import React from 'react'; import { ScrollView } from 'react-native'; import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native'; import MessageComponent from './Message'; import { E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE, messagesStatus, themes } from '../../lib/constants'; import MessageSeparator from '../../views/RoomView/Separator'; import MessageContext from './Context'; const _theme = 'light'; const user = { id: 'y8bd77ptZswPj3EW8', username: 'diego.mello', token: 'abc' }; const author = { _id: 'userid', username: 'diego.mello' }; const longNameAuthor = { _id: 'userid', username: 'Long name user looooong name user' }; const baseUrl = ''; const date = new Date(2017, 10, 10, 10); const longText = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.'; const getCustomEmoji = (content: string) => { const customEmoji = { marioparty: { name: content, extension: 'gif' }, react_rocket: { name: content, extension: 'png' }, nyan_rocket: { name: content, extension: 'png' } }[content]; return customEmoji; }; export default { title: 'Message', decorators: [ (Story: any) => ( <NavigationContainer> <ScrollView style={{ backgroundColor: themes[_theme].backgroundColor }}> <MessageContext.Provider value={{ user, baseUrl, onPress: () => {}, onLongPress: () => {}, reactionInit: () => {}, onErrorPress: () => {}, replyBroadcast: () => {}, onReactionPress: () => {}, onDiscussionPress: () => {}, onReactionLongPress: () => {}, threadBadgeColor: themes.light.tunreadColor }} > <Story /> </MessageContext.Provider> </ScrollView> </NavigationContainer> ) ] }; export const Message = (props: any) => ( <MessageComponent baseUrl={baseUrl} user={user} author={author} ts={date} timeFormat='LT' isHeader getCustomEmoji={getCustomEmoji} theme={_theme} {...props} /> ); export const Basic = () => ( <> <Message msg='Message' /> <Message msg={longText} /> </> ); export const GroupedMessages = () => ( <> <Message msg='...' /> <Message msg='Different user' author={{, username: longText }} /> <Message msg='This is the third message' isHeader={false} /> <Message msg='This is the second message' isHeader={false} /> <Message msg='This is the first message' /> </> ); export const WithoutHeader = () => <Message msg='Message' isHeader={false} />; export const WithAlias = () => ( <> <Message msg='Message' alias='Diego Mello' /> <Message msg='Message' author={{, username: longText }} alias='Diego Mello' /> </> ); export const Edited = () => ( <> <Message msg='Message header' isEdited /> <Message msg='Message without header' isEdited isHeader={false} /> </> ); export const Encrypted = () => ( <> <Message msg='Message' type='e2e' /> <Message msg='Message Encrypted without Header' isHeader={false} type='e2e' /> <Message msg='Message Encrypted with Reactions' reactions={[ { emoji: ':joy:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':marioparty:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':thinking:', usernames: [user.username] } ]} onReactionPress={() => {}} type='e2e' /> <Message msg='Thread reply encrypted' tmid='1' tmsg='Thread with emoji :) :joy:' isThreadReply type='e2e' /> <Message msg='Temp message encrypted' status={messagesStatus.TEMP} isTemp type='e2e' /> <Message msg='Message Edited encrypted' edited type='e2e' /> <Message hasError msg='This message has error and is encrypted' status={messagesStatus.ERROR} onErrorPress={() => alert('Error pressed')} type='e2e' /> <Message msg='Read Receipt encrypted with Header' isReadReceiptEnabled read type='e2e' /> <Message msg='Read Receipt encrypted without Header' isReadReceiptEnabled read isHeader={false} type='e2e' /> </> ); export const BlockQuote = () => ( <> <Message msg='> Testing block quote' /> <Message msg={'> Testing block quote\nTesting block quote'} /> </> ); export const Lists = () => ( <> <Message msg={'* Dogs\n * cats\n - cats'} /> <Message msg={'1. Dogs \n 2. Cats'} /> <Message msg='1. Dogs' /> <Message msg='2. Cats' isHeader={false} /> </> ); export const StaticAvatar = () => ( <Message msg='Message' avatar='' /> ); export const FullName = () => ( <Message msg='Message' author={{, username: 'diego.mello', name: 'Diego Mello' }} useRealName /> ); export const Mentions = () => ( <> <Message msg=' @diego.mello @all @here #general' mentions={[ { username: '' }, { username: 'diego.mello' }, { username: 'all' }, { username: 'here' } ]} channels={[ { name: 'general' } ]} /> <Message msg=' Lorem ipsum dolor @diego.mello sit amet, @all consectetur adipiscing @here elit, sed do eiusmod tempor #general incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.' mentions={[ { username: '' }, { username: 'diego.mello' }, { username: 'all' }, { username: 'here' } ]} channels={[ { name: 'general' } ]} /> </> ); export const Emojis = () => ( <> <Message msg='👊🤙👏' /> <Message msg='👏' /> <Message msg=':react_rocket: :nyan_rocket: :marioparty:' /> <Message msg=':react_rocket:' /> <Message msg='🤙:react_rocket:' /> <Message msg='🤙:react_rocket:🤙🤙' /> </> ); export const TimeFormat = () => <Message msg='Testing' timeFormat='DD MMMM YYYY' />; export const Reactions = () => ( <> <Message msg='Reactions' reactions={[ { emoji: ':joy:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':marioparty:', usernames: new Array(99) }, { emoji: ':thinking:', usernames: new Array(999) }, { emoji: ':thinking:', usernames: new Array(9999) } ]} onReactionPress={() => {}} /> <Message msg='Multiple Reactions' reactions={[ { emoji: ':marioparty:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':react_rocket:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':nyan_rocket:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':heart:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':dog:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':grinning:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':grimacing:', usernames: [user.username] }, { emoji: ':grin:', usernames: [user.username] } ]} onReactionPress={() => {}} /> </> ); export const DateAndUnreadSeparators = () => ( <> <Message msg='Fourth message' author={{, username: '' }} /> <MessageSeparator ts={date} unread /> <Message msg='Third message' /> <MessageSeparator unread ts={null} /> <Message msg='Second message' author={{, username: '' }} isHeader={false} /> <Message msg='Second message' author={{, username: '' }} /> <MessageSeparator ts={date} unread={false} /> <Message msg='First message' /> </> ); export const WithImage = () => ( <> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description', image_url: '/dummypath' } ]} /> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:', image_url: '/dummypath' } ]} /> </> ); export const WithVideo = () => ( <> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:', video_url: '/dummypath' } ]} /> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', video_url: '/dummypath' } ]} /> </> ); export const WithAudio = () => ( <> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:', audio_url: '/dummypath' } ]} /> <Message msg='First message' isHeader={false} /> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description', audio_url: '/dummypath' } ]} isHeader={false} /> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', audio_url: '/dummypath' } ]} isHeader={false} /> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', audio_url: '/dummypath' } ]} isHeader={false} /> </> ); export const WithFile = () => ( <> <Message attachments={[ { text: 'File.pdf', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:' } ]} /> <Message attachments={[ { text: 'File.pdf', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:' } ]} isHeader={false} /> </> ); export const MessageWithReply = () => ( <> <Message msg="I'm fine!" attachments={[ { author_name: "I'm a very long long title and I'll break", ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'How are you?' } ]} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" attachments={[ { author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'How are you? :nyan_rocket:' } ]} /> <Message msg='Looks cool!' attachments={[ { author_name: '', attachments: [ { author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', description: 'What you think about this one?', image_url: '' } ], text: '' } ]} /> <Message msg='Yes, I am' attachments={[ { author_name: '', attachments: [ { author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', description: 'Are you seeing this mario :marioparty: ?', image_url: '' } ], text: '' } ]} /> </> ); export const MessageWithReadReceipt = () => ( <> <Message msg="I'm fine!" isReadReceiptEnabled unread /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" isReadReceiptEnabled unread isHeader={false} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" isReadReceiptEnabled read /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" isReadReceiptEnabled read isHeader={false} /> </> ); export const MessageWithThread = () => ( <> <Message msg='How are you?' tcount={1} tlm={date} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' tmsg='How are you?' isThreadReply /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' tmsg='Thread with emoji :) :joy:' isThreadReply /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' tmsg={longText} isThreadReply /> <Message msg={longText} tmid='1' tmsg='How are you?' isThreadReply /> <Message msg={longText} tmid='1' tmsg={longText} isThreadReply /> <Message tmid='1' tmsg='Thread with attachment' attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description :nyan_rocket:', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' } ]} isThreadReply /> </> ); export const SequentialThreadMessagesFollowingThreadButton = () => ( <> <Message msg='How are you?' tcount={1} tlm={date} /> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> <Message msg={longText} tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' } ]} tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> </> ); export const SequentialThreadMessagesFollowingThreadReply = () => ( <> <Message msg="I'm fine!" tmid='1' tmsg='How are you?' isThreadReply /> <Message msg='Cool!' tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> <Message msg={longText} tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> <Message attachments={[ { title: 'This is a title', description: 'This is a description', audio_url: '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac' } ]} tmid='1' isThreadSequential /> </> ); export const Discussion = () => ( <> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={null} dlm={null} msg='This is a discussion' /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={1} dlm={date} msg='This is a discussion' /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={10} dlm={date} msg={longText} /> <Message type='discussion-created' drid='aisduhasidhs' dcount={1000} dlm={date} msg='This is a discussion' /> </> ); export const URL = () => ( <> <Message urls={[ { url: '', image: '', title: 'Rocket.Chat - Free, Open Source, Enterprise Team Chat', description: 'Rocket.Chat is the leading open source team chat software solution. Free, unlimited and completely customizable with on-premises and SaaS cloud hosting.' }, { url: '', title: 'Google', description: "Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for." } ]} /> <Message urls={[ { url: '', title: 'Google', description: "Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for." } ]} msg='Message :nyan_rocket:' /> <Message urls={[ { url: '', title: 'Google', description: "Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for." } ]} isHeader={false} /> </> ); export const URLImagePreview = () => ( <> <Message urls={[ { url: '', title: 'Google', description: "Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for." } ]} /> <Message urls={[ { url: '' } ]} /> </> ); export const CustomFields = () => ( <> <Message msg='Message' attachments={[ { author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'Custom fields', fields: [ { title: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1' }, { title: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2' }, { title: 'Field 3', value: 'Value 3' }, { title: 'Field 4', value: 'Value 4' }, { title: 'Field 5', value: 'Value 5' } ] } ]} /> </> ); export const TwoShortCustomFieldsWithMarkdown = () => ( <Message msg='Message' attachments={[ { author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'Custom fields', fields: [ { title: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1', short: true }, { title: 'Field 2', value: '[Value 2](', short: true } ] }, { author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'Custom fields 2', fields: [ { title: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1', short: true }, { title: 'Field 2', value: '**Value 2**', short: true } ] } ]} /> ); export const ColoredAttachments = () => ( <Message attachments={[ { color: 'red', fields: [ { title: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1', short: true }, { title: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2', short: true } ] }, { color: 'green', fields: [ { title: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1', short: true }, { title: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2', short: true } ] }, { color: 'blue', fields: [ { title: 'Field 1', value: 'Value 1', short: true }, { title: 'Field 2', value: 'Value 2', short: true } ] } ]} /> ); export const Broadcast = () => <Message msg='Broadcasted message' broadcast replyBroadcast={() => alert('broadcast!')} />; export const Archived = () => <Message msg='This message is inside an archived room' archived />; export const Error = () => ( <> <Message hasError msg='This message has error' status={messagesStatus.ERROR} onErrorPress={() => alert('Error pressed')} /> <Message hasError msg='This message has error too' status={messagesStatus.ERROR} onErrorPress={() => alert('Error pressed')} isHeader={false} /> </> ); export const Temp = () => <Message msg='Temp message' status={messagesStatus.TEMP} isTemp />; export const Editing = () => <Message msg='Message being edited' editing />; export const SystemMessages = () => ( <> <Message type='rm' isInfo /> <Message type='uj' isInfo /> <Message msg='New name' type='message_pinned' isInfo attachments={[ { author_name: '', ts: date, timeFormat: 'LT', text: 'First message' } ]} /> <Message type='ul' isInfo /> <Message msg='' type='ru' isInfo /> <Message msg='' type='au' isInfo /> <Message msg='' type='user-muted' isInfo /> <Message msg='' type='user-unmuted' isInfo /> <Message msg='' role='admin' type='subscription-role-added' isInfo /> <Message msg='' role='admin' type='subscription-role-removed' isInfo /> <Message msg='New name' type='r' isInfo /> <Message msg='new description' type='room_changed_description' isInfo /> <Message msg='new announcement' type='room_changed_announcement' isInfo /> <Message msg='new topic' type='room_changed_topic' isInfo /> <Message msg='public' type='room_changed_privacy' isInfo /> <Message type='room_e2e_disabled' isInfo /> <Message type='room_e2e_enabled' isInfo /> <Message msg='' type='removed-user-from-team' isInfo /> <Message msg='' type='added-user-to-team' isInfo /> <Message type='user-added-room-to-team' isInfo msg='channel-name' /> <Message type='user-converted-to-team' isInfo msg='channel-name' /> <Message type='user-converted-to-channel' isInfo msg='channel-name' /> <Message type='user-deleted-room-from-team' isInfo msg='channel-name' /> <Message type='user-removed-room-from-team' isInfo msg='channel-name' /> </> ); export const Ignored = () => <Message isIgnored />; export const CustomStyle = () => <Message msg='Message' style={[{ backgroundColor: '#ddd' }]} />; export const ShowButtonAsAttachment = () => ( <> <Message attachments={[ { text: 'Test Button', actions: [ { type: 'button', text: 'Text button', msg: 'Response message', msg_in_chat_window: true } ] } ]} /> <Message attachments={[ { text: ':avocado: **Message with markdown**\n\n_Some text_\n\nThis is a test', actions: [ { type: 'button', text: 'Text button', msg: 'Response message', msg_in_chat_window: true } ] } ]} /> </> ); export const ThumbnailFromServer = () => ( <Message msg='this is a thumbnail' attachments={[ { text: 'Image text', thumb_url: '', title: 'Title', title_link: '' } ]} /> ); export const LongNameUser = () => ( <> <Message msg={'this is a normal message'} author={longNameAuthor} /> <Message msg={'Edited message'} author={longNameAuthor} isEdited /> <Message msg={'Encrypted message'} author={longNameAuthor} type={E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE} /> <Message msg={'Error message'} author={longNameAuthor} hasError /> <Message msg={'Message with read receipt'} author={longNameAuthor} isReadReceiptEnabled read /> <Message msg={'Message with read receipt'} author={longNameAuthor} isReadReceiptEnabled read type={E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE} /> <Message msg={'Show all icons '} author={longNameAuthor} isEdited type={E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE} hasError isReadReceiptEnabled read /> <Message msg={longText} author={longNameAuthor} isHeader={false} isEdited type={E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE} hasError isReadReceiptEnabled read /> <Message msg='small message' author={longNameAuthor} isHeader={false} isEdited type={E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE} hasError isReadReceiptEnabled read /> </> );