import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { View, TextInput, FlatList, Text, TouchableOpacity, Alert, ScrollView } from 'react-native'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { emojify } from 'react-emojione'; import { KeyboardAccessoryView } from 'react-native-keyboard-input'; import ImagePicker from 'react-native-image-crop-picker'; import equal from 'deep-equal'; import ActionSheet from 'react-native-action-sheet'; import { userTyping as userTypingAction } from '../../actions/room'; import { editRequest as editRequestAction, editCancel as editCancelAction, replyCancel as replyCancelAction } from '../../actions/messages'; import RocketChat from '../../lib/rocketchat'; import styles from './styles'; import database from '../../lib/realm'; import Avatar from '../Avatar'; import CustomEmoji from '../EmojiPicker/CustomEmoji'; import { emojis } from '../../emojis'; import Recording from './Recording'; import UploadModal from './UploadModal'; import log from '../../utils/log'; import I18n from '../../i18n'; import ReplyPreview from './ReplyPreview'; import debounce from '../../utils/debounce'; import { COLOR_TEXT_DESCRIPTION } from '../../constants/colors'; import LeftButtons from './LeftButtons'; import RightButtons from './RightButtons'; import { isAndroid } from '../../utils/deviceInfo'; import CommandPreview from './CommandPreview'; const MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_USERS = '@'; const MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_EMOJIS = ':'; const MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS = '/'; const MENTIONS_COUNT_TO_DISPLAY = 4; const onlyUnique = function onlyUnique(value, index, self) { return self.indexOf(({ _id }) => value._id === _id) === index; }; const imagePickerConfig = { cropping: true, compressImageQuality: 0.8, avoidEmptySpaceAroundImage: false, cropperChooseText: I18n.t('Choose'), cropperCancelText: I18n.t('Cancel') }; const fileOptions = [I18n.t('Cancel')]; const FILE_CANCEL_INDEX = 0; // Photo fileOptions.push(I18n.t('Take_a_photo')); const FILE_PHOTO_INDEX = 1; // Library fileOptions.push(I18n.t('Choose_from_library')); const FILE_LIBRARY_INDEX = 2; class MessageBox extends Component { static propTypes = { rid: PropTypes.string.isRequired, baseUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired, message: PropTypes.object, replyMessage: PropTypes.object, replying: PropTypes.bool, editing: PropTypes.bool, threadsEnabled: PropTypes.bool, isFocused: PropTypes.bool, user: PropTypes.shape({ id: PropTypes.string, username: PropTypes.string, token: PropTypes.string }), roomType: PropTypes.string, tmid: PropTypes.string, editCancel: PropTypes.func.isRequired, editRequest: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onSubmit: PropTypes.func.isRequired, typing: PropTypes.func, closeReply: PropTypes.func } constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { mentions: [], showEmojiKeyboard: false, showSend: false, recording: false, trackingType: '', file: { isVisible: false }, commandPreview: [] }; this.showCommandPreview = false; this.commands = []; this.users = []; this.rooms = []; this.emojis = []; this.customEmojis = []; this.onEmojiSelected = this.onEmojiSelected.bind(this); this.text = ''; } componentDidMount() { const { rid, tmid } = this.props; let msg; if (tmid) { const thread = database.objectForPrimaryKey('threads', tmid); if (thread) { msg = thread.draftMessage; } } else { const [room] = database.objects('subscriptions').filtered('rid = $0', rid); if (room) { msg = room.draftMessage; } } if (msg) { this.setInput(msg); this.setShowSend(true); } if (isAndroid) { require('./EmojiKeyboard'); } } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { const { message, replyMessage, isFocused } = this.props; if (!isFocused) { return; } if (!equal(message, nextProps.message) && nextProps.message.msg) { this.setInput(nextProps.message.msg); if (this.text) { this.setShowSend(true); } this.focus(); } else if (!equal(replyMessage, nextProps.replyMessage)) { this.focus(); } else if (!nextProps.message) { this.clearInput(); } } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { const { showEmojiKeyboard, showSend, recording, mentions, file, commandPreview } = this.state; const { roomType, replying, editing, isFocused } = this.props; if (!isFocused) { return false; } if (nextProps.roomType !