfil",
"raiseHand": "Aixeca o abaixa la mà",
"raiseYourHand": "Aixeca la mà",
"Settings": "Configuració",
"sharedvideo": "Comparteix un vídeo de YouTube",
"shareRoom": "Convida-hi algú",
"shortcuts": "Mostra les dreceres",
"speakerStats": "Estadístiques de l'interlocutor",
"startScreenSharing": "Atura la compartició de la pantalla",
"startSubtitles": "Inicia els subtítols",
"stopScreenSharing": "Atura la compartició de la pantalla",
"stopSubtitles": "Atura els subtítols",
"stopSharedVideo": "Atura el vídeo de YouTube",
"talkWhileMutedPopup": "Intenteu parlar? Esteu silenciat.",
"tileViewToggle": "Activa o desactiva el mode mosaic",
"toggleCamera": "Activa o desactiva la càmera",
"videomute": "Inicia o atura la càmera",
"startvideoblur": "Difumina el fons",
"stopvideoblur": "No difuminis el fons"
"transcribing": {
"ccButtonTooltip": "Inicia o atura els subtítols",
"error": "La transcripció ha fallat. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"expandedLabel": "La transcripció està activada",
"failedToStart": "No s'ha pogut iniciar la transcripció",
"labelToolTip": "La reunió s'està transcrivint",
"off": "La transcripció s'ha aturat",
"pending": "S'està preparant per a enregistrar la reunió…",
"start": "Activa els subtítols",
"stop": "Desactiva els subtítols",
"tr": "TR"
"userMedia": {
"androidGrantPermissions": "Seleccioneu <b><i>Permet</i></b> si el navegador us sol·licita permisos.",
"chromeGrantPermissions": "Seleccioneu <b><i>Permet</i></b> si el navegador us sol·licita permisos.",
"edgeGrantPermissions": "Seleccioneu <b><i>Sí</i></b> si el navegador us sol·licita permisos.",
"electronGrantPermissions": "Concediu permisos per a usar la càmera i el micròfon",
"firefoxGrantPermissions": "Seleccioneu <b><i>Comparteix l'apareix seleccionat</i></b> si el navegador us sol·licita permisos.",
"iexplorerGrantPermissions": "Seleccioneu <b><i>D'acord</i></b> si el navegador us sol·licita permisos.",
"nwjsGrantPermissions": "Concediu permisos per a usar la càmera i el micròfon",
"operaGrantPermissions": "Seleccioneu <b><i>Permet</i></b> si el navegador us sol·licita permisos.",
"react-nativeGrantPermissions": "Seleccioneu <b><i>Permet</i></b> si el navegador us sol·licita permisos.",
"safariGrantPermissions": "Seleccioneu <b><i>D'acord</i></b> si el navegador us sol·licita permisos."
"videoSIPGW": {
"busy": "Treballem per a alliberar recursos. Torneu-ho a intentar en uns minuts.",
"busyTitle": "Ara mateix, el servei Room és ocupat",
"errorAlreadyInvited": "Ja s'ha convidat {{displayName}}",
"errorInvite": "Encara no s'ha establert la connexió. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"errorInviteFailed": "Treballem per a resoldre el problema. Torneu-ho a intentar més tard.",
"errorInviteFailedTitle": "No s'ha pogut convidar {{displayName}}",
"errorInviteTitle": "S'ha produït un error en la sala d'invitació",
"pending": "{{displayName}} us ha convidat"
"videoStatus": {
"audioOnly": "AUD",
"audioOnlyExpanded": "Ara sou en el mode de poc ample de banda. En aquest mode només rebreu àudio i compartició de pantalla.",
"callQuality": "Qualitat de vídeo",
"hd": "HD",
"hdTooltip": "Vídeo en alta definició",
"highDefinition": "Alta definició",
"labelTooiltipNoVideo": "No hi ha vídeo",
"labelTooltipAudioOnly": "S'ha activat el mode de poc ample de banda",
"ld": "LD",
"ldTooltip": "Vídeo en baixa definició",
"lowDefinition": "Baixa definició",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "Només hi ha disponible l'àudio",
"onlyAudioSupported": "Només es permet àudio en aquest navegador.",
"sd": "SD",
"sdTooltip": "Vídeo en definició estàndard",
"standardDefinition": "Definició estàndard"
"videothumbnail": {
"domute": "Silencia",
"domuteOthers": "Silencia a tots els altres participants",
"flip": "Capgira",
"kick": "Expulsa",
"moderator": "Moderador",
"mute": "El participant és silenciat",
"muted": "Silenciat",
"remoteControl": "Inicia o atura el control remot",
"show": "Mostra-ho en l'escena",
"videomute": "El participant ha aturat la càmera"
"welcomepage": {
"accessibilityLabel": {
"join": "Toqueu per a unir-vos-hi",
"roomname": "Introduïu el nom de la sala"
"appDescription": "Endavant, xat de vídeo amb tot l'equip. De fet, convideu tothom que conegueu. {{app}} és una solució de videoconferència de codi obert 100% completament xifrada que podeu utilitzar durant tot el dia, tots els dies, gratuïtament, sense necessitat de compte.",
"audioVideoSwitch": {
"audio": "Veu",
"video": "Vídeo"
"calendar": "Agenda",
"connectCalendarButton": "Connecteu la vostra agenda",
"connectCalendarText": "Connecteu l'agenda per a veure totes les reunions en {{app}}. Més, afegiu les reunions {{provider}} a la vostra agenda i inicieu-les amb un clic.",
"enterRoomTitle": "Inicia una reunió nova",
"roomNameAllowedChars": "El nom de la reunió no hauria de contenir cap d'aquests caràcters: ?, &, :, ', \", % ni #.",
"go": "SOM-HI",
"goSmall": "SOM-HI",
"join": "CREA / ENTRA",
"info": "Informació",
"privacy": "Privadesa",
"recentList": "Recents",
"recentListDelete": "Suprimeix",
"recentListEmpty": "La llista de reunions recents ara mateix és buida. Feu xats amb el vostre equip i trobareu totes les reunions recents aquí.",
"reducedUIText": "Us donem la benvinguda a {{app}}!",
"roomname": "Introduïu el nom de la sala",
"roomnameHint": "Introduïu el nom o l'URL de la sala on voleu entrar. Podeu crear un nom, només cal que les persones amb qui us reuniu el coneguin i introdueixin el mateix nom.",
"sendFeedback": "Envia comentaris",
"terms": "Condicions",
"title": "Videoconferència segura, plena de funcionalitats i completament gratuïta i lliure",
"getHelp": "Ajuda"
"lonelyMeetingExperience": {
"button": "Convideu altres persones",
"youAreAlone": "Sou l'únic participant de la reunió"
"helpView": {
"header": "Centre d'ajuda"
@ -1,21 +1,36 @@
"addPeople": {
"add": "Einladen",
"addContacts": "Laden Sie Ihre Kontakte ein",
"copyInvite": "Sitzungseinladung kopieren",
"copyLink": "Konferenzlink kopieren",
"copyStream": "Livestreaminglink kopieren",
"countryNotSupported": "Wir unterstützen dieses Land noch nicht.",
"countryReminder": "Telefonnummer nicht in den USA? Bitte sicherstellen, dass die Telefonnummer mit dem Ländercode beginnt.",
"defaultEmail": "Ihre Standard-E-Mail",
"disabled": "Sie können keine Teilnehmer einladen.",
"failedToAdd": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen von Teilnehmern",
"footerText": "Abgehender Ruf ist deaktiviert.",
"googleEmail": "Google-E-Mail",
"inviteMoreHeader": "Sie sind alleine in der Sitzung",
"inviteMoreMailSubject": "An {{appName}} Meeting teilnehmen",
"inviteMorePrompt": "Mehr Leute einladen",
"linkCopied": "Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"loading": "Suche nach Teilnehmern und Telefonnummern",
"loadingNumber": "Telefonnummer wird überprüft",
"loadingPeople": "Suche nach einzuladenden Teilnehmern",
"noResults": "Keine passenden Ergebnisse",
"noValidNumbers": "Telefonnummer eingeben",
"outlookEmail": "Outlook-E-Mail",
"searchNumbers": "Telefonnummern hinzufügen",
"searchPeople": "Nach Teilnehmern suchen",
"searchPeopleAndNumbers": "Nach Teilnehmen suchen oder deren Telefonnummern hinzufügen",
"shareInvite": "Einladung zur Versammlung teilen",
"shareLink": "Teilen Sie den Konferenzlink, um andere einzuladen",
"shareStream": "Den Livestreaminglink freigeben",
"telephone": "Telefon: {{number}}",
"title": "Teilnehmer zu dieser Konferenz einladen"
"title": "Teilnehmer zu dieser Konferenz einladen",
"yahooEmail": "Yahoo-E-Mail"
"audioDevices": {
"bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
@ -28,7 +43,7 @@
"audioOnly": "Geringe Bandbreite"
"calendarSync": {
"addMeetingURL": "Meeting-Link hinzufügen",
"addMeetingURL": "Konferenzlink hinzufügen",
"confirmAddLink": "Möchten Sie einen Jitsi-Link zu diesem Termin hinzufügen?",
"error": {
"appConfiguration": "Kalenderintegration ist nicht richtig konfiguriert.",
@ -77,9 +92,9 @@
"DISCONNECTED": "Getrennt",
"DISCONNECTING": "Verbindung wird getrennt",
"ERROR": "Fehler",
"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "Sitzungs-ID erhalten...",
"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "Sitzungs-ID abrufen …",
"GET_SESSION_ID_ERROR": "Sitzungs-ID-Fehler erhalten: {{code}}",
"GOT_SESSION_ID": "Sitzungs-ID erhalten... Beendet",
"GOT_SESSION_ID": "Sitzungs-ID abrufen … beendet",
"LOW_BANDWIDTH": "Video für {{displayName}} wurde ausgeschaltet, um Bandbreite einzusparen"
"connectionindicator": {
@ -95,6 +110,7 @@
"localaddress_plural": "Lokale Adressen:",
"localport": "Lokaler Port:",
"localport_plural": "Lokale Ports:",
"maxEnabledResolution": "max. senden",
"more": "Mehr anzeigen",
"packetloss": "Paketverlust:",
"quality": {
@ -121,11 +137,13 @@
"deepLinking": {
"appNotInstalled": "Sie benötigen die „{{app}}“-App, um der Konferenz auf dem Smartphone beizutreten.",
"description": "Nichts passiert? Wir haben versucht, die Konferenz in {{app}} zu öffnen. Versuchen Sie es erneut oder treten Sie der Konferenz in {{app}} im Web bei.",
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "Ist nichts passiert? Wir haben versucht, Ihre Besprechung in der „{{{app}}}“-Desktop-App zu starten.",
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "Ist nichts passiert? Wir haben versucht, Ihre Besprechung in der „{{app}}“-Desktop-App zu starten.",
"downloadApp": "App herunterladen",
"ifDoNotHaveApp": "Wenn Sie die App noch nicht haben:",
"ifHaveApp": "Wenn Sie die App bereits haben:",
"joinInApp": "An dem Meeting teilnehmen mit der App",
"launchWebButton": "Im Web öffnen",
"openApp": "In der App fortfahren",
"title": "Die Konferenz wird in {{app}} geöffnet...",
"title": "Die Konferenz wird in {{app}} geöffnet …",
"tryAgainButton": "Erneut mit der nativen Applikation versuchen"
"defaultLink": "Bsp.: {{url}}",
@ -144,8 +162,9 @@
"dialog": {
"accessibilityLabel": {
"liveStreaming": "Livestream:"
"liveStreaming": "Livestream"
"add": "Hinzufügen",
"allow": "Erlauben",
"alreadySharedVideoMsg": "Ein anderer Teilnehmer gibt bereits ein Video weiter. Bei dieser Konferenz ist jeweils nur ein geteiltes Video möglich.",
"alreadySharedVideoTitle": "Nur ein geteiltes Video gleichzeitig",
@ -155,14 +174,14 @@
"cameraNotFoundError": "Kamera nicht gefunden.",
"cameraNotSendingData": "Die Kamera ist nicht verfügbar. Bitte prüfen, ob eine andere Applikation die Kamera verwendet, eine andere Kamera vom Einstellungs-Menü auswählen oder die Applikation neu laden.",
"cameraNotSendingDataTitle": "Zugriff auf Kamera nicht möglich",
"cameraPermissionDeniedError": "Die Berechtigung zur Verwendung der Kamera wurde nicht erteilt. Sie können trotzdem an der Konferenz teilnehmen, aber die anderen Teilnehmer können Sie nicht sehen. Verwenden Sie die Kamera-Schaltfläche in der Adressleiste um die Berechtigungen zu erteilen.",
"cameraPermissionDeniedError": "Die Berechtigung zur Verwendung der Kamera wurde nicht erteilt. Sie können trotzdem an der Konferenz teilnehmen, aber die anderen Teilnehmer können Sie nicht sehen. Verwenden Sie die Kamera-Schaltfläche in der Adressleiste, um die Berechtigungen zu erteilen.",
"cameraUnknownError": "Die Kamera kann aus einem unbekannten Grund nicht verwendet werden.",
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "Die Kamera unterstützt die erforderliche Auflösung nicht.",
"Cancel": "Abbrechen",
"close": "Schließen",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Prüfen Sie allenfalls Ihre Netzwerkverbindung. Verbinde in {{seconds}} Sekunden...",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Prüfen Sie allenfalls Ihre Netzwerkverbindung. Verbinde in {{seconds}} Sekunden …",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "Ihre Verbindung ist getrennt worden.",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Wir versuchen das zu beheben. Verbinde in {{seconds}} Sekunden...",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Wir versuchen das zu beheben. Verbinde in {{seconds}} Sekunden …",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "Leider ist etwas schiefgegangen.",
"confirm": "Bestätigen",
"confirmNo": "Nein",
@ -171,33 +190,38 @@
"connectErrorWithMsg": "Oh! Es hat etwas nicht geklappt und der Konferenz konnte nicht beigetreten werden: {{msg}}",
"connecting": "Verbindung wird hergestellt",
"contactSupport": "Support kontaktieren",
"copied": "Kopiert",
"copy": "Kopieren",
"dismiss": "OK",
"displayNameRequired": "Hallo! Wie ist Ihr Name?",
"done": "Fertig",
"e2eeDescription": "Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung ist derzeit noch EXPERIMENTELL. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Aktivieren der Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung diverse serverseitige Funktionen deaktiviert: Aufnahmen, Livestreaming und Telefoneinwahl. Bitte beachten Sie außerdem, dass der Konferenz dann nur noch mit Browsern beigetreten werden kann, die Insertable Streams unterstützen.",
"e2eeLabel": "E2EE-Schlüssel",
"e2eeNoKey": "Keiner",
"e2eeToggleSet": "Schlüssel festlegen",
"e2eeSet": "Setzen",
"e2eeWarning": "WARNUNG: Nicht alle Teilnehmer dieser Konferenz scheinen Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung zu unterstützen. Wenn Sie diese aktivieren, können die entsprechenden Teilnehmer nichts mehr sehen oder hören.",
"enterDisplayName": "Bitte geben Sie hier Ihren Namen ein",
"error": "Fehler",
"externalInstallationMsg": "Die Bildschirmfreigabe-Erweiterung muss installiert werden.",
"externalInstallationTitle": "Erweiterung erforderlich",
"goToStore": "Zum Store",
"gracefulShutdown": "Der Dienst steht momentan wegen Wartungsarbeiten nicht zur Verfügung. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.",
"grantModeratorDialog": "Möchten Sie diesen Teilnehmer wirklich zum Moderator machen?",
"grantModeratorTitle": "Zum Moderator machen",
"IamHost": "Ich bin der Organisator",
"incorrectRoomLockPassword": "Falsches Passwort",
"incorrectPassword": "Benutzername oder Passwort ungültig",
"inlineInstallationMsg": "Die Bildschirmfreigabe-Erweiterung muss installiert werden.",
"inlineInstallExtension": "Jetzt installieren",
"internalError": "Oh! Es hat etwas nicht funktioniert. Der folgende Fehler ist aufgetreten: {{error}}",
"internalErrorTitle": "Interner Fehler",
"kickMessage": "Sie können sich für mehr Details an {{participantDisplayName}} wenden.",
"kickParticipantButton": "Entfernen",
"kickParticipantDialog": "Wollen Sie diesen Teilnehmer wirklich entfernen?",
"kickParticipantTitle": "Teilnehmer entfernen?",
"kickTitle": "Autsch! {{participantDisplayName}} hat Sie aus dem Meeting geworfen.",
"kickTitle": "Autsch! {{participantDisplayName}} hat Sie aus dem Meeting geworfen",
"liveStreaming": "Livestreaming",
"liveStreamingDisabledBecauseOfActiveRecordingTooltip": "Während einer Aufnahme nicht möglich",
"liveStreamingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "Gäste können kein Livestreaming starten.",
"liveStreamingDisabledTooltip": "Starten des Livestreams deaktiviert.",
"lockMessage": "Die Konferenz konnte nicht gesperrt werden.",
"lockRoom": "Meeting-$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) hinzufügen",
"lockRoom": "Konferenz$t(lockRoomPassword) hinzufügen",
"lockTitle": "Sperren fehlgeschlagen",
"logoutQuestion": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie sich abmelden und die Konferenz verlassen möchten?",
"logoutTitle": "Abmelden",
@ -205,12 +229,12 @@
"maxUsersLimitReachedTitle": "Maximales Teilnehmerlimit erreicht",
"micConstraintFailedError": "Ihr Mikrofon erfüllt die notwendigen Anforderungen nicht.",
"micNotFoundError": "Mikrofon nicht gefunden.",
"micNotSendingData": "Gehen Sie zu den Einstellungen Ihres Computers, um die Stummschaltung Ihres Mikrofons aufzuheben und seinen Pegel einzustellen.",
"micNotSendingDataTitle": "Ihr Mikrofon ist durch Ihre Systemeinstellungen stumm geschaltet.",
"micPermissionDeniedError": "Die Berechtigung zur Verwendung des Mikrofons wurde nicht erteilt. Sie können trotzdem an der Konferenz teilnehmen, aber die anderen Teilnehmer können Sie nicht hören. Verwenden Sie die Kamera-Schaltfläche in der Adressleiste um die Berechtigungen zu erteilen.",
"micNotSendingData": "Gehen Sie zu den Einstellungen Ihres Computers, um die Stummschaltung Ihres Mikrofons aufzuheben und seinen Pegel einzustellen",
"micNotSendingDataTitle": "Ihr Mikrofon ist durch Ihre Systemeinstellungen stumm geschaltet",
"micPermissionDeniedError": "Die Berechtigung zur Verwendung des Mikrofons wurde nicht erteilt. Sie können trotzdem an der Konferenz teilnehmen, aber die anderen Teilnehmer können Sie nicht hören. Verwenden Sie die Kamera-Schaltfläche in der Adressleiste, um die Berechtigungen zu erteilen.",
"micUnknownError": "Das Mikrofon kann aus einem unbekannten Grund nicht verwendet werden.",
