import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import ActionSheet from 'react-native-action-sheet'; import RocketChat from '../lib/rocketchat'; import database from '../lib/database'; import protectedFunction from '../lib/methods/helpers/protectedFunction'; import I18n from '../i18n'; import log from '../utils/log'; class MessageErrorActions extends React.Component { static propTypes = { actionsHide: PropTypes.func.isRequired, message: PropTypes.object, tmid: PropTypes.string }; // eslint-disable-next-line react/sort-comp constructor(props) { super(props); this.handleActionPress = this.handleActionPress.bind(this); this.options = [I18n.t('Cancel'), I18n.t('Delete'), I18n.t('Resend')]; this.CANCEL_INDEX = 0; this.DELETE_INDEX = 1; this.RESEND_INDEX = 2; setTimeout(() => { this.showActionSheet(); }); } handleResend = protectedFunction(async() => { const { message, tmid } = this.props; await RocketChat.resendMessage(message, tmid); }); handleDelete = async() => { try { const { message, tmid } = this.props; const db =; const deleteBatch = []; const msgCollection = db.collections.get('messages'); const threadCollection = db.collections.get('threads'); // Delete the object (it can be Message or ThreadMessage instance) deleteBatch.push(message.prepareDestroyPermanently()); // If it's a thread, we find and delete the whole tree, if necessary if (tmid) { try { const msg = await msgCollection.find(; deleteBatch.push(msg.prepareDestroyPermanently()); } catch (error) { // Do nothing: message not found } try { // Find the thread header and update it const msg = await msgCollection.find(tmid); if (msg.tcount <= 1) { deleteBatch.push( msg.prepareUpdate((m) => { m.tcount = null; m.tlm = null; }) ); try { // If the whole thread was removed, delete the thread const thread = await threadCollection.find(tmid); deleteBatch.push(thread.prepareDestroyPermanently()); } catch (error) { // Do nothing: thread not found } } else { deleteBatch.push( msg.prepareUpdate((m) => { m.tcount -= 1; }) ); } } catch (error) { // Do nothing: message not found } } await db.action(async() => { await db.batch(...deleteBatch); }); } catch (e) { log(e); } } showActionSheet = () => { ActionSheet.showActionSheetWithOptions({ options: this.options, cancelButtonIndex: this.CANCEL_INDEX, destructiveButtonIndex: this.DELETE_INDEX, title: I18n.t('Message_actions') }, (actionIndex) => { this.handleActionPress(actionIndex); }); } handleActionPress = (actionIndex) => { const { actionsHide } = this.props; switch (actionIndex) { case this.RESEND_INDEX: this.handleResend(); break; case this.DELETE_INDEX: this.handleDelete(); break; default: break; } actionsHide(); } render() { return ( null ); } } export default MessageErrorActions;