import { CameraRoll } from '@react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll'; import { HeaderBackground, useHeaderHeight } from '@react-navigation/elements'; import { StackNavigationOptions } from '@react-navigation/stack'; import { ResizeMode, Video } from 'expo-av'; import React from 'react'; import { PermissionsAndroid, useWindowDimensions, View } from 'react-native'; import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import { shallowEqual } from 'react-redux'; import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob'; import { isImageBase64 } from '../lib/methods'; import RCActivityIndicator from '../containers/ActivityIndicator'; import * as HeaderButton from '../containers/HeaderButton'; import { ImageViewer } from '../containers/ImageViewer'; import StatusBar from '../containers/StatusBar'; import { LISTENER } from '../containers/Toast'; import { IAttachment } from '../definitions'; import I18n from '../i18n'; import { useAppSelector } from '../lib/hooks'; import { useAppNavigation, useAppRoute } from '../lib/hooks/navigation'; import { formatAttachmentUrl, isAndroid } from '../lib/methods/helpers'; import EventEmitter from '../lib/methods/helpers/events'; import { getUserSelector } from '../selectors/login'; import { TNavigation } from '../stacks/stackType'; import { useTheme } from '../theme'; import { LOCAL_DOCUMENT_DIRECTORY, getFilename } from '../lib/methods/handleMediaDownload'; const RenderContent = ({ setLoading, attachment }: { setLoading: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>; attachment: IAttachment; }) => { const videoRef = React.useRef<Video>(null); const insets = useSafeAreaInsets(); const { width, height } = useWindowDimensions(); const headerHeight = useHeaderHeight(); const navigation = useAppNavigation<TNavigation, 'AttachmentView'>(); const { baseUrl, user } = useAppSelector( state => ({ baseUrl: state.server.server, user: { id: getUserSelector(state).id, token: getUserSelector(state).token } }), shallowEqual ); React.useLayoutEffect(() => { const blurSub = navigation.addListener('blur', () => { if (videoRef.current && videoRef.current.stopAsync) { videoRef.current.stopAsync(); } }); return () => { blurSub(); }; }, [navigation]); if (attachment.image_url) { const url = formatAttachmentUrl(attachment.title_link || attachment.image_url,, user.token, baseUrl); const uri = encodeURI(url); return ( <ImageViewer uri={uri} onLoadEnd={() => setLoading(false)} width={width} height={height - - insets.bottom - (headerHeight || 0)} /> ); } if (attachment.video_url) { const url = formatAttachmentUrl(attachment.video_url,, user.token, baseUrl); const uri = encodeURI(url); return ( <Video source={{ uri }} rate={1.0} volume={1.0} isMuted={false} resizeMode={ResizeMode.CONTAIN} shouldPlay isLooping={false} style={{ flex: 1 }} useNativeControls onLoad={() => setLoading(false)} onError={console.log} ref={videoRef} /> ); } return null; }; const AttachmentView = (): React.ReactElement => { const navigation = useAppNavigation<TNavigation, 'AttachmentView'>(); const { params: { attachment } } = useAppRoute<TNavigation, 'AttachmentView'>(); const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true); const { colors } = useTheme(); const { baseUrl, user, Allow_Save_Media_to_Gallery } = useAppSelector( state => ({ baseUrl: state.server.server, user: { id: getUserSelector(state).id, token: getUserSelector(state).token }, Allow_Save_Media_to_Gallery: (state.settings.Allow_Save_Media_to_Gallery as boolean) ?? true }), shallowEqual ); const setHeader = () => { let { title } = attachment; try { if (title) { title = decodeURI(title); } } catch { // Do nothing } const options: StackNavigationOptions = { title: title || '', headerTitleAlign: 'center', headerTitleStyle: { color: colors.previewTintColor }, headerTintColor: colors.previewTintColor, headerTitleContainerStyle: { flex: 1, maxWidth: undefined }, headerLeftContainerStyle: { flexGrow: undefined, flexBasis: undefined }, headerRightContainerStyle: { flexGrow: undefined, flexBasis: undefined }, headerLeft: () => ( <HeaderButton.CloseModal testID='close-attachment-view' navigation={navigation} color={colors.previewTintColor} /> ), headerRight: () => Allow_Save_Media_to_Gallery && !isImageBase64(attachment.image_url) ? ( <HeaderButton.Download testID='save-image' onPress={handleSave} color={colors.previewTintColor} /> ) : null, headerBackground: () => ( <HeaderBackground style={{ backgroundColor: colors.previewBackground, shadowOpacity: 0, elevation: 0 }} /> ) }; navigation.setOptions(options); }; React.useLayoutEffect(() => { setHeader(); }, [navigation]); const handleSave = async () => { const { title_link, image_url, image_type, video_url, video_type } = attachment; // When the attachment is a video, the video_url refers to local file and the title_link to the link const url = video_url || title_link || image_url; if (!url) { return; } if (isAndroid) { const rationale = { title: I18n.t('Write_External_Permission'), message: I18n.t('Write_External_Permission_Message'), buttonPositive: 'Ok' }; const result = await PermissionsAndroid.request(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, rationale); if (!(result || result === PermissionsAndroid.RESULTS.GRANTED)) { return; } } setLoading(true); try { if (LOCAL_DOCUMENT_DIRECTORY && url.startsWith(LOCAL_DOCUMENT_DIRECTORY)) { await, { album: 'Rocket.Chat' }); } else { const mediaAttachment = formatAttachmentUrl(url,, user.token, baseUrl); let filename = ''; if (image_url) { filename = getFilename({ title: attachment.title, type: 'image', mimeType: image_type, url }); } else { filename = getFilename({ title: attachment.title, type: 'video', mimeType: video_type, url }); } const documentDir = `${RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir}/`; const path = `${documentDir + filename}`; const file = await RNFetchBlob.config({ path }).fetch('GET', mediaAttachment); await, { album: 'Rocket.Chat' }); file.flush(); } EventEmitter.emit(LISTENER, { message: I18n.t('saved_to_gallery') }); } catch (e) { EventEmitter.emit(LISTENER, { message: I18n.t(image_url ? 'error-save-image' : 'error-save-video') }); } setLoading(false); }; return ( <View style={{ backgroundColor: colors.backgroundColor, flex: 1 }}> <StatusBar barStyle='light-content' backgroundColor={colors.previewBackground} /> <RenderContent attachment={attachment} setLoading={setLoading} /> {loading ? <RCActivityIndicator absolute size='large' /> : null} </View> ); }; export default AttachmentView;