"muteEveryoneElseDialog": "Einmal stummgeschaltet, können Sie deren Stummschaltung nicht mehr beenden, aber sie können ihre Stummschaltung jederzeit selbst beenden.",
"muteEveryoneElseTitle": "Alle außer {{whom}} stummschaten?",
"muteEveryoneElseTitle": "Alle außer {{whom}} stummschalten?",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "Wollen Sie wirklich alle stummschalten? Sie können deren Stummschaltung nicht mehr beenden, aber sie können ihre Stummschaltung jederzeit selbst beenden.",
"muteEveryoneTitle": "Alle stummschalten?",
"muteEveryoneSelf": "sich selbst",
@ -220,35 +244,36 @@
"muteParticipantDialog": "Wollen Sie diesen Teilnehmer wirklich stummschalten? Sie können die Stummschaltung nicht wieder aufheben, der Teilnehmer kann dies aber jederzeit selbst tun.",
"muteParticipantTitle": "Teilnehmer stummschalten?",
"Ok": "OK",
"passwordLabel": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase)",
"passwordNotSupported": "Setzen eines Konferenz-Passworts ist nicht unterstützt",
"passwordLabel": "Dieses Meeting wurde von einem Teilnehmer gesichert. Bitte geben Sie das $t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) ein, um dem Meeting beizutreten.",
"passwordNotSupported": "Das Festlegen eines Konferenzpassworts wird nicht unterstützt.",
"passwordNotSupportedTitle": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) nicht unterstützt",
"passwordRequired": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) erforderlich",
"popupError": "Ihr Browser blockiert Pop-ups von dieser Website. Bitte aktivieren Sie Pop-ups in den Sicherheitseinstellungen des Browsers und versuchen Sie es erneut.",
"popupErrorTitle": "Pop-up blockiert",
"readMore": "mehr",
"recording": "Aufnahme",
"recordingDisabledBecauseOfActiveLiveStreamingTooltip": "Während eines Livestreams nicht möglich",
"recordingDisabledForGuestTooltip": "Gäste können keine Aufzeichnungen starten.",
"recordingDisabledTooltip": "Start der Aufzeichnung deaktiviert.",
"rejoinNow": "Jetzt erneut beitreten",
"remoteControlAllowedMessage": "{{user}} hat die Anfrage zur Fernsteuerung angenommen.",
"remoteControlDeniedMessage": "{{user}} hat die Anfrage zur Fernsteuerung verweigert.",
"remoteControlErrorMessage": "Beim Anfordern der Fernsteuerungsberechtigung von {{user}} ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"remoteControlAllowedMessage": "{{user}} hat die Anfrage zur Fernsteuerung angenommen!",
"remoteControlDeniedMessage": "{{user}} hat die Anfrage zur Fernsteuerung verweigert!",
"remoteControlErrorMessage": "Beim Anfordern der Fernsteuerungsberechtigung von {{user}} ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!",
"remoteControlRequestMessage": "Möchten Sie {{user}} erlauben, den Computer fernzusteuern?",
"remoteControlShareScreenWarning": "Achtung, wenn Sie die Anfrage genehmigen, starten Sie die Bildschirmfreigabe!",
"remoteControlStopMessage": "Die Fernsteuerung wurde beendet.",
"remoteControlStopMessage": "Die Fernsteuerung wurde beendet!",
"remoteControlTitle": "Fernsteuerung",
"Remove": "Entfernen",
"removePassword": "$t(lockRoomPassword) entfernen",
"removePassword": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) entfernen",
"removeSharedVideoMsg": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das geteilte Video entfernen möchten?",
"removeSharedVideoTitle": "Freigegebenes Video entfernen",
"reservationError": "Fehler im Reservierungssystem",
"reservationErrorMsg": "Fehler, Nummer: {{code}}, Nachricht: {{msg}}",
"retry": "Wiederholen",
"screenSharingFailedToInstall": "Oh! Die Erweiterung für die Bildschirmfreigabe konnte nicht installiert werden.",
"screenSharingFailedToInstallTitle": "Bildschirmfreigabe-Erweiterung konnte nicht installiert werden",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedError": "Die Bildschirmfreigabe ist leider fehlgeschlagen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Berechtigung für die Bildschirmfreigabe im Browser erteilt wurde.",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedTitle": "Die Bildschirmfreigabe konnte nicht gestartet werden.",
"screenSharingPermissionDeniedError": "Oh! Beim Anfordern der Bildschirmfreigabe-Berechtigungen hat etwas nicht funktioniert. Bitte aktualisieren und erneut versuchen.",
"screenSharingAudio": "Audio teilen",
"screenSharingFailed": "Ups! Beim Teilen des Bildschirms ist etwas schiefgegangen!",
"screenSharingFailedTitle": "Bildschirmfreigabe fehlgeschlagen!",
"screenSharingPermissionDeniedError": "Ups! Etwas stimmt nicht mit Ihren Berechtigungen zur Bildschirmfreigabe. Bitte neu laden und erneut versuchen.",
"sendPrivateMessage": "Sie haben kürzlich eine private Nachricht erhalten. Hatten Sie die Absicht, darauf privat zu antworten, oder wollen Sie Ihre Nachricht an die Gruppe senden?",
"sendPrivateMessageCancel": "An die Gruppe senden",
"sendPrivateMessageOk": "Privat antworten",
@ -261,13 +286,13 @@
"shareYourScreen": "Bildschirm freigeben",
"shareYourScreenDisabled": "Bildschirmfreigabe deaktiviert.",
"shareYourScreenDisabledForGuest": "Gäste können den Bildschirm nicht freigeben.",
"startLiveStreaming": "Einen Livestream starten",
"startLiveStreaming": "Livestream starten",
"startRecording": "Aufnahme starten",
"startRemoteControlErrorMessage": "Beim Versuch die Fernsteuerung zu starten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"stopLiveStreaming": "Livestreaming stoppen",
"startRemoteControlErrorMessage": "Beim Versuch, die Fernsteuerung zu starten, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!",
"stopLiveStreaming": "Livestream stoppen",
"stopRecording": "Aufnahme stoppen",
"stopRecordingWarning": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Aufnahme stoppen möchten?",
"stopStreamingWarning": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Livestreaming stoppen möchten?",
"stopStreamingWarning": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Livestream stoppen möchten?",
"streamKey": "Streamschlüssel",
"Submit": "OK",
"thankYou": "Danke für die Verwendung von {{appName}}!",
@ -275,11 +300,11 @@
"tokenAuthFailed": "Sie sind nicht berechtigt, dieser Konferenz beizutreten.",
"tokenAuthFailedTitle": "Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen",
"transcribing": "Wird transkribiert",
"unlockRoom": "Meeting-$t(lockRoomPassword) entfernen",
"unlockRoom": "Konferenz$t(lockRoomPassword) entfernen",
"userPassword": "Benutzerpasswort",
"WaitForHostMsg": "Die Konferenz <b>{{room}}</b> wurde noch nicht gestartet. Wenn Sie der Organisator sind, authentifizieren Sie sich. Warten Sie andernfalls, bis der Organisator erscheint.",
"WaitForHostMsgWOk": "Die Konferenz <b>{{room}}</b> wurde noch nicht gestartet. Wenn Sie der Organisator sind, drücken Sie zum Authentifizieren auf OK. Warten Sie andernfalls, bis der Organisator erscheint.",
"WaitingForHost": "Warten auf den Organisator...",
"WaitingForHost": "Warten auf den Organisator …",
"Yes": "Ja",
"yourEntireScreen": "Ganzer Bildschirm"
@ -289,6 +314,12 @@
"documentSharing": {
"title": "Freigegebenes Dokument"
"e2ee": {
"labelToolTip": "Audio- und Videodaten dieser Unterhaltung sind jetzt zwischen den Teilnehmern verschlüsselt"
"embedMeeting": {
"title": "Diese Konferenz einbetten"
"feedback": {
"average": "Durchschnittlich",
"bad": "Schlecht",
@ -307,8 +338,8 @@
"info": {
"accessibilityLabel": "Informationen anzeigen",
"addPassword": "$t(lockRoomPassword) hinzufügen",
"cancelPassword": "$t(lockRoomPassword) löschen",
"addPassword": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) hinzufügen",
"cancelPassword": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) löschen",
"conferenceURL": "Link:",
"country": "Land",
"dialANumber": "Um am Meeting teilzunehmen, müssen Sie eine dieser Nummern wählen und dann die PIN eingeben.",
@ -318,22 +349,22 @@
"dialInSummaryError": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Einwahlinformationen. Versuchen Sie es später erneut.",
"dialInTollFree": "Gebührenfrei",
"genericError": "Es ist leider etwas schiefgegangen.",
"inviteLiveStream": "Klicken Sie auf {{url}} um den Livestream dieser Konferenz zu öffnen",
"invitePhone": "Wenn Sie stattdessen per Telefon beitreten möchten, tippen Sie hier: {{number}},,{{conferenceID}}#\n",
"invitePhoneAlternatives": "Suche nach einer anderen Einwahlnummer?\nMeetings-Einwahlnummern sehen: {{{url}}\n\n\n\nWenn Sie sich auch über ein Raumtelefon einwählen, nehmen Sie teil, ohne sich mit dem Ton zu verbinden: {{silentUrl}}",
"inviteLiveStream": "Klicken Sie auf {{url}}, um den Livestream dieser Konferenz zu öffnen",
"invitePhone": "Wenn Sie stattdessen per Telefon beitreten möchten, wählen sie: {{number}},,{{conferenceID}}#\n",
"invitePhoneAlternatives": "Suchen Sie nach einer anderen Einwahlnummer ?\nEinwahlnummern der Konferenz anzeigen: {{url}}\n\n\nWenn Sie sich auch über ein Raumtelefon einwählen, nehmen Sie teil, ohne sich mit dem Ton zu verbinden: {{silentUrl}}",
"inviteURLFirstPartGeneral": "Sie wurden zur Teilnahme an einem Meeting eingeladen.",
"inviteURLFirstPartPersonal": "{{name}} lädt Sie zu einem Meeting ein.\n",
"inviteURLSecondPart": "\nAm Meeting teilnehmen:\n{{url}}\n",
"liveStreamURL": "Livestream:",
"moreNumbers": "Weitere Telefonnummern",
"noNumbers": "Keine Telefonnummern verfügbar.",
"noPassword": "Kein",
"noPassword": "Kein Passwort benötigt",
"noRoom": "Keine Konferenz für die Einwahlinformationen angegeben.",
"numbers": "Einwählnummern",
"numbers": "Einwahlnummern",
"password": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase):",
"title": "Teilen",
"tooltip": "Freigabe-Link und Einwahlinformationen für dieses Meeting",
"label": "Meeting-Informationen"
"label": "Konferenzinformationen"
"inviteDialog": {
"alertText": "Die Einladung einiger Teilnehmer ist fehlgeschlagen.",
@ -358,7 +389,7 @@
"mute": "Stummschaltung aktivieren oder deaktivieren",
"pushToTalk": "Push-to-Talk (Sprechtaste)",
"raiseHand": "Hand erheben",
"showSpeakerStats": "Statistiken für Sprecher anzeigen",
"showSpeakerStats": "Sprecherstatistik anzeigen",
"toggleChat": "Chat öffnen oder schließen",
"toggleFilmstrip": "Video-Miniaturansichten ein- oder ausblenden",
"toggleScreensharing": "Zwischen Kamera und Bildschirmfreigabe wechseln",
@ -367,6 +398,8 @@
"videoQuality": "Anrufqualität verwalten"
"liveStreaming": {
"limitNotificationDescriptionWeb": "Wegen hoher Nachfrage ist Ihr Stream auf {{limit}} min. begrenzt. Für unlimitiertes Streaming nutzen Sie bitte <a href={{url}} rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>{{app}}</a>.",
"limitNotificationDescriptionNative": "Ihr Stream ist begrenzt auf {{limit}} min. Für unlimitiertes Streaming, nutzen Sie bitte {{app}}.",
"busy": "Es werden Ressourcen zum Streamen bereitgestellt. Bitte in ein paar Minuten erneut versuchen.",
"busyTitle": "Alle Streaming-Instanzen sind in Gebrauch",
"changeSignIn": "Konten wechseln.",
@ -376,17 +409,17 @@
"error": "Das Livestreaming ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",
"errorAPI": "Beim Abrufen der YouTube-Livestreams ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie, sich erneut anzumelden.",
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "Livestreaming ist für {{email}} nicht aktiviert. Aktivieren Sie das Livestreaming oder melden Sie sich bei einem Konto mit aktiviertem Livestreaming an.",
"expandedOff": "Livestreaming wurde angehalten",
"expandedOff": "Livestream wurde angehalten",
"expandedOn": "Das Meeting wird momentan an YouTube gestreamt.",
"expandedPending": "Livestreaming wird gestartet...",
"failedToStart": "Livestreaming konnte nicht gestartet werden",
"expandedPending": "Livestream wird gestartet …",
"failedToStart": "Livestream konnte nicht gestartet werden",
"getStreamKeyManually": "Wir waren nicht in der Lage, Livestreams abzurufen. Versuchen Sie, Ihren Livestream-Schlüssel von YouTube zu erhalten.",
"invalidStreamKey": "Der Livestream-Schlüssel ist u. U. falsch.",
"off": "Livestreaming gestoppt",
"offBy": "{{name}} stoppte das Livestreaming",
"on": "Livestreaming",
"onBy": "{{name}} startete das Livestreaming",
"pending": "Livestream wird gestartet...",
"off": "Livestream gestoppt",
"offBy": "{{name}} stoppte den Livestream",
"on": "Livestream",
"onBy": "{{name}} startete den Livestream",
"pending": "Livestream wird gestartet …",
"serviceName": "Livestreaming-Dienst",
"signedInAs": "Sie sind derzeit angemeldet als:",
"signIn": "Mit Google anmelden",
@ -394,7 +427,9 @@
"signOut": "Abmelden",
"start": "Einen Livestream starten",
"streamIdHelp": "Was ist das?",
"unavailableTitle": "Livestreaming nicht verfügbar"
"unavailableTitle": "Livestreaming nicht verfügbar",
"youtubeTerms": "YouTube-Nutzungsbedingungen",
"googlePrivacyPolicy": "Google-Datenschutzerklärung"
"localRecording": {
"clientState": {
@ -411,7 +446,7 @@
"localRecording": "Lokale Aufzeichnung",
"me": "Ich",
"messages": {
"engaged": "Lokale Aufzeichnung ist aktiviert",
"engaged": "Lokale Aufzeichnung ist aktiviert.",
"finished": "Aufzeichnung der Sitzung {{token}} ist beendet. Senden Sie die aufgezeichnete Datei an den Moderator.",
"finishedModerator": "Aufzeichnung der Sitzung {{token}} ist beendet. Die Aufzeichnung des lokalen Verlaufs wurde gespeichert. Bitten Sie die anderen Teilnehmer, ihre Aufzeichnungen zu übermitteln.",
"notModerator": "Sie sind nicht der Moderator. Sie können die lokale Aufzeichnung nicht starten oder stoppen."
@ -425,7 +460,7 @@
"stop": "Aufnahme stoppen",
"yes": "Ja"
"lockRoomPassword": "Passwort",
"lockRoomPassword": "passwort",
"lockRoomPasswordUppercase": "Passwort",
"me": "ich",
"notify": {
@ -435,38 +470,78 @@
"disconnected": "getrennt",
"focus": "Konferenz-Organisator",
"focusFail": "{{component}} ist im Moment nicht verfügbar - wiederholen in {{ms}} Sekunden",
"grantedTo": "Moderatorenrechte an {{to}} vergeben.",
"invitedOneMember": "{{displayName}} wurde eingeladen",
"grantedTo": "Moderatorenrechte an {{to}} vergeben!",
"invitedOneMember": "{{name}} wurde eingeladen",
"invitedThreePlusMembers": "{{name}} und {{count}} andere wurden eingeladen",
"invitedTwoMembers": "{{first}} und {{second}} wurden eingeladen",
"kickParticipant": "Sie können sich für mehr Details an {{participantDisplayName}} wenden.",
"kickParticipant": "{{kicked}} wurde von {{kicker}} ausgewiesen",
"me": "Ich",
"moderator": "Moderatorenrechte vergeben",
"moderator": "Moderatorenrechte vergeben!",
"muted": "Der Konferenz wurde stumm beigetreten.",
"mutedTitle": "Stummschaltung aktiv!",
"mutedRemotelyTitle": "Sie wurden von {{participantDisplayName}} stummgeschaltet!",
"mutedRemotelyDescription": "Sie können jederzeit die Stummschaltung aufheben, wenn Sie bereit sind zu sprechen. Wenn Sie fertig sind, können sich wieder stummschalten, um Geräusche vom Meeting fernzuhalten.",
"mutedRemotelyDescription": "Sie können jederzeit die Stummschaltung aufheben, wenn Sie bereit sind zu sprechen. Wenn Sie fertig sind, können Sie sich wieder stummschalten, um Geräusche vom Meeting fernzuhalten.",
"passwordRemovedRemotely": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) von einem anderen Teilnehmer entfernt",
"passwordSetRemotely": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) von einem anderen Teilnehmer gesetzt",
"raisedHand": "{{name}} möchte sprechen.",
"somebody": "Jemand",
"startSilentTitle": "Sie sind ohne Audioausgabe beigetreten!",
"startSilentDescription": "Treten Sie dem Meeting noch einmal bei, um Ihr Audio zu aktivieren",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Tut uns leid, aber die Konferenz wird mit {{appName}} kein großartiges Erlebnis. Wir versuchen immer die Situation zu verbessern, bis dahin empfehlen wir aber die Verwendung einer der <a href=\"static/recommendedBrowsers.html\" target=\"_blank\">vollständig unterstützen Browser</a>.",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Tut uns leid, aber die Konferenz wird mit {{appName}} kein großartiges Erlebnis. Wir versuchen immer die Situation zu verbessern, bis dahin empfehlen wir aber die Verwendung einer der <a href=\"{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}\" target=\"_blank\">vollständig unterstützen Browser</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "Browserwarnung",
"unmute": "Stummschaltung aufheben",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "Neue Kamera erkannt",
"newDeviceAudioTitle": "Neues Audiogerät erkannt",
"newDeviceAction": "Verwenden"
"newDeviceAction": "Verwenden",
"OldElectronAPPTitle": "Sicherheitslücke!",
"oldElectronClientDescription1": "Sie scheinen eine alte Version des Jitsi-Meet-Clients zu nutzen. Diese hat bekannte Schwachstellen. Bitte aktualisieren Sie auf unsere ",
"oldElectronClientDescription2": "aktuelle Version",
"oldElectronClientDescription3": "!"
