Diego Mello
[CHORE] Update react-navigation to v5 ( #2154 )
* react-navigation v5 installed
* compiling
* Outside working
* InsideStack compiling
* Switch stack
* Starting room
* RoomView header
* SafeAreaView
* Slide from right stack animation
* stash
* Fix params
* Create channel
* inapp notification
* Custom status
* Add server working
* Refactor appStart
* Attachment
* in-app notification
* AuthLoadingView
* Remove compat
* Navigation
* Outside animations
* Fix new server icon
* block modal
* AttachmentView header
* Remove unnecessary code
* SelectedUsersView header
* StatusView
* CreateDiscussionView
* RoomInfoView
* RoomInfoEditView style
* RoomMembersView
* RoomsListView header
* RoomView header
* Share extension
* getParam
* Focus/blur
* Trying to fix inapp
* Lint
* Simpler app container
* Update libs
* Revert "Simpler app container"
This reverts commit 1e49d80bb4
* Load messages faster
* Fix safearea on ReactionsModal
* Update safe area to v3
* lint
* Fix transition
* stash - drawer replace working
* stash - modal nav
* RoomActionsView as tablet modal
* RoomStack
* Stop showing RoomView header when there's no room
* Custom Header and different navigation based on stack
* Refactor setHeader
* MasterDetailContext
* RoomView header
* Fix isMasterDetail rule
* KeyCommands kind of working
* Create channel on tablet
* RoomView sCU
* Remove withSplit
* Settings opening as modal
* Settings
* StatusView headerLeft
* Admin panel
* TwoFactor style
* DirectoryView
* ServerDropdown and SortDropdown animations
* ThreadMessagesView
* Navigate to empty RoomView on server switch when in master detail
* ProfileView header
* Fix navigation issues
* Nav to any room info on tablet
* Room info
* Refactoring
* Fix rooms search
* Roomslist commands
* SearchMessagesView close modal
* Key commands
* Fix undefined subscription
* Disallow navigate to focused room
* isFocused state on RoomsListView
* Blur text inputs when focus is lost
* Replace animation
* Default nav theme
* Refactoring
* Always open Attachment with close modal button
* ModalContainer backdrop following themes
* Screen tracking
* Refactor get active route for in-app notification
* Only mark room as focused when in master detail layout
* Lint
* Open modals as fade from bottom on Android
* typo
* Fixing tests
* Fix in-app update
* Fixing goRoom issues
* Refactor stack names
* Fix unreadsCount
* Fix stack
* Fix header animation
* Refactor ShareNavigation
* Refactor navigation theme
* Make sure title is set
* Fix create discussion navigation
* Remove unused variable
* Create discussions from actions fixed
* Layout animation
* Screen lock on share extension
* Unnecessary change
* Admin border
* Set header after state callback
* Fix key commands on outside stack
* Fix back button pressed
* Remove layout animations from Android
* Tweak animations on Android
* Disable swipe gesture to open drawer
* Fix current item on RoomsListView
* Fix add server
* Fix drawer
* Fix broadcast
* LayoutAnimation instead of Transitions
* Fix onboarding back press
* Fix assorted tests
* Create discussion fix
* RoomInfoView header
* Drawer active item
2020-06-15 11:00:46 -03:00
Djorkaeff Alexandre
[FIX] Direct Message between multiple users REST ( #1974 )
2020-04-03 15:02:10 -03:00
Djorkaeff Alexandre
[NEW] Direct Message between multiple users ( #1958 )
* [WIP] DM between multiple users
* [WIP][NEW] Create new DM between multiple users
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve createChannel Sagas
* [IMPROVEMENT] Selected Users view
* [IMPROVEMENT] Room Actions of Group DM
* [NEW] Create new DM between multiple users
* [NEW] Group DM avatar
* [FIX] Directory border
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use isGroupChat
* [CHORE] Remove legacy getRoomMemberId
* [NEW] RoomTypeIcon
* [FIX] No use legacy method on RoomInfoView
* [FIX] Blink header when create new DM
* [FIX] Only show create direct message option when allowed
* [FIX] RoomInfoView
* pt-BR
* Few fixes
* Create button name
* Show create button only after a user is selected
* Fix max users issues
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
2020-04-01 09:28:54 -03:00
Djorkaeff Alexandre
[FIX] Join Room ( #1769 )
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
2020-02-21 12:59:13 -03:00
Diego Mello
Update navigation library ( #501 )
* v2
* Working on Android 0.57.3
* Drawer working
* Removing v1 navigator
* - Splash screen
- Icons changed
* Deeplink
* Remove EventEmitter from CreateChannelView
* Android search
* Android notifications
* OAuth
* Fix search props
* Lint and tests fixed
* Fix android build
* Improvements on iPhone X* usage
* Fix detox
* Fix android build
* Room.f added to RoomView.shouldComponentUpdate
* Animations on RoomsListView and RoomView
* Fix topbar buttons on Android
2018-10-23 18:39:48 -03:00
Diego Mello
Update dependencies ( #431 )
* Update dependencies
* Lint and test
* Added react-native fork
* rn 57
* Lint and tests updated
* Update xcode on circleci
* Use legacy build system