== roomType) { return true; } if (nextProps.replying !== replying) { return true; } if (nextProps.editing !== editing) { return true; } if (nextState.showEmojiKeyboard !== showEmojiKeyboard) { return true; } if (nextState.showSend !== showSend) { return true; } if (nextState.recording !== recording) { return true; } if (!equal(nextState.mentions, mentions)) { return true; } if (!equal(nextState.commandPreview, commandPreview)) { return true; } if (!equal(nextState.file, file)) { return true; } return false; } onChangeText = debounce((text) => { const isTextEmpty = text.length === 0; this.setShowSend(!isTextEmpty); this.handleTyping(!isTextEmpty); this.setInput(text); // matches if their is text that stats with '/' and group the command and params so we can use it "/command params" const slashCommand = text.match(/^\/([a-z0-9._-]+) (.+)/im); if (slashCommand) { const [, name, params] = slashCommand; const command = database.objects('slashCommand').filtered('command == $0', name); if (command && command[0] && command[0].providesPreview) { return this.setCommandPreview(name, params); } } if (!isTextEmpty) { const { start, end } = this.component._lastNativeSelection; const cursor = Math.max(start, end); const lastNativeText = this.component._lastNativeText; // matches if text either starts with '/' or have (@,#,:) then it groups whatever comes next of mention type const regexp = /(#|@|:|^\/)([a-z0-9._-]+)$/im; const result = lastNativeText.substr(0, cursor).match(regexp); this.showCommandPreview = false; if (!result) { const slash = lastNativeText.match(/^\/$/); // matches only '/' in input if (slash) { return this.identifyMentionKeyword('', MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS); } return this.stopTrackingMention(); } const [, lastChar, name] = result; this.identifyMentionKeyword(name, lastChar); } else { this.stopTrackingMention(); this.showCommandPreview = false; } }, 100) onKeyboardResigned = () => { this.closeEmoji(); } onPressMention = (item) => { if (!this.component) { return; } const { trackingType } = this.state; const msg = this.text; const { start, end } = this.component._lastNativeSelection; const cursor = Math.max(start, end); const regexp = /([a-z0-9._-]+)$/im; const result = msg.substr(0, cursor).replace(regexp, ''); const mentionName = trackingType === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_EMOJIS ? `${ || item }:` : (item.username || || item.command); const text = `${ result }${ mentionName } ${ msg.slice(cursor) }`; if ((trackingType === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS) && item.providesPreview) { this.showCommandPreview = true; } this.setInput(text); this.focus(); requestAnimationFrame(() => this.stopTrackingMention()); } onPressCommandPreview = (item) => { const { rid } = this.props; const { text } = this; const command = text.substr(0, text.indexOf(' ')).slice(1); const params = text.substr(text.indexOf(' ') + 1) || 'params'; this.showCommandPreview = false; this.setState({ commandPreview: [] }); this.stopTrackingMention(); this.clearInput(); try { RocketChat.executeCommandPreview(command, params, rid, item); } catch (e) { log('onPressCommandPreview', e); } } onEmojiSelected = (keyboardId, params) => { const { text } = this; const { emoji } = params; let newText = ''; // if messagebox has an active cursor if (this.component && this.component._lastNativeSelection) { const { start, end } = this.component._lastNativeSelection; const cursor = Math.max(start, end); newText = `${ text.substr(0, cursor) }${ emoji }${ text.substr(cursor) }`; } else { // if messagebox doesn't have a cursor, just append selected emoji newText = `${ text }${ emoji }`; } this.setInput(newText); this.setShowSend(true); } getPermalink = async(message) => { try { return await RocketChat.getPermalinkMessage(message); } catch (error) { return null; } } getFixedMentions = (keyword) => { if ('all'.indexOf(keyword) !