import EJSON from 'ejson'; import { sanitizedRaw } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/RawRecord'; import { InteractionManager } from 'react-native'; import log from '../../../utils/log'; import protectedFunction from '../helpers/protectedFunction'; import buildMessage from '../helpers/buildMessage'; import database from '../../database'; import reduxStore from '../../createStore'; import { addUserTyping, removeUserTyping, clearUserTyping } from '../../../actions/usersTyping'; const unsubscribe = subscriptions => subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.unsubscribe().catch(() => console.log('unsubscribeRoom'))); const removeListener = listener => listener.stop(); export default function subscribeRoom({ rid }) { console.log(`[RCRN] Subscribed to room ${ rid }`); let promises; let connectedListener; let disconnectedListener; let notifyRoomListener; let messageReceivedListener; const typingTimeouts = {}; const handleConnection = () => { this.loadMissedMessages({ rid }).catch(e => console.log(e)); }; const handleNotifyRoomReceived = protectedFunction((ddpMessage) => { const [_rid, ev] = ddpMessage.fields.eventName.split('/'); if (rid !== _rid) { return; } if (ev === 'typing') { const [username, typing] = ddpMessage.fields.args; if (typing) { reduxStore.dispatch(addUserTyping(username)); } else { reduxStore.dispatch(removeUserTyping(username)); } } else if (ev === 'deleteMessage') { InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(async() => { if (ddpMessage && ddpMessage.fields && ddpMessage.fields.args.length > 0) { try { const { _id } = ddpMessage.fields.args[0]; const db =; const msgCollection = db.collections.get('messages'); const threadsCollection = db.collections.get('threads'); const threadMessagesCollection = db.collections.get('thread_messages'); let deleteMessage; let deleteThread; let deleteThreadMessage; // Delete message try { const m = await msgCollection.find(_id); deleteMessage = m.prepareDestroyPermanently(); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } // Delete thread try { const m = await threadsCollection.find(_id); deleteThread = m.prepareDestroyPermanently(); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } // Delete thread message try { const m = await threadMessagesCollection.find(_id); deleteThreadMessage = m.prepareDestroyPermanently(); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } await db.action(async() => { await db.batch( deleteMessage, deleteThread, deleteThreadMessage ); }); } catch (e) { log(e); } } }); } }); const handleMessageReceived = protectedFunction((ddpMessage) => { const message = buildMessage(EJSON.fromJSONValue(ddpMessage.fields.args[0])); if (rid !== message.rid) { return; } InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(async() => { const db =; const batch = []; const subCollection = db.collections.get('subscriptions'); const msgCollection = db.collections.get('messages'); const threadsCollection = db.collections.get('threads'); const threadMessagesCollection = db.collections.get('thread_messages'); // Create or update message try { const messageRecord = await msgCollection.find(message._id); batch.push( messageRecord.prepareUpdate((m) => { Object.assign(m, message); }) ); } catch (error) { batch.push( msgCollection.prepareCreate(protectedFunction((m) => { m._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: message._id }, msgCollection.schema); = rid; Object.assign(m, message); })) ); } // Create or update thread if (message.tlm) { try { const threadRecord = await threadsCollection.find(message._id); batch.push( threadRecord.prepareUpdate((t) => { Object.assign(t, message); }) ); } catch (error) { batch.push( threadsCollection.prepareCreate(protectedFunction((t) => { t._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: message._id }, threadsCollection.schema); = rid; Object.assign(t, message); })) ); } } // Create or update thread message if (message.tmid) { try { const threadMessageRecord = await threadMessagesCollection.find(message._id); batch.push( threadMessageRecord.prepareUpdate((tm) => { Object.assign(tm, message); tm.rid = message.tmid; delete tm.tmid; }) ); } catch (error) { batch.push( threadMessagesCollection.prepareCreate(protectedFunction((tm) => { tm._raw = sanitizedRaw({ id: message._id }, threadMessagesCollection.schema); Object.assign(tm, message); = rid; tm.rid = message.tmid; delete tm.tmid; })) ); } } try { await subCollection.find(rid); this.readMessages(rid); } catch (e) { console.log('Subscription not found. We probably subscribed to a not joined channel. No need to mark as read.'); } try { await db.action(async() => { await db.batch(...batch); }); } catch (e) { log(e); } }); }); const stop = () => { if (promises) { promises.then(unsubscribe); promises = false; } if (connectedListener) { connectedListener.then(removeListener); connectedListener = false; } if (disconnectedListener) { disconnectedListener.then(removeListener); disconnectedListener = false; } if (notifyRoomListener) { notifyRoomListener.then(removeListener); notifyRoomListener = false; } if (messageReceivedListener) { messageReceivedListener.then(removeListener); messageReceivedListener = false; } Object.keys(typingTimeouts).forEach((key) => { if (typingTimeouts[key]) { clearTimeout(typingTimeouts[key]); typingTimeouts[key] = null; } }); reduxStore.dispatch(clearUserTyping()); }; connectedListener = this.sdk.onStreamData('connected', handleConnection); disconnectedListener = this.sdk.onStreamData('close', handleConnection); notifyRoomListener = this.sdk.onStreamData('stream-notify-room', handleNotifyRoomReceived); messageReceivedListener = this.sdk.onStreamData('stream-room-messages', handleMessageReceived); try { promises = this.sdk.subscribeRoom(rid); } catch (e) { log(e); } return { stop: () => stop() }; }