* Update tests
2018-09-25 16:28:42 -03:00
Diego Mello
Several fixes for 1.2.1 ( #448 )
* Fix user.roles
* Better onLongPress handle on messages
* Indicator position
* Fix role undefined in system messages
* Add baseUrl in case of file attachments
* Join room fixed
* RoomView params
* Broadcast fixes
* Add server layout changes
* Use native images
* Subscribe to not joined channels
* Fix alerts without i18n
* Tests updated
2018-09-19 11:18:32 -03:00
Diego Mello
[NEW] Create channel layout ( #420 )
* RoomsListView layout
* Rooms list layout
* Sort component
* Header icons
* Default header colors
* Add server dropdown
* Close sort dropdown if server dropdown will open
* UserItem
* Room type icon
* Search working
* Tests updated
* Android layout
* Using realm queries instead of array iterates
* Animation duration
* Fixed render bug
* - NewMessageView
- backButtonTitle always empty
- SearchBox created
* New create channel layout
* Search refactored
* loginSuccess dismiss modal
* Tests working
2018-08-31 15:13:30 -03:00
Diego Mello
[NEW] Onboarding ( #407 )
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
Closes #392
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->

2018-08-10 14:26:36 -03:00
Diego Mello
Switch push notification lib ( #346 )
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Keep the line below to notify all core developers about this new PR -->
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Inform the issue number that this PR closes, or remove the line below -->
Closes #342
<!-- INSTRUCTION: Tell us more about your PR with screen shots if you can -->
2018-07-10 10:40:32 -03:00
Guilherme Gazzo
Beta ( #265 )
* Fabric iOS
* Fabric configured on iOS and Android
* - react-native-fabric configured
- login tracked
* README updated
* Run scripts from README updated
* README scripts
* get rooms and messages by rest
* user status
* more improves
* more improves
* send pong on timeout
* fix some methods
* more tests
* rest messages
* Room actions (#266 )
* Toggle notifications
* Search messages
* Invite users
* Mute/Unmute users in room
* rocket.cat messages
* Room topic layout fixed
* Starred messages loading onEndReached
* Room actions onEndReached
* Unnecessary login request
* Login loading
* Login services fixed
* User presence layout
* ïmproves on room actions view
* Removed unnecessary data from SelectedUsersView
* load few messages on open room, search message improve
* fix loading messages forever
* Removed state from search
* Custom message time format
* secureTextEntry layout
* Reduce android app size
* Roles subscription fix
* Public routes navigation
* fix reconnect
* - New login/register, login, register
* proguard
* Login flux
* App init/restore
* Android layout fixes
* Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
* Nested attachments
* Nested attachments
* fix check status
* New login layout (#269 )
* Public routes navigation
* New login/register, login, register
* Multiple meteor connection requests fixed
* Nested attachments
* Button component
* TextInput android layout fixed
* Register fixed
* Thinner close modal button
* Requests /me after login only one time
* Static images moved
* fix reconnect
* fix ddp
* fix custom emoji
* New message layout (#273 )
* Grouping messages
* Message layout
* Users typing animation
* Image attachment layout
2018-04-24 17:08:17 -03:00
Diego Mello
Bug fixes ( #261 )
* Layout fixes
* RoomsListView's SafeAreaView
* Unhandled promise rejection fix
* Prevent navigation from opening scenes twice
* Create channel fixes
2018-04-10 10:03:54 -03:00
Diego Mello
Create room ( #42 )
* Added select users view
* create room working
* - Show photo on avatar
* Switched state for redux
* Navigating to created room
2017-09-25 10:15:28 -03:00
[NEW] Changed navigation library to react-navigation. ( #41 )
* Changed navigation library to react-navigation.
Refactoring on sagas to remove navigation navigation flow do it in views.
Added new modal library.
Renamed view files to the same name of their classes.
Added support to redux-devtools using the chrome extension through Remote devtools menu.
Some components was refactored to reduce complexity and more legibility.
* Remove react-native-navigation from Android
* Adding servers to drawer menu, allowing server switch.
* Sidebar component
* opss :x fix add server
* opss :x fix add server
* Fixed add server navigation issues, fixed empty and slow Rooms List and Chat Messages
* Disable cleanup everytime
* some fixes
* some fixes
* fix?
* .
* Fixed logo not displaying when app is loading or signing to server
* Fixed logo in loading and login
* Update LoginView.js
* Update PublicRoutes.js
2017-09-21 14:08:00 -03:00
Guilherme Gazzo
Add server change saga ( #34 )
* Reduce test lines of code
* removed useless packages
* pkg
* add server saga
* removed taginput
taginput is not ready =/
* ~fix navigation~
* code duplicated
* code duplicated
* Delete tags.js
* Delete TagInput.js
2017-09-01 16:42:50 -03:00