== -1) { this.users = [{ _id: -1, username: 'all' }, ...this.users]; } if ('here'.indexOf(keyword) !== -1) { this.users = [{ _id: -2, username: 'here' }, ...this.users]; } } getUsers = async(keyword) => { this.users = database.objects('users'); if (keyword) { this.users = this.users.filtered('username CONTAINS[c] $0', keyword); } this.getFixedMentions(keyword); this.setState({ mentions: this.users.slice() }); const usernames = []; if (keyword && this.users.length > 7) { return; } this.users.forEach(user => usernames.push(user.username)); if (this.oldPromise) { this.oldPromise(); } try { const results = await Promise.race([ RocketChat.spotlight(keyword, usernames, { users: true }), new Promise((resolve, reject) => (this.oldPromise = reject)) ]); if (results.users && results.users.length) { database.write(() => { results.users.forEach((user) => { try { database.create('users', user, true); } catch (e) { log('err_create_users', e); } }); }); } } catch (e) { console.warn('spotlight canceled'); } finally { delete this.oldPromise; this.users = database.objects('users').filtered('username CONTAINS[c] $0', keyword).slice(0, MENTIONS_COUNT_TO_DISPLAY); this.getFixedMentions(keyword); this.setState({ mentions: this.users }); } } getRooms = async(keyword = '') => { this.roomsCache = this.roomsCache || []; this.rooms = database.objects('subscriptions') .filtered('t != $0', 'd'); if (keyword) { this.rooms = this.rooms.filtered('name CONTAINS[c] $0', keyword); } const rooms = []; this.rooms.forEach(room => rooms.push(room)); this.roomsCache.forEach((room) => { if ( && !== -1) { rooms.push(room); } }); if (rooms.length > 3) { this.setState({ mentions: rooms }); return; } if (this.oldPromise) { this.oldPromise(); } try { const results = await Promise.race([ RocketChat.spotlight(keyword, [...rooms, ...this.roomsCache].map(r =>, { rooms: true }), new Promise((resolve, reject) => (this.oldPromise = reject)) ]); if (results.rooms && results.rooms.length) { this.roomsCache = [...this.roomsCache, ...results.rooms].filter(onlyUnique); } this.setState({ mentions: [...rooms.slice(), ...results.rooms] }); } catch (e) { console.warn('spotlight canceled'); } finally { delete this.oldPromise; } } getEmojis = (keyword) => { if (keyword) { this.customEmojis = database.objects('customEmojis').filtered('name CONTAINS[c] $0', keyword).slice(0, MENTIONS_COUNT_TO_DISPLAY); this.emojis = emojis.filter(emoji => emoji.indexOf(keyword) !== -1).slice(0, MENTIONS_COUNT_TO_DISPLAY); const mergedEmojis = [...this.customEmojis, ...this.emojis].slice(0, MENTIONS_COUNT_TO_DISPLAY); this.setState({ mentions: mergedEmojis }); } } getSlashCommands = (keyword) => { this.commands = database.objects('slashCommand').filtered('command CONTAINS[c] $0', keyword); this.setState({ mentions: this.commands }); } focus = () => { if (this.component && this.component.focus) { this.component.focus(); } } handleTyping = (isTyping) => { const { typing, rid } = this.props; if (!isTyping) { if (this.typingTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.typingTimeout); this.typingTimeout = false; } typing(rid, false); return; } if (this.typingTimeout) { return; } this.typingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { typing(rid, true); this.typingTimeout = false; }, 1000); } setCommandPreview = async(command, params) => { const { rid } = this.props; try { const { preview } = await RocketChat.getCommandPreview(command, rid, params); this.showCommandPreview = true; this.setState({ commandPreview: preview.items }); } catch (e) { this.showCommandPreview = false; log('command Preview', e); } } setInput = (text) => { this.text = text; if (this.component && this.component.setNativeProps) { this.component.setNativeProps({ text }); } } setShowSend = (showSend) => { this.setState({ showSend }); } clearInput = () => { this.setInput(''); this.setShowSend(false); } sendImageMessage = async(file) => { const { rid, tmid } = this.props; this.setState({ file: { isVisible: false } }); const fileInfo = { name:, description: file.description, size: file.size, type: file.mime, store: 'Uploads', path: file.path }; try { await RocketChat.sendFileMessage(rid, fileInfo, tmid); } catch (e) { log('err_send_image', e); } } takePhoto = async() => { try { const image = await ImagePicker.openCamera(imagePickerConfig); this.showUploadModal(image); } catch (e) { log('err_take_photo', e); } } chooseFromLibrary = async() => { try { const image = await ImagePicker.openPicker(imagePickerConfig); this.showUploadModal(image); } catch (e) { log('err_choose_from_library', e); } } showUploadModal = (file) => { this.setState({ file: { ...file, isVisible: true } }); } showFileActions = () => { ActionSheet.showActionSheetWithOptions({ options: fileOptions, cancelButtonIndex: FILE_CANCEL_INDEX }, (actionIndex) => { this.handleFileActionPress(actionIndex); }); } handleFileActionPress = (actionIndex) => { switch (actionIndex) { case FILE_PHOTO_INDEX: this.takePhoto(); break; case FILE_LIBRARY_INDEX: this.chooseFromLibrary(); break; default: break; } } editCancel = () => { const { editCancel } = this.props; editCancel(); this.clearInput(); } openEmoji = async() => { await this.setState({ showEmojiKeyboard: true }); } recordAudioMessage = async() => { const recording = await Recording.permission(); this.setState({ recording }); } finishAudioMessage = async(fileInfo) => { const { rid, tmid } = this.props; this.setState({ recording: false }); if (fileInfo) { try { await RocketChat.sendFileMessage(rid, fileInfo, tmid); } catch (e) { if (e && e.error === 'error-file-too-large') { return Alert.alert(I18n.t(e.error)); } log('err_finish_audio_message', e); } } } closeEmoji = () => { this.setState({ showEmojiKeyboard: false }); } submit = async() => { const { message: editingMessage, editRequest, onSubmit, rid: roomId } = this.props; const message = this.text; this.clearInput(); this.closeEmoji(); this.stopTrackingMention(); this.handleTyping(false); if (message.trim() === '') { return; } const { editing, replying } = this.props; // Slash command if (message[0] === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS) { const command = message.replace(/ .*/, '').slice(1); const slashCommand = database.objects('slashCommand').filtered('command CONTAINS[c] $0', command); if (slashCommand.length > 0) { try { const messageWithoutCommand = message.substr(message.indexOf(' ') + 1); RocketChat.runSlashCommand(command, roomId, messageWithoutCommand); } catch (e) { log('slashCommand', e); } this.clearInput(); return; } } // Edit if (editing) { const { _id, rid } = editingMessage; editRequest({ _id, msg: message, rid }); // Reply } else if (replying) { const { replyMessage, closeReply, threadsEnabled } = this.props; // Thread if (threadsEnabled && replyMessage.mention) { onSubmit(message, replyMessage._id); // Legacy reply or quote (quote is a reply without mention) } else { const { user, roomType } = this.props; const permalink = await this.getPermalink(replyMessage); let msg = `[ ](${ permalink }) `; // if original message wasn't sent by current user and neither from a direct room if (user.username !== replyMessage.u.username && roomType !