import React from 'react'; import { Text, View } from 'react-native'; import { BorderlessButton } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import { CustomIcon, TIconsName } from '../../../containers/CustomIcon'; import { ISubscription, SubscriptionType } from '../../../definitions'; import i18n from '../../../i18n'; import { useVideoConf } from '../../../lib/hooks/useVideoConf'; import { useTheme } from '../../../theme'; import styles from '../styles'; function BaseButton({ danger, iconName, onPress, label, showIcon = true, enabled = true }: { danger?: boolean; iconName: TIconsName; onPress?: (prop: any) => void; label: string; showIcon?: boolean; enabled?: boolean; }): React.ReactElement | null { const { colors } = useTheme(); const color = danger ? colors.dangerColor : colors.actionTintColor; if (showIcon) return ( {label} ); return null; } function CallButton({ rid, roomFromRid }: { rid: string; isDirect: boolean; roomFromRid: boolean }): React.ReactElement | null { const { callEnabled, disabledTooltip, showInitCallActionSheet } = useVideoConf(rid); return ( ); } interface IRoomInfoButtons { rid: string; room: ISubscription | undefined; roomUserId?: string; isDirect: boolean; fromRid?: string; handleCreateDirectMessage: () => void; handleIgnoreUser: () => void; handleBlockUser: () => void; roomFromRid: ISubscription | undefined; } export const RoomInfoButtons = ({ rid, room: roomFromProps, roomUserId, isDirect, fromRid, handleCreateDirectMessage, handleIgnoreUser, handleBlockUser, roomFromRid }: IRoomInfoButtons): React.ReactElement => { const room = roomFromRid || roomFromProps; // Following the web behavior, when is a DM with myself, shouldn't appear block or ignore option const isDmWithMyself = room?.uids && room.uids?.filter((uid: string) => uid !== roomUserId).length === 0; const isFromDm = room?.t === SubscriptionType.DIRECT; const isDirectFromSaved = isDirect && fromRid && room; const isIgnored = room?.ignored?.includes?.(roomUserId || ''); const isBlocked = room?.blocker; const renderIgnoreUser = isDirectFromSaved && !isFromDm && !isDmWithMyself; const renderBlockUser = isDirectFromSaved && isFromDm; return ( ); }; export default RoomInfoButtons;