import { activateKeepAwake, deactivateKeepAwake } from 'expo-keep-awake'; import React from 'react'; import { BackHandler, Linking, NativeEventSubscription, SafeAreaView } from 'react-native'; import WebView from 'react-native-webview'; import { WebViewNavigation } from 'react-native-webview/lib/WebViewTypes'; import { IBaseScreen } from '../definitions'; import { userAgent } from '../lib/constants'; import { isIOS } from '../lib/methods/helpers'; import { getRoomIdFromJitsiCallUrl } from '../lib/methods/helpers/getRoomIdFromJitsiCall'; import { events, logEvent } from '../lib/methods/helpers/log'; import { endVideoConfTimer, initVideoConfTimer } from '../lib/methods/videoConfTimer'; import { ChatsStackParamList } from '../stacks/types'; import { withTheme } from '../theme'; type TJitsiMeetViewProps = IBaseScreen; class JitsiMeetView extends React.Component { private rid: string; private url: string; private videoConf: boolean; private backHandler!: NativeEventSubscription; constructor(props: TJitsiMeetViewProps) { super(props); this.rid = props.route.params?.rid; this.url = props.route.params?.url; this.videoConf = !!props.route.params?.videoConf; } componentDidMount() { this.handleJitsiApp(); this.onConferenceJoined(); activateKeepAwake(); } componentWillUnmount() { logEvent(this.videoConf ? events.LIVECHAT_VIDEOCONF_TERMINATE : events.JM_CONFERENCE_TERMINATE); if (!this.videoConf) { endVideoConfTimer(); } if (this.backHandler) { this.backHandler.remove(); } deactivateKeepAwake(); } handleJitsiApp = async () => { const { route, navigation } = this.props; const callUrl = route.params.url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, ''); try { await Linking.openURL(`${callUrl}`); navigation.pop(); } catch (error) { // As the jitsi app was not opened disable the backhandler on android this.backHandler = BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', () => true); } }; // Jitsi Update Timeout needs to be called every 10 seconds to make sure // call is not ended and is available to web users. onConferenceJoined = () => { logEvent(this.videoConf ? events.LIVECHAT_VIDEOCONF_JOIN : events.JM_CONFERENCE_JOIN); if (this.rid && !this.videoConf) { initVideoConfTimer(this.rid); } }; onNavigationStateChange = (webViewState: WebViewNavigation) => { const { navigation, route } = this.props; const roomId = getRoomIdFromJitsiCallUrl(route.params.url); if ((roomId && !webViewState.url.includes(roomId)) || webViewState.url.includes('close')) { if (isIOS) { if (webViewState.navigationType) { navigation.pop(); } } else { navigation.pop(); } } }; render() { const uri = `${this.url}${this.url.includes('#config') ? '&' : '#'}config.disableDeepLinking=true`; return ( ); } } export default withTheme(JitsiMeetView);