import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { Platform, View, FlatList, BackHandler, ActivityIndicator, Text, Image, Dimensions, ScrollView, Keyboard, LayoutAnimation } from 'react-native'; import { connect, Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; import { Navigation } from 'react-native-navigation'; import SafeAreaView from 'react-native-safe-area-view'; import SearchBox from '../../containers/SearchBox'; import ConnectionBadge from '../../containers/ConnectionBadge'; import database from '../../lib/realm'; import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat'; import RoomItem from '../../presentation/RoomItem'; import styles from './styles'; import LoggedView from '../View'; import log from '../../utils/log'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import SortDropdown from './SortDropdown'; import ServerDropdown from './ServerDropdown'; import Touch from '../../utils/touch'; import { toggleSortDropdown as toggleSortDropdownAction, openSearchHeader as openSearchHeaderAction, closeSearchHeader as closeSearchHeaderAction } from '../../actions/rooms'; import store from '../../lib/createStore'; import Drawer from '../../Drawer'; const ROW_HEIGHT = 70; const SCROLL_OFFSET = 56; const isAndroid = () => Platform.OS === 'android'; const getItemLayout = (data, index) => ({ length: ROW_HEIGHT, offset: ROW_HEIGHT * index, index }); const keyExtractor = item => item.rid; const leftButtons = [{ id: 'settings', icon: { uri: 'settings', scale: Dimensions.get('window').scale }, testID: 'rooms-list-view-sidebar' }]; const rightButtons = [{ id: 'newMessage', icon: { uri: 'new_channel', scale: Dimensions.get('window').scale }, testID: 'rooms-list-view-create-channel' }]; if (Platform.OS === 'android') { rightButtons.push({ id: 'search', icon: { uri: 'search', scale: Dimensions.get('window').scale } }); } let NewMessageView = null; @connect(state => ({ userId: state.login.user &&, server: state.server.server, baseUrl: state.settings.baseUrl || state.server ? state.server.server : '', searchText: state.rooms.searchText, loadingServer: state.server.loading, showServerDropdown: state.rooms.showServerDropdown, showSortDropdown: state.rooms.showSortDropdown, sortBy: state.sortPreferences.sortBy, groupByType: state.sortPreferences.groupByType, showFavorites: state.sortPreferences.showFavorites, showUnread: state.sortPreferences.showUnread, useRealName: state.settings.UI_Use_Real_Name }), dispatch => ({ toggleSortDropdown: () => dispatch(toggleSortDropdownAction()), openSearchHeader: () => dispatch(openSearchHeaderAction()), closeSearchHeader: () => dispatch(closeSearchHeaderAction()) })) /** @extends React.Component */ export default class RoomsListView extends LoggedView { static options() { return { topBar: { leftButtons, rightButtons, title: { component: { name: 'RoomsListHeaderView', alignment: isAndroid() ? 'left' : 'center' } } }, sideMenu: { left: { enabled: true }, right: { enabled: true } }, blurOnUnmount: true }; } static propTypes = { userId: PropTypes.string, baseUrl: PropTypes.string, server: PropTypes.string, searchText: PropTypes.string, loadingServer: PropTypes.bool, showServerDropdown: PropTypes.bool, showSortDropdown: PropTypes.bool, sortBy: PropTypes.string, groupByType: PropTypes.bool, showFavorites: PropTypes.bool, showUnread: PropTypes.bool, useRealName: PropTypes.bool, toggleSortDropdown: PropTypes.func, openSearchHeader: PropTypes.func, closeSearchHeader: PropTypes.func } constructor(props) { super('RoomsListView', props); = []; this.state = { search: [], loading: true, chats: [], unread: [], favorites: [], channels: [], privateGroup: [], direct: [], livechat: [] };; } componentDidMount() { this.getSubscriptions(); } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const { loadingServer, searchText } = this.props; if (nextProps.server && loadingServer !== nextProps.loadingServer) { if (nextProps.loadingServer) { this.internalSetState({ loading: true }); } else { this.getSubscriptions(); } } else if (searchText !== nextProps.searchText) {; } } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return !