# E2E Testing ## Contents 1. [Prepare test environment](##-1.-Prepare-test-environment) 2. [Prepare test data](##-2.-Prepare-test-data) 3. [Running tests](##-3.-Running-tests) 4. [FAQ](##-FAQ) ### 1. Prepare test environment #### 1.1. A Rocket.Chat server Either * Install Rocket.Chat meteor app by following this [guide](https://docs.rocket.chat/guides/developer/quick-start). Or * Use the local Docker environment available in this folder. You can start the environment using `./e2e/docker/controlRCDemoEnv.sh startandwait`, or you can use the packaged start & run script (see step 3). Either way, you'll need [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/) and [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/). #### 1.2. Set up detox * Install dependencies by following this [guide](https://github.com/wix/Detox/blob/master/docs/Introduction.GettingStarted.md#step-1-install-dependencies) (only Step 1). ### 2. Prepare test data * If you're running your own Rocket.Chat server, ensure it's started (e.g. `meteor npm start` in the server project directory). * Edit `e2e/data.ts`: * Set the `server` to the address of the server under test * Create a file called `e2e_account.ts`, in the same folder as `data.ts`. Set the `adminUser` and `adminPassword` to an admin user on that environment (or a user with at least `create-user` and `create-c` permissions). The example of how to create this file is on `e2e/e2e_account.example.ts` * Working example configs exist in `./e2e/data/`. Setting `FORCE_DEFAULT_DOCKER_DATA` to `1` in the `runTestsInDocker.sh` script will use the example config automatically ### 3. Running tests #### 3.1. iOS * Build app with detox: `detox build -c ios.sim.release` * Open Simulator which is used in tests (check in package.json under detox section) from Xcode and make sure that software keyboard is being displayed. To toggle keyboard press `cmd+K`. * Run tests: `detox test -c ios.sim.release`, or, if choosing Docker you can run the packaged environment & runner (`./e2e/docker/runTestsInDocker.sh`) which will start the Docker infrastructure, run the tests and tear it down again once done. #### 3.2. Android * Build app with detox: `detox build -c android.emu.debug` * Run: `react-native start` * Run Android emulator with name `ANDROID_API_28` via Android studio or `cd /Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/ && ./emulator -avd ANDROID_API_28` Note: if you need to run tests on different Android emulator then simply change emulator name in ./package.json detox configurations * Run tests: `detox test -c android.emu.debug` #### 3.3 Running a subset of tests Tests have been grouped into subfolders. You can choose to run just one group of tests by running, for example: `detox test ./e2e/tests/onboarding -c ios.sim.release` To do the same with the Docker runner: `./e2e/docker/runTestsInDocker.sh onboarding` ### 4. FAQ #### 4.1. Detox build fails * Delete `node_modules`, `ios/build`, `android/build`: `rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf ios/build && rm -rf android/build` * Install packages: `yarn install` * Kill metro bundler server by closing terminal or with following command: `lsof -ti:8081 | xargs kill` * Clear metro bundler cache: `watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-native-packager-cache-* && rm -rf $TMPDIR/metro-bundler-cache-*` * Make sure you have all required [environment](##-1.-Prepare-test-environment). * Now try building again with `detox build` (with specific configuration). #### 4.2. Detox iOS test run fails * Check if your meteor app is running by opening `localhost:3000` in browser. * Make sure software keyboard is displayed in simulator when focusing some input. To enable keyboard press `cmd+K`. * Make sure you have prepared all [test data](##-2.-Prepare-test-data). * Sometimes detox e2e tests fail for no reason so all you can do is simply re-run again. ### 5. Todo * TOTP test * Push notifications * Deep linking * Intermittent connectivity