"passwordSetRemotely": "von einem anderen Teilnehmer gesetzt",
"passwordDigitsOnly": "Bis zu {{number}} Ziffern",
"poweredby": "Betrieben von",
"prejoin": {
"audioAndVideoError": "Audio- und Videofehler:",
"audioOnlyError": "Audiofehler:",
"audioTrackError": "Audiotrack konnte nicht erstellt werden.",
"calling": "Rufaufbau",
"callMe": "Mich anrufen",
"callMeAtNumber": "Mich unter dieser Nummer anrufen:",
"configuringDevices": "Geräte werden eingerichtet …",
"connectedWithAudioQ": "Sie sind mit Audio verbunden?",
"copyAndShare": "Konferenzlink kopieren & teilen",
"dialInMeeting": "Telefoneinwahl",
"dialInPin": "In die Konferenz einwählen und PIN eingeben:",
"dialing": "Wählen",
"doNotShow": "Nicht mehr anzeigen",
"errorDialOut": "Anruf fehlgeschlagen",
"errorDialOutDisconnected": "Anruf fehlgeschlagen. Verbindungsabbruch",
"errorDialOutFailed": "Anruf fehlgeschlagen. Anruf fehlgeschlagen",
"errorDialOutStatus": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Anrufstatus",
"errorStatusCode": "Anruf fehlgeschlagen. Statuscode: {{status}}",
"errorValidation": "Nummerverifikation fehlgeschlagen",
"iWantToDialIn": "Ich möchte mich einwählen",
"joinAudioByPhone": "Per Telefon teilnehmen",
"joinMeeting": "Konferenz beitreten",
"joinWithoutAudio": "Ohne Ton beitreten",
"initiated": "Anruf gestartet",
"linkCopied": "Link in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"lookGood": "Ihr Mikrofon scheint zu funktionieren.",
"or": "oder",
"premeeting": "Vorraum",
"showScreen": "Konferenzvorraum aktivieren",
"startWithPhone": "Mit Telefonaudio starten",
"screenSharingError": "Fehler bei Bildschirmfreigabe:",
"videoOnlyError": "Videofehler:",
"videoTrackError": "Videotrack konnte nicht erstellt werden.",
"viewAllNumbers": "alle Nummern anzeigen"
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "Beschäftigt",
"calling": "Wird angerufen…",
"calling": "Wird angerufen …",
"connected": "Verbunden",
"connecting": "Verbindung wird hergestellt",
"connecting": "Verbindung wird hergestellt…",
"connecting2": "Wird verbunden*…",
"disconnected": "Getrennt",
"expired": "Abgelaufen",
@ -474,7 +549,7 @@
"initializingCall": "Anruf wird initialisiert…",
"invited": "Einladen",
"rejected": "Abgelehnt",
"ringing": "Es klingelt…"
"ringing": "Es klingelt …"
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "Anzeigename festlegen",
@ -484,6 +559,8 @@
"raisedHand": "Ich möchte sprechen",
"recording": {
"limitNotificationDescriptionWeb": "Wegen hoher Nachfrage ist Ihre Aufnahme auf {{limit}} min. begrenzt. Für unlimitierte Aufnahmen nutzen Sie bitte <a href={{url}} rel='noopener noreferrer' target='_blank'>{{app}}</a>.",
"limitNotificationDescriptionNative": "Wegen hoher Nachfrage ist Ihre Aufnahme auf {{limit}} min begrenzt. Für unlimitierte Aufnahmen nutzen Sie bitte <3>{{app}}</3>.",
"authDropboxText": "In Dropbox hochladen",
"availableSpace": "Verfügbarer Speicherplatz: {{spaceLeft}} MB (ca. {{duration}} Minuten Aufzeichnung)",
"beta": "BETA",
@ -494,7 +571,7 @@
"expandedOn": "Das Meeting wird momentan aufgezeichnet.",
"expandedPending": "Aufzeichnung wird gestartet…",
"failedToStart": "Die Aufnahme konnte nicht gestartet werden",
"fileSharingdescription": "Aufzeichnung mit Meeting-Teilnehmer teilen",
"fileSharingdescription": "Aufzeichnung mit Konferenzteilnehmer teilen",
"live": "LIVE",
"loggedIn": "Als {{userName}} angemeldet",
"off": "Aufnahme gestoppt",
@ -513,6 +590,12 @@
"sectionList": {
"pullToRefresh": "Ziehen, um zu aktualisieren"
"security": {
"about": "Sie können Ihre Konferenz mit einem Passwort sichern. Teilnehmer müssen dieses eingeben, bevor sie an der Sitzung teilnehmen dürfen.",
"aboutReadOnly": "Moderatoren können die Konferenz mit einem Passwort sichern. Teilnehmer müssen dieses eingeben, bevor sie an der Sitzung teilnehmen dürfen.",
"insecureRoomNameWarning": "Der Raumname ist unsicher. Unerwünschte Teilnehmer könnten Ihrer Konferenz beitreten",
"securityOptions": "Sicherheitsoptionen"
"settings": {
"calendar": {
"about": "Die Kalenderintegration von {{appName}} wird verwendet, um ein sicheres Zugreifen auf Ihren Kalender und Auslesen der bevorstehenden Termine zu ermöglichen.",
@ -525,6 +608,7 @@
"followMe": "Follow-me für alle Teilnehmer",
"language": "Sprache",
"loggedIn": "Als {{name}} angemeldet",
"microphones": "Mikrofon",
"moderator": "Moderator",
"more": "Mehr",
"name": "Name",
@ -532,6 +616,7 @@
"selectAudioOutput": "Audioausgabe",
"selectCamera": "Kamera",
"selectMic": "Mikrofon",
"speakers": "Lautsprecher",
"startAudioMuted": "Alle Teilnehmer treten stumm geschaltet bei",
"startVideoMuted": "Alle Teilnehmer treten ohne Video bei",
"title": "Einstellungen"
@ -539,12 +624,15 @@
"settingsView": {
"advanced": "Erweitert",
"alertOk": "OK",
"alertCancel": "Abbrechen",
"alertTitle": "Warnung",
"alertURLText": "Die angegebene Server-URL ist ungültig",
"buildInfoSection": "Build-Informationen",
"conferenceSection": "Konferenz",
"disableCallIntegration": "Native Anrufintegration deaktivieren",
"disableP2P": "Ende-zu-Ende-Modus deaktivieren",
"disableCrashReporting": "Absturzberichte deaktivieren",
"disableCrashReportingWarning": "Möchten Sie die Absturzberichte wirklich deaktivieren? Diese Einstellung wird nach einem Neustart der App wirksam.",
"displayName": "Anzeigename",
"email": "E-Mail",
"header": "Einstellungen",
@ -556,7 +644,7 @@
"version": "Version"
"share": {
"dialInfoText": "\n\n=====\n\nWollen Sie sich nur auf Ihrem Telefon einwählen?\n\n{{{defaultDialInNumber}}}Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die eingewählten Telefonnummern für dieses Meeting zu sehen\n{{dialInfoPageUrl}}",
"dialInfoText": "\n\n=====\n\nWollen Sie sich nur auf Ihrem Telefon einwählen?\n\n{{defaultDialInNumber}}Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die eingewählten Telefonnummern für dieses Meeting zu sehen\n{{dialInfoPageUrl}}",
"mainText": "Klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link, um dem Meeting beizutreten:\n{{roomUrl}}"
"speaker": "Sprecher",
@ -565,8 +653,8 @@
"minutes": "{{count}}m",
"name": "Name",
"seconds": "{{count}}s",
"speakerStats": "Sprecher-Statistiken",
"speakerTime": "Sprecher-Zeit"
"speakerStats": "Sprecherstatistik",
"speakerTime": "Sprecherzeit"
"startupoverlay": {
"policyText": " ",
@ -586,14 +674,18 @@
"chat": "Chatfenster ein-/ausblenden",
"document": "Geteiltes Dokument schließen",
"download": "Unsere Apps herunterladen",
"embedMeeting": "Konferenz einbetten",
"e2ee": "Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung",
"feedback": "Feedback hinterlassen",
"fullScreen": "Vollbildmodus aktivieren/deaktivieren",
"fullScreen": "Vollbildmodus ein-/ausschalten",
"grantModerator": "Zum Moderator machen",
"hangup": "Anruf beenden",
"help": "Hilfe",
"invite": "Teilnehmer einladen",
"kick": "Teilnehmer entfernen",
"lobbyButton": "Lobbymodus ein-/ausschalten",
"localRecording": "Lokale Aufzeichnungssteuerelemente ein-/ausschalten",
"lockRoom": "Meeting-Passwort ein-/auschalten",
"lockRoom": "Konferenzpasswort ein-/auschalten",
"moreActions": "Menü „Weitere Aktionen“ ein-/ausschalten",
"moreActionsMenu": "Menü „Weitere Aktionen“",
"moreOptions": "Menü „Weitere Optionen“",
@ -605,6 +697,7 @@
"raiseHand": "„Melden“ ein-/ausschalten",
"recording": "Aufzeichnung ein-/ausschalten",
"remoteMute": "Teilnehmer stummschalten",
"security": "Sicherheitsoptionen",
"Settings": "Einstellungen ein-/ausschalten",
"sharedvideo": "YouTube-Videofreigabe ein-/ausschalten",
"shareRoom": "Person einladen",
@ -614,6 +707,7 @@
"speakerStats": "Sprecherstatistik ein-/ausblenden",
"tileView": "Kachelansicht ein-/ausschalten",
"toggleCamera": "Kamera wechseln",
"toggleFilmstrip": "Miniaturansichten ein-/ausschalten",
"videomute": "„Video stummschalten“ ein-/ausschalten",
"videoblur": "Video-Unschärfe ein-/ausschalten"
@ -628,6 +722,8 @@
"documentClose": "Geteiltes Dokument schließen",
"documentOpen": "Geteiltes Dokument öffnen",
"download": "Unsere Apps herunterladen",
"e2ee": "Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung",
"embedMeeting": "Konferenz einbetten",
"enterFullScreen": "Vollbildmodus",
"enterTileView": "Kachelansicht einschalten",
"exitFullScreen": "Vollbildmodus verlassen",
@ -636,6 +732,8 @@
"hangup": "Verlassen",
"help": "Hilfe",
"invite": "Teilnehmer einladen",
"lobbyButtonDisable": "Lobbymodus deaktivieren",
"lobbyButtonEnable": "Lobbymodus aktivieren",
"login": "Anmelden",
"logout": "Abmelden",
"lowerYourHand": "Hand senken",
@ -647,7 +745,7 @@
"noAudioSignalDesc": "Wenn Sie das Gerät nicht absichtlich über die Systemeinstellungen oder die Hardware stumm geschaltet haben, sollten Sie einen Wechsel des Geräts in Erwägung ziehen.",
"noAudioSignalDescSuggestion": "Wenn Sie das Gerät nicht absichtlich über die Systemeinstellungen oder die Hardware stummgeschaltet haben, sollten Sie einen Wechsel auf das vorgeschlagene Gerät in Erwägung ziehen.",
"noAudioSignalDialInDesc": "Sie können sich auch über die Einwahlnummer einwählen:",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc" : "Einwahlnummern:",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc": "Einwahlnummern",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "Ihr Mikrofon scheint lärmintensiv zu sein!",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "Es klingt, als ob Ihr Mikrofon Störgeräusche verursacht. Bitte überlegen Sie, ob Sie das Gerät stummschalten oder austauschen wollen.",
"openChat": "Chat öffnen",
@ -656,11 +754,12 @@
"profile": "Profil bearbeiten",
"raiseHand": "Hand erheben",
"raiseYourHand": "Melden",
"security": "Sicherheitsoptionen",
"Settings": "Einstellungen",
"sharedvideo": "YouTube-Video teilen",
"shareRoom": "Person einladen",
"shortcuts": "Tastenkürzel anzeigen",
"speakerStats": "Sprecher-Statistiken",
"speakerStats": "Sprecherstatistik",
"startScreenSharing": "Bildschirmfreigabe starten",
"startSubtitles": "Untertitel einschalten",
"stopScreenSharing": "Bildschirmfreigabe stoppen",
@ -721,9 +820,6 @@
"lowDefinition": "Niedrige Auflösung",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "Nur Ton",
"onlyAudioSupported": "In diesem Browser wird nur Audio unterstützt.",
"p2pEnabled": "Ende-zu-Ende aktiviert",
"p2pVideoQualityDescription": "Im Ende-zu-Ende-Modus kann die empfangene Videoqualität nur zwischen „Hoch“ und „Nur Audio“ umgeschaltet werden. Andere Einstellungen werden erst beim Verlassen des Ende-zu-Ende-Modus berücksichtigt.",
"recHighDefinitionOnly": "Hohe Qualität wird bevorzugt.",
"sd": "SD",
"sdTooltip": "Video wird in Standardauflösung angezeigt",
"standardDefinition": "Standardauflösung"
@ -732,6 +828,7 @@
"domute": "Stummschalten",
"domuteOthers": "Alle anderen stummschalten",
"flip": "Spiegeln",
"grantModerator": "Zum Moderator machen",
"kick": "Hinauswerfen",
"moderator": "Moderator",
"mute": "Teilnehmer ist stumm geschaltet",
@ -745,7 +842,7 @@
"join": "Zum Teilnehmen tippen",
"roomname": "Konferenzname eingeben"
"appDescription": "Auf geht's! Starten Sie eine Videokonferenz mit dem ganzen Team. Oder besser noch: Laden Sie alle ein, die Sie kennen. {{app}} ist eine vollständig verschlüsselte, aus 100 % Open-Source-Software bestehende Videokonferenzlösung, die Sie den ganzen Tag kostenlos verwenden können — ohne Registrierung.",
"appDescription": "Auf geht's! Starten Sie eine Videokonferenz mit ihrem Team oder besser noch: Laden Sie alle ein, die Sie kennen. {{app}} ist eine vollständig verschlüsselte und 100 % quelloffene Videokonferenzlösung, die Sie immer und überall kostenlos verwenden können – ohne Registrierung.",
"audioVideoSwitch": {
"audio": "Audio",
"video": "Video"
@ -754,24 +851,62 @@
"connectCalendarButton": "Kalender verbinden",
"connectCalendarText": "Verbinden Sie Ihren Kalender, um all Ihre Meetings in {{app}} anzuzeigen. Fügen Sie zudem {{provider}}-Meetings in Ihren Kalender ein und starten Sie sie mit nur einem Klick.",
"enterRoomTitle": "Neues Meeting starten",
"roomNameAllowedChars": "Der Meeting-Name sollte keines der folgenden Zeichen enthalten: ?, &, :, ', \", %, #.",
"getHelp": "Hilfe",
"go": "Los",
"goSmall": "Los",
"join": "Beitreten",
"info": "Informationen",
"moderatedMessage": "Oder <a href=\"{{url}}\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\">reservieren Sie sich eine Konferenz-URL</a>, unter der Sie der einzige Moderator sind.",
"privacy": "Datenschutz",
"recentList": "Letzte",
"recentList": "Verlauf",
"recentListDelete": "Löschen",
"recentListEmpty": "Die Liste „Letzte“ ist momentan leer. Chatten Sie mit Ihrem Team. Sie finden all Ihre letzten Meetings hier.",
"recentListEmpty": "Ihr Konferenzverlauf ist derzeit leer. Reden Sie mit Ihrem Team und Ihre vergangenen Konferenzen landen hier.",
"reducedUIText": "Willkommen bei {{app}}!",
"roomNameAllowedChars": "Der Konferenzname sollte keines der folgenden Zeichen enthalten: ?, &, :, ', \", %, #.",
"roomname": "Konferenzname eingeben",
"roomnameHint": "Name oder URL der Konferenz, der Sie beitreten möchten. Sie können einen Namen erfinden, er muss nur den anderen Teilnehmern übermittelt werden, damit diese der gleichen Konferenz beitreten.",
"sendFeedback": "Feedback senden",
"terms": "AGB",
"title": "Sichere, mit umfassenden Funktionen ausgestattete und vollkommen kostenlose Videokonferenzen"
"title": "Sichere, voll funktionale und komplett kostenlose Videokonferenzen"
"lonelyMeetingExperience": {
"button": "Andere einladen",
"youAreAlone": "Nur Sie sind in diesem Meeting"
"youAreAlone": "Sie sind alleine in dieser Konferenz"
"helpView": {
"header": "Hilfecenter"
"lobby": {
"knockingParticipantList": "Liste anklopfender Teilnehmer",
"allow": "Annehmen",
"backToKnockModeButton": "Kein Passwort, stattdessen Beitritt anfragen",
"dialogTitle": "Lobbymodus",
"disableDialogContent": "Lobbymodus derzeit deaktiviert. Diese Funktion stellt sicher, dass unerwünschte Personen Ihrer Konferenz nicht beitreten können. Funktion aktivieren?",
"disableDialogSubmit": "Deaktivieren",
"emailField": "E-Mail-Adresse eingeben",
"enableDialogPasswordField": "Passwort setzen (optional)",
"enableDialogSubmit": "Aktivieren",
"enableDialogText": "Mit dem Lobbymodus schützen Sie Ihre Konferenz, da nur von einem Moderator angenommene Teilnehmer beitreten können.",
"enterPasswordButton": "Konferenzpasswort eingeben",
"enterPasswordTitle": "Passwort zum Beitreten benutzen",
"invalidPassword": "Ungültiges Passwort",
"joiningMessage": "Sie treten der Konferenz bei, sobald jemand Ihre Anfrage annimmt.",
"joinWithPasswordMessage": "Beitrittsversuch mit Passwort, bitte warten …",
"joinRejectedMessage": "Ihr Beitrittsanfrage wurde von einem Moderator abgelehnt.",
"joinTitle": "Konferenz beitreten",
"joiningTitle": "Beitritt anfragen …",
"joiningWithPasswordTitle": "Mit Passwort beitreten …",
"knockButton": "Beitritt anfragen",
"knockTitle": "Jemand möchte der Konferenz beitreten",
"nameField": "Geben Sie Ihren Namen ein",
"notificationLobbyAccessDenied": "{{targetParticipantName}} wurde von {{originParticipantName}} der Zutritt verwehrt",
"notificationLobbyAccessGranted": "{{targetParticipantName}} wurde von {{originParticipantName}} der Zutritt gestattet",
"notificationLobbyDisabled": "{{originParticipantName}} hat die Lobby deaktiviert",
"notificationLobbyEnabled": "{{originParticipantName}} hat die Lobby aktiviert",
"notificationTitle": "Lobby",
"passwordField": "Konferenzpasswort eingeben",
"passwordJoinButton": "Beitreten",
"reject": "Ablehnen",
"toggleLabel": "Lobby aktivieren"
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
"bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
"headphones": "Headphones",
"phone": "Phone",
"speaker": "Speaker"
"speaker": "Speaker",
"none": ""
"audioOnly": {
"audioOnly": "Audio only"
@ -51,10 +52,15 @@
"popover": "Choose a nickname",
"title": "Enter a nickname to use chat"
"title": "Chat"
"title": "Chat",
"you": "",
"privateNotice": "",
"noMessagesMessage": "",
"messageTo": "",
"fieldPlaceHolder": ""
"connectingOverlay": {
"joiningRoom": "Connecting you to your meeting..."
"joiningRoom": "Connecting you to your meeting…"
"connection": {
"ATTACHED": "Attached",
@ -66,7 +72,11 @@
"DISCONNECTED": "Disconnected",
"DISCONNECTING": "Disconnecting",
"ERROR": "Error",
"RECONNECTING": "A network problem occurred. Reconnecting..."
"RECONNECTING": "A network problem occurred. Reconnecting...",
"connectionindicator": {
"address": "Address:",
@ -97,7 +107,8 @@
"status": "Connection:",
"transport": "Transport:",
"transport_plural": "Transports:",
"turn": " (turn)"
"turn": " (turn)",
"e2e_rtt": ""
"dateUtils": {
"earlier": "Earlier",
@ -109,9 +120,11 @@
"description": "Nothing happened? We tried launching your meeting in the {{app}} desktop app. Try again or launch it in the {{app}} web app.",
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "",
"downloadApp": "Download the app",
"ifDoNotHaveApp": "If you don't have the app yet:",
"ifHaveApp": "If you already have the app:",
"joinInApp": "Join this meeting using the app",
"launchWebButton": "Launch in web",
"openApp": "Continue to the app",
"title": "Launching your meeting in {{app}}...",
"title": "Launching your meeting in {{app}}…",
"tryAgainButton": "Try again in desktop"
"defaultLink": "e.g. {{url}}",
@ -145,9 +158,9 @@
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "Your camera does not support required video resolution.",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"close": "Close",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "You may want to check your network connection. Reconnecting in {{seconds}} sec...",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "You may want to check your network connection. Reconnecting in {{seconds}} sec…",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "You have been disconnected.",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "We're trying to fix this. Reconnecting in {{seconds}} sec...",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "We're trying to fix this. Reconnecting in {{seconds}} sec…",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "Unfortunately, something went wrong.",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"confirmNo": "No",
@ -254,9 +267,20 @@
"userPassword": "user password",
"WaitForHostMsg": "The conference <b>{{room}}</b> has not yet started. If you are the host then please authenticate. Otherwise, please wait for the host to arrive.",
"WaitForHostMsgWOk": "The conference <b>{{room}}</b> has not yet started. If you are the host then please press Ok to authenticate. Otherwise, please wait for the host to arrive.",
"WaitingForHost": "Waiting for the host ...",
"WaitingForHost": "Waiting for the host …",
"Yes": "Yes",
"yourEntireScreen": "Your entire screen"
"yourEntireScreen": "Your entire screen",
"sendPrivateMessageTitle": "",
"sendPrivateMessageOk": "",
"sendPrivateMessageCancel": "",
"sendPrivateMessage": "",
"screenSharingAudio": "",
"muteEveryoneStartMuted": "",
"muteEveryoneSelf": "",
"muteEveryoneTitle": "",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "",
"muteEveryoneElseTitle": "",
"muteEveryoneElseDialog": ""
"dialOut": {
"statusMessage": "is now {{status}}"
@ -291,7 +315,7 @@
"dialInTollFree": "Toll Free",
"genericError": "Whoops, something went wrong.",
"inviteLiveStream": "To view the live stream of this meeting, click this link: {{url}}",
"invitePhone": "One tap audio Dial In: {{number}},,{{conferenceID}}#",
"invitePhone": "One tap audio Dial In: {{number}},,{{conferenceID}}#\n",
"invitePhoneAlternatives": "",
"inviteURLFirstPartGeneral": "You are invited to join a meeting.",
"inviteURLFirstPartPersonal": "{{name}} is inviting you to a meeting.\n",
@ -328,14 +352,15 @@
"keyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard shortcuts",
"localRecording": "Show or hide local recording controls",
"mute": "Mute or unmute your microphone",
"pushToTalk": "Push to talk",
"pushToTalk": "Press to transmit",
"raiseHand": "Raise or lower your hand",
"showSpeakerStats": "Show speaker stats",
"toggleChat": "Open or close the chat",
"toggleFilmstrip": "Show or hide video thumbnails",
"toggleScreensharing": "Switch between camera and screen sharing",
"toggleShortcuts": "Show or hide keyboard shortcuts",
"videoMute": "Start or stop your camera"
"videoMute": "Start or stop your camera",
"videoQuality": ""
"liveStreaming": {
"busy": "We're working on freeing streaming resources. Please try again in a few minutes.",
@ -349,13 +374,13 @@
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "Live Streaming is not enabled on {{email}}. Please enable live streaming or log into an account with live streaming enabled.",
"expandedOff": "The live streaming has stopped",
"expandedOn": "The meeting is currently being streamed to YouTube.",
"expandedPending": "The live streaming is being started...",
"expandedPending": "The live streaming is being started…",
"failedToStart": "Live Streaming failed to start",
"getStreamKeyManually": "We weren’t able to fetch any live streams. Try getting your live stream key from YouTube.",
"invalidStreamKey": "Live stream key may be incorrect.",
"off": "Live Streaming stopped",
"on": "Live Streaming",
"pending": "Starting Live Stream...",
"pending": "Starting Live Stream…",
"serviceName": "Live Streaming service",
"signedInAs": "You are currently signed in as:",
"signIn": "Sign in with Google",
@ -363,7 +388,11 @@
"signOut": "Sign out",
"start": "Start a live stream",
"streamIdHelp": "What's this?",
"unavailableTitle": "Live Streaming unavailable"
"unavailableTitle": "Live Streaming unavailable",
"onBy": "",
"offBy": "",
"googlePrivacyPolicy": "Google Privacy Policy",
"youtubeTerms": "YouTube terms of services"
"localRecording": {
"clientState": {
@ -414,41 +443,42 @@
"muted": "You have started the conversation muted.",
"mutedTitle": "You're muted!",
"mutedRemotelyTitle": "You have been muted by {{participantDisplayName}}!",
"mutedRemotelyDescription": "",
"passwordRemovedRemotely": "",
"passwordSetRemotely": "",
"mutedRemotelyDescription": "You can always unmute when you're ready to speak. Mute back when you're done to keep noise away from the meeting.",
"passwordRemovedRemotely": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) removed by another participant",
"passwordSetRemotely": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) set by another participant",
"raisedHand": "{{name}} would like to speak.",
"somebody": "Somebody",
"startSilentTitle": "",
"startSilentDescription": "",
"suboptimalExperienceDescription": "Eer... we are afraid your experience with {{appName}} isn't going to be that great here. We are looking for ways to improve this but, until then, please try using one of the <a href='static/recommendedBrowsers.html' target='_blank'>fully supported browsers</a>.",
"startSilentTitle": "You joined with no audio output!",
"startSilentDescription": "Rejoin the meeting to enable audio",
"suboptimalExperienceDescription": "Eer... we are afraid your experience with {{appName}} isn't going to be that great here. We are looking for ways to improve this but, until then, please try using one of the <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>fully supported browsers</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "Browser Warning",
"unmute": "",
"unmute": "Unmute",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "New camera detected",
"newDeviceAudioTitle": "New audio device detected",
"newDeviceAction": "Use"
"newDeviceAction": "Use",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "We are afraid your meeting experience isn't going to be that great here. We are looking for ways to improve this, but until then please try using one of the <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>fully supported browsers</a>."
