import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import { DarkTheme, DefaultTheme } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { themes } from '../../../constants'; import { TSupportedThemes } from '../../../../theme'; import { isIOS } from '../deviceInfo'; import sharedStyles from '../../../../views/Styles'; export * from './animations'; export const defaultHeader = { headerBackTitleVisible: false, headerBackTestID: 'header-back', cardOverlayEnabled: true, cardStyle: { backgroundColor: 'transparent' } }; export const cardStyle = { backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' }; export const borderBottom: any = (theme: TSupportedThemes) => ({ borderBottomWidth: StyleSheet.hairlineWidth, borderBottomColor: themes[theme].strokeDark, elevation: 0 }); export const drawerStyle = { width: 320 }; // TODO: Remove it once we migrate dropdowns to action sheet export const headerHeight = isIOS ? 50 : 56; export const themedHeader = (theme: TSupportedThemes) => ({ headerStyle: { ...borderBottom(theme), backgroundColor: themes[theme].surfaceNeutral }, headerTintColor: themes[theme].fontDefault, headerTitleStyle: { ...sharedStyles.textSemibold, color: themes[theme].fontTitlesLabels, fontSize: 18 } }); export const navigationTheme = (theme: TSupportedThemes) => { const defaultNavTheme = theme === 'light' ? DefaultTheme : DarkTheme; return { ...defaultNavTheme, colors: { ...defaultNavTheme.colors, background: themes[theme].surfaceRoom, border: themes[theme].strokeLight } }; }; // Gets the current screen from navigation state export const getActiveRoute: any = (state: any) => { const route = state?.routes[state?.index]; if (route?.state) { // Dive into nested navigators return getActiveRoute(route.state); } return route; }; export const getActiveRouteName = (state: any) => getActiveRoute(state)?.name;