import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import Touchable from 'react-native-platform-touchable'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import Avatar from '../Avatar'; import { CustomIcon } from '../CustomIcon'; import sharedStyles from '../../views/Styles'; import { themes } from '../../lib/constants'; import { useTheme } from '../../theme'; import { ROW_HEIGHT } from '../RoomItem'; import { goRoom } from '../../lib/methods/helpers/goRoom'; import { IApplicationState, ISubscription, SubscriptionType } from '../../definitions'; import { hideNotification } from '../../lib/methods/helpers/notifications'; export interface INotifierComponent { notification: { text: string; payload: { sender: { username: string }; type: SubscriptionType; message?: { message: string; t?: string }; } & Pick; title: string; avatar: string; }; isMasterDetail: boolean; } const AVATAR_SIZE = 48; const BUTTON_HIT_SLOP = { top: 12, right: 12, bottom: 12, left: 12 }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { height: ROW_HEIGHT, paddingHorizontal: 14, flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between', marginHorizontal: 10, borderWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth, borderRadius: 4 }, content: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }, inner: { flex: 1 }, avatar: { marginRight: 10 }, roomName: { fontSize: 17, lineHeight: 20, ...sharedStyles.textMedium }, message: { fontSize: 14, lineHeight: 17, ...sharedStyles.textRegular }, close: { marginLeft: 10 }, small: { width: '50%', alignSelf: 'center' } }); const NotifierComponent = React.memo(({ notification, isMasterDetail }: INotifierComponent) => { const { theme } = useTheme(); const insets = useSafeAreaInsets(); const { text, payload } = notification; const { type, rid } = payload; const name = type === 'd' ? payload.sender.username :; // if sub is not on local database, title and avatar will be null, so we use payload from notification const { title = name, avatar = name } = notification; const onPress = () => { const { prid, _id } = payload; if (!rid) { return; } const item = { rid, name: title, t: type, prid }; goRoom({ item, isMasterDetail, jumpToMessageId: _id, popToRoot: true }); hideNotification(); }; return ( <> {title} {text} ); }); const mapStateToProps = (state: IApplicationState) => ({ isMasterDetail: }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(NotifierComponent);