"passwordSetRemotely": "set by another member",
"passwordDigitsOnly": "Up to {{number}} digits",
"poweredby": "powered by",
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "Busy",
"calling": "Calling...",
"calling": "Calling…",
"connected": "Connected",
"connecting": "Connecting...",
"connecting": "Connecting…",
"connecting2": "Connecting*...",
"disconnected": "Disconnected",
"expired": "Expired",
"ignored": "Ignored",
"initializingCall": "Initialising Call...",
"initializingCall": "Initialising Call…",
"invited": "Invited",
"rejected": "Rejected",
"ringing": "Ringing..."
"ringing": "Ringing…"
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "Set your display name",
"setEmailInput": "Enter e-mail",
"setEmailLabel": "Set your gravatar email",
"setEmailLabel": "Set your Gravatar e-mail",
"title": "Profile"
"recording": {
@ -460,21 +490,23 @@
"error": "Recording failed. Please try again.",
"expandedOff": "Recording has stopped",
"expandedOn": "The meeting is currently being recorded.",
"expandedPending": "Recording is being started...",
"expandedPending": "Recording is being started…",
"failedToStart": "Recording failed to start",
"fileSharingdescription": "Share recording with meeting participants",
"live": "LIVE",
"loggedIn": "Logged in as {{userName}}",
"off": "Recording stopped",
"on": "Recording",
"pending": "Preparing to record the meeting...",
"pending": "Preparing to record the meeting…",
"rec": "REC",
"serviceDescription": "Your recording will be saved by the recording service",
"serviceName": "Recording service",
"signIn": "Sign in",
"signOut": "Sign out",
"unavailable": "Oops! The {{serviceName}} is currently unavailable. We're working on resolving the issue. Please try again later.",
"unavailableTitle": "Recording unavailable"
"unavailableTitle": "Recording unavailable",
"onBy": "{{name}} started the recording",
"offBy": "{{name}} stopped the recording"
"sectionList": {
"pullToRefresh": "Pull to refresh"
@ -500,7 +532,9 @@
"selectMic": "Microphone",
"startAudioMuted": "Everyone starts muted",
"startVideoMuted": "Everyone starts hidden",
"title": "Settings"
"title": "Settings",
"speakers": "Speakers",
"microphones": "Microphones"
"settingsView": {
"alertOk": "OK",
@ -515,7 +549,11 @@
"serverURL": "Server URL",
"startWithAudioMuted": "Start with audio muted",
"startWithVideoMuted": "Start with video muted",
"version": "Version"
"version": "Version",
"showAdvanced": "Show advanced settings",
"disableP2P": "Disable Peer-To-Peer mode",
"disableCallIntegration": "Disable native call integration",
"advanced": "Advanced"
"share": {
"dialInfoText": "\n\n=====\n\nJust want to dial in on your phone?\n\n{{defaultDialInNumber}}Click this link to see the dial in phone numbers for this meeting\n{{dialInfoPageUrl}}",
@ -563,16 +601,21 @@
"recording": "Toggle recording",
"remoteMute": "Mute participant",
"Settings": "Toggle settings",
"sharedvideo": "Toggle Youtube video sharing",
"sharedvideo": "Toggle YouTube video sharing",
"shareRoom": "Invite someone",
"shareYourScreen": "Toggle screenshare",
"shortcuts": "Toggle shortcuts",
"show": "",
"show": "Show on stage",
"speakerStats": "Toggle speaker statistics",
"tileView": "Toggle tile view",
"toggleCamera": "Toggle camera",
"videomute": "Toggle mute video",
"videoblur": ""
"videoblur": "",
"privateMessage": "Send private message",
"muteEveryone": "Mute everyone",
"moreOptions": "Show more options",
"help": "Help",
"download": "Download our apps"
"addPeople": "Add people to your call",
"audioOnlyOff": "Disable audio only mode",
@ -625,7 +668,7 @@
"failedToStart": "Transcribing failed to start",
"labelToolTip": "The meeting is being transcribed",
"off": "Transcribing stopped",
"pending": "Preparing to transcribe the meeting...",
"pending": "Preparing to transcribe the meeting…",
"start": "Start showing subtitles",
"stop": "Stop showing subtitles",
"tr": "TR"
@ -664,9 +707,6 @@
"lowDefinition": "Low definition",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "Only audio is available",
"onlyAudioSupported": "We only support audio in this browser.",
"p2pEnabled": "Peer to Peer Enabled",
"p2pVideoQualityDescription": "In peer to peer mode, received call quality can only be toggled between high and audio only. Other settings will not be honoured until peer to peer is exited.",
"recHighDefinitionOnly": "Will prefer high definition.",
"sd": "SD",
"standardDefinition": "Standard definition"
@ -708,5 +748,15 @@
"sendFeedback": "Send feedback",
"terms": "Terms",
"title": "Secure, fully featured, and completely free video conferencing"
"documentSharing": {
"title": ""
"defaultNickname": "",
"chromeExtensionBanner": {
"dontShowAgain": "",
"buttonText": "",
"installExtensionText": ""
"raisedHand": "Would like to speak"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,21 +1,36 @@
"addPeople": {
"add": "Invitar",
"countryNotSupported": "Aún no contamos con soporte a este destino.",
"addContacts": "Invitar a sus contactos",
"copyInvite": "Copiar la invitación a la reunión",
"copyLink": "Copiar el link de la reunión",
"copyStream": "Copiar el link de la transmisión en vivo",
"countryNotSupported": "Aun no contamos con soporte a este destino.",
"countryReminder": "¿Llamando fuera de los Estados Unidos? ¡Por favor, asegúrese de empezar con el código de país!",
"defaultEmail": "Dirección de correo por defecto",
"disabled": "No puede invitar a otras personas.",
"failedToAdd": "Error al agregar participantes",
"footerText": "La marcación está desactivada.",
"loading": "Búsqueda de personas y números de teléfono",
"loadingNumber": "Validando el número de teléfono",
"googleEmail": "Correo electrónico de Google",
"inviteMoreHeader": "Usted se encuentra solo en la reunión",
"inviteMoreMailSubject": "Unirse a la reunion {{appName}}",
"inviteMorePrompt": "Invitar a más personas",
"linkCopied": "Link copiado al portapapeles",
"loading": "Buscando por contacto y número telefónico",
"loadingNumber": "Validando el número telefónico",
"loadingPeople": "Buscando contactos a invitar",
"noResults": "No se encontraron coincidencias",
"noValidNumbers": "Por favor ingrese un número de teléfono",
"searchNumbers": "Agregar números de teléfono",
"searchPeople": "Búsqueda de personas",
"outlookEmail": "Correo de Outlook",
"searchNumbers": "Agregar números telefónicos",
"searchPeople": "Búscar personas",
"searchPeopleAndNumbers": "Buscar personas o añadir sus números de teléfono",
"shareInvite": "Compartir la invitación a la reunión",
"shareLink": "Compartir el link de la reunion",
"shareStream": "Compartie el link de la transmición en vivo",
"telephone": "Teléfono: {{number}}",
"title": "Invitar a otras personas a esta reunión"
"title": "Invitar a otras personas a esta reunión",
"yahooEmail": "Correo de Yahoo"
"audioDevices": {
"bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
@ -32,7 +47,7 @@
"confirmAddLink": "¿Quiere añadir un enlace de Jitsi a este evento?",
"error": {
"appConfiguration": "La integración del calendario no está configurada correctamente",
"generic": "Se ha producido un error. Compruebe la configuración del calendario o pruebe a recargarlo",
"generic": "Se ha producido un error. Compruebe la configuración del calendario o pruebe cargarlo nuevamente.",
"notSignedIn": "Se ha producido un error de autenticación para ver los eventos del calendario. Compruebe la configuración del calendario e intente iniciar sesión de nuevo"
"join": "Unirse",
@ -60,9 +75,9 @@
"you": "usted"
"chromeExtensionBanner": {
"installExtensionText": "",
"buttonText": "",
"dontShowAgain": ""
"installExtensionText": "Instalar la extensión para Google Calendar y la integración con Office 365",
"buttonText": "Instalar extensión de Chrome",
"dontShowAgain": "No mostrar nuevamente"
"connectingOverlay": {
"joiningRoom": "Conectándose a su reunión…"
@ -77,7 +92,11 @@
"DISCONNECTED": "Desconectado",
"DISCONNECTING": "Desconectando",
"ERROR": "Error",
"RECONNECTING": "Ocurrió un problema en la red. Reconectando..."
"RECONNECTING": "Ocurrió un problema en la red. Reconectando...",
"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "Obteniendo session-ID…",
"GET_SESSION_ID_ERROR": "Obtener session-id error: {{code}}",
"GOT_SESSION_ID": "Obteniendo session-ID… Listo",
"LOW_BANDWIDTH": "Video para {{displayName}} ha sido deshabilitado para economizar ancho de banda"
"connectionindicator": {
"address": "Dirección:",
@ -85,13 +104,14 @@
"bitrate": "Tasa de transferencia:",
"bridgeCount": "Contador del servidor: ",
"connectedTo": "Conectado a:",
"e2e_rtt": "E2E RTT:",
"framerate": "Fotogramas por segundo:",
"less": "Mostrar menos",
"localaddress": "Dirección local:",
"localaddress_plural": "Direcciones locales:",
"localport": "Puerto local:",
"localport_plural": "Puertos locales:",
"more": "Ver más",
"more": "Mostrar más",
"packetloss": "Pérdida de paquetes:",
"quality": {
"good": "Bueno",
@ -120,8 +140,12 @@
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "¿No pasó nada? Intentamos iniciar su reunión en la aplicación de escritorio {{app}}.",
"downloadApp": "Descargar la app",
"launchWebButton": "Iniciar en web",
"ifDoNotHaveApp": "Si aún no tienes la app:",
"ifHaveApp": "Si ya tienes la app:",
"joinInApp": "Unirse a la reunion usando la app",
"launchWebButton": "Iniciar en la Web",
"openApp": "Continuar a la aplicación",
"title": "Iniciar su reunión en {{app}}...",
"title": "Iniciar su reunión en {{app}}…",
"tryAgainButton": "Intentar de nuevo en el escritorio"
"defaultLink": "ej. {{url}}",
@ -156,9 +180,9 @@
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "Su cámara no soporta la resolución de video.",
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Cerrar",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Es posible que desee comprobar la conexión de red. Reconectando en {{seconds}} segundos...",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Es posible que desee comprobar la conexión de red. Reconectando en {{seconds}} segundos…",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "Ha sido desconectado.",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Estamos tratando de arreglar esto. Reconectando en {{seconds}} segundos...",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Estamos tratando de arreglar esto. Reconectando en {{seconds}} segundos…",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "Desafortunadamente, algo salió mal.",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"confirmNo": "No",
@ -171,6 +195,8 @@
"dismiss": "Descartar",
"displayNameRequired": "¡Hola! ¿Cuál es tu nombre?",
"done": "Listo",
"e2eeDescription": "El cifrado Extremo-a-Extremo es actualmente EXPERIMENTAL. Tenga en cuenta que activar el cifrado extremo-a-extremo puede deshabilitar servicios en el servidor como: grabación, transmisión en vivo y participación telefónica. Sin embargo tenga en cuenta que esta reunion solo funcionará con personas que se unan usando un navegador.",
"e2eeWarning": "ATENCION: No todos los participantes de esta reunión soportan cifrado Extremo-a-Extremo. Si usted habilita el cifrado ellos no podrán verlo ni oirlo.",
"enterDisplayName": "Por favor ingresa tu nombre aquí",
"error": "Error",
"externalInstallationMsg": "Necesita instalar nuestra extensión para compartir escritorio.",
@ -184,7 +210,7 @@
"inlineInstallExtension": "Instalar ahora",
"internalError": "¡Oops! Algo salió mal. El siguiente error ocurrió: {{error}}",
"internalErrorTitle": "Error interno",
"kickMessage": "Puede ponerse en contacto con {{participantDisplayName}} para obtener más detalles.",
"kickMessage": "Puede ponerse en contacto con {{participantDisplayName}} para obtener más detalles.",
"kickParticipantButton": "Expulsar",
"kickParticipantDialog": "¿Seguro que quiere expulsar a este participante?",
"kickParticipantTitle": "¿Expulsar a este participante?",
@ -204,9 +230,15 @@
"micNotSendingData": "Vaya a la configuración de su computadora para activar el micrófono y ajustar su nivel",
"micNotSendingDataTitle": "Su micrófono está silenciado en la configuración de su sistema",
"micPermissionDeniedError": "No ha otorgado permisos para usar su micrófono. Puede unirse a la conferencia, pero no lo podrán escuchar. Utilice el botón en la barra de dirección para solucionar esto.",
"micUnknownError": "No se puede usar su micrófono por motivos desconocidos.",
"micUnknownError": "No se puede usar el micrófono por motivos desconocidos.",
"muteEveryoneElseDialog": "Una vez silenciados, no podrás quitarles el modo silencio, pero ellos podrán hacerlo en cualquier momento.",
"muteEveryoneElseTitle": "¿Silenciar a todos los participantes excepto a {{whom}}?",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "¿Estás seguro de silenciar a todos los participantes? No podrás quitarles el modo en silencio, pero ellos podrán hacerlo en cualquier momento.",
"muteEveryoneTitle": "¿Silenciar a todos los participantes?",
"muteEveryoneSelf": "A ti mismo",
"muteEveryoneStartMuted": "Todos los participantes comienzan silenciados a partir de ahora",
"muteParticipantBody": "No podrás quitarles el modo en silencio, pero ellos pueden quitárselo en cualquier momento.",
"muteParticipantButton": "Control de escritorio remoto",
"muteParticipantButton": "Silenciar",
"muteParticipantDialog": "¿Seguro que quiere silenciar a este participante? No podrá revertir esta acción, pero el participante podrá hacerlo en cualquier momento",
"muteParticipantTitle": "¿Silenciar a este participante?",
"Ok": "Aceptar",
@ -234,6 +266,7 @@
"reservationError": "Error del sistema de reservación",
"reservationErrorMsg": "Código de error: {{code}}, message: {{msg}}",
"retry": "Reintentar",
"screenSharingAudio": "Compartir audio",
"screenSharingFailedToInstall": "Oops! Su extensión de uso compartido de pantalla no se pudo instalar.",
"screenSharingFailedToInstallTitle": "La extensión para compartir la pantalla no se pudo instalar",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedError": "Algo salió mal mientras tratábamos de compartir la pantalla. Por favor, asegúrese de que nos ha dado permiso para hacerlo. ",
@ -269,16 +302,20 @@
"userPassword": "contraseña del usuario",
"WaitForHostMsg": "La conferencia <b> {{room}} </b> aún no ha comenzado. Si usted es el anfitrión, por favor autentíquese. De lo contrario, espere a que llegue el anfitrión.",
"WaitForHostMsgWOk": "La conferencia <b> {{room}} </b> aún no ha comenzado. Si usted es el anfitrión, presione Ok para autenticar. De lo contrario, espere a que llegue el anfitrión.",
"WaitingForHost": "Esperando al anfitrión ...",
"WaitingForHost": "Esperando al anfitrión …",
"Yes": "Sí",
"yourEntireScreen": "Su pantalla completa"
"yourEntireScreen": "Su pantalla completa",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "Silenciar a todos"
"dialOut": {
"statusMessage": "esta {{status}}"
"statusMessage": "está {{status}}"
"documentSharing": {
"title": "Compartir documento"
"e2ee": {
"labelToolTip": "La comunicación de Audio y Video en esta reunión está cifrada Extremo-a-Extremo"
"feedback": {
"average": "Promedio",
"bad": "Malo",
@ -368,7 +405,7 @@
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "La transmisión en vivo no está activada en {{email}}. Por favor, active la transmisión en vivo o inicie sesión en una cuenta con transmisión en vivo activada.",
"expandedOff": "La transmisión en vivo se ha detenido",
"expandedOn": "La reunión se está transmitiendo a YouTube.",
"expandedPending": "La transmisión en vivo se está iniciando ...",
"expandedPending": "La transmisión en vivo se está iniciando …",
"failedToStart": "La transmisión en vivo no se puso iniciar",
"getStreamKeyManually": "No pudimos buscar ninguna transmisión en vivo. Trate de obtener su clave de transmisión en vivo de YouTube.",
"invalidStreamKey": "Es posible que la clave de transmisión sea incorrecta",
@ -376,7 +413,7 @@
"offBy": "{{name}} transmisión en directo",
"on": "Emisión en Directo",
"onBy": "{{name}} transmisión en directo iniciada",
"pending": "Iniciando Emisión en Directo...",
"pending": "Iniciando Emisión en Directo…",
"serviceName": "Servicio de streaming en vivo",
"signedInAs": "Actualmente está conectado como:",
"signIn": "Iniciar sesión con Google",
@ -442,34 +479,72 @@
"somebody": "Alguien",
"startSilentTitle": "¡Te uniste sin salida de audio!",
"startSilentDescription": "Vuelva a unirse a la reunión para habilitar el audio",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Tememos que su experiencia en la reunión no sea tan buena. Estamos buscando formas de mejorar esto, pero hasta entonces intente utilizar uno de los <a href='static/recommendedBrowsers.html' target='_blank'>navegadores totalmente compatibles</a>.",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Tememos que su experiencia en la reunión no sea tan buena. Estamos buscando formas de mejorar esto, pero hasta entonces intente utilizar uno de los <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>navegadores totalmente compatibles</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "Advertencia del Explorador",
"unmute": "Dejar de silenciar",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "Se ha detectado una nueva cámara",
"newDeviceAudioTitle": "Se ha detectado un nuevo dispositivo de audio",
"newDeviceAction": "Usar"
"newDeviceAction": "Usar",
"OldElectronAPPTitle": "Vulnerabilidades de Seguridad!",
"oldElectronClientDescription1": "Aparentemente usted está usuado una versión antigua de Jitsi Meet que tiene problemas de seguridad. Por favor actualice la versión con nuestra ",
"oldElectronClientDescription2": "ultima versión",
"oldElectronClientDescription3": " ahora!"
