import { device, waitFor, element, by, expect } from 'detox'; import { navigateToLogin, login, sleep, platformTypes, TTextMatcher, tapBack, navigateToRoom, mockMessage, checkRoomTitle } from '../../helpers/app'; import { createRandomRoom, createRandomUser, ITestUser } from '../../helpers/data_setup'; describe('Forward a message with another user', () => { let user: ITestUser; let otherUser: ITestUser; let room: string; let textMatcher: TTextMatcher; let messageToUser: string; let messageToRoom: string; beforeAll(async () => { user = await createRandomUser(); otherUser = await createRandomUser(); ({ name: room } = await createRandomRoom(user)); await device.launchApp({ permissions: { notifications: 'YES' }, delete: true }); ({ textMatcher } = platformTypes[device.getPlatform()]); await navigateToLogin(); await login(user.username, user.password); }); describe('Usage', () => { describe('Start a DM with other user', () => { it('should create a DM', async () => { await navigateToRoom(otherUser.username); }); it('should send a message and back to Rooms List View', async () => { messageToUser = await mockMessage('Hello user'); await tapBack(); }); }); describe('Forward a message from room to the otherUser', () => { it('should navigate to room and send a message', async () => { await navigateToRoom(room); messageToRoom = await mockMessage('Hello room'); await sleep(300); }); it('should open the action sheet and tap Forward', async () => { await waitFor(element(by[textMatcher](messageToRoom)).atIndex(0)) .toBeVisible() .withTimeout(2000); await element(by[textMatcher](messageToRoom)).atIndex(0).longPress(); await waitFor(element('action-sheet'))) .toExist() .withTimeout(2000); await expect(element('action-sheet-handle'))).toBeVisible(); await element('action-sheet-handle')).swipe('up', 'fast', 0.5); await element(by[textMatcher]('Forward')).atIndex(0).tap(); await sleep(300); }); it('should forward the message', async () => { await waitFor(element('forward-message-view'))) .toBeVisible() .withTimeout(2000); await element(by[textMatcher]('Select')).tap(); await sleep(300); await element('multi-select-search')).replaceText(`${otherUser.username}`); await waitFor(element(`multi-select-item-${otherUser.username.toLowerCase()}`))) .toExist() .withTimeout(10000); await element(`multi-select-item-${otherUser.username.toLowerCase()}`)).tap(); await sleep(500); await element('multi-select-search')).tapReturnKey(); await sleep(500); await waitFor(element('multi-select-search'))) .not.toBeVisible() .withTimeout(2000); await waitFor(element('forward-message-view-send'))) .toBeVisible() .withTimeout(10000); await sleep(300); await element('forward-message-view-send')).tap(); await sleep(300); await checkRoomTitle(room); }); it('should go to otherUser DM and verify if exist both messages', async () => { await tapBack(); await navigateToRoom(otherUser.username); await waitFor(element(by[textMatcher](messageToUser))) .toExist() .withTimeout(2000); await waitFor(element(by[textMatcher](messageToRoom))) .toExist() .withTimeout(2000); }); }); }); });