#ifndef BOOST_SERIALIZATION_EXPORT_HPP #define BOOST_SERIALIZATION_EXPORT_HPP // MS compatible compilers support #pragma once #if defined(_MSC_VER) # pragma once #endif /////////1/////////2/////////3/////////4/////////5/////////6/////////7/////////8 // export.hpp: set traits of classes to be serialized // (C) Copyright 2002 Robert Ramey - http://www.rrsd.com . // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software // License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history. // (C) Copyright 2006 David Abrahams - http://www.boost.org. // implementation of class export functionality. This is an alternative to // "forward declaration" method to provoke instantiation of derived classes // that are to be serialized through pointers. #include <utility> #include <cstddef> // NULL #include <boost/config.hpp> #include <boost/static_assert.hpp> #include <boost/preprocessor/stringize.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/is_polymorphic.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/assert.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/and.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/not.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/bool_fwd.hpp> #include <boost/serialization/extended_type_info.hpp> // for guid_defined only #include <boost/serialization/static_warning.hpp> #include <boost/serialization/assume_abstract.hpp> #include <boost/serialization/force_include.hpp> #include <boost/serialization/singleton.hpp> #include <boost/archive/detail/register_archive.hpp> #include <iostream> namespace boost { namespace archive { namespace detail { class basic_pointer_iserializer; class basic_pointer_oserializer; template<class Archive, class T> class pointer_iserializer; template<class Archive, class T> class pointer_oserializer; template <class Archive, class Serializable> struct export_impl { static const basic_pointer_iserializer & enable_load(mpl::true_){ return boost::serialization::singleton< pointer_iserializer<Archive, Serializable> >::get_const_instance(); } static const basic_pointer_oserializer & enable_save(mpl::true_){ return boost::serialization::singleton< pointer_oserializer<Archive, Serializable> >::get_const_instance(); } inline static void enable_load(mpl::false_) {} inline static void enable_save(mpl::false_) {} }; // On many platforms, naming a specialization of this template is // enough to cause its argument to be instantiated. template <void(*)()> struct instantiate_function {}; template <class Archive, class Serializable> struct ptr_serialization_support { # if defined(BOOST_MSVC) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) virtual BOOST_DLLEXPORT void instantiate() BOOST_USED; # else static BOOST_DLLEXPORT void instantiate() BOOST_USED; typedef instantiate_function< &ptr_serialization_support::instantiate > x; # endif }; template <class Archive, class Serializable> BOOST_DLLEXPORT void ptr_serialization_support<Archive,Serializable>::instantiate() { export_impl<Archive,Serializable>::enable_save( typename Archive::is_saving() ); export_impl<Archive,Serializable>::enable_load( typename Archive::is_loading() ); } // Note INTENTIONAL usage of anonymous namespace in header. // This was made this way so that export.hpp could be included // in other headers. This is still under study. namespace extra_detail { template<class T> struct guid_initializer { void export_guid(mpl::false_) const { // generates the statically-initialized objects whose constructors // register the information allowing serialization of T objects // through pointers to their base classes. instantiate_ptr_serialization((T*)0, 0, adl_tag()); } void export_guid(mpl::true_) const { } guid_initializer const & export_guid() const { BOOST_STATIC_WARNING(boost::is_polymorphic< T >::value); // note: exporting an abstract base class will have no effect // and cannot be used to instantitiate serialization code // (one might be using this in a DLL to instantiate code) //BOOST_STATIC_WARNING(! boost::serialization::is_abstract< T >::value); export_guid(boost::serialization::is_abstract< T >()); return *this; } }; template<typename T> struct init_guid; } // anonymous } // namespace detail } // namespace archive } // namespace boost #define BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_IMPLEMENT(T) \ namespace boost { \ namespace archive { \ namespace detail { \ namespace extra_detail { \ template<> \ struct init_guid< T > { \ static guid_initializer< T > const & g; \ }; \ guid_initializer< T > const & init_guid< T >::g = \ ::boost::serialization::singleton< \ guid_initializer< T > \ >::get_mutable_instance().export_guid(); \ }}}} \ /**/ #define BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY2(T, K) \ namespace boost { \ namespace serialization { \ template<> \ struct guid_defined< T > : boost::mpl::true_ {}; \ template<> \ inline const char * guid< T >(){ \ return K; \ } \ } /* serialization */ \ } /* boost */ \ /**/ #define BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY(T) \ BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY2(T, BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(T)) \ /**/ #define BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID(T, K) \ BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_KEY2(T, K) \ BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_IMPLEMENT(T) \ /**/ #if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__MWERKS__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x3205)) // CodeWarrior fails to construct static members of class templates // when they are instantiated from within templates, so on that // compiler we ask users to specifically register base/derived class // relationships for exported classes. On all other compilers, use of // this macro is entirely optional. # define BOOST_SERIALIZATION_MWERKS_BASE_AND_DERIVED(Base,Derived) \ namespace { \ static int BOOST_PP_CAT(boost_serialization_mwerks_init_, __LINE__) = \ (::boost::archive::detail::instantiate_ptr_serialization((Derived*)0,0), 3); \ static int BOOST_PP_CAT(boost_serialization_mwerks_init2_, __LINE__) = ( \ ::boost::serialization::void_cast_register((Derived*)0,(Base*)0) \ , 3); \ } #else # define BOOST_SERIALIZATION_MWERKS_BASE_AND_DERIVED(Base,Derived) #endif // check for unnecessary export. T isn't polymorphic so there is no // need to export it. #define BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_CHECK(T) \ BOOST_STATIC_WARNING( \ boost::is_polymorphic<U>::value \ ); \ /**/ // the default exportable class identifier is the class name // the default list of archives types for which code id generated // are the originally included with this serialization system #define BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT(T) \ BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_GUID( \ T, \ BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(T) \ ) \ /**/ #endif // BOOST_SERIALIZATION_EXPORT_HPP