"passwordSetRemotely": "definida por otro participante",
"passwordDigitsOnly": "Hasta {{number]] cifras",
"poweredby": "con tecnología de",
"prejoin": {
"audioAndVideoError": "Error en Audio y video:",
"audioOnlyError": "Error en Audio:",
"audioTrackError": "No se pured crear la pista de Audio.",
"callMe": "Llámame",
"callMeAtNumber": "Llamame a este número:",
"configuringDevices": "Configurando dispositivos...",
"connectedWithAudioQ": "Usted está conectado con Audio?",
"copyAndShare": "Cipie y comparta el link de la reuinión",
"dialInMeeting": "Marcar a la reunión",
"dialInPin": "Marcar a la reunión e ingresarel código PIN:",
"dialing": "Marcando",
"doNotShow": "No mostrar nuevamente",
"errorDialOut": "Could not dial out",
"errorDialOutDisconnected": "Could not dial out. Disconnected",
"errorDialOutFailed": "Could not dial out. Call failed",
"errorDialOutStatus": "Error getting dial out status",
"errorStatusCode": "Error dialing out, status code: {{status}}",
"errorValidation": "Number validation failed",
"iWantToDialIn": "I want to dial in",
"joinAudioByPhone": "Join with phone audio",
"joinMeeting": "Join meeting",
"joinWithoutAudio": "Join without audio",
"initiated": "Call initiated",
"linkCopied": "Link copied to clipboard",
"lookGood": "It sounds like your microphone is working properly",
"or": "or",
"calling": "Calling",
"startWithPhone": "Start with phone audio",
"screenSharingError": "Screen sharing error:",
"videoOnlyError": "Video error:",
"videoTrackError": "Could not create video track.",
"viewAllNumbers": "view all numbers"
"passwordSetRemotely": "definido por otro participante",
"passwordDigitsOnly": "Hasta {{number}} dígitos",
"poweredby": "proporcionado por",
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "Ocupado",
"calling": "Llamando...",
"calling": "Llamando…",
"connected": "Conectado",
"connecting": "Conectando…",
"connecting2": "Conectando*…",
"disconnected": "Desconectado",
"expired": "Expirado",
"ignored": "Ignorado",
"initializingCall": "Iniciando llamada...",
"initializingCall": "Iniciando llamada…",
"invited": "Invitado",
"rejected": "Rechazado",
"ringing": "Timbrando..."
"ringing": "Timbrando…"
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "Establecer nombre a mostrar",
"setEmailInput": "Introducir e-mail",
"setEmailLabel": "Establecer su gravatar",
"setEmailLabel": "Establecer su Gravatar",
"title": "Perfil"
"raisedHand": "Desea hablar",
@ -482,7 +557,7 @@
"error": "Falla de grabación. Vuelva a intentarlo.",
"expandedOff": "Grabación detenida",
"expandedOn": "La reunión está siendo grabada.",
"expandedPending": "La grabación se está inciando...",
"expandedPending": "La grabación se está inciando…",
"failedToStart": "No se pudo iniciar la grabación",
"fileSharingdescription": "Compartir la grabación con los participantes de la reunión",
"live": "Directo",
@ -491,7 +566,7 @@
"offBy": "{{name}} detuvo la grabación",
"on": "Grabando",
"onBy": "{{name}} comenzó la grabación",
"pending": "Preparando para grabar la reunión...",
"pending": "Preparando para grabar la reunión…",
"rec": "REC",
"serviceDescription": "El servicio de grabación guardará la grabación",
"serviceName": "Servicio de grabación",
@ -503,6 +578,11 @@
"sectionList": {
"pullToRefresh": "Actualizar"
"security": {
"about": "Usted puede agregar una contraseña a la reunión. Los participantes necesitaran la contraseña para unirse a la reunión.",
"insecureRoomNameWarning": "El nombre de la sala es inseguro. Participantes no deseados pueden llegar a unirse a la reunión.",
"securityOptions": "Opciones de seguridad"
"settings": {
"calendar": {
"about": "La integración del calendario {{appName}} se utiliza para acceder de forma segura a su calendario para que pueda leer los próximos eventos.",
@ -515,6 +595,7 @@
"followMe": "Todos me siguen",
"language": "Idioma",
"loggedIn": "Sesión iniciada como {{name}}",
"microphones": "Micrófono",
"moderator": "Moderador",
"more": "Más",
"name": "Nombre",
@ -529,6 +610,7 @@
"settingsView": {
"advanced": "Avanzado",
"alertOk": "OK",
"alertCancel": "Cancelar",
"alertTitle": "Aviso",
"alertURLText": "La dirección URL del servidor no es válida",
"buildInfoSection": "Información de la compilación",
@ -538,6 +620,8 @@
"displayName": "Nombre a mostrar",
"email": "Email",
"header": "Ajustes",
"email": "Correo electrónico",
"header": "Configuración",
"profileSection": "Perfil",
"serverURL": "URL del servidor",
"showAdvanced": "Mostrar configuración avanzada",
@ -546,7 +630,7 @@
"version": "Versión"
"share": {
"dialInfoText": "\n\n===== \\ n\n¿Solo quieres marcar en tu teléfono? \\ N\n{{defaultDialInNumber}} Haga clic en este enlace para ver el marcado en los números de teléfono de esta reunión\n{{dialInfoPageUrl}}",
"dialInfoText": "\n\n=====\n\n¿Solo quieres marcar en tu teléfono?\n\n{{defaultDialInNumber}} Haga clic en este enlace para ver el marcado en los números de teléfono de esta reunión\n{{dialInfoPageUrl}}",
"mainText": "Presione en el siguiente enlace para unirse a la reunión:\n{{roomUrl}}"
"speaker": "Participante",
@ -576,6 +660,7 @@
"chat": "Alternar ventana de chat",
"document": "Alternar documento compartido",
"download": "Descarga nuestras aplicaciones",
"e2ee": "Cifrado Extremo-a-Extremo",
"feedback": "Dejar comentarios",
"fullScreen": "Alternar pantalla completa",
"hangup": "Dejar la llamada",
@ -593,6 +678,7 @@
"raiseHand": "Levantar / Bajar tu mano",
"recording": "Activar grabación",
"remoteMute": "Silenciar participante",
"security": "Opciones de seguridad",
"Settings": "Alternar configuración",
"sharedvideo": "Alternar compartir un vídeo de YouTube",
"shareRoom": "Invitar a alguien",
@ -602,6 +688,7 @@
"speakerStats": "Alternar estadísticas del orador",
"tileView": "Alternar vista de mosaico",
"toggleCamera": "Alternar cámara",
"toggleFilmstrip": "Alternar mosaicos",
"videomute": "Alternar silencio de video",
"videoblur": "Alternar desenfoque de video"
@ -616,6 +703,7 @@
"documentClose": "Cerrar documento compartido",
"documentOpen": "Abrir documento compartido",
"download": "Descarga nuestras aplicaciones",
"e2ee": "Cifrado Extremo-a-Extremo",
"enterFullScreen": "Ver pantalla completa",
"enterTileView": "Entrar en vista de mosaico",
"exitFullScreen": "Salir de pantalla completa",
@ -629,18 +717,22 @@
"lowerYourHand": "Bajar la mano",
"moreActions": "Más acciones",
"moreOptions": "Más opciones",
"mute": "Activar / Desactivar Silencio",
"mute": "Activar o silenciar el micrófono",
"muteEveryone": "Silenciar a todos",
"noAudioSignalTitle": "¡No hay entrada proveniente de su micrófono!",
"noAudioSignalDesc": "Si no lo silenció a propósito desde la configuración del sistema o el dispositivo, considere cambiar el dispositivo.",
"noAudioSignalDescSuggestion": "Si no lo silenció a propósito desde la configuración del sistema o el dispositivo, considere usar el siguiente dispositivo:",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "",
"noAudioSignalDialInDesc": "Usted puede además llamar usando:",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc": "Números de llamada",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "Su micrófono parece estar ruidoso",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "Parece que su micráfono está haciendo ruido, por favor considere silenciarlo o cambiar de dispositivo.",
"openChat": "Abrir chat",
"pip": "Entra en el modo Picture-in-Picture",
"privateMessage": "Enviar mensaje privado",
"profile": "Editar tu perfil",
"raiseHand": "Levantar / Bajar tu mano",
"raiseYourHand": "Alzar la mano",
"security": "Opciones de seguridad",
"Settings": "Ajustes",
"sharedvideo": "Compartir un vídeo de YouTube",
"shareRoom": "Invitar a alguien",
@ -665,7 +757,7 @@
"failedToStart": "No es posible iniciar la transcripción",
"labelToolTip": "La reunión se esta transcribiendo",
"off": "Transcripción detenida",
"pending": "Preparando la transcripción de la reunión...",
"pending": "Preparando la transcripción de la reunión…",
"start": "Mostrar subtítulos",
"stop": "Dejar de mostrar subtítulos",
"tr": "TR"
@ -706,21 +798,19 @@
"lowDefinition": "Baja definición",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "Solo hay audio disponible",
"onlyAudioSupported": "Solo soportamos audio en este navegador.",
"p2pEnabled": "Punto a Punto Activado",
"p2pVideoQualityDescription": "En el modo punto a punto, la calidad de video recibida solo se puede alternar entre calidad alta y solo audio. No se respetarán otras configuraciones hasta que se salga del modo punto a punto.",
"recHighDefinitionOnly": "Preferirá alta definición.",
"sd": "SD",
"sdTooltip": "Visualizando vídeo en definición estándar",
"standardDefinition": "Definición estándar"
"videothumbnail": {
"domute": "Silenciar",
"domuteOthers": "Silenciar a todos",
"flip": "Voltear",
"kick": "Expulsar",
"moderator": "Moderador",
"mute": "Participante está silenciado",
"muted": "Silenciado",
"remoteControl": "",
"remoteControl": "Control remoto",
"show": "Mostrar en escena",
"videomute": "El participante ha detenido la cámara."
@ -738,6 +828,7 @@
"connectCalendarButton": "Conecte su calendario",
"connectCalendarText": "Conecte su calendario para ver todas sus reuniones en {{app}}. Plus, add {{provider}}reuniones a tu calendario e iniciarlas con un solo clic.",
"enterRoomTitle": "Comenzar una reunión",
"getHelp": "Obtener ayuda",
"roomNameAllowedChars": "El nombre de la reunión no debe contener ninguno de estos caracteres: ?, &, :, ', \", %, #.",
"go": "IR",
"goSmall": "IR",
@ -752,10 +843,13 @@
"roomnameHint": "Introduce el nombre o URL de la sala a la que quieres unirte. Puedes crear un nombre nuevo, sólo tienes que hacer llegar este nombre al resto de participantes para que puedan unirse a esta sala.",
"sendFeedback": "Enviar comentarios",
"terms": "Términos",
"title": "Seguro, lleno de funcionalidades y videoconferencias completamente gratuitas"
"title": "Videoconferencias seguras, con gran variedad de funcionalidades y completamente gratuitas"
"lonelyMeetingExperience": {
"button": "Invitar a otros",
"youAreAlone": "Eres el único en la reunión"
"helpView": {
"header": "Centro de ayuda"
@ -1,21 +1,36 @@
"addPeople": {
"add": "Invitar",
"addContacts": "Invitar a sus contactos",
"copyInvite": "Copiar la invitación a la reunión",
"copyLink": "Copiar el link de la reunión",
"copyStream": "Copiar el link de la transmisión en vivo",
"countryNotSupported": "Aun no contamos con soporte a este destino.",
"countryReminder": "¿Llamando fuera de los Estados Unidos? ¡Por favor, asegúrese de empezar con el código de país!",
"defaultEmail": "Dirección de correo por defecto",
"disabled": "No puede invitar a otras personas.",
"failedToAdd": "Error al agregar participantes",
"footerText": "La marcación está desactivada.",
"loading": "Buscar personas y números de teléfono",
"loadingNumber": "Validando el número de teléfono",
"googleEmail": "Correo electrónico de Google",
"inviteMoreHeader": "Usted se encuentra solo en la reunión",
"inviteMoreMailSubject": "Unirse a la reunion {{appName}}",
"inviteMorePrompt": "Invitar a más personas",
"linkCopied": "Link copiado al portapapeles",
"loading": "Buscando por contacto y número telefónico",
"loadingNumber": "Validando el número telefónico",
"loadingPeople": "Buscando contactos a invitar",
"noResults": "No se encontraron coincidencias",
"noValidNumbers": "Por favor ingrese un número de teléfono",
"outlookEmail": "Correo de Outlook",
"searchNumbers": "Agregar números telefónicos",
"searchPeople": "Búsqueda de personas",
"searchPeople": "Buscar personas",
"searchPeopleAndNumbers": "Buscar personas o añadir sus números de teléfono",
"shareInvite": "Compartir la invitación a la reunión",
"shareLink": "Compartir el link de la reunion",
"shareStream": "Compartie el link de la transmición en vivo",
"telephone": "Teléfono: {{number}}",
"title": "Invitar a otras personas a esta reunión"
"title": "Invitar a otras personas a esta reunión",
"yahooEmail": "Correo de Yahoo"
"audioDevices": {
"bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
@ -65,7 +80,7 @@
"dontShowAgain": "No mostrar nuevamente"
"connectingOverlay": {
"joiningRoom": "Conectando a su reunión..."
"joiningRoom": "Conectando a su reunión…"
"connection": {
"ATTACHED": "Adjunto",
@ -78,9 +93,9 @@
"DISCONNECTING": "Desconectando",
"ERROR": "Error",
"RECONNECTING": "Ocurrió un problema en la red. Reconectando...",
"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "Obteniendo session-id...",
"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "Obteniendo session-ID…",
"GET_SESSION_ID_ERROR": "Obtener session-id error: {{code}}",
"GOT_SESSION_ID": "Obteniendo session-id... Listo",
"GOT_SESSION_ID": "Obteniendo session-ID… Listo",
"LOW_BANDWIDTH": "Video para {{displayName}} ha sido deshabilitado para economizar ancho de banda"
"connectionindicator": {
@ -89,6 +104,7 @@
"bitrate": "Tasa de transferencia:",
"bridgeCount": "Contador del servidor: ",
"connectedTo": "Conectado a:",
"e2e_rtt": "E2E RTT:",
"framerate": "Fotogramas por segundo:",
"less": "Mostrar menos",
"localaddress": "Dirección local:",
@ -123,9 +139,12 @@
"description": "¿No pasó nada? Hemos intentado iniciar su reunión en la aplicación {{app}} de escritorio. intente de nuevo o inicie en la aplicación {{app}} vía web.",
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "¿No pasó nada? Intentamos iniciar su reunión en la aplicación {{app}} de escritorio.",
"downloadApp": "Descargar la aplicación",
"ifDoNotHaveApp": "Si aún no tienes la app:",
"ifHaveApp": "Si ya tienes la app:",
"joinInApp": "Unirse a la reunion usando la app",
"launchWebButton": "Iniciar en la Web",
"openApp": "Continuar a la aplicación",
"title": "Iniciando la reunión en {{app}}...",
"title": "Iniciando la reunión en {{app}}…",
"tryAgainButton": "Intentar de nuevo en el escritorio"
"defaultLink": "p.ej. {{url}}",
@ -160,9 +179,9 @@
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "La cámara no admite la resolución de video requerida.",
"Cancel": "Cancelar",
"close": "Cerrar",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Se recomienda que compruebes la conexión de la red. Reconectando en {{seconds}} segundos...",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Se recomienda que compruebes la conexión de la red. Reconectando en {{seconds}} segundos…",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "Ha sido desconectado.",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Estamos tratando de arreglar esto. Reconectando en {{seconds}} segundos...",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Estamos tratando de arreglar esto. Reconectando en {{seconds}} segundos…",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "Desafortunadamente, algo salió mal.",
"confirm": "Confirmar",
"confirmNo": "No",
@ -175,6 +194,8 @@
"dismiss": "Descartar",
"displayNameRequired": "¡Hola! ¿Cuál es tu nombre?",
"done": "Listo",
"e2eeDescription": "El cifrado Extremo-a-Extremo es actualmente EXPERIMENTAL. Tenga en cuenta que activar el cifrado extremo-a-extremo puede deshabilitar servicios en el servidor como: grabación, transmisión en vivo y participación telefónica. Sin embargo tenga en cuenta que esta reunion solo funcionará con personas que se unan usando un navegador.",
"e2eeWarning": "ATENCION: No todos los participantes de esta reunión soportan cifrado Extremo-a-Extremo. Si usted habilita el cifrado ellos no podrán verlo ni oirlo.",
"enterDisplayName": "Por favor ingresa tu nombre aquí",
"error": "Error",
"externalInstallationMsg": "Necesita instalar nuestra extensión para compartir escritorio.",
@ -244,6 +265,7 @@
"reservationError": "Error del sistema de reservaciones",
"reservationErrorMsg": "Código de error: {{code}}, mensaje: {{msg}}",
"retry": "Volver a intentar",
"screenSharingAudio": "Compartir audio",
"screenSharingFailedToInstall": "¡Uy! La extensión de uso compartido de pantalla no se pudo instalar.",
"screenSharingFailedToInstallTitle": "La extensión de uso compartido de pantalla no se pudo instalar",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedError": "Algo salió mal cuando intentamos compartir su pantalla. Asegúrese de habernos dado permiso para hacerlo.",
@ -279,7 +301,7 @@
"userPassword": "contraseña de usuario",
"WaitForHostMsg": "La conferencia <b>{{room}}</b> aún no ha comenzado. Si eres el anfitrión, inicia la autenticación. De lo contrario, espera a que llegue el anfitrión.",
"WaitForHostMsgWOk": "La conferencia <b>{{room}}</b> aún no ha comenzado. Si eres el anfitrión, presiona Aceptar para autenticar. De lo contrario, espera a que llegue el anfitrión.",
"WaitingForHost": "Esperando al anfitrión...",
"WaitingForHost": "Esperando al anfitrión…",
"Yes": "Sí",
"yourEntireScreen": "Toda su pantalla"
@ -289,6 +311,9 @@
"documentSharing": {
"title": "Documento Compartido"
"e2ee": {
"labelToolTip": "La comunicación de Audio y Video en esta reunión está cifrada Extremo-a-Extremo"
"feedback": {
"average": "Promedio",
"bad": "Malo",
@ -378,7 +403,7 @@
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "La transmisión en vivo no está habilitada en {{email}}. Habilítala o inicia sesión en una cuenta con la transmisión en vivo habilitada.",
"expandedOff": "La transmisión en vivo se ha detenido",
"expandedOn": "La reunión se está transmitiendo actualmente a YouTube.",
"expandedPending": "La transmisión en vivo se está iniciando...",
"expandedPending": "La transmisión en vivo se está iniciando…",
"failedToStart": "La transmisión en vivo no se pudo iniciar",
"getStreamKeyManually": "No pudimos obtener ninguna transmisión en vivo. Intenta obtener la clave de transmisión en vivo de YouTube.",
"invalidStreamKey": "Es posible que la clave de transmisión en vivo sea incorrecta.",
@ -386,7 +411,7 @@
"offBy": "{{name}} detuvo el streaming en directo",
"on": "Transmisión en vivo",
"onBy": "{{name}} inició el streaming en directo",
"pending": "Iniciando transmisión en vivo...",
"pending": "Iniciando transmisión en vivo…",
"serviceName": "Servicio de transmisión en vivo",
"signedInAs": "Actualmente, la sesión está iniciada como:",
"signIn": "Iniciar sesión con Google",
@ -452,29 +477,67 @@
"somebody": "Alguien",
"startSilentTitle": "¡Ingresó sin salida de audio!",
"startSilentDescription": "Vuelva a ingresar para activar el audio",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Nos tememos que su experiencia de reunión no será tan buena aquí. Estamos buscando formas de mejorar esto, pero hasta entonces, por favor, intente utilizar uno de los <a href='static/recommendedBrowsers.html' target='_blank'>navegadores soportados</a>.",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Nos tememos que su experiencia de reunión no será tan buena aquí. Estamos buscando formas de mejorar esto, pero hasta entonces, por favor, intente utilizar uno de los <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>navegadores soportados</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "Advertencia del navegador",
"unmute": "Reactivar el sonido",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "Se detectó una cámara nueva",
"newDeviceAudioTitle": "Se detectó un dispositivo de audio nuevo",
"newDeviceAction": "Usar"
"newDeviceAction": "Usar",
"OldElectronAPPTitle": "Vulnerabilidades de Seguridad!",
"oldElectronClientDescription1": "Aparentemente usted está usuado una versión antigua de Jitsi Meet que tiene problemas de seguridad. Por favor actualice la versión con nuestra ",
"oldElectronClientDescription2": "ultima versión",
"oldElectronClientDescription3": " ahora!"
