import React, { forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { Col, Grid, Row } from 'react-native-easy-grid'; import range from 'lodash/range'; import { View } from 'react-native'; import * as Animatable from 'react-native-animatable'; import * as Haptics from 'expo-haptics'; import styles from './styles'; import Button from './Button'; import Dots from './Dots'; import { TYPE } from '../constants'; import { PASSCODE_LENGTH } from '../../../lib/constants'; import { useTheme } from '../../../theme'; import LockIcon from './LockIcon'; import Title from './Title'; import Subtitle from './Subtitle'; import { useDimensions } from '../../../dimensions'; interface IPasscodeBase { type: string; previousPasscode?: string; title: string; subtitle?: string | null; showBiometry?: boolean; onEndProcess: Function; onError?: Function; onBiometryPress?(): void; } export interface IBase { clearPasscode: () => void; wrongPasscode: () => void; animate: (animation: Animatable.Animation, duration?: number) => void; } const Base = forwardRef( ({ type, onEndProcess, previousPasscode, title, subtitle, onError, showBiometry, onBiometryPress }, ref) => { const { colors } = useTheme(); const { height } = useDimensions(); // 206 is the height of the header calculating the margins, icon size height, title font size and subtitle height. // 56 is a fixed number to decrease the height of button numbers. const dinamicHeight = (height - 206 - 56) / 4; const heightButtonRow = { height: dinamicHeight > 102 ? 102 : dinamicHeight }; const rootRef = useRef(null); const dotsRef = useRef(null); const [passcode, setPasscode] = useState(''); const clearPasscode = () => setPasscode(''); const wrongPasscode = () => { clearPasscode(); dotsRef?.current?.shake?.(500); Haptics.notificationAsync(Haptics.NotificationFeedbackType.Error); }; const animate = (animation: Animatable.Animation, duration = 500) => { rootRef?.current?.[animation]?.(duration); }; const onPressNumber = (text: string) => setPasscode(p => { const currentPasscode = p + text; if (currentPasscode?.length === PASSCODE_LENGTH) { switch (type) { case TYPE.CHOOSE: onEndProcess(currentPasscode); break; case TYPE.CONFIRM: if (currentPasscode !== previousPasscode) { onError?.(); } else { onEndProcess(currentPasscode); } break; case TYPE.ENTER: onEndProcess(currentPasscode); break; default: break; } } return currentPasscode; }); const onPressDelete = () => setPasscode(p => { if (p?.length > 0) { const newPasscode = p.slice(0, -1); return newPasscode; } return ''; }); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ wrongPasscode, animate, clearPasscode })); return ( {subtitle ? <Subtitle text={subtitle} /> : null} <Row style={styles.row}> <Animatable.View ref={dotsRef}> <Dots passcode={passcode} length={PASSCODE_LENGTH} /> </Animatable.View> </Row> <Row style={[styles.row, heightButtonRow]}> {range(1, 4).map(i => ( <Col key={i} style={[styles.colButton, heightButtonRow]}> <Button style={heightButtonRow} text={i.toString()} onPress={onPressNumber} /> </Col> ))} </Row> <Row style={[styles.row, heightButtonRow]}> {range(4, 7).map(i => ( <Col key={i} style={[styles.colButton, heightButtonRow]}> <Button style={heightButtonRow} text={i.toString()} onPress={onPressNumber} /> </Col> ))} </Row> <Row style={[styles.row, heightButtonRow]}> {range(7, 10).map(i => ( <Col key={i} style={[styles.colButton, heightButtonRow]}> <Button style={heightButtonRow} text={i.toString()} onPress={onPressNumber} /> </Col> ))} </Row> <Row style={[styles.row, heightButtonRow]}> {showBiometry ? ( <Col style={[styles.colButton, heightButtonRow]}> <Button style={heightButtonRow} icon='fingerprint' onPress={onBiometryPress} /> </Col> ) : ( <Col style={[styles.colButton, heightButtonRow]} /> )} <Col style={[styles.colButton, heightButtonRow]}> <Button style={heightButtonRow} text='0' onPress={onPressNumber} /> </Col> <Col style={[styles.colButton, heightButtonRow]}> <Button style={heightButtonRow} icon='backspace' onPress={onPressDelete} /> </Col> </Row> </Grid> </Animatable.View> ); } ); export default Base;