(isEqual(this.props, nextProps) && isEqual(this.state, nextState)); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { const { sortBy, groupByType, showFavorites, showUnread } = this.props; if (!( (prevProps.sortBy === sortBy) && (prevProps.groupByType === groupByType) && (prevProps.showFavorites === showFavorites) && (prevProps.showUnread === showUnread) )) { this.getSubscriptions(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this.removeListener(; this.removeListener(this.unread); this.removeListener(this.favorites); this.removeListener(this.channels); this.removeListener(this.privateGroup); this.removeListener(; this.removeListener(this.livechat); if (this.timeout) { clearTimeout(this.timeout); } } navigationButtonPressed = ({ buttonId }) => { if (buttonId === 'newMessage') { if (NewMessageView == null) { NewMessageView = require('../NewMessageView').default; Navigation.registerComponentWithRedux('NewMessageView', () => NewMessageView, Provider, store); } Navigation.showModal({ stack: { children: [{ component: { name: 'NewMessageView', passProps: { onPressItem: this._onPressItem }, options: { topBar: { title: { text: I18n.t('New_Message') } } } } }] } }); } else if (buttonId === 'settings') { Drawer.toggle(); } else if (buttonId === 'search') { this.initSearchingAndroid(); } else if (buttonId === 'back') { this.cancelSearchingAndroid(); } } internalSetState = (...args) => { if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { LayoutAnimation.easeInEaseOut(); } this.setState(...args); } getSubscriptions = () => { const { server, sortBy, showUnread, showFavorites, groupByType } = this.props; if (server && this.hasActiveDB()) { if (sortBy === 'alphabetical') { = database.objects('subscriptions').filtered('archived != true && open == true').sorted('name', false); } else { = database.objects('subscriptions').filtered('archived != true && open == true').sorted('roomUpdatedAt', true); } let chats = []; let unread = []; let favorites = []; let channels = []; let privateGroup = []; let direct = []; let livechat = []; // unread if (showUnread) { this.unread ='archived != true && open == true').filtered('(unread > 0 || alert == true)'); unread = this.removeRealmInstance(this.unread); setTimeout(() => { this.unread.addListener(() => this.internalSetState({ unread: this.removeRealmInstance(this.unread) })); }); } else { this.removeListener(unread); } // favorites if (showFavorites) { this.favorites ='f == true'); favorites = this.removeRealmInstance(this.favorites); setTimeout(() => { this.favorites.addListener(() => this.internalSetState({ favorites: this.removeRealmInstance(this.favorites) })); }); } else { this.removeListener(favorites); } // type if (groupByType) { // channels this.channels ='t == $0', 'c'); channels = this.removeRealmInstance(this.channels); // private this.privateGroup ='t == $0', 'p'); privateGroup = this.removeRealmInstance(this.privateGroup); // direct ='t == $0', 'd'); direct = this.removeRealmInstance(; // livechat this.livechat ='t == $0', 'l'); livechat = this.removeRealmInstance(this.livechat); setTimeout(() => { this.channels.addListener(() => this.internalSetState({ channels: this.removeRealmInstance(this.channels) })); this.privateGroup.addListener(() => this.internalSetState({ privateGroup: this.removeRealmInstance(this.privateGroup) })); => this.internalSetState({ direct: this.removeRealmInstance( })); this.livechat.addListener(() => this.internalSetState({ livechat: this.removeRealmInstance(this.livechat) })); }); this.removeListener(this.chats); } else { // chats if (showUnread) { this.chats ='(unread == 0 && alert == false)'); } else { this.chats =; } chats = this.removeRealmInstance(this.chats); setTimeout(() => { this.chats.addListener(() => { this.internalSetState({ chats: this.removeRealmInstance(this.chats) }); }); }); this.removeListener(this.channels); this.removeListener(this.privateGroup); this.removeListener(; this.removeListener(this.livechat); } // setState this.internalSetState({ chats, unread, favorites, channels, privateGroup, direct, livechat }); } this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.internalSetState({ loading: false }); }, 200); } removeRealmInstance = (data) => { const array = Array.from(data); return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(array)); } removeListener = (data) => { if (data && data.removeAllListeners) { data.removeAllListeners(); } } initSearchingAndroid = () => { const { openSearchHeader } = this.props; openSearchHeader(); Navigation.mergeOptions('RoomsListView', { topBar: { leftButtons: [{ id: 'back', icon: { uri: 'back', scale: Dimensions.get('window').scale }, testID: 'rooms-list-view-cancel-search' }], rightButtons: [] } }); BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackPress); } cancelSearchingAndroid = () => { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { const { closeSearchHeader } = this.props; closeSearchHeader(); Navigation.mergeOptions('RoomsListView', { topBar: { leftButtons, rightButtons } }); this.internalSetState({ search: [] }); Keyboard.dismiss(); BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackPress); } } // this is necessary during development (enables Cmd + r) hasActiveDB = () => database && database.databases && database.databases.activeDB; handleBackPress = () => { this.cancelSearchingAndroid(); return true; } _isUnread = item => item.unread > 0 || item.alert search = async(text) => { const result = await{ text }); this.internalSetState({ search: result }); } goRoom = (rid) => { this.cancelSearchingAndroid(); Navigation.push('RoomsListView', { component: { name: 'RoomView', passProps: { rid } } }); } _onPressItem = async(item = {}) => { if (! { const { rid } = item; return this.goRoom(rid); } if (item.t === 'd') { // if user is using the search we need first to join/create room try { const { username } = item; const sub = await RocketChat.createDirectMessage(username); const { rid } = sub; return this.goRoom(rid); } catch (e) { log('RoomsListView._onPressItem', e); } } else { const { rid } = item; return this.goRoom(rid); } } toggleSort = () => { const { toggleSortDropdown } = this.props; if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { this.scroll.scrollTo({ x: 0, y: SCROLL_OFFSET, animated: true }); } else { this.scroll.scrollTo({ x: 0, y: 0, animated: true }); } setTimeout(() => { toggleSortDropdown(); }, 100); } getScrollRef = ref => this.scroll = ref renderHeader = () => { const { search } = this.state; if (search.length > 0) { return null; } return this.renderSort(); } renderSort = () => { const { sortBy } = this.props; return ( {I18n.t('Sorting_by', { key: I18n.t(sortBy === 'alphabetical' ? 'name' : 'activity') })} ); } renderSearchBar = () => { if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { return ; } } renderItem = ({ item }) => { const { useRealName, userId, baseUrl } = this.props; const id = item.rid.replace(userId, '').trim(); return ( this._onPressItem(item)} testID={`rooms-list-view-item-${ }`} height={ROW_HEIGHT} /> ); } renderSeparator = () => ; renderSection = (data, header) => { const { showUnread, showFavorites, groupByType } = this.props; if (header === 'Unread' && !showUnread) { return null; } else if (header === 'Favorites' && !showFavorites) { return null; } else if (['Channels', 'Direct_Messages', 'Private_Groups', 'Livechat'].includes(header) && !groupByType) { return null; } else if (header === 'Chats' && groupByType) { return null; } if (data.length > 0) { return ( ( {I18n.t(header)} )} getItemLayout={getItemLayout} enableEmptySections removeClippedSubviews keyboardShouldPersistTaps='always' /> ); } return null; } renderList = () => { const { search, chats, unread, favorites, channels, direct, privateGroup, livechat } = this.state; if (search.length > 0) { return ( ); } return ( {this.renderSection(unread, 'Unread')} {this.renderSection(favorites, 'Favorites')} {this.renderSection(channels, 'Channels')} {this.renderSection(direct, 'Direct_Messages')} {this.renderSection(privateGroup, 'Private_Groups')} {this.renderSection(livechat, 'Livechat')} {this.renderSection(chats, 'Chats')} ); } renderScroll = () => { const { loading } = this.state; if (loading) { return ; } return ( {this.renderSearchBar()} {this.renderHeader()} {this.renderList()} ); } render = () => { const { sortBy, groupByType, showFavorites, showUnread, showServerDropdown, showSortDropdown } = this.props; return ( {this.renderScroll()} {showSortDropdown ? ( ) : null } {showServerDropdown ? : null} ); } }