"passwordSetRemotely": "definida por otro participante",
"passwordDigitsOnly": "Hasta {{number]] cifras",
"poweredby": "con tecnología de",
"prejoin": {
"audioAndVideoError": "Error en Audio y video:",
"audioOnlyError": "Error en Audio:",
"audioTrackError": "No se pured crear la pista de Audio.",
"callMe": "Llámame",
"callMeAtNumber": "Llamame a este número:",
"configuringDevices": "Configurando dispositivos...",
"connectedWithAudioQ": "Usted está conectado con Audio?",
"copyAndShare": "Cipie y comparta el link de la reuinión",
"dialInMeeting": "Marcar a la reunión",
"dialInPin": "Marcar a la reunión e ingresarel código PIN:",
"dialing": "Marcando",
"doNotShow": "No mostrar nuevamente",
"errorDialOut": "Could not dial out",
"errorDialOutDisconnected": "Could not dial out. Disconnected",
"errorDialOutFailed": "Could not dial out. Call failed",
"errorDialOutStatus": "Error getting dial out status",
"errorStatusCode": "Error dialing out, status code: {{status}}",
"errorValidation": "Number validation failed",
"iWantToDialIn": "I want to dial in",
"joinAudioByPhone": "Join with phone audio",
"joinMeeting": "Join meeting",
"joinWithoutAudio": "Join without audio",
"initiated": "Call initiated",
"linkCopied": "Link copied to clipboard",
"lookGood": "It sounds like your microphone is working properly",
"or": "or",
"calling": "Calling",
"startWithPhone": "Start with phone audio",
"screenSharingError": "Screen sharing error:",
"videoOnlyError": "Video error:",
"videoTrackError": "Could not create video track.",
"viewAllNumbers": "view all numbers"
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "Ocupado",
"calling": "Llamando...",
"calling": "Llamando…",
"connected": "Conectado",
"connecting": "Conectando...",
"connecting": "Conectando…",
"connecting2": "Conectando*...",
"disconnected": "Desconectado",
"expired": "Vencido",
"ignored": "Omitido",
"initializingCall": "Inicializando llamada...",
"initializingCall": "Inicializando llamada…",
"invited": "Invitado",
"rejected": "Rechazado",
"ringing": "Timbrando..."
"ringing": "Timbrando…"
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "Configurar su nombre para mostrar",
@ -492,7 +555,7 @@
"error": "Error de grabación. Vuelve a intentarlo.",
"expandedOff": "La grabación se ha detenido",
"expandedOn": "La reunión se está grabando en este momento.",
"expandedPending": "La grabación se está iniciando...",
"expandedPending": "La grabación se está iniciando…",
"failedToStart": "La grabación no se pudo iniciar",
"fileSharingdescription": "Compartir grabación con participantes de la reunión",
"live": "EN VIVO",
@ -501,7 +564,7 @@
"offBy": "{{name}} paró la grabación",
"on": "Grabación",
"onBy": "{{name}} inició la grabación",
"pending": "Preparando para grabar la reunión...",
"pending": "Preparando para grabar la reunión…",
"rec": "REC",
"serviceDescription": "El servicio de grabación guardará la grabación",
"serviceName": "Servicio de grabación",
@ -513,6 +576,11 @@
"sectionList": {
"pullToRefresh": "Tirar para actualizar"
"security": {
"about": "Usted puede agregar una contraseña a la reunión. Los participantes necesitaran la contraseña para unirse a la reunión.",
"insecureRoomNameWarning": "El nombre de la sala es inseguro. Participantes no deseados pueden llegar a unirse a la reunión.",
"securityOptions": "Opciones de seguridad"
"settings": {
"calendar": {
"about": "La integración del calendario de {{appName}} se usa para acceder al calendario de manera segura para que puedas leer los próximos eventos.",
@ -525,6 +593,7 @@
"followMe": "Todos me siguen",
"language": "Idioma",
"loggedIn": "Sesión iniciada como {{name}}",
"microphones": "Micrófono",
"moderator": "Moderador",
"more": "Más",
"name": "Nombre",
@ -532,6 +601,7 @@
"selectAudioOutput": "Salida de audio",
"selectCamera": "Cámara",
"selectMic": "Micrófono",
"speakers": "Altavoces",
"startAudioMuted": "Todos comienzan con silenciados",
"startVideoMuted": "Todos comienzan con cámara desactivada",
"title": "Configuración"
@ -539,12 +609,15 @@
"settingsView": {
"advanced": "Avanzado",
"alertOk": "Aceptar",
"alertCancel": "Cancelar",
"alertTitle": "Advertencia",
"alertURLText": "La dirección URL de servidor introducida no es válida",
"buildInfoSection": "Información de compilación",
"conferenceSection": "Conferencia",
"disableCallIntegration": "Desactivar la integración nativa de llamadas",
"disableP2P": "Desactiver el modo \"Peer-To-Peer\"",
"disableP2P": "Desactivar el modo \"Peer-To-Peer\"",
"disableCrashReporting": "Disable crash reporting",
"disableCrashReportingWarning": "Are you sure you want to disable crash reporting? The setting will be applied after you restart the app.",
"displayName": "Nombre para mostrar",
"email": "Correo electrónico",
"header": "Configuración",
@ -586,6 +659,7 @@
"chat": "Alternar ventana de chat",
"document": "Alternar documento compartido",
"download": "Descargar nuestras aplicaciones",
"e2ee": "Cifrado Extremo-a-Extremo",
"feedback": "Dejar comentario",
"fullScreen": "Alternar pantalla completa",
"hangup": "Dejar la llamada",
@ -605,6 +679,7 @@
"raiseHand": "Alternar levantar la mano",
"recording": "Alternar grabación",
"remoteMute": "Silenciar participante",
"security": "Opciones de seguridad",
"Settings": "Alternar configuración",
"sharedvideo": "Alternar uso compartido de video de YouTube",
"shareRoom": "Invitar a alguien",
@ -614,6 +689,7 @@
"speakerStats": "Alternar estadísticas del altavoz",
"tileView": "Alternar vista de mosaico",
"toggleCamera": "Alternar cámara",
"toggleFilmstrip": "Alternar mosaicos",
"videomute": "Alternar silenciar video",
"videoblur": "Cambiar el desenfoque del fondo"
@ -628,6 +704,7 @@
"documentClose": "Cerrar documento compartido",
"documentOpen": "Abrir documento compartido",
"download": "Descargar nuestras aplicaciones",
"e2ee": "Cifrado Extremo-a-Extremo",
"enterFullScreen": "Ver pantalla completa",
"enterTileView": "Introducir vista de mosaico",
"exitFullScreen": "Salir de pantalla completa",
@ -647,7 +724,7 @@
"noAudioSignalDesc": "Si no lo silenció intencionalmente desde la configuración del sistema o el hardware, considere la posibilidad de cambiar el dispositivo.",
"noAudioSignalDescSuggestion": "Si no lo silenció intencionalmente desde la configuración del sistema o el hardware, considere utilizar el siguiente dispositivo:",
"noAudioSignalDialInDesc": "Usted puede además llamar usando:",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc" : "Números de llamada",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc": "Números de llamada",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "Su micrófono parece estar ruidoso",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "Parece que su micráfono está haciendo ruido, por favor considere silenciarlo o cambiar de dispositivo.",
"openChat": "Abrir chat",
@ -656,6 +733,7 @@
"profile": "Editar el perfil",
"raiseHand": "Levantar/bajar la mano",
"raiseYourHand": "Levantar la mano",
"security": "Opciones de seguridad",
"Settings": "Configuración",
"sharedvideo": "Compartir un video de YouTube",
"shareRoom": "Invitar a alguien",
@ -680,7 +758,7 @@
"failedToStart": "La transcripción no se pudo iniciar",
"labelToolTip": "La reunión se está transcribiendo",
"off": "Transcripción detenida",
"pending": "Preparando para transcribir la reunión...",
"pending": "Preparando para transcribir la reunión…",
"start": "Comenzar a mostrar subtítulos",
"stop": "Dejar de mostrar subtítulos",
"tr": "TR"
@ -721,9 +799,6 @@
"lowDefinition": "Baja definición",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "Modo de solo audio disponible",
"onlyAudioSupported": "Solo admitimos audio en este navegador.",
"p2pEnabled": "Punto a punto habilitado",
"p2pVideoQualityDescription": "En el modo \"peer to peer\", la calidad de vídeo recibida sólo se puede alternar entre alta y sólo audio. No se respetarán otros ajustes hasta que se salga del modo \"peer to peer\".",
"recHighDefinitionOnly": "Preferiré alta definición.",
"sd": "SD",
"sdTooltip": "Vista de video en definición estándar",
"standardDefinition": "Definición estándar"
@ -754,6 +829,7 @@
"connectCalendarButton": "Conectar el calendario",
"connectCalendarText": "Conecte su calendario para ver todas sus reuniones en {{app}}. Además, agregue reuniones {{provider}} a su calendario e inícielas con un solo clic.",
"enterRoomTitle": "Iniciar una nueva reunión",
"getHelp": "Obtener ayuda",
"roomNameAllowedChars": "El nombre de la reunión no debe contener ninguno de estos caracteres: ?, &, :, ', \", %, #.",
"go": "IR",
"goSmall": "IR",
@ -769,5 +845,12 @@
"sendFeedback": "Enviar comentario",
"terms": "Términos",
"title": "Conferencias en video seguras, con gran variedad de funciones y completamente gratuitas"
"lonelyMeetingExperience": {
"button": "Invitar a otros",
"youAreAlone": "Usted está solo en la reunión"
"helpView": {
"header": "Centro de ayuda"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"title": "Chatti"
"connectingOverlay": {
"joiningRoom": "Yhdistetään kokoukseen..."
"joiningRoom": "Yhdistetään kokoukseen…"
"connection": {
"ATTACHED": "Liitteenä",
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
"downloadApp": "Lataa sovellus",
"launchWebButton": "Käynnistä verkossa",
"openApp": "Jatka sovellukseen",
"title": "Käynnistetään kokousta sovelluksessa {{app}}...",
"title": "Käynnistetään kokousta sovelluksessa {{app}}…",
"tryAgainButton": "Yritä uudelleen työpöytäsovelluksella"
"defaultLink": "esim. {{url}}",
@ -145,9 +145,9 @@
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "Kamerasi ei tue vaadittua videoresoluutiota.",
"Cancel": "Peruuta",
"close": "Sulje",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Tarkista verkkoyhteys. Yhdistetään uudelleen {{seconds}} sekunnin kuluttua...",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Tarkista verkkoyhteys. Yhdistetään uudelleen {{seconds}} sekunnin kuluttua…",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "Yhteys on katkennut.",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Yritämme korjata tilannetta. Yhdistetään uudelleen {{seconds}} sekunnin kuluttua...",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Yritämme korjata tilannetta. Yhdistetään uudelleen {{seconds}} sekunnin kuluttua…",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "Valitettavasti jokin meni vikaan.",
"confirm": "Vahvista",
"confirmNo": "Ei",
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
"userPassword": "käyttäjän salasana",
"WaitForHostMsg": "Kokous <b>{{room}}</b> ei ole vielä alkanut. Jos olet vetäjä, todenna henkilöllisyytesi. Muussa tapauksessa odota vetäjän saapumista.",
"WaitForHostMsgWOk": "Kokous <b>{{room}}</b> ei ole vielä alkanut. Jos olet vetäjä, todenna henkilöllisyytesi OK-painikkeella. Muussa tapauksessa odota vetäjän saapumista.",
"WaitingForHost": "Odotetaan vetäjää...",
"WaitingForHost": "Odotetaan vetäjää…",
"Yes": "Kyllä",
"yourEntireScreen": "Koko näyttö"
@ -349,13 +349,13 @@
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "Suoratoisto ei ole käytössä tilillä {{email}}. Ota suoratoisto käyttöön tai kirjaudu tiliin, jossa se on käytössä.",
"expandedOff": "Suoratoisto on päättynyt",
"expandedOn": "Kokous näkyy parhaillaan YouTubessa suoratoistolähetyksenä.",
"expandedPending": "Suoratoistolähetys on alkamassa...",
"expandedPending": "Suoratoistolähetys on alkamassa…",
"failedToStart": "Suoratoiston aloitus ei onnistunut",
"getStreamKeyManually": "Suoratoistolähetysten nouto epäonnistui. Hanki suoratoistokoodi YouTubesta.",
"invalidStreamKey": "Suoratoistokoodi voi olla virheellinen.",
"off": "Suoratoisto päättyi",
"on": "Suoratoisto",
"pending": "Suoratoisto alkamassa...",
"pending": "Suoratoisto alkamassa…",
"serviceName": "Suoratoistopalvelu",
"signedInAs": "Sisäänkirjautunut käyttäjä:",
"signIn": "Kirjaudu Googlella",
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
"somebody": "Joku",
"startSilentTitle": "",
"startSilentDescription": "",
"suboptimalExperienceDescription": "Valitettavasti {{appName}} ei taida toimia kovin hyvin täällä. Yritämme löytää parannuskeinoja, mutta sillä välin kannattaa käyttää jotain <a href='static/recommendedBrowsers.html' target='_blank'>täysin tuettua selainta</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceDescription": "Valitettavasti {{appName}} ei taida toimia kovin hyvin täällä. Yritämme löytää parannuskeinoja, mutta sillä välin kannattaa käyttää jotain <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>täysin tuettua selainta</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "Selainvaroitus",
"unmute": "",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "Uusi kamera havaittu",
@ -433,17 +433,17 @@
"poweredby": "tukija:",
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "Varattu",
"calling": "Soitetaan...",
"calling": "Soitetaan…",
"connected": "Yhdistetty",
"connecting": "Yhdistetään...",
"connecting": "Yhdistetään…",
"connecting2": "Yhdistetään*...",
"disconnected": "Ei yhteyttä",
"expired": "Vanhentunut",
"ignored": "Sivuutettu",
"initializingCall": "Käynnistetään puhelua...",
"initializingCall": "Käynnistetään puhelua…",
"invited": "Kutsuttu",
"rejected": "Hylätty",
"ringing": "Soi..."
"ringing": "Soi…"
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "Määritä näyttönimi",
@ -460,14 +460,14 @@
"error": "Nauhoitus epäonnistui. Yritä uudelleen.",
"expandedOff": "Nauhoitus päättyi",
"expandedOn": "Tätä kokousta nauhoitetaan.",
"expandedPending": "Nauhoitus on alkamassa...",
"expandedPending": "Nauhoitus on alkamassa…",
"failedToStart": "Nauhoituksen aloitus epäonnistui",
"fileSharingdescription": "Jaa nauhoitus kokouksen osanottajille",
"live": "SUORA LÄHETYS",
"loggedIn": "Kirjautunut käyttäjänä {{userName}}",
"off": "Nauhoitus päättyi",
"on": "Nauhoitetaan",
"pending": "Kokouksen nauhoitusta valmistellaan...",
"pending": "Kokouksen nauhoitusta valmistellaan…",
"rec": "REC",
"serviceDescription": "Nauhoituspalvelu tallentaa nauhoituksen",
"serviceName": "Nauhoituspalvelu",
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@
"failedToStart": "Puhtaaksikirjoituksen aloitus epäonnistui",
"labelToolTip": "Kokousta kirjoitetaan puhtaaksi",
"off": "Puhtaaksikirjoitus päättyi",
"pending": "Kokouksen puhtaaksikirjoitusta valmistellaan...",
"pending": "Kokouksen puhtaaksikirjoitusta valmistellaan…",
"start": "Aloita tekstitys",
"stop": "Lopeta tekstitys",
"tr": "TR"
@ -664,9 +664,6 @@
"lowDefinition": "Alhainen kuvanlaatu",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "Vain ääni -tila on käytettävissä",
"onlyAudioSupported": "Tässä selaimessa tuemme vain ääntä.",
"p2pEnabled": "Vertaisverkko käytössä",
"p2pVideoQualityDescription": "",
"recHighDefinitionOnly": "Suositaan teräväpiirtoa.",
"sd": "SD",
"standardDefinition": "Vakiopiirto"
@ -1,21 +1,36 @@
"addPeople": {
"add": "Inviter",
"countryNotSupported": "Nous ne supportons pas encore cette destination.",
"countryReminder": "Appel hors des États-Unis ? Veuillez commencer avec le code du pays !",
"addContacts": "Inviter vos contacts",
"copyInvite": "Copier l'invitation à la réunion",
"copyLink": "Copier le lien de la réunion",
"copyStream": "Copier le lien de diffusion en direct",
"countryNotSupported": "Cette destination n'est pas actuellement supportée.",
"countryReminder": "Appel hors des États-Unis ? Veuillez débuter par le code du pays !",
"defaultEmail": "Votre email par défaut",
"disabled": "Vous ne pouvez pas inviter quelqu'un.",
"failedToAdd": "Erreur lors de l'ajout des participants",
"footerText": "Appels sortants désactivés",
"footerText": "Appels sortants désactivés.",
"googleEmail": "Gmail",
"inviteMoreHeader": "Vous êtes seul(e) dans la réunion",
"inviteMoreMailSubject": "Rejoindre une réunion {{appName}}",
"inviteMorePrompt": "Inviter d'autres personnes",
"linkCopied": "Lien copié dans le presse-papiers",
"loading": "Rechercher des personnes et des numéros de téléphone",
"loadingNumber": "Validation du numéro de téléphone",
"loadingPeople": "Recherche de personnes à inviter",
"noResults": "Aucun résultat de recherche correspondant",
"noValidNumbers": "Veuillez entrer un numéro de téléphone",
"outlookEmail": "Outlook",
"searchNumbers": "Ajouter des numéros de téléphone",
"searchPeople": "Rechercher une personne",
"searchPeopleAndNumbers": "Rechercher des personnes ou ajouter leurs numéros de téléphone",
"telephone": "Téléphone: {{number}}",
"title": "Inviter une personne à cette réunion"
"shareInvite": "Partager l'invitation à la réunion",
"shareLink": "Partager le lien de la réunion pour inviter d'autres personnes",
"shareStream": "Partager le lien de diffusion en direct",
"telephone": "Téléphone : {{number}}",
"title": "Inviter une personne à cette réunion",
"yahooEmail": "Yahoo"
"audioDevices": {
"bluetooth": "Bluetooth",
@ -31,9 +46,9 @@
"addMeetingURL": "Ajouter un lien de conférence",
"confirmAddLink": "Voulez-vous ajouter un lien Jitsi à cet événement ?",
"error": {
"appConfiguration": "l'intégration du calendrier n'est pas correctement configurée",
"appConfiguration": "L'intégration du calendrier n'est pas correctement configurée.",
"generic": "Une erreur s'est produite. Veuillez vérifier les paramètres de votre calendrier ou tenter de l'actualiser.",
"notSignedIn": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'authentification permettant d'afficher les événements du calendrier. Veuillez vérifier les paramètres de votre calendrier et essayer de vous reconnecter."
"notSignedIn": "Une erreur d'authentification s'est produite lors de la tentative d'afficher les événements du calendrier. Veuillez vérifier les paramètres de votre calendrier et essayer de nouveau."
"join": "Joindre",
"joinTooltip": "Rejoindre la réunion",
@ -60,12 +75,12 @@
"you": "vous"
"chromeExtensionBanner": {
"installExtensionText": "",
"buttonText": "",
"dontShowAgain": ""
"installExtensionText": "Installer l'extension pour l'intégration de Google Calendar et Office 365",
"buttonText": "Installer l'extension Chrome",
"dontShowAgain": "Ne plus me montrer ceci"
"connectingOverlay": {
"joiningRoom": "Connexion à la réunion..."
"joiningRoom": "Connexion à la réunion…"
"connection": {
"ATTACHED": "Attachée",
@ -77,15 +92,19 @@
"DISCONNECTED": "Déconnecté",
"DISCONNECTING": "Déconnexion en cours",
"ERROR": "Erreur",
"RECONNECTING": "Un problème réseau est survenue. Reconnexion en cours..."
