/* [auto_generated] boost/numeric/odeint/config.hpp [begin_description] Sets configurations for odeint and used libraries. Should be included before any other odeint library [end_description] Copyright 2011-2012 Mario Mulansky Copyright 2011-2012 Karsten Ahnert Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_CONFIG_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_CONFIG_HPP_INCLUDED //increase macro variable to allow rk78 scheme #ifndef FUSION_MAX_VECTOR_SIZE #define FUSION_MAX_VECTOR_SIZE 15 #endif /* * the following definitions are only required if fusion vectors are used as state types * in the rk78 scheme * they should be defined by the user if required, see e.g. libs/numeric/examples/harmonic_oscillator_units.cpp */ #ifndef BOOST_FUSION_INVOKE_MAX_ARITY #define BOOST_FUSION_INVOKE_MAX_ARITY 15 #endif #ifndef BOOST_RESULT_OF_NUM_ARGS #define BOOST_RESULT_OF_NUM_ARGS 15 #endif #include <boost/config.hpp> #if __cplusplus >= 201103L #define BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_CXX11 1 #endif #endif // BOOST_NUMERIC_ODEINT_CONFIG_HPP_INCLUDED