import React from 'react'; import { StyleProp, StyleSheet, Text, TextStyle, View } from 'react-native'; import { Audio, AVPlaybackStatus, InterruptionModeAndroid, InterruptionModeIOS } from 'expo-av'; import Slider from '@react-native-community/slider'; import moment from 'moment'; import { dequal } from 'dequal'; import { activateKeepAwake, deactivateKeepAwake } from 'expo-keep-awake'; import { Sound } from 'expo-av/build/Audio/Sound'; import Touchable from './Touchable'; import Markdown from '../markdown'; import { CustomIcon } from '../CustomIcon'; import sharedStyles from '../../views/Styles'; import { themes } from '../../lib/constants'; import { isAndroid, isIOS } from '../../lib/methods/helpers'; import MessageContext from './Context'; import ActivityIndicator from '../ActivityIndicator'; import { withDimensions } from '../../dimensions'; import { TGetCustomEmoji } from '../../definitions/IEmoji'; import { IAttachment, IUserMessage } from '../../definitions'; import { TSupportedThemes, useTheme } from '../../theme'; import { downloadMediaFile, getMediaCache } from '../../lib/methods/handleMediaDownload'; import EventEmitter from '../../lib/methods/helpers/events'; import { PAUSE_AUDIO } from './constants'; import { fetchAutoDownloadEnabled } from '../../lib/methods/autoDownloadPreference'; interface IButton { loading: boolean; paused: boolean; disabled?: boolean; onPress: () => void; cached: boolean; } interface IMessageAudioProps { file: IAttachment; isReply?: boolean; style?: StyleProp[]; theme: TSupportedThemes; getCustomEmoji: TGetCustomEmoji; scale?: number; author?: IUserMessage; } interface IMessageAudioState { loading: boolean; currentTime: number; duration: number; paused: boolean; cached: boolean; } const mode = { allowsRecordingIOS: false, playsInSilentModeIOS: true, staysActiveInBackground: true, shouldDuckAndroid: true, playThroughEarpieceAndroid: false, interruptionModeIOS: InterruptionModeIOS.DoNotMix, interruptionModeAndroid: InterruptionModeAndroid.DoNotMix }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ audioContainer: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', height: 56, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 4, marginBottom: 6 }, playPauseButton: { marginHorizontal: 10, alignItems: 'center', backgroundColor: 'transparent' }, audioLoading: { marginHorizontal: 8 }, slider: { flex: 1 }, duration: { marginHorizontal: 12, fontSize: 14, ...sharedStyles.textRegular } }); const formatTime = (seconds: number) => moment.utc(seconds * 1000).format('mm:ss'); const BUTTON_HIT_SLOP = { top: 12, right: 12, bottom: 12, left: 12 }; const Button = React.memo(({ loading, paused, onPress, disabled, cached }: IButton) => { const { colors } = useTheme(); let customIconName: 'arrow-down-circle' | 'play-filled' | 'pause-filled' = 'arrow-down-circle'; if (cached) { customIconName = paused ? 'play-filled' : 'pause-filled'; } return ( {loading ? ( ) : ( )} ); }); Button.displayName = 'MessageAudioButton'; class MessageAudio extends React.Component { static contextType = MessageContext; private sound: Sound; constructor(props: IMessageAudioProps) { super(props); this.state = { loading: true, currentTime: 0, duration: 0, paused: true, cached: false }; this.sound = new Audio.Sound(); this.sound.setOnPlaybackStatusUpdate(this.onPlaybackStatusUpdate); } pauseSound = () => { EventEmitter.removeListener(PAUSE_AUDIO, this.pauseSound); this.togglePlayPause(); }; async componentDidMount() { const { file, isReply } = this.props; const cachedAudioResult = await getMediaCache({ type: 'audio', mimeType: file.audio_type, urlToCache: this.getUrl() }); if (cachedAudioResult?.exists) { await this.sound.loadAsync({ uri: cachedAudioResult.uri }); this.setState({ loading: false, cached: true }); return; } if (isReply) { this.setState({ loading: false }); return; } await this.handleAutoDownload(); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IMessageAudioProps, nextState: IMessageAudioState) { const { currentTime, duration, paused, loading, cached } = this.state; const { file, theme } = this.props; if (nextProps.theme !