import { TouchableWithoutFeedback } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import { StyleSheet, Text } from 'react-native'; import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { Q } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'; import { useRoomContext } from '../../../views/RoomView/context'; import { useAlsoSendThreadToChannel, useMessageComposerApi, useShowEmojiSearchbar } from '../context'; import { CustomIcon } from '../../CustomIcon'; import { useTheme } from '../../../theme'; import sharedStyles from '../../../views/Styles'; import I18n from '../../../i18n'; import { useAppSelector } from '../../../lib/hooks'; import database from '../../../lib/database'; import { compareServerVersion } from '../../../lib/methods/helpers'; export const SendThreadToChannel = (): React.ReactElement | null => { const alsoSendThreadToChannel = useAlsoSendThreadToChannel(); const { setAlsoSendThreadToChannel } = useMessageComposerApi(); const showEmojiSearchbar = useShowEmojiSearchbar(); const { tmid } = useRoomContext(); const { colors } = useTheme(); const subscription = useRef(); const alsoSendThreadToChannelUserPref = useAppSelector(state => state.login.user.alsoSendThreadToChannel); const serverVersion = useAppSelector(state => state.server.version); useEffect(() => { if (!tmid) { return; } if (compareServerVersion(serverVersion, 'lowerThan', '5.0.0')) { setAlsoSendThreadToChannel(false); return; } if (alsoSendThreadToChannelUserPref === 'always') { setAlsoSendThreadToChannel(true); return; } if (alsoSendThreadToChannelUserPref === 'never') { setAlsoSendThreadToChannel(false); return; } /** * "default" sends a to channel only in the first message of the thread. * We check if the thread exists by observing/subscribing to the query with tmid. * If it doesn't exist, it means that this is the first message of the thread. So it's true. * Otherwise, it's false. * */ if (alsoSendThreadToChannelUserPref === 'default') { const db =; const observable = db.get('threads').query(Q.where('id', tmid)).observe(); subscription.current = observable.subscribe(result => { setAlsoSendThreadToChannel(!result.length); }); } return () => { subscription.current?.unsubscribe(); }; }, [tmid, alsoSendThreadToChannelUserPref, serverVersion, setAlsoSendThreadToChannel]); if (!tmid || showEmojiSearchbar) { return null; } return ( setAlsoSendThreadToChannel(!alsoSendThreadToChannel)} testID='message-composer-send-to-channel' > {I18n.t('Message_composer_Send_to_channel')} ); }; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', marginBottom: 12 }, text: { fontSize: 14, marginLeft: 8, ...sharedStyles.textRegular } });