== 'd' && replyMessage.mention) { msg += `@${ replyMessage.u.username } `; } msg = `${ msg } ${ message }`; onSubmit(msg); } closeReply(); // Normal message } else { onSubmit(message); } } updateMentions = (keyword, type) => { if (type === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_USERS) { this.getUsers(keyword); } else if (type === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_EMOJIS) { this.getEmojis(keyword); } else if (type === MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS) { this.getSlashCommands(keyword); } else { this.getRooms(keyword); } } identifyMentionKeyword = (keyword, type) => { this.setState({ showEmojiKeyboard: false, trackingType: type }); this.updateMentions(keyword, type); } stopTrackingMention = () => { const { trackingType } = this.state; if (!trackingType) { return; } this.setState({ mentions: [], trackingType: '', commandPreview: [] }); this.users = []; this.rooms = []; this.customEmojis = []; this.emojis = []; this.commands = []; } renderFixedMentionItem = item => ( this.onPressMention(item)} > {item.username} {item.username === 'here' ? I18n.t('Notify_active_in_this_room') : I18n.t('Notify_all_in_this_room')} ) renderMentionEmoji = (item) => { const { baseUrl } = this.props; if ( { return ( ); } return ( {emojify(`:${ item }:`, { output: 'unicode' })} ); } renderMentionItem = ({ item }) => { const { trackingType } = this.state; const { baseUrl, user } = this.props; if (item.username === 'all' || item.username === 'here') { return this.renderFixedMentionItem(item); } const defineTestID = (type) => { switch (type) { case MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_EMOJIS: return `mention-item-${ || item }`; case MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS: return `mention-item-${ item.command || item }`; default: return `mention-item-${ item.username || || item }`; } }; const testID = defineTestID(trackingType); return ( this.onPressMention(item)} testID={testID} > {(() => { switch (trackingType) { case MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_EMOJIS: return ( {this.renderMentionEmoji(item)} :{ || item }: ); case MENTIONS_TRACKING_TYPE_COMMANDS: return ( / { item.command} ); default: return ( { item.username || || item } ); } })() } ); } renderMentions = () => { const { mentions, trackingType } = this.state; if (!trackingType) { return null; } return ( item._id || item.username || item.command || item} keyboardShouldPersistTaps='always' /> ); }; renderCommandPreviewItem = ({ item }) => ( ); renderCommandPreview = () => { const { commandPreview } = this.state; if (!this.showCommandPreview) { return null; } return (} keyboardShouldPersistTaps='always' horizontal showsHorizontalScrollIndicator={false} /> ); } renderReplyPreview = () => { const { replyMessage, replying, closeReply, user } = this.props; if (!replying) { return null; } return ; }; renderContent = () => { const { recording, showEmojiKeyboard, showSend } = this.state; const { editing } = this.props; if (recording) { return (); } return ( {this.renderCommandPreview()} {this.renderMentions()} {this.renderReplyPreview()} this.component = component} style={styles.textBoxInput} returnKeyType='default' keyboardType='twitter' blurOnSubmit={false} placeholder={I18n.t('New_Message')} onChangeText={this.onChangeText} underlineColorAndroid='transparent' defaultValue='' multiline placeholderTextColor={COLOR_TEXT_DESCRIPTION} testID='messagebox-input' /> ); } render() { const { showEmojiKeyboard, file } = this.state; return ( this.setState({ file: {} })} submit={this.sendImageMessage} /> ); } } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ message: state.messages.message, replyMessage: state.messages.replyMessage, replying: state.messages.replying, editing: state.messages.editing, baseUrl: state.settings.Site_Url || state.server ? state.server.server : '', threadsEnabled: state.settings.Threads_enabled, user: { id: state.login.user &&, username: state.login.user && state.login.user.username, token: state.login.user && state.login.user.token } }); const dispatchToProps = ({ editCancel: () => editCancelAction(), editRequest: message => editRequestAction(message), typing: (rid, status) => userTypingAction(rid, status), closeReply: () => replyCancelAction() }); export default connect(mapStateToProps, dispatchToProps, null, { forwardRef: true })(MessageBox);