== theme) { return true; } if (nextState.currentTime !== currentTime) { return true; } if (nextState.duration !== duration) { return true; } if (nextState.paused !== paused) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextProps.file, file)) { return true; } if (nextState.loading !== loading) { return true; } if (nextState.cached !== cached) { return true; } return false; } componentDidUpdate() { const { paused } = this.state; if (paused) { deactivateKeepAwake(); } else { activateKeepAwake(); } } async componentWillUnmount() { EventEmitter.removeListener(PAUSE_AUDIO, this.pauseSound); try { await this.sound.stopAsync(); } catch { // Do nothing } } getUrl = () => { const { file } = this.props; // @ts-ignore can't use declare to type this const { baseUrl } = this.context; let url = file.audio_url; if (url && !url.startsWith('http')) { url = `${baseUrl}${file.audio_url}`; } return url; }; handleAutoDownload = async () => { const { author } = this.props; // @ts-ignore can't use declare to type this const { user } = this.context; const url = this.getUrl(); try { if (url) { const isCurrentUserAuthor = author?._id ===; const isAutoDownloadEnabled = fetchAutoDownloadEnabled('audioPreferenceDownload'); if (isAutoDownloadEnabled || isCurrentUserAuthor) { await this.handleDownload(); return; } this.setState({ loading: false, cached: false }); } } catch { // Do nothing } }; onPlaybackStatusUpdate = (status: AVPlaybackStatus) => { if (status) { this.onLoad(status); this.onProgress(status); this.onEnd(status); } }; onLoad = (data: AVPlaybackStatus) => { if (data.isLoaded && data.durationMillis) { const duration = data.durationMillis / 1000; this.setState({ duration: duration > 0 ? duration : 0 }); } }; onProgress = (data: AVPlaybackStatus) => { if (data.isLoaded) { const { duration } = this.state; const currentTime = data.positionMillis / 1000; if (currentTime <= duration) { this.setState({ currentTime }); } } }; onEnd = async (data: AVPlaybackStatus) => { if (data.isLoaded) { if (data.didJustFinish) { try { await this.sound.stopAsync(); this.setState({ paused: true, currentTime: 0 }); EventEmitter.removeListener(PAUSE_AUDIO, this.pauseSound); } catch { // do nothing } } } }; get duration() { const { currentTime, duration } = this.state; return formatTime(currentTime || duration); } togglePlayPause = () => { const { paused } = this.state; this.setState({ paused: !paused }, this.playPause); }; handleDownload = async () => { const { file } = this.props; // @ts-ignore can't use declare to type this const { user } = this.context; this.setState({ loading: true }); try { const url = this.getUrl(); if (url) { const audio = await downloadMediaFile({ downloadUrl: `${url}?rc_uid=${}&rc_token=${user.token}`, type: 'audio', mimeType: file.audio_type }); await this.sound.loadAsync({ uri: audio }); this.setState({ loading: false, cached: true }); } } catch { this.setState({ loading: false, cached: false }); } }; onPress = () => { const { cached } = this.state; if (cached) { this.togglePlayPause(); return; } this.handleDownload(); }; playPause = async () => { const { paused } = this.state; try { if (paused) { await this.sound.pauseAsync(); EventEmitter.removeListener(PAUSE_AUDIO, this.pauseSound); } else { EventEmitter.emit(PAUSE_AUDIO); EventEmitter.addEventListener(PAUSE_AUDIO, this.pauseSound); await Audio.setAudioModeAsync(mode); await this.sound.playAsync(); } } catch { // Do nothing } }; onValueChange = async (value: number) => { try { this.setState({ currentTime: value }); await this.sound.setPositionAsync(value * 1000); } catch { // Do nothing } }; render() { const { loading, paused, currentTime, duration, cached } = this.state; const { file, getCustomEmoji, theme, scale, isReply, style } = this.props; const { description } = file; // @ts-ignore can't use declare to type this const { baseUrl, user } = this.context; if (!baseUrl) { return null; } let thumbColor; if (isAndroid && isReply) { thumbColor = themes[theme].tintDisabled; } else if (isAndroid) { thumbColor = themes[theme].tintColor; } return ( <>