"RECONNECTING": "Un problème réseau est survenue. Reconnexion en cours...",
"FETCH_SESSION_ID": "Obtention d’un identifiant de session…",
"GET_SESSION_ID_ERROR": "Obtenir une erreur d’identifiant de session : {{code}}",
"GOT_SESSION_ID": "Obtention d’un identifiant de session… Terminée",
"LOW_BANDWIDTH": "La vidéo de {{displayName}} a été désactivée pour économiser de la bande passante"
"connectionindicator": {
"address": "Adresse :",
"bandwidth": "Bande passante estimée :",
"bitrate": "Débit :",
"bridgeCount": "Nombre de serveurs :",
"bridgeCount": "Nombre de serveurs : ",
"connectedTo": "Connecté à :",
"framerate": "Images par seconde",
"framerate": "Images par seconde :",
"less": "Cacher le détail",
"localaddress": "Adresse locale :",
"localaddress_plural": "Adresses locales :",
@ -107,7 +126,8 @@
"resolution": "Résolution :",
"status": "Connexion :",
"transport": "Transport :",
"transport_plural": "Transports :"
"transport_plural": "Transports :",
"e2e_rtt": "E2E RTT :"
"dateUtils": {
"earlier": "Plus tôt",
@ -119,6 +139,9 @@
"description": "Rien ne s'est passé ? Nous avons essayé de lancer votre réunion dans l'application de bureau {{app}}. Essayez à nouveau ou lancez-la dans l'application web {{app}}.",
"descriptionWithoutWeb": "Rien ne s'est passé ? Nous avons essayé de démarrer votre réunion dans l'application bureau {{app}}.",
"downloadApp": "Télécharger l'application",
"ifDoNotHaveApp": "Si vous n'avez pas encore l'application:",
"ifHaveApp": "Si vous avez déjà installé l'application:",
"joinInApp": "Rejoindre la réunion en utilisant l'application",
"launchWebButton": "Lancer dans le navigateur",
"openApp": "Continuer vers l'application",
"title": "Lancement de votre réunion dans {{app}} en cours...",
@ -128,7 +151,7 @@
"defaultNickname": "ex. Jean Dupont",
"deviceError": {
"cameraError": "Impossible d'accéder à votre caméra",
"cameraPermission": "Erreur lors de l'obtention de la permission de la caméra ",
"cameraPermission": "Erreur lors de l'obtention de la permission de la caméra",
"microphoneError": "Impossible d'accéder à votre microphone",
"microphonePermission": "Erreur lors de l'obtention de la permission du microphone"
@ -142,16 +165,17 @@
"accessibilityLabel": {
"liveStreaming": "Diffusion en direct"
"add": "Ajouter",
"allow": "Autoriser",
"alreadySharedVideoMsg": "Un autre participant est en train de partager sa vidéo. Cette conférence ne permet de partager qu'une seule vidéo à la fois.",
"alreadySharedVideoTitle": "Une seule vidéo partagée est autorisée à la fois",
"applicationWindow": "Fenêtre d'application",
"Back": "Retour",
"cameraConstraintFailedError": "Votre caméra ne satisfait pas certaines des contraintes nécessaires.",
"cameraNotFoundError": "La caméra n'a pas été trouvée",
"cameraNotSendingData": "Nous sommes incapables d'accéder à votre caméra. Veuillez sélectionner un autre périphérique dans les paramètres ou rafraîchir la page",
"cameraNotFoundError": "La caméra n'a pas été trouvée.",
"cameraNotSendingData": "Nous sommes incapables d'accéder à votre caméra. Veuillez sélectionner un autre périphérique dans les paramètres ou rafraîchir la page.",
"cameraNotSendingDataTitle": "Impossible d'accéder à votre caméra",
"cameraPermissionDeniedError": "Vous n'avez pas autorisé l'utilisation de votre caméra. Vous pouvez toujours participer à la conférence, mais les autres ne vont pas vous voir. Utilisez le bouton de la caméra dans la barre d'adresse pour résoudre ce problème.",
"cameraPermissionDeniedError": "Vous n'avez pas autorisé l'utilisation de votre caméra. Vous pouvez toujours participer à la conférence, mais les autres ne pourront pas vous voir. Utilisez le bouton de la caméra dans la barre d'adresse pour résoudre ce problème.",
"cameraUnknownError": "Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser la caméra pour une raison inconnue.",
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "Votre appareil ne prend pas en charge la résolution vidéo requise.",
"Cancel": "Annuler",
@ -163,18 +187,20 @@
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"confirmNo": "Non",
"confirmYes": "Oui",
"connectError": "Oups! Un problème est survenu et la connexion à la conférence est impossible.",
"connectErrorWithMsg": "Oups! Un problème est survenu et la connexion à la conférence est impossible: {{msg}}",
"connectError": "Oups ! Un problème est survenu et la connexion à la conférence est impossible.",
"connectErrorWithMsg": "Oups ! Un problème est survenu et la connexion à la conférence est impossible : {{msg}}",
"connecting": "Connexion en cours",
"contactSupport": "Contacter le support",
"copy": "Copier",
"dismiss": "Rejeter",
"displayNameRequired": "Salut! Quel est votre nom ?",
"displayNameRequired": "Bonjour! Quel est votre nom ?",
"done": "Terminé",
"enterDisplayName": "Merci de saisir votre nom ici",
"error": "Erreur",
"grantModeratorDialog": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir rendre ce participant modérateur?",
"grantModeratorTitle": "Nommer modérateur",
"externalInstallationMsg": "Vous devez installer notre extension de partage de bureau.",
"externalInstallationTitle": "Extension requise : ",
"externalInstallationTitle": "Extension requise",
"goToStore": "Aller sur le webstore",
"gracefulShutdown": "Le service est actuellement en maintenance. Réessayez plus tard.",
"IamHost": "Je suis l’hôte",
@ -182,7 +208,7 @@
"incorrectPassword": "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect",
"inlineInstallationMsg": "Vous devez installer notre extension de partage de bureau.",
"inlineInstallExtension": "Installer maintenant",
"internalError": "Oups! Quelque chose s'est mal passée. L'erreur suivante s'est produite: {{error}}",
"internalError": "Oups ! Quelque chose s'est mal passée. L'erreur suivante s'est produite : {{error}}",
"internalErrorTitle": "Erreur interne",
"kickMessage": "Vous pouvez contacter {{participantDisplayName}} pour plus de détails.",
"kickParticipantButton": "Expulser",
@ -207,7 +233,7 @@
"micUnknownError": "Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le microphone pour une raison inconnue.",
"muteEveryoneElseDialog": "Une fois leur micro coupé, vous ne pourrez plus le réactiver, mais ils pourront l'activer par eux-mêmes à tout moment.",
"muteEveryoneElseTitle": "Couper le micro de tout le monde sauf de {{whom}} ?",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir couper les micros de tout le monde ? Vous ne pourrez plus réactiver leur micro, mais ils pourront l'activer par eux-mêmes à tout moment.",
"muteEveryoneDialog": "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir couper les micros de tout le monde ? Vous ne pourrez plus réactiver leur micro, mais ils pourront l'activer par eux-mêmes à tout moment.",
"muteEveryoneTitle": "Couper le micro de tout le monde ?",
"muteEveryoneSelf": "vous",
"muteEveryoneStartMuted": "Tout le monde démarre avec le micro coupé",
@ -216,7 +242,7 @@
"muteParticipantDialog": "Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir couper le micro de ce participant ? Seul le participant pourra ensuite réactiver son micro à tout moment.",
"muteParticipantTitle": "Couper le micro de ce participant ?",
"Ok": "Ok",
"passwordLabel": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase)",
"passwordLabel": "La réunion a été verrouillée par un·e participant·e. Veuillez entrer le $t(lockRoomPassword) pour la rejoindre.",
"passwordNotSupported": "La définition d'un $t(lockRoomPassword) de réunion n'est pas prise en charge.",
"passwordNotSupportedTitle": "L'ajout d'un $t(lockRoomPassword) n'est pas supporté",
"passwordRequired": "$t(lockRoomPasswordUppercase) requis",
@ -242,8 +268,8 @@
"retry": "Réessayer",
"screenSharingFailedToInstall": "Oups! Votre extension de partage d'écran n'a pas pu être installée.",
"screenSharingFailedToInstallTitle": "L'extension de partage d'écran n'a pas pu être installée",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedError": "Quelque chose s'est mal passé pendant que nous essayions de partager votre écran. S'il vous plaît assurez-vous que vous nous avez donné la permission de le faire.",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedTitle": "Oups! Nous ne pouvions pas démarrer le partage d'écran!",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedError": "Quelque chose s'est mal passé pendant que nous essayions de partager votre écran. S'il vous plaît assurez-vous que vous nous avez donné la permission de le faire. ",
"screenSharingFirefoxPermissionDeniedTitle": "Oups! Nous ne pouvions pas démarrer le partage d'écran !",
"screenSharingPermissionDeniedError": "Oups! Une erreur s'est produite avec vos autorisations d'extension de partage d'écran. Veuillez rafraîchir et réessayer.",
"sendPrivateMessage": "Vous avez récemment reçu un message privé. Aviez-vous l'intention d'y répondre en privé, ou vouliez-vous envoyer votre message au groupe ?",
"sendPrivateMessageCancel": "Envoyer au groupe",
@ -277,7 +303,8 @@
"WaitForHostMsgWOk": "La conférence <b>{{room}}</b> n'a pas encore commencé. Si vous en êtes l'hôte, veuillez appuyer sur Ok pour vous authentifier. Sinon, veuillez attendre son arrivée.",
"WaitingForHost": "En attente de l'hôte ...",
"Yes": "Oui",
"yourEntireScreen": "Votre écran entier"
"yourEntireScreen": "Votre écran entier",
"screenSharingAudio": "Partager l’audio"
"dialOut": {
"statusMessage": "est maintenant {{status}}"
@ -290,7 +317,7 @@
"bad": "Mauvais",
"detailsLabel": "Dites nous en plus à ce sujet.",
"good": "Bien",
"rateExperience": "Veuillez évaluer votre expérience.",
"rateExperience": "Veuillez évaluer votre expérience",
"veryBad": "Très mauvais",
"veryGood": "Très bon"
@ -298,7 +325,7 @@
"answer": "Répondre",
"audioCallTitle": "Appel entrant",
"decline": "Rejeter",
"productLabel": "de Jitsi Meet",
"productLabel": "via Jitsi Meet",
"videoCallTitle": "Appel vidéo entrant"
"info": {
@ -319,10 +346,10 @@
"invitePhoneAlternatives": "Vous cherchez un numéro d'appel différent ?\nAfficher les numéros d'appel de la réunion: {{url}}\n\n\nSi vous appelez également via un téléphone de salle, vous pouvez vous connecter sans audio: {{silentUrl}}",
"inviteURLFirstPartGeneral": "Vous êtes invité(e) à participer à une réunion.",
"inviteURLFirstPartPersonal": "{{name}} vous invite à une réunion.\n",
"inviteURLSecondPart": "\nRejoindre la réunion:\n{{url}}\n",
"inviteURLSecondPart": "\nRejoindre la réunion :\n{{url}}\n",
"liveStreamURL": "Diffusion en direct :",
"moreNumbers": "Plus de numéros ",
"noNumbers": "Numéros à composer non trouvés",
"noNumbers": "Numéros non trouvés",
"noPassword": "Aucun",
"noRoom": "Aucune réunion n'a été spécifiée pour l'appel entrant.",
"numbers": "Numéros d'appel",
@ -343,7 +370,7 @@
"msg": "Nous avons trébuché un peu.",
"retry": "Réessayer",
"support": "Support",
"supportMsg": "Si cela continue, prenez contact avec"
"supportMsg": "Si ceci persiste, contactez"
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"focusLocal": "Épingler ma vidéo",
@ -363,19 +390,21 @@
"videoQuality": "Accorder la qualité des appels"
"liveStreaming": {
"busy": "Nous travaillons sur la libération des ressources de Streaming. Veuillez réessayez dans quelques minutes.",
"busyTitle": "Tous les streamers sont actuellement occupés",
"busy": "Nous tentons de libérer des ressources de diffusion. Veuillez réessayez dans quelques minutes.",
"busyTitle": "Tous les flux sont actuellement occupés",
"changeSignIn": "Changer de compte.",
"choose": "Choisir un flux live",
"choose": "Choisir un flux en direct",
"chooseCTA": "Choisissez une option de diffusion. Vous êtes actuellement connecté comme {{email}}.",
"enterStreamKey": "Entrez votre clé de flux live Youtube ici",
"enterStreamKey": "Entrez votre clé de diffusion Youtube ici",
"error": "La diffusion a échouée. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement.",
"enterStreamKey": "Entrez votre clé de flux direct YouTube ici.",
"error": "Le Streaming a échoué. Veuillez réessayer.",
"errorAPI": "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'accès à vos diffusions YouTube. Veuillez réessayer de vous connecter.",
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "La diffusion en direct n'est pas activée pour {{email}}. Merci de l'activer ou de vous connecter avec un compte où elle est déjà activée.",
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "La diffusion en direct n'est pas activée pour {{email}}. Merci de l'activer ou de vous connecter avec un compte où elle est déjà activée.",
"expandedOff": "La diffusion en direct a été arrêtée",
"expandedOn": "La conférence est en cours de diffusion sur YouTube.",
"expandedPending": "La diffusion en direct a commencé...",
"failedToStart": "Le Streaming n'as pas réussi à démarrer",
"failedToStart": "La diffusion n'as pas réussi à démarrer",
"getStreamKeyManually": "Nous n'avons pu récupérer aucun flux en direct. Essayez d’obtenir votre clé de diffusion en direct sur YouTube.",
"invalidStreamKey": "La clé de diffusion en direct n'est peut-être pas correcte.",
"off": "Le Streaming a été arrêté",
@ -386,11 +415,13 @@
"serviceName": "Service de diffusion en direct",
"signedInAs": "Vous êtes connecté en tant que :",
"signIn": "Se connecter avec Google",
"signInCTA": "Connectez vous ou entrez votre clé de flux live provenant de Youtube.",
"signInCTA": "Connectez vous ou saisissez votre clé de diffusion Youtube.",
"signOut": "Se déconnecter",
"start": "Démarrer la diffusion en direct",
"streamIdHelp": "Qu'est-ce que c'est ?",
"unavailableTitle": "Le Streaming est indisponible"
"unavailableTitle": "La diffusion est indisponible",
"youtubeTerms": "Conditions d’utilisation de YouTube",
"googlePrivacyPolicy": "Politique de confidentialité de Google"
"localRecording": {
"clientState": {
@ -412,9 +443,9 @@
"finishedModerator": "L'enregistrement de la session {{token}} s'est terminé. La piste a bien été sauvegardée. Merci de demander aux autres participants de soumettre leurs enregistrements.",
"notModerator": "Vous n'êtes pas le modérateur. Vous ne pouvez pas démarrer ou arrêter un enregistrement local."
"moderator": "Moderateur",
"moderator": "Modérateur",
"no": "Non",
"participant": "Participant",
"participant": "Participant·e",
"participantStats": "Statistiques du participant",
"sessionToken": "Token de la session",
"start": "Démarrer l'enregistrement",
@ -425,30 +456,30 @@
"lockRoomPasswordUppercase": "Mot de passe",
"me": "moi",
"notify": {
"connectedOneMember": "{{name}} a rejoint la réunion.",
"connectedThreePlusMembers": "{{name}} et {{count}} autres personnes ont rejoint la réunion.",
"connectedTwoMembers": "{{first}} et {{second}} ont rejoint la réunion.",
"connectedOneMember": "{{name}} a rejoint la réunion",
"connectedThreePlusMembers": "{{name}} et {{count}} autres personnes ont rejoint la réunion",
"connectedTwoMembers": "{{first}} et {{second}} ont rejoint la réunion",
"disconnected": "déconnecté",
"focus": "Focus de conférence",
"focusFail": "{{component}} n'est pas disponible - réessayez dans {{ms}} sec",
"grantedTo": "Droits modérateur accordés à {{to}} !",
"invitedOneMember": "{{displayName}} a été invité(e)",
"invitedOneMember": "{{name}} a été invité·e",
"invitedThreePlusMembers": "{{name}} et {{count}} autres ont été invités",
"invitedTwoMembers": "{{first}} et {{second}} ont été invités",
"kickParticipant": "{{kicked}} a été expulsé par {{kicker}}",
"me": "Moi",
"moderator": "Droits modérateur accordés !",
"muted": "Vous avez commencé la conversation en muet.",
"mutedTitle": "Vôtre micro est coupé !",
"mutedRemotelyTitle": "Votre micro a été coupé par {{participantDisplayName}}!",
"mutedTitle": "Vous êtes en muet !",
"mutedRemotelyTitle": "Votre micro a été coupé par {{participantDisplayName}} !",
"mutedRemotelyDescription": "Vous pouvez toujours activer votre micro pour prendre la parole. Désactivez votre micro quand vous terminez pour éviter les bruits parasites.",
"passwordRemovedRemotely": "Le $t(lockRoomPassword) a été supprimé par un autre participant",
"passwordSetRemotely": "Un $t(lockRoomPassword) a été défini par un autre participant",
"raisedHand": "{{name}} aimerait prendre la parole.",
"somebody": "Quelqu'un",
"startSilentTitle": "Vous avez rejoint sans sortie audio!",
"startSilentTitle": "Vous avez rejoint sans sortie audio !",
"startSilentDescription": "Rejoignez la réunion de nouveau pour activer l'audio",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Nous craignons que votre expérience de réunion en ligne ne soit bonne ici. Nous cherchons des moyens d’améliorer cela, mais d’ici-là, essayez d’utiliser l’un des <a href='static/recommendedBrowsers.html' target='_blank'>navigateurs supportés</a>.",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Nous craignons que votre expérience de réunion en ligne ne soit bonne ici. Nous cherchons des moyens d’améliorer cela, mais d’ici-là, essayez d’utiliser l’un des <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>navigateurs supportés</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "Avertissement du navigateur",
"unmute": "Rétablir le son",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "Nouvelle caméra détectée",
@ -457,7 +488,41 @@
"passwordSetRemotely": "défini par un autre participant",
"passwordDigitsOnly": "Jusqu'à {{number}} chiffres",
"poweredby": "Produit par",
"poweredby": "produit par",
"prejoin": {
"audioAndVideoError": "Erreur audio et video:",
"audioOnlyError": "Erreur audio:",
"audioTrackError": "N'a pas pu créer la piste audio.",
"callMe": "Appelez-moi",
"callMeAtNumber": "Appelez-moi à ce numéro:",
"configuringDevices": "Configuration des appareils...",
"connectedWithAudioQ": "Êtes-vous connecté avec le microphone?",
"copyAndShare": "Copier & partager le lien",
"dialInMeeting": "Participez à la réunion",
"dialInPin": "Participez à la réunion et saisir le code PIN:",
"dialing": "Numérotation",
"doNotShow": "Ne plus afficher ceci",
"errorDialOut": "Impossible de composer le numéro",
"errorDialOutDisconnected": "Impossible de composer le numéro. Déconnecté",
"errorDialOutFailed": "Impossible de composer le numéro. L'appel a échoué",
"errorDialOutStatus": "Erreur lors de l'obtention de l'état d'appel sortant",
"errorStatusCode": "Erreur de numérotation, code d'état: {{status}}",
"errorValidation": "La validation du numéro a échoué",
"iWantToDialIn": "Je veux me connecter",
"joinAudioByPhone": "Rejoindre avec l'audio du téléphone",
"joinMeeting": "Rejoindre la réunion",
"joinWithoutAudio": "Rejoignez sans microphone",
"initiated": "Appel lancé",
"linkCopied": "Lien copié dans le presse-papiers",
"lookGood": "Il semble que votre microphone fonctionne correctement",
"or": "ou",
"calling": "Appel",
"startWithPhone": "Commencez avec l'audio du téléphone",
"screenSharingError": "Erreur de partage d'écran:",
"videoOnlyError": "Erreur vidéo:",
"videoTrackError": "Impossible de créer une piste vidéo.",
"viewAllNumbers": "voir tous les numéros"
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "Occupé",
"calling": "Appel...",
@ -481,7 +546,7 @@
"raisedHand": "Aimerait prendre la parole",
"recording": {
"authDropboxText": "Téléchargement vers Dropbox",
"availableSpace": "Espace disponible: {{spaceLeft}} Mo (approximativement {{duration}} minutes d'enregistrement)",
"availableSpace": "Espace disponible : {{spaceLeft}} Mo (approximativement {{duration}} minutes d'enregistrement)",
"beta": "BETA",
"busy": "Nous sommes en train de libérer les ressources d'enregistrement. Réessayez dans quelques minutes.",
"busyTitle": "Tous les enregistreurs sont actuellement occupés",
@ -499,11 +564,11 @@
"onBy": "{{name}} a démarré l'enregistrement",
"pending": "Préparation de l'enregistrement de la réunion...",
"rec": "REC",
"serviceDescription": "Votre enregistrement sera enregistré par le service dédié.",
"serviceDescription": "Votre enregistrement sera enregistré par le service dédié",
"serviceName": "Service d'enregistrement",
"signIn": "Se connecter",
"signOut": "Se déconnecter",
"unavailable": "Oups! Le {{serviceName}} est actuellement indisponible. Nous travaillons sur la résolution du problème. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
"unavailable": "Oups! Le {{serviceName}} est actuellement indisponible. Nous tentons de résoudre le problème. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
"unavailableTitle": "Enregistrement indisponible"
"sectionList": {
@ -521,7 +586,7 @@
"followMe": "Tout le monde me suit",
"language": "Langue",
"loggedIn": "Connecté en tant que {{name}}",
"moderator": "Moderateur",
"moderator": "Modérateur",
"more": "Plus",
"name": "Nom",
"noDevice": "Aucun",
@ -530,7 +595,9 @@
"selectMic": "Microphone",
"startAudioMuted": "Tout le monde commence en muet",
"startVideoMuted": "Tout le monde commence sans vidéo",
"title": "Paramètres"
"title": "Paramètres",
"microphones": "Microphones",
"speakers": "Intervenants"
"settingsView": {
"advanced": "Avancé",
@ -566,7 +633,7 @@
"startupoverlay": {
"policyText": " ",
"title": " {{app}} a besoin d'accéder à votre microphone et votre caméra."
