import React from 'react'; import { InteractionManager, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import parse from 'url-parse'; import moment from 'moment'; import * as Haptics from 'expo-haptics'; import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'; import { dequal } from 'dequal'; import { EdgeInsets, withSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { IReduxEmoji } from '../../definitions/IEmoji'; import Touch from '../../utils/touch'; import { replyBroadcast } from '../../actions/messages'; import database from '../../lib/database'; import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat'; import Message from '../../containers/message'; import MessageActions, { IMessageActions } from '../../containers/MessageActions'; import MessageErrorActions from '../../containers/MessageErrorActions'; import MessageBox, { IMessageBoxProps } from '../../containers/MessageBox'; import log, { events, logEvent } from '../../utils/log'; import EventEmitter from '../../utils/events'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import RoomHeader from '../../containers/RoomHeader'; import StatusBar from '../../containers/StatusBar'; import { themes } from '../../constants/colors'; import { MESSAGE_TYPE_ANY_LOAD, MESSAGE_TYPE_LOAD_MORE } from '../../constants/messageTypeLoad'; import debounce from '../../utils/debounce'; import ReactionsModal from '../../containers/ReactionsModal'; import { LISTENER } from '../../containers/Toast'; import { getBadgeColor, isBlocked, isTeamRoom, makeThreadName } from '../../utils/room'; import { isReadOnly } from '../../utils/isReadOnly'; import { isIOS, isTablet } from '../../utils/deviceInfo'; import { showErrorAlert } from '../../utils/info'; import { withTheme } from '../../theme'; import { KEY_COMMAND, handleCommandReplyLatest, handleCommandRoomActions, handleCommandScroll, handleCommandSearchMessages, IKeyCommandEvent } from '../../commands'; import { Review } from '../../utils/review'; import RoomClass from '../../lib/methods/subscriptions/room'; import { getUserSelector } from '../../selectors/login'; import { CONTAINER_TYPES } from '../../lib/methods/actions'; import Navigation from '../../lib/Navigation'; import SafeAreaView from '../../containers/SafeAreaView'; import { withDimensions } from '../../dimensions'; import { getHeaderTitlePosition } from '../../containers/Header'; import { E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE, E2E_STATUS } from '../../lib/encryption/constants'; import { takeInquiry } from '../../ee/omnichannel/lib'; import Loading from '../../containers/Loading'; import { goRoom, TGoRoomItem } from '../../utils/goRoom'; import getThreadName from '../../lib/methods/getThreadName'; import getRoomInfo from '../../lib/methods/getRoomInfo'; import RoomServices from './services'; import LoadMore from './LoadMore'; import Banner from './Banner'; import Separator from './Separator'; import RightButtons from './RightButtons'; import LeftButtons from './LeftButtons'; import styles from './styles'; import JoinCode, { IJoinCodeProps } from './JoinCode'; import UploadProgress from './UploadProgress'; import ReactionPicker from './ReactionPicker'; import List, { IListContainerProps, IListProps } from './List'; import { ChatsStackParamList } from '../../stacks/types'; import { IApplicationState, IAttachment, IBaseScreen, ILoggedUser, IMessage, ISubscription, IVisitor, SubscriptionType, TAnyMessageModel, TSubscriptionModel, TThreadModel } from '../../definitions'; import { ICustomEmojis } from '../../reducers/customEmojis'; const stateAttrsUpdate = [ 'joined', 'lastOpen', 'reactionsModalVisible', 'canAutoTranslate', 'selectedMessage', 'loading', 'editing', 'replying', 'reacting', 'readOnly', 'member', 'showingBlockingLoader' ]; const roomAttrsUpdate = [ 'f', 'ro', 'blocked', 'blocker', 'archived', 'tunread', 'muted', 'ignored', 'jitsiTimeout', 'announcement', 'sysMes', 'topic', 'name', 'fname', 'roles', 'bannerClosed', 'visitor', 'joinCodeRequired', 'teamMain', 'teamId' ] as const; interface IRoomViewProps extends IBaseScreen<ChatsStackParamList, 'RoomView'> { user: Pick<ILoggedUser, 'id' | 'username' | 'token' | 'showMessageInMainThread'>; appState: string; useRealName?: boolean; isAuthenticated: boolean; Message_GroupingPeriod?: number; Message_TimeFormat?: string; Message_Read_Receipt_Enabled?: boolean; Hide_System_Messages?: string[]; baseUrl: string; serverVersion: string | null; customEmojis: ICustomEmojis; isMasterDetail: boolean; replyBroadcast: Function; width: number; height: number; insets: EdgeInsets; } type TRoomUpdate = typeof roomAttrsUpdate[number]; interface IRoomViewState { [key: string]: any; joined: boolean; room: TSubscriptionModel | { rid: string; t: string; name?: string; fname?: string; prid?: string; joinCodeRequired?: boolean }; roomUpdate: { [K in TRoomUpdate]?: any; // TODO: get type from TSubscriptionModel }; member: any; lastOpen: Date | null; reactionsModalVisible: boolean; selectedMessage?: Object; canAutoTranslate: boolean; loading: boolean; showingBlockingLoader: boolean; editing: boolean; replying: boolean; replyWithMention: boolean; reacting: boolean; readOnly: boolean; unreadsCount: number | null; roomUserId?: string | null; } class RoomView extends React.Component<IRoomViewProps, IRoomViewState> { private rid?: string; private t?: string; private tmid?: string; private jumpToMessageId?: string; private jumpToThreadId?: string; // TODO: review these refs private messagebox: React.RefObject<IMessageBoxProps>; private list: React.RefObject<IListContainerProps>; private joinCode: React.RefObject<IJoinCodeProps>; private flatList: React.RefObject<IListProps>; private mounted: boolean; private sub?: any; private offset = 0; private didMountInteraction: any; private subSubscription?: Subscription; private queryUnreads?: Subscription; private retryInit = 0; private retryInitTimeout?: number; private retryFindCount = 0; private retryFindTimeout?: number; private messageErrorActions?: React.RefObject<any>; // TODO: type me private messageActions?: React.RefObject<IMessageActions>; constructor(props: IRoomViewProps) { super(props); console.time(`${} init`); console.time(`${} mount`); this.rid = props.route.params?.rid; this.t = props.route.params?.t; /** * On threads, we don't have a subscription. * `` is going to have only a few properties sent during navigation. * Use `this.tmid` as thread id. */ this.tmid = props.route.params?.tmid; const selectedMessage = props.route.params?.message; const name = props.route.params?.name; const fname = props.route.params?.fname; const prid = props.route.params?.prid; const room = props.route.params?.room ?? { rid: this.rid as string, t: this.t as string, name, fname, prid }; this.jumpToMessageId = props.route.params?.jumpToMessageId; this.jumpToThreadId = props.route.params?.jumpToThreadId; const roomUserId = props.route.params?.roomUserId ?? RocketChat.getUidDirectMessage(room); this.state = { joined: true, room, roomUpdate: {}, member: {}, lastOpen: null, reactionsModalVisible: false, selectedMessage, canAutoTranslate: false, loading: true, showingBlockingLoader: false, editing: false, replying: !!selectedMessage, replyWithMention: false, reacting: false, readOnly: false, unreadsCount: null, roomUserId }; this.setHeader(); if ('id' in room) { // @ts-ignore TODO: type guard isn't helping here :( this.observeRoom(room); } else if (this.rid) { this.findAndObserveRoom(this.rid); } this.setReadOnly(); this.messagebox = React.createRef(); this.list = React.createRef(); this.joinCode = React.createRef(); this.flatList = React.createRef(); this.mounted = false; // we don't need to subscribe to threads if (this.rid && !this.tmid) { this.sub = new RoomClass(this.rid); } console.timeEnd(`${} init`); } componentDidMount() { this.mounted = true; this.didMountInteraction = InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => { const { isAuthenticated } = this.props; this.setHeader(); if (this.rid) { this.sub?.subscribe?.(); if (isAuthenticated) { this.init(); } else { EventEmitter.addEventListener('connected', this.handleConnected); } } if (this.jumpToMessageId) { this.jumpToMessage(this.jumpToMessageId); } if (this.jumpToThreadId && !this.jumpToMessageId) { this.navToThread({ tmid: this.jumpToThreadId }); } if (isIOS && this.rid) { this.updateUnreadCount(); } }); if (isTablet) { EventEmitter.addEventListener(KEY_COMMAND, this.handleCommands); } EventEmitter.addEventListener('ROOM_REMOVED', this.handleRoomRemoved); console.timeEnd(`${} mount`); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: IRoomViewProps, nextState: IRoomViewState) { const { state } = this; const { roomUpdate, member } = state; const { appState, theme, insets, route } = this.props; if (theme !== nextProps.theme) { return true; } if (appState !== nextProps.appState) { return true; } if (member.statusText !== nextState.member.statusText) { return true; } const stateUpdated = stateAttrsUpdate.some(key => nextState[key] !== state[key]); if (stateUpdated) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextProps.insets, insets)) { return true; } if (!dequal(nextProps.route?.params, route?.params)) { return true; } return roomAttrsUpdate.some(key => !dequal(nextState.roomUpdate[key], roomUpdate[key])); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: IRoomViewProps, prevState: IRoomViewState) { const { roomUpdate } = this.state; const { appState, insets, route } = this.props; if (route?.params?.jumpToMessageId && route?.params?.jumpToMessageId !== prevProps.route?.params?.jumpToMessageId) { this.jumpToMessage(route?.params?.jumpToMessageId); } if (route?.params?.jumpToThreadId && route?.params?.jumpToThreadId !== prevProps.route?.params?.jumpToThreadId) { this.navToThread({ tmid: route?.params?.jumpToThreadId }); } if (appState === 'foreground' && appState !== prevProps.appState && this.rid) { // Fire List.query() just to keep observables working if (this.list && this.list.current) { // @ts-ignore TODO: is this working? this.list.current?.query?.(); } } // If it's not direct message if (this.t !== 'd') { if (roomUpdate.topic !== prevState.roomUpdate.topic) { this.setHeader(); } } // If it's a livechat room if (this.t === 'l') { if (!dequal(prevState.roomUpdate.visitor, roomUpdate.visitor)) { this.setHeader(); } } if (roomUpdate.teamMain !== prevState.roomUpdate.teamMain || roomUpdate.teamId !== prevState.roomUpdate.teamId) { this.setHeader(); } if ( (roomUpdate.fname !== prevState.roomUpdate.fname || !== || roomUpdate.teamMain !== prevState.roomUpdate.teamMain || roomUpdate.teamId !== prevState.roomUpdate.teamId) && !this.tmid ) { this.setHeader(); } if (insets.left !== prevProps.insets.left || insets.right !== prevProps.insets.right) { this.setHeader(); } this.setReadOnly(); } async componentWillUnmount() { const { editing, room } = this.state; const db =; this.mounted = false; if (!editing && this.messagebox && this.messagebox.current) { // @ts-ignore const { text } = this.messagebox.current; let obj: TSubscriptionModel | TThreadModel | null = null; if (this.tmid) { try { const threadsCollection = db.get('threads'); obj = await threadsCollection.find(this.tmid); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } } else { obj = room as TSubscriptionModel; } if (obj) { try { await db.write(async () => { // FIXME: why do I need to tell ts this is non null if we have that if condition above? await obj!.update(r => { r.draftMessage = text; }); }); } catch (error) { // Do nothing } } } this.unsubscribe(); if (this.didMountInteraction && this.didMountInteraction.cancel) { this.didMountInteraction.cancel(); } if (this.subSubscription && this.subSubscription.unsubscribe) { this.subSubscription.unsubscribe(); } if (this.queryUnreads && this.queryUnreads.unsubscribe) { this.queryUnreads.unsubscribe(); } if (this.retryInitTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.retryInitTimeout); } if (this.retryFindTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.retryFindTimeout); } EventEmitter.removeListener('connected', this.handleConnected); if (isTablet) { EventEmitter.removeListener(KEY_COMMAND, this.handleCommands); } EventEmitter.removeListener('ROOM_REMOVED', this.handleRoomRemoved); console.countReset(`${}.render calls`); } get isOmnichannel() { const { room } = this.state; return room.t === 'l'; } setHeader = () => { const { room, unreadsCount, roomUserId, joined } = this.state; const { navigation, isMasterDetail, theme, baseUrl, user, insets, route } = this.props; const { rid, tmid } = this; if (!room.rid) { return; } const prid = room?.prid; const isGroupChat = RocketChat.isGroupChat(room as ISubscription); let title = route.params?.name; let parentTitle = ''; // TODO: I think it's safe to remove this, but we need to test tablet without rooms if (!tmid) { title = RocketChat.getRoomTitle(room); } if (tmid) { parentTitle = RocketChat.getRoomTitle(room); } let subtitle: string | undefined; let t: string; let teamMain: boolean | undefined; let teamId: string | undefined; let encrypted: boolean | undefined; let userId: string | undefined; let token: string | undefined; let avatar: string | undefined; let visitor: IVisitor | undefined; if ('id' in room) { subtitle = room.topic; t = room.t; teamMain = room.teamMain; teamId = room.teamId; encrypted = room.encrypted; ({ id: userId, token } = user); avatar =; visitor = room.visitor; } let numIconsRight = 2; if (tmid) { numIconsRight = 1; } else if (teamId && isTeamRoom({ teamId, joined })) { numIconsRight = 3; } const headerTitlePosition = getHeaderTitlePosition({ insets, numIconsRight }); navigation.setOptions({ headerShown: true, headerTitleAlign: 'left', headerTitleContainerStyle: { left: headerTitlePosition.left, right: headerTitlePosition.right }, headerLeft: () => ( <LeftButtons tmid={tmid} unreadsCount={unreadsCount} navigation={navigation} baseUrl={baseUrl} userId={userId} token={token} title={avatar} theme={theme} t={t} goRoomActionsView={this.goRoomActionsView} isMasterDetail={isMasterDetail} /> ), headerTitle: () => ( <RoomHeader rid={rid} prid={prid} tmid={tmid} title={title} teamMain={teamMain} parentTitle={parentTitle} subtitle={subtitle} type={t} roomUserId={roomUserId} visitor={visitor} isGroupChat={isGroupChat} onPress={this.goRoomActionsView} testID={`room-view-title-${title}`} /> ), headerRight: () => ( <RightButtons rid={rid} tmid={tmid} teamId={teamId} joined={joined} t={t} encrypted={encrypted} navigation={navigation} toggleFollowThread={this.toggleFollowThread} /> ) }); }; goRoomActionsView = (screen?: string) => { logEvent(events.ROOM_GO_RA); const { room, member, joined } = this.state; const { navigation, isMasterDetail } = this.props; if (isMasterDetail) { // @ts-ignore TODO: find a way to make it work navigation.navigate('ModalStackNavigator', { // @ts-ignore screen: screen ?? 'RoomActionsView', params: { rid: this.rid as string, t: this.t as SubscriptionType, // @ts-ignore room, member, showCloseModal: !!screen, joined } }); } else if (this.rid && this.t) { navigation.push('RoomActionsView', { rid: this.rid, t: this.t as SubscriptionType, room: room as TSubscriptionModel, member, joined }); } }; setReadOnly = async () => { const { room } = this.state; const { user } = this.props; const readOnly = await isReadOnly(room as ISubscription, user.username as string); this.setState({ readOnly }); }; init = async () => { try { this.setState({ loading: true }); const { room, joined } = this.state; if (!this.rid) { return; } if (this.tmid) { await RoomServices.getThreadMessages(this.tmid, this.rid); } else { const newLastOpen = new Date(); await RoomServices.getMessages(room); // if room is joined if (joined && 'id' in room) { if (room.alert || room.unread || room.userMentions) { this.setLastOpen(; } else { this.setLastOpen(null); } RoomServices.readMessages(room.rid, newLastOpen).catch(e => console.log(e)); } } const canAutoTranslate = RocketChat.canAutoTranslate(); const member = await this.getRoomMember(); this.setState({ canAutoTranslate, member, loading: false }); } catch (e) { this.setState({ loading: false }); this.retryInit += 1; if (this.retryInit <= 1) { this.retryInitTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.init(); }, 300); } } }; getRoomMember = async () => { const { room } = this.state; const { t } = room; if ('id' in room && t === 'd' && !RocketChat.isGroupChat(room)) { try { const roomUserId = RocketChat.getUidDirectMessage(room); this.setState({ roomUserId }, () => this.setHeader()); const result = await RocketChat.getUserInfo(roomUserId); if (result.success) { return result.user; } } catch (e) { log(e); } } return {}; }; findAndObserveRoom = async (rid: string) => { try { const db =; const subCollection = await db.get('subscriptions'); const room = await subCollection.find(rid); this.setState({ room }); if (!this.tmid) { this.setHeader(); } this.observeRoom(room); } catch (error) { if (this.t !== 'd') { console.log('Room not found'); this.internalSetState({ joined: false }); } if (this.rid) { // We navigate to RoomView before the Room is inserted to the local db // So we retry just to make sure we have the right content this.retryFindCount = this.retryFindCount + 1 || 1; if (this.retryFindCount <= 3) { this.retryFindTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.findAndObserveRoom(rid); this.init(); }, 300); } } } }; unsubscribe = async () => { if (this.sub && this.sub.unsubscribe) { await this.sub.unsubscribe(); } delete this.sub; }; observeRoom = (room: TSubscriptionModel) => { const observable = room.observe(); this.subSubscription = observable.subscribe(changes => { const roomUpdate = roomAttrsUpdate.reduce((ret: any, attr) => { ret[attr] = changes[attr]; return ret; }, {}); if (this.mounted) { this.internalSetState({ room: changes, roomUpdate }); } else { // @ts-ignore = changes; // @ts-ignore this.state.roomUpdate = roomUpdate; } }); }; errorActionsShow = (message: TAnyMessageModel) => { // @ts-ignore this.messageErrorActions?.showMessageErrorActions(message); }; onEditInit = (message: TAnyMessageModel) => { const newMessage = { id:, subscription: { // @ts-ignore TODO: we can remove this after we merge a PR separating IMessage vs IMessageFromServer id: }, msg: message?.attachments?.[0]?.description || message.msg }; this.setState({ selectedMessage: newMessage, editing: true }); }; onEditCancel = () => { this.setState({ selectedMessage: undefined, editing: false }); }; onEditRequest = async (message: TAnyMessageModel) => { this.setState({ selectedMessage: undefined, editing: false }); try { await RocketChat.editMessage(message); } catch (e) { log(e); } }; onReplyInit = (message: TAnyMessageModel, mention: boolean) => { this.setState({ selectedMessage: message, replying: true, replyWithMention: mention }); }; onReplyCancel = () => { this.setState({ selectedMessage: undefined, replying: false, replyWithMention: false }); }; onReactionInit = (message: TAnyMessageModel) => { this.setState({ selectedMessage: message, reacting: true }); }; onReactionClose = () => { this.setState({ selectedMessage: undefined, reacting: false }); }; onMessageLongPress = (message: TAnyMessageModel) => { // @ts-ignore this.messageActions?.showMessageActions(message); }; showAttachment = (attachment: IAttachment) => { const { navigation } = this.props; // @ts-ignore navigation.navigate('AttachmentView', { attachment }); }; onReactionPress = async (shortname: string, messageId: string) => { try { await RocketChat.setReaction(shortname, messageId); this.onReactionClose(); Review.pushPositiveEvent(); } catch (e) { log(e); } }; onReactionLongPress = (message: TAnyMessageModel) => { this.setState({ selectedMessage: message, reactionsModalVisible: true }); Haptics.impactAsync(Haptics.ImpactFeedbackStyle.Light); }; onCloseReactionsModal = () => { this.setState({ selectedMessage: undefined, reactionsModalVisible: false }); }; onEncryptedPress = () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_ENCRYPTED_PRESS); const { navigation, isMasterDetail } = this.props; const screen = { screen: 'E2EHowItWorksView', params: { showCloseModal: true } }; if (isMasterDetail) { // @ts-ignore return navigation.navigate('ModalStackNavigator', screen); } // @ts-ignore navigation.navigate('E2ESaveYourPasswordStackNavigator', screen); }; onDiscussionPress = debounce( (item: TAnyMessageModel) => { const { navigation } = this.props; navigation.push('RoomView', { rid: item.drid as string, prid: item.rid, name: item.msg, t: 'p' as SubscriptionType }); }, 1000, true ); // eslint-disable-next-line react/sort-comp updateUnreadCount = async () => { if (!this.rid) { return; } const db =; const observable = await db .get('subscriptions') .query(Q.where('archived', false), Q.where('open', true), Q.where('rid', Q.notEq(this.rid))) .observeWithColumns(['unread']); this.queryUnreads = observable.subscribe(data => { const { unreadsCount } = this.state; const newUnreadsCount = data.filter(s => s.unread > 0).reduce((a, b) => a + (b.unread || 0), 0); if (unreadsCount !== newUnreadsCount) { this.setState({ unreadsCount: newUnreadsCount }, () => this.setHeader()); } }); }; onThreadPress = debounce((item: TAnyMessageModel) => this.navToThread(item), 1000, true); shouldNavigateToRoom = (message: IMessage) => { if (message.tmid && message.tmid === this.tmid) { return false; } if (!message.tmid && message.rid === this.rid) { return false; } return true; }; jumpToMessageByUrl = async (messageUrl?: string) => { if (!messageUrl) { return; } try { this.setState({ showingBlockingLoader: true }); const parsedUrl = parse(messageUrl, true); const messageId = parsedUrl.query.msg; if (messageId) { await this.jumpToMessage(messageId); } this.setState({ showingBlockingLoader: false }); } catch (e) { this.setState({ showingBlockingLoader: false }); log(e); } }; jumpToMessage = async (messageId: string) => { try { this.setState({ showingBlockingLoader: true }); const message = await RoomServices.getMessageInfo(messageId); if (!message) { return; } if (this.shouldNavigateToRoom(message)) { if (message.rid !== this.rid) { this.navToRoom(message); } else { this.navToThread(message); } } else { /** * if it's from server, we don't have it saved locally and so we fetch surroundings * we test if it's not from threads because we're fetching from threads currently with `getThreadMessages` */ if (message.fromServer && !message.tmid) { await RocketChat.loadSurroundingMessages({ messageId, rid: this.rid }); } // @ts-ignore await Promise.race([this.list.current.jumpToMessage(, new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 5000))]); // @ts-ignore this.list.current.cancelJumpToMessage(); } } catch (e) { log(e); } finally { this.setState({ showingBlockingLoader: false }); } }; replyBroadcast = (message: Record<string, string>) => { const { dispatch } = this.props; dispatch(replyBroadcast(message)); }; handleConnected = () => { this.init(); EventEmitter.removeListener('connected', this.handleConnected); }; handleRoomRemoved = ({ rid }: { rid: string }) => { const { room } = this.state; if (rid === this.rid) { Navigation.navigate('RoomsListView'); !this.isOmnichannel && showErrorAlert(I18n.t('You_were_removed_from_channel', { channel: RocketChat.getRoomTitle(room) }), I18n.t('Oops')); } }; internalSetState = (...args: any[]) => { if (!this.mounted) { return; } // @ts-ignore TODO: TS is complaining about this, but I don't feel like changing rn since it should be working this.setState(...args); }; sendMessage = (message: string, tmid?: string, tshow?: boolean) => { logEvent(events.ROOM_SEND_MESSAGE); const { rid } =; const { user } = this.props; RocketChat.sendMessage(rid, message, this.tmid || tmid, user, tshow).then(() => { if (this.list && this.list.current) { // @ts-ignore this.list.current.update(); } this.setLastOpen(null); Review.pushPositiveEvent(); }); }; // TODO: We need to unify getCustomEmoji = (name: string): IReduxEmoji | null => { const { customEmojis } = this.props; const emoji = customEmojis[name]; if (emoji) { return emoji; } return null; }; setLastOpen = (lastOpen: Date | null) => this.setState({ lastOpen }); onJoin = () => { this.internalSetState({ joined: true }); }; joinRoom = async () => { logEvent(events.ROOM_JOIN); try { const { room } = this.state; if (this.isOmnichannel) { if ('_id' in room) { await takeInquiry(room._id); } this.onJoin(); } else { const { joinCodeRequired, rid } = room; if (joinCodeRequired) { // @ts-ignore this.joinCode.current?.show(); } else { await RocketChat.joinRoom(rid, null, this.t as any); this.onJoin(); } } } catch (e) { log(e); } }; getThreadName = (tmid: string, messageId: string) => { const { rid } =; return getThreadName(rid, tmid, messageId); }; toggleFollowThread = async (isFollowingThread: boolean, tmid?: string) => { try { const threadMessageId = tmid ?? this.tmid; if (!threadMessageId) { return; } await RocketChat.toggleFollowMessage(threadMessageId, !isFollowingThread); EventEmitter.emit(LISTENER, { message: isFollowingThread ? I18n.t('Unfollowed_thread') : I18n.t('Following_thread') }); } catch (e) { log(e); } }; getBadgeColor = (messageId: string) => { const { room } = this.state; const { theme } = this.props; return getBadgeColor({ subscription: room, theme, messageId }); }; navToRoomInfo = (navParam: any) => { const { navigation, user, isMasterDetail } = this.props; logEvent(events[`ROOM_GO_${navParam.t === 'd' ? 'USER' : 'ROOM'}_INFO`]); if (navParam.rid === { return; } if (isMasterDetail) { navParam.showCloseModal = true; // @ts-ignore navigation.navigate('ModalStackNavigator', { screen: 'RoomInfoView', params: navParam }); } else { navigation.navigate('RoomInfoView', navParam); } }; navToThread = async (item: TAnyMessageModel | { tmid: string }) => { const { roomUserId } = this.state; const { navigation } = this.props; if (!this.rid) { return; } if (item.tmid) { let name = ''; let jumpToMessageId = ''; if ('id' in item) { name = item.tmsg ?? ''; jumpToMessageId =; } if (!name) { const result = await this.getThreadName(item.tmid, jumpToMessageId); // test if there isn't a thread if (!result) { return; } name = result; } if ('id' in item && item.t === E2E_MESSAGE_TYPE && item.e2e !== E2E_STATUS.DONE) { name = I18n.t('Encrypted_message'); } return navigation.push('RoomView', { rid: this.rid, tmid: item.tmid, name, t: SubscriptionType.THREAD, roomUserId, jumpToMessageId }); } if ('tlm' in item) { return navigation.push('RoomView', { rid: this.rid, tmid:, name: makeThreadName(item), t: SubscriptionType.THREAD, roomUserId }); } }; navToRoom = async (message: TAnyMessageModel) => { const { navigation, isMasterDetail } = this.props; const roomInfo = await getRoomInfo(message.rid); return goRoom({ item: roomInfo as TGoRoomItem, isMasterDetail, navigationMethod: navigation.push, jumpToMessageId: }); }; callJitsi = () => { const { room } = this.state; if ('id' in room) { const { jitsiTimeout } = room; if (jitsiTimeout && jitsiTimeout < { showErrorAlert(I18n.t('Call_already_ended')); } else { RocketChat.callJitsi(room); } } }; handleCommands = ({ event }: { event: IKeyCommandEvent }) => { if (this.rid) { const { input } = event; if (handleCommandScroll(event)) { const offset = input === 'UIKeyInputUpArrow' ? 100 : -100; this.offset += offset; // @ts-ignore this.flatList?.scrollToOffset({ offset: this.offset }); } else if (handleCommandRoomActions(event)) { this.goRoomActionsView(); } else if (handleCommandSearchMessages(event)) { this.goRoomActionsView('SearchMessagesView'); } else if (handleCommandReplyLatest(event)) { if (this.list && this.list.current) { // @ts-ignore const message = this.list.current.getLastMessage(); this.onReplyInit(message, false); } } } }; blockAction = ({ actionId, appId, value, blockId, rid, mid }: { actionId: string; appId: string; value: any; blockId: string; rid: string; mid: string; }) => RocketChat.triggerBlockAction({ blockId, actionId, value, mid, rid, appId, container: { type: CONTAINER_TYPES.MESSAGE, id: mid } }); closeBanner = async () => { const { room } = this.state; if ('id' in room) { try { const db =; await db.write(async () => { await room.update(r => { r.bannerClosed = true; }); }); } catch { // do nothing } } }; isIgnored = (message: TAnyMessageModel): boolean => { const { room } = this.state; if ('id' in room) { return room?.ignored?.includes?.(message?.u?._id) ?? false; } return false; }; onLoadMoreMessages = (loaderItem: TAnyMessageModel) => { const { room } = this.state; return RoomServices.getMoreMessages({ rid: room.rid, tmid: this.tmid, t: room.t as any, loaderItem }); }; renderItem = (item: TAnyMessageModel, previousItem: TAnyMessageModel, highlightedMessage?: string) => { const { room, lastOpen, canAutoTranslate } = this.state; const { user, Message_GroupingPeriod, Message_TimeFormat, useRealName, baseUrl, Message_Read_Receipt_Enabled } = this.props; let dateSeparator = null; let showUnreadSeparator = false; if (!previousItem) { dateSeparator = item.ts; showUnreadSeparator = moment(item.ts).isAfter(lastOpen); } else { showUnreadSeparator = (lastOpen && moment(item.ts).isSameOrAfter(lastOpen) && moment(previousItem.ts).isBefore(lastOpen)) ?? false; if (!moment(item.ts).isSame(previousItem.ts, 'day')) { dateSeparator = item.ts; } } let content = null; if (item.t && MESSAGE_TYPE_ANY_LOAD.includes(item.t)) { content = ( <LoadMore load={() => this.onLoadMoreMessages(item)} type={item.t} runOnRender={item.t === MESSAGE_TYPE_LOAD_MORE && !previousItem} /> ); } else { content = ( <Message item={item} user={user as any} rid={room.rid} archived={'id' in room && room.archived} broadcast={'id' in room && room.broadcast} status={item.status} isThreadRoom={!!this.tmid} isIgnored={this.isIgnored(item)} previousItem={previousItem} fetchThreadName={this.getThreadName} onReactionPress={this.onReactionPress} onReactionLongPress={this.onReactionLongPress} onLongPress={this.onMessageLongPress} onEncryptedPress={this.onEncryptedPress} onDiscussionPress={this.onDiscussionPress} onThreadPress={this.onThreadPress} onAnswerButtonPress={this.sendMessage} showAttachment={this.showAttachment} reactionInit={this.onReactionInit} replyBroadcast={this.replyBroadcast} errorActionsShow={this.errorActionsShow} baseUrl={baseUrl} Message_GroupingPeriod={Message_GroupingPeriod} timeFormat={Message_TimeFormat} useRealName={useRealName} isReadReceiptEnabled={Message_Read_Receipt_Enabled} autoTranslateRoom={canAutoTranslate && 'id' in room && room.autoTranslate} autoTranslateLanguage={'id' in room ? room.autoTranslateLanguage : undefined} navToRoomInfo={this.navToRoomInfo} getCustomEmoji={this.getCustomEmoji} callJitsi={this.callJitsi} blockAction={this.blockAction} threadBadgeColor={this.getBadgeColor(item?.id)} toggleFollowThread={this.toggleFollowThread} jumpToMessage={this.jumpToMessageByUrl} highlighted={highlightedMessage ===} /> ); } if (showUnreadSeparator || dateSeparator) { return ( <> {content} <Separator ts={dateSeparator} unread={showUnreadSeparator} /> </> ); } return content; }; renderFooter = () => { const { joined, room, selectedMessage, editing, replying, replyWithMention, readOnly, loading } = this.state; const { navigation, theme, route } = this.props; const usedCannedResponse = route?.params?.usedCannedResponse; if (!this.rid) { return null; } if (!joined && !this.tmid) { return ( <View style={styles.joinRoomContainer} key='room-view-join' testID='room-view-join'> <Text accessibilityLabel={I18n.t('You_are_in_preview_mode')} style={[styles.previewMode, { color: themes[theme].titleText }]}> {I18n.t('You_are_in_preview_mode')} </Text> <Touch onPress={this.joinRoom} style={[styles.joinRoomButton, { backgroundColor: themes[theme].actionTintColor }]} enabled={!loading} theme={theme}> <Text style={[styles.joinRoomText, { color: themes[theme].buttonText }]} testID='room-view-join-button'> {I18n.t(this.isOmnichannel ? 'Take_it' : 'Join')} </Text> </Touch> </View> ); } if (readOnly) { return ( <View style={styles.readOnly}> <Text style={[styles.previewMode, { color: themes[theme].titleText }]} accessibilityLabel={I18n.t('This_room_is_read_only')}> {I18n.t('This_room_is_read_only')} </Text> </View> ); } if ('id' in room && isBlocked(room)) { return ( <View style={styles.readOnly}> <Text style={[styles.previewMode, { color: themes[theme].titleText }]}>{I18n.t('This_room_is_blocked')}</Text> </View> ); } return ( <MessageBox ref={this.messagebox} onSubmit={this.sendMessage} rid={this.rid} tmid={this.tmid} roomType={room.t} isFocused={navigation.isFocused} theme={theme} message={selectedMessage} editing={editing} editRequest={this.onEditRequest} editCancel={this.onEditCancel} replying={replying} replyWithMention={replyWithMention} replyCancel={this.onReplyCancel} getCustomEmoji={this.getCustomEmoji} navigation={navigation} usedCannedResponse={usedCannedResponse} /> ); }; renderActions = () => { const { room, readOnly } = this.state; const { user } = this.props; if (!('id' in room)) { return null; } return ( <> <MessageActions // @ts-ignore ref={ref => (this.messageActions = ref)} tmid={this.tmid} room={room} user={user} editInit={this.onEditInit} replyInit={this.onReplyInit} reactionInit={this.onReactionInit} onReactionPress={this.onReactionPress} isReadOnly={readOnly} /> {/* @ts-ignore TODO: missing interface on MessageErrorActions */} <MessageErrorActions ref={ref => (this.messageErrorActions = ref)} tmid={this.tmid} /> </> ); }; render() { console.count(`${}.render calls`); const { room, reactionsModalVisible, selectedMessage, loading, reacting, showingBlockingLoader } = this.state; const { user, baseUrl, theme, navigation, Hide_System_Messages, width, height, serverVersion } = this.props; const { rid, t } = room; let sysMes; let bannerClosed; let announcement; let tunread; let ignored; if ('id' in room) { ({ sysMes, bannerClosed, announcement, tunread, ignored } = room); } return ( <SafeAreaView style={{ backgroundColor: themes[theme].backgroundColor }} testID='room-view'> <StatusBar /> <Banner title={I18n.t('Announcement')} text={announcement} bannerClosed={bannerClosed} closeBanner={this.closeBanner} /> <List // @ts-ignore ref={this.list} listRef={this.flatList} rid={rid} t={t} tmid={this.tmid} theme={theme} tunread={tunread} ignored={ignored} renderRow={this.renderItem} loading={loading} navigation={navigation} hideSystemMessages={Array.isArray(sysMes) ? sysMes : Hide_System_Messages} showMessageInMainThread={user.showMessageInMainThread ?? false} serverVersion={serverVersion} /> {this.renderFooter()} {this.renderActions()} <ReactionPicker show={reacting} message={selectedMessage} onEmojiSelected={this.onReactionPress} reactionClose={this.onReactionClose} width={width} height={height} theme={theme} /> <UploadProgress rid={rid} user={user} baseUrl={baseUrl} width={width} /> <ReactionsModal message={selectedMessage} isVisible={reactionsModalVisible} user={user} baseUrl={baseUrl} onClose={this.onCloseReactionsModal} getCustomEmoji={this.getCustomEmoji} theme={theme} /> <JoinCode ref={this.joinCode} onJoin={this.onJoin} rid={rid} t={t} theme={theme} /> <Loading visible={showingBlockingLoader} /> </SafeAreaView> ); } } const mapStateToProps = (state: IApplicationState) => ({ user: getUserSelector(state), isMasterDetail:, appState: && ? 'foreground' : 'background', useRealName: state.settings.UI_Use_Real_Name as boolean, isAuthenticated: state.login.isAuthenticated, Message_GroupingPeriod: state.settings.Message_GroupingPeriod as number, Message_TimeFormat: state.settings.Message_TimeFormat as string, customEmojis: state.customEmojis, baseUrl: state.server.server, serverVersion: state.server.version, Message_Read_Receipt_Enabled: state.settings.Message_Read_Receipt_Enabled as boolean, Hide_System_Messages: state.settings.Hide_System_Messages as string[] }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withDimensions(withTheme(withSafeAreaInsets(RoomView))));