"title": "{{app}} a besoin d'accéder à votre microphone et votre caméra."
"suspendedoverlay": {
"rejoinKeyTitle": "Rejoindre",
@ -600,7 +667,7 @@
"recording": "Activer/désactiver l'enregistrement",
"remoteMute": "Désactiver le micro du participant",
"Settings": "Afficher/masquer le menu des paramètres",
"sharedvideo": "Démarrer/arrêter le partage de vidéo Youtube",
"sharedvideo": "Démarrer/arrêter le partage de vidéo YouTube",
"shareRoom": "Inviter quelqu'un",
"shareYourScreen": "Activer/désactiver le partage d’écran",
"shortcuts": "Afficher/masquer les raccourcis",
@ -609,7 +676,10 @@
"tileView": "Activer/désactiver la vue mosaïque",
"toggleCamera": "Changer de caméra",
"videomute": "Activer/désactiver la vidéo",
"videoblur": "Activer/désactiver le flou de la vidéo"
"videoblur": "Activer/désactiver le flou de la vidéo",
"muteEveryone": "Mettre tout le monde en sourdine",
"moreOptions": "Afficher plus d'options",
"toggleFilmstrip": "Basculer la bande de film"
"addPeople": "Ajouter des personnes à votre appel",
"audioOnlyOff": "Désactiver le mode bande passante réduite",
@ -630,18 +700,20 @@
"hangup": "Quitter",
"help": "Aide",
"invite": "Inviter des participants",
"lobbyButtonDisable": "Désactiver le contrôle des participant·e·s",
"lobbyButtonEnable": "Activer le contrôle des participant·e·s",
"login": "Connexion",
"logout": "Déconnexion",
"lowerYourHand": "Baisser la main",
"moreActions": "Plus d'actions",
"moreOptions": "Plus d'options",
"mute": "Muet / Actif",
"muteEveryone": "Couper le micro de tout le monde",
"noAudioSignalTitle": "Il n'y a pas d'entrée provenant de votre micro !",
"noAudioSignalDesc": "Si vous n'avez pas délibérément coupé le son des paramètres du système ou du matériel, envisagez de changer le périphérique.",
"muteEveryone": "Couper le micro à tout le monde",
"noAudioSignalTitle": "Il n'y a pas de signal provenant de votre micro !",
"noAudioSignalDesc": "Si vous n'avez pas délibérément coupé le son des paramètres du système ou du matériel, envisagez de changer de périphérique utilisé.",
"noAudioSignalDescSuggestion": "Si vous n'avez pas délibérément coupé le son des paramètres du système ou du matériel, pensez à utiliser le périphérique suivant :",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "",
"noisyAudioInputTitle": "Votre microphone semble être bruyant !",
"noisyAudioInputDesc": "Il semble que votre microphone fasse du bruit, veuillez le couper ou changer de périphérique.",
"openChat": "Ouvrir le chat",
"pip": "Entrer en mode Picture-in-Picture",
"privateMessage": "Envoyer un message privé",
@ -663,7 +735,9 @@
"toggleCamera": "Changer de caméra",
"videomute": "Démarrer / Arrêter la caméra",
"startvideoblur": "Flouter mon arrière plan",
"stopvideoblur": "Désactiver le flou d'arrière-plan"
"stopvideoblur": "Désactiver le flou d'arrière-plan",
"noAudioSignalDialInDesc": "Vous pouvez également composer un numéro en utilisant :",
"noAudioSignalDialInLinkDesc": "Numéros d'appel"
"transcribing": {
"ccButtonTooltip": "Activer/Désactiver les sous-titres",
@ -678,23 +752,23 @@
"tr": "TR"
"userMedia": {
"androidGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Autoriser</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande des autorisations.",
"chromeGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Autoriser</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande des autorisations.",
"edgeGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Oui</i></b> quand le navigateur demande les permissions.",
"electronGrantPermissions": "Merci d'autoriser le partage de votre camera et microphone",
"firefoxGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Partager le périphérique sélectionné</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande des autorisations.",
"iexplorerGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>OK</i></b> quand le navigateur demande les permissions.",
"nwjsGrantPermissions": "Merci d'autoriser le partage de votre camera et microphone",
"operaGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Autoriser</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande des autorisations.",
"react-nativeGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Autoriser</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande des autorisations.",
"safariGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>OK</i></b> quand le navigateur demande les permissions."
"androidGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Autoriser</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande votre autorisation.",
"chromeGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Autoriser</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande votre autorisation.",
"edgeGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Oui</i></b> quand le navigateur demande votre autorisation.",
"electronGrantPermissions": "Veuillez autoriser le partage de votre camera et microphone.",
"firefoxGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Partager le périphérique sélectionné</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande votre autorisation.",
"iexplorerGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>OK</i></b> quand le navigateur demande votre autorisation.",
"nwjsGrantPermissions": "Veuillez autoriser le partage de votre camera et microphone.",
"operaGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Autoriser</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande votre autorisation.",
"react-nativeGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>Autoriser</i></b> lorsque votre navigateur demande votre autorisation.",
"safariGrantPermissions": "Sélectionnez <b><i>OK</i></b> quand le navigateur demande votre autorisation."
"videoSIPGW": {
"busy": "Nous travaillons sur la libération des ressources. Veuillez réessayez dans quelques minutes.",
"busy": "Nous tentons de libérer les ressources requises. Veuillez réessayez dans quelques minutes.",
"busyTitle": "Le service du Salon est actuellement occupé",
"errorAlreadyInvited": "{{displayName}} est déjà invité(e)",
"errorInvite": "La conférence n'est pas encore établie. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
"errorInviteFailed": "Nous travaillons sur la résolution du problème. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
"errorInviteFailed": "Nous tentons de résoudre le problème. Veuillez réessayer plus tard.",
"errorInviteFailedTitle": "l'invitation de {{displayName}} a échoué",
"errorInviteTitle": "Erreur lors de l'invitation",
"pending": "{{displayName}} a été invité(e)"
@ -713,9 +787,6 @@
"lowDefinition": "Basse définition",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "Seul l'audio est disponible",
"onlyAudioSupported": "Nous ne supportons que l'audio sur ce navigateur.",
"p2pEnabled": "Peer to Peer activé",
"p2pVideoQualityDescription": "En mode peer to peer, la qualité vidéo reçue ne peut être basculée qu'entre haute et audio uniquement. Les autres paramètres ne seront pas pris en compte jusqu'à ce que vous quittiez le mode peer to peer.",
"recHighDefinitionOnly": "Va préférer la haute définition",
"sd": "MD",
"sdTooltip": "Regardez la vidéo en définition standard",
"standardDefinition": "Moyenne Définition"
@ -724,11 +795,12 @@
"domute": "Couper le micro",
"domuteOthers": "Couper le micro de tous les autres",
"flip": "Balancer",
"grantModerator": "Nommer modérateur",
"kick": "Exclure",
"moderator": "Moderateur",
"moderator": "Modérateur",
"mute": "Un participant a coupé son micro",
"muted": "Muet",
"remoteControl": "",
"remoteControl": "Démarrer / Arrêter le contrôle à distance",
"show": "Afficher en premier plan",
"videomute": "Le participant a arrêté la caméra"
@ -737,7 +809,7 @@
"join": "Touchez pour rejoindre",
"roomname": "Saisissez un nom de salle"
"appDescription": "Allez-y, chat vidéo avec toute l'équipe. En fait, invitez tout le monde que vous connaissez. {{app}} est une solution de visioconférence entièrement chiffrée et 100% open source que vous pouvez utiliser toute la journée, tous les jours, gratuitement— aucun compte requis.",
"appDescription": "Foncez tchater en vidéo avec toute le monde. En fait, vous pouvez inviter tout ceux que vous connaissez. {{app}} est une solution de visioconférence entièrement chiffrée et 100% libre que vous pouvez utiliser en permanence, chaque jours, et sans aucun compte requis.",
"audioVideoSwitch": {
"audio": "Voix",
"video": "Vidéo"
@ -755,12 +827,13 @@
"recentList": "Récent",
"recentListDelete": "Supprimer",
"recentListEmpty": "Votre liste récente est actuellement vide. Discuter avec votre équipe et vous trouverez toutes vos réunions récentes ici.",
"reducedUIText": "Bienvenue sur {{app}}!",
"reducedUIText": "Bienvenue sur {{app}} !",
"roomname": "Saisissez un nom de salle",
"roomnameHint": "Entrez le nom ou l'URL de la salle que vous souhaitez rejoindre. Vous pouvez faire un nom, laissez les gens que vous rencontrerez le savoir afin qu'ils entrent le même nom.",
"sendFeedback": "Envoyer votre avis",
"terms": "Termes",
"title": "Vidéoconférence Sécurisée, entièrement en vedette et gratuite"
"title": "Système de vidéoconférence sécurisé, riche en fonctionnalités et gratuit",
"getHelp": "Obtenir de l'aide"
"lonelyMeetingExperience": {
"button": "Inviter d'autres personnes",
@ -768,5 +841,39 @@
"helpView": {
"header": "Centre d'aide"
"lobby": {
"knockingParticipantList" : "Liste des participants en attente",
"allow": "Autoriser",
"backToKnockModeButton": "Aucun mot de passe, demander à rejoindre plutôt",
"dialogTitle": "Mode lobby",
"disableDialogContent": "Le mode lobby est actuellement activé. Cette fonctionnalité garantit que les participants indésirables ne peuvent pas rejoindre votre réunion. Souhaitez-vous la désactiver?",
"disableDialogSubmit": "Désactiver",
"emailField": "Saisissez votre adresse email",
"enableDialogPasswordField": "Définir le mot de passe (optionel)",
"enableDialogSubmit": "Activer",
"enableDialogText": "Le mode lobby vous permet de protéger votre réunion en autorisant les personnes à entrer qu'après l'approbation formelle d'un modérateur.",
"enterPasswordButton": "Saisissez un mot de passe de réunion",
"enterPasswordTitle": "Saisissez le mot de passe pour rejoindre la réunion",
"invalidPassword": "Mot de passe invalide",
"joiningMessage": "Vous allez rejoindre une réunion dès que quelqu'un aura accepté votre demande",
"joinWithPasswordMessage": "Tentative de rejoindre avec mot de passe, patientez s'il vous plait...",
"joinRejectedMessage": "Votre requête pour rejoindre une réunion a été refusée par un modérateur.",
"joinTitle": "Rejoindre une réunion",
"joiningTitle": "Demander à rejoindre une réunion...",
"joiningWithPasswordTitle": "Rejoindre avec mot de passe...",
"knockButton": "Demander à rejoindre",
"knockTitle": "Quelqu'un souhaite rejoindre la réunion",
"nameField": "Saisissez votre nom",
"passwordField": "Saisissez le mot de passe de la réunion",
"passwordJoinButton": "Rejoindre",
"reject": "Refuser",
"toggleLabel": "Activer le lobby"
"security": {
"about": "Vous pouvez ajouter un mot de passe à votre réunion. Les participants devront fournir le mot de passe avant qu'ils soient autorisés à rejoindre la réunion.",
"aboutReadOnly": "Les modérateurs peuvent ajouter un mot de passe à la réunion. Les participants devront fournir le mot de passe avant qu'ils soient autorisés à rejoindre la réunion.",
"insecureRoomNameWarning": "Le nom de la salle est peu sûr. Des participants non désirés peuvent rejoindre votre réunion. Pensez à sécuriser votre réunion en cliquant sur le bouton de sécurité.",
"securityOptions": "Options de sécurité"
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
"you": "vous"
"connectingOverlay": {
"joiningRoom": "Connexion à la réunion en cours..."
"joiningRoom": "Connexion à la réunion en cours…"
"connection": {
"ATTACHED": "Joint",
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"downloadApp": "Télécharger l'application",
"launchWebButton": "Démarrer dans l'application Web",
"openApp": "Continuer vers l'application",
"title": "Démarrage de votre réunion dans {{app}} en cours...",
"title": "Démarrage de votre réunion dans {{app}} en cours…",
"tryAgainButton": "Veuillez réessayer sur votre ordinateur"
"defaultLink": "p. ex. {{url}}",
@ -151,9 +151,9 @@
"cameraUnsupportedResolutionError": "Votre caméra ne prend pas en charge la résolution vidéo nécessaire.",
"Cancel": "Annuler",
"close": "Fermer",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Vous devriez vérifier votre connexion au réseau. Reconnexion dans {{seconds}} sec...",
"conferenceDisconnectMsg": "Vous devriez vérifier votre connexion au réseau. Reconnexion dans {{seconds}} sec…",
"conferenceDisconnectTitle": "Vous avez été déconnecté.",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Nous tentons de résoudre le problème. Reconnexion dans {{seconds}} sec...",
"conferenceReloadMsg": "Nous tentons de résoudre le problème. Reconnexion dans {{seconds}} sec…",
"conferenceReloadTitle": "Malheureusement, une erreur s'est produite.",
"confirm": "Confirmer",
"confirmNo": "Non",
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
"userPassword": "mot de passe d'utilisateur",
"WaitForHostMsg": "La conférence <b>{{room}}</b> n'a pas encore démarré. Si vous êtes l'hôte, veuillez vous authentifier. Sinon, veuillez attendre que l'hôte arrive.",
"WaitForHostMsgWOk": "La conférence <b>{{room}}</b> n'a pas encore démarré. Si vous êtes l'hôte, veuillez appuyer sur OK pour vous authentifier. Sinon, veuillez attendre que l'hôte arrive.",
"WaitingForHost": "En attente de l'hôte...",
"WaitingForHost": "En attente de l'hôte…",
"Yes": "Oui",
"yourEntireScreen": "Votre écran entier"
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
"searchCallOnlyPlaceholder": "Entrer le numéro de téléphone",
"searchPeopleOnlyPlaceholder": "Rechercher des participants",
"searchPlaceholder": "Participant ou numéro de téléphone",
"send": "Envoyer..."
"send": "Envoyer…"
"inlineDialogFailure": {
"msg": "Nous avons rencontré un obstacle.",
@ -363,15 +363,15 @@
"errorLiveStreamNotEnabled": "La diffusion en direct n'est pas activée pour {{email}}. Veuillez activer la diffusion en direct ou vous connecter à un compte pour lequel la diffusion en direct est activée.",
"expandedOff": "La diffusion en direct a été arrêtée",
"expandedOn": "La réunion est actuellement diffusée sur YouTube.",
"expandedPending": "Le démarrage de la diffusion en direct est en cours...",
"expandedPending": "Le démarrage de la diffusion en direct est en cours…",
"failedToStart": "Le démarrage de la diffusion en direct a échoué",
"getStreamKeyManually": "La récupération de diffusions en direct a échoué. Essayez d'obtenir une clé de diffusion en direct sur YouTube.",
"invalidStreamKey": "La clé de diffusion en direct peut être erronée.",
"off": "La diffusion en direct s'est arrêtée",
"offBy": "{{name}} a arrêté la diffusion en continu",
"on": "Diffusion en direct",
"onBy": "{{name}} démarré la diffusion en continu",
"pending": "Démarrage de la diffusion en direct...",
"onBy": "{{name}} démarré la diffusion en continu",
"pending": "Démarrage de la diffusion en direct…",
"serviceName": "Service de diffusion en direct",
"signedInAs": "Vous êtes actuellement connecté en tant que :",
"signIn": "Se connecter avec Google",
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@
"somebody": "Quelqu'un",
"startSilentTitle": "Vous avez rejoint sans sortie audio!",
"startSilentDescription": "Rejoignez la réunion de nouveau pour activer l'audio",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Nous craignons que votre expérience de réunion en ligne ne soit bonne ici. Nous cherchons des moyens d’améliorer cela, mais d’ici-là, essayez d’utiliser l’un des <a href='static/recommendedBrowsers.html' target='_blank'>navigateurs supportés</a>.",
"suboptimalBrowserWarning": "Nous craignons que votre expérience de réunion en ligne ne soit bonne ici. Nous cherchons des moyens d’améliorer cela, mais d’ici-là, essayez d’utiliser l’un des <a href='{{recommendedBrowserPageLink}}' target='_blank'>navigateurs supportés</a>.",
"suboptimalExperienceTitle": "Avertissement de navigateur",
"unmute": "Rétablir le son",
"newDeviceCameraTitle": "Nouvelle caméra détectée",
@ -449,14 +449,14 @@
"poweredby": "optimisé par",
"presenceStatus": {
"busy": "Occupé",
"calling": "Appel en cours...",
"calling": "Appel en cours…",
"connected": "Connecté",
"connecting": "Connexion en cours...",
"connecting": "Connexion en cours…",
"connecting2": "Connexion en cours*...",
"disconnected": "Déconnecté",
"expired": "Expiré",
"ignored": "Ignoré",
"initializingCall": "Initialisation de l'appel...",
"initializingCall": "Initialisation de l'appel…",
"invited": "Invité",
"rejected": "Refusé",
"ringing": "Sonnerie"
@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
"profile": {
"setDisplayNameLabel": "Définir votre nom d'affichage",
"setEmailInput": "Entrer votre adresse courriel",
"setEmailLabel": "Définir votre courriel gravatar",
"setEmailLabel": "Définir votre courriel Gravatar",
"title": "Profil"
"raisedHand": "Aimerait prendre la parole",
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
"error": "L'enregistrement a échoué. Veuillez réessayer.",
"expandedOff": "L'enregistrement a été arrêté.",
"expandedOn": "La réunion est actuellement enregistrée.",
"expandedPending": "Démarrage de l'enregistrement en cours...",
"expandedPending": "Démarrage de l'enregistrement en cours…",
"failedToStart": "Échec du démarrage de l'enregistrement",
"fileSharingdescription": "Partager l'enregistrement avec les participants de la réunion",
"live": "EN DIRECT",
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@
"offBy": "{{name}} a arrêté l'enregistrement",
"on": "Enregistrement",
"onBy": "{{name}} a démarré l'enregistrement",
"pending": "Enregistrement de la réunion en préparation...",
"pending": "Enregistrement de la réunion en préparation…",
"rec": "REC",
"serviceDescription": "Votre enregistrement sera sauvegardé par le service d'enregistrement",
"serviceName": "Service d'enregistrement",
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
"devices": "Dispositifs",
"followMe": "Tous les participants me suivent",
"language": "Language",
"language": "Langue",
"loggedIn": "Connecté en tant que {{name}}",
"moderator": "Modérateur",
"more": "Plus",
@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
"failedToStart": "Échec du démarrage de la transcription",
"labelToolTip": "La réunion est transcrite",
"off": "La transcription est arrêtée",
"pending": "Préparation de la transcription de la réunion en cours...",
"pending": "Préparation de la transcription de la réunion en cours…",
"start": "Activer l'affichage des sous-titres",
"stop": "Désactiver l'affichage des sous-titres",
"tr": "PI"
@ -698,9 +698,6 @@
"lowDefinition": "Basse définition",
"onlyAudioAvailable": "Seulement l'audio est disponible",
"onlyAudioSupported": "Ce navigateur prend seulement l'audio en charge.",
"p2pEnabled": "Pair à pair activé",
"p2pVideoQualityDescription": "En mode pair à pair, il est possible de basculer entre la haute qualité d'appel entrant et l'audio seulement. Certains paramètres ne seront pas activés tant que vous ne quittez le mode pair à pair.",
"recHighDefinitionOnly": "La haute définition est préférable.",
"sd": "SD",
"sdTooltip": "Visionnement de vidéo en définition standard",
"standardDefinition": "Définition standard"
@ -731,8 +728,8 @@
"connectCalendarText": "Connectez-vous à votre calendrier pour afficher toutes les réunions {{app}}. Ajoutez également les réunions de {{provider}} à votre calendrier et démarrez-les d'un simple clic.",
"enterRoomTitle": "Démarrer une nouvelle réunion",
"roomNameAllowedChars": "Le nom de la réunion ne doit contenir aucun de ces caractères : ?, &, :, ', \", %, #.",
"go": "Commencer",
"goSmall": "Commencer",
"go": "Aller",
"goSmall": "Aller",
"join": "CRÉER / REJOINDRE",
"info": "Ret. arr.",
"privacy